Law/Source | ||||
"Gravity is the mutual attraction of atomoles." [John Keely]
"Gravity is polar propulsion the sympathetic concordant of the ninths and but one of the triune combinations. Magnetism is polar attraction, while gravity is polar propulsion. By proper vibrations, the action of both magnetism and gravity can be intensified or accelerated." [MAGNETIC ENGINE - Snell]
"Consequently, an equation cannot be established on account of this negative interference, which represents the power exerted to bring about sympathetic equation between the neutral center of terrestrial gravity and sympathetic outreach,(1) the power that induces planetary suspension." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
Babcock writes in 1880:- "This discoverer has entered a new world, and although an unexplored region of untold wealth lies beyond, he is treading firmly its border, which daily widens as with ever-increasing interest he pursues his explorations. He has passed the dreary realm where scientists are groping. His researches are made in the open field of elemental force, where gravity, inertia, cohesion, momentum, are disturbed in their haunts and diverted to use; where, from unity of origin, emanates infinite energy in diversified forms." [Vibratory Physics - True Science, Keely and Science - Part 1 and Ether the True Protoplasm]
The elements, those "simple substances" of science, which they state we can no further subdivide or analyze have withstood the cosmic forces of heat, gravity, magnetism, electricity, etc. already existing and preexisting in the elemental state of formation of the earth. These forces cannot reasonably be expected to exercise potency as analyzing agents, when applied in a limited way by man. [THE ELEMENTS PERMANENT TO AVAILABLE FORCES]
"True philosophy, when reached, said Professor George Bush, will conduct us into the realm of the spiritual as the true region of causes, and will disclose new and unthought of relations between the world of matter and of mind.
It is these unthought of relations which Keely's system of sympathetic physics brings to light; opening out a field for research which lies beyond the boundaries of our present knowledge. As yet he has been unable to satisfy his own penetrating mind in regard to all the hypothesis which his various discoveries have led him into formulating. He has himself, in his search for truth, pursued the wrong path too often, and made too many errors, not to welcome refutation of them, and acknowledge his mistakes when brought before him.
The title which he has given to the latent current of the triune polar flow that he discovered in 1872, "polar negative attraction," undoubtedly conveys the idea that this flow is an agent closely allied to magnetism; but such is not the case.
This latent element exists in the interstitial conditions of all nature's triple streams of force; in electricity, in magnetism, in gravity; and is the dominant current in each of these, maintaining a sympathetic relation to the high or compound luminous, which manifests itself when the proper mechanical requirements are used. It is entirely foreign in character to the elements now in commercial use. Researchers will always find before them a limitless beyond, comprehended only by the Infinite One." [Veil Withdrawn]
Newton, who scoffed at Epicurus's idea that "gravitation is essential and inherent in matter," asserted that gravity must be caused by an agent acting, constantly, according to certain laws. Heat, gravity, light, electricity, magnetism, chemical affinities, are all different phases of the primal force discovered by Keely, and all these forces, it is said, can be obtained from a single ray of sunlight. "The evidence of unity or oneness even between the physical, vital, mental, and spiritual is seen in the light of this law of correlation," says J. J. Smith. "A great portion of our muscles contract and relax in obedience to our wills, thereby proving that the mental force can be, and is, in every such instance actually converted into the muscular or the physical." Keely demonstrates the truth of this assertion, claiming that "all forces are indestructible, immaterial, and homogeneous entities, having their origin and unity in one great intelligent personal will force." [The Key to the Problems. - Keelys Secrets]
"Gravity is an eternal existing condition in Etheric space, from which all visible forms are condensed. It is inherent in all forms of matter, visible and invisible. It is not subject to time or space. It is an established connective link between all forms of matter from their aggregation. Time is annihilated by it, as it has already traversed space when the neutral centers of the molecules were established. It is nothing more than an attractive, Sympathetic Stream, flowing towards the neutral center of the earth, emanating from molecular centers of neutrality, concordant with the earth's centers of neutrality and seeking its medium of affinity with a power corresponding to the character of the molecular mass." [John Keely circa 1886] [see law of etheric compensation and restoration]
"The sympathetic outreach of negative attraction is the power that holds the planetary masses in their orbital ranges of oscillatory action." Keely, Snell Manuscript [see Sympathetic Negative Attraction, Quantum Entanglement, sympathetic concordant concentration]
"Gravity is not subject to time or space. It pervades the Universe without reference to time or space, instantaneously and without intermission. It is, however, a sympathetic flow, proceeding from the molecular or mass neutral centers to the earth's neutral center with a power corresponding to the character of each individual molecular mass." He [Keely] believed gravity dependent on the medium of the polar stream, for he says "If the sympathetic negative polar stream were cut off from the earth the molecular neutral centers would float away into space like a swarm of bees."
"Under my system the gravital flow comes under the order of the "sympathetic concordant of the ninths" and is that third of the triune combination called the "polar propulsive." Gravity is polar propulsion while magnetism is polar attraction. Both magnetism and gravity can be accelerated by proper vibrations."
He believed gravity to be the result of a law which provides for a reversion of attraction in repulsion, and which acts by transmission of force under immense etheric vibration through the "interetheric subdivision." He also showed that gravitation acts "as a lever." MacVicar states "Every individualized object assimilates itself to itself in successive moments of its existence and all objects tend to assimilate one another." Keely says "Gravity is an ever existing eternal force, coexistent with the compound etheric or high luminous (seventh subdivision) since it entered into, and is an inherent property of, all forms of aggregated matter from their birth. It is the source from which all matter originated and each substance-unit or neutral center is a concordant link, attractive and dispersive, to all other neutral centers. Each neutral center is the nucleus of what we recognize as substance and is potentially the nucleus of a planet." [GRAVITY - Snell]
"The gravital flow comes, in this system, under the order of the sympathetic concordant of the 9ths, and belongs to that third of the triune combinations called polar propulsive.
"Magnetism is polar attraction.
"Gravity is polar propulsion.
"Both magnetism and gravity can be accelerated by the proper medium of sympathetic vibratory influences." [Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter 19]
""Demonstrating the overcoming of gravity, Keely used an airship model weighing about 8 lbs., which, when the differentiated wire of silver and platinum was attached to it, communicating with the sympathetic transmitter, rose, descended, or remained stationery midway, the motion as gentle as that of thistledown floating in the air." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
"Gravity is nothing more than an attractive, Sympathetic Stream, flowing towards the neutral center of the earth, emanating from molecular centers of neutrality; concordant with the earth's center of neutrality, and seeking its medium of affinity with a power corresponding to the character of the molecular mass. Gravity, he (Keely) defines as transmittive interetheric force under immense etheric vibration. He continues: - The action of the mind itself is a vibratory etheric evolution, controlling the physical, its negative power being depreciatory in its effects, and its positive influence elevating." [Chapter 5 of Keely and His Discoveries]
"Nature has established her sympathetic concordants from the birth of the neutral centres of the planets. This is gravity; therefore gravity is fixed, inherent. There is no flight of gravity. The difference in the condition of the sympathetic nerve centres, and the variations in the chord aggregation of the masses, as established in the man or woman at birth, constitutes the molecular condition of the individual. The molecular state of animals, vegetables, and minerals, depends upon the aggregation of their chord centres. It is impossible to take two coins from one die the same in its molecular aggregation. The mere picking up of a coin and replacing it causes billions of molecules to be lost. This produces a change in the chord of mass of the coin. As this fact has only been developed by persistent progressive research, it is quite easy to comprehend the nature of the difficulties that lie in the way of perfecting devices for the guidance of artificers and mechanics, whereby they can bring a proper vibratory action into play to induce positive sympathetic transmission. In order to transmit my knowledge by demonstration it will be necessary to have much more perfect instruments than those crude devices which I first constructed for my researches. One of my perfected instruments shows to the eye, in the molecular effects produced by a certain order of vibration, when the chord of harmony is established between two neutral centres. Another, when connected with the sympathizer, denotes accurately, by the colour of a certain sound or combination of sounds the number of vibrations that are necessary to induce certain effects of mechanical combinations." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"The atoms, having withstood the cosmic forces of elemental heat, gravity, magnetism, electricity, etc., already existing, cannot be altered by those same elemental forces, much less by these forces in the hand of man." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
"He [Keely] defines gravity as transmittive interetheric force under immense etheric vibration. He continues: "The action of the mind itself is a vibratory etheric evolution, controlling the physical, its negative power depreciatory in its effects and its positive influence elevating." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
"Sympathetic Negative Attraction is the same as cohesion. It is not the resultant of electrical sympathization, but it includes the full triune flow, the Dominant being the leader and associate of the celestial. The sympathetic outreach of negative attraction is the power that holds the planetary masses in their orbital ranges of oscillatory action. Magnetism has no Outreach, but it pervades all terrestrial masses, all planetary masses. It is highly electrical in its character, in fact, magnetism is born of Electricity, whereas negative attraction is not, but it has a sympathetic outreach for magnetism. Magnetism is static. Sympathetic Negative Attraction reaches from planet to planet, but Electricity does not, nor does magnetism. Sympathetic Negative Attraction is born of the celestial, and impregnates every mass that floats in space, seeking out all magnetic or electric conditions, and all these masses are subservient to celestial outreach. All the magnets in the world could not induce rotation, no matter how differentiated, but polar negative attraction induces rotation." [Keely, Snell Manuscript]
The peculiar conditions as associated with the gaseous elements of which water is composed, as regards the differential volume and gravity of its gases, make it a ready and fit subject of vibratory research. In submitting water to the influence of vibratory transmission, even on simple thirds, the high action induced on the hydrogen as contrasted with the one on the oxygen (under the same vibratory stream) causes the antagonism between these elements that induces dissociation. The differential antagonistic range of motion, so favoring the antagonistic thirds as to become thoroughly repellant. The gaseous element thus induced and registered, shows thousands of times much greater force as regards tenuity and volume than that induced by the chemical disintegration of heat, on the same medium. [Hydrogen, page 4] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 4]
"I have been repeatedly urged to repeat my disintegrations of quartz rock, but it has been utterly out of my power to do so. The mechanical device with which I conducted those experiments was destroyed at the time of the proceedings against me. Its graduation occupied over four years, after which it was operated successfully. It has been originally constructed as an instrument for overcoming gravity, a perfect, graduated scale of that device was accurately registered, a copy of which I kept, I have since built three successive disintegrators set up from that scale, but they did not operate. This peculiar feature remained a paradox to me until I had solved the conditions governing the chords of multiple masses, when this problem ceased to be paradoxical in its character. As I have said, there are no two compound aggregated forms of visible matter that are, or ever can be, so duplicated as to show pure, sympathetic concordance one to the other. Hence the necessity of my system of graduation, and of a compound device that will enable anyone to correct the variations that exist in compound molecular structures, or in other words to graduate such, so as to bring them to a successful operation." [Keely] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, MINERAL DISINTEGRATION, page 7]
Molecular terrestrial masses, composed of the "ultimate ether" bound latent in substance, are sympathetically drawn to the earth's neutral center according to the density of their molecular aggregation, from which must be deducted their celestial sympathetic outreach. In other words, molecular weight consists in the difference between these forces. Either one can be intensified by polar or antipolar vibrations, giving either one predominance. If the celestial (repulsive) predominates, the mass will rise, its velocity proportionate to the concentration of the dominant or the "negative thirds of its mass chords" inducing high neutral radiation together with "celestial attraction." The "terrestrial propulsive" and "celestial attractive" cause ascension and the "celestial propulsive" and "terrestrial attractive" cause descension or increased weight. [GRAVITY - Snell]
"The force of gravity may be considered to have elements in octave of density, and these in relativity to same force of the object being acted upon. See, as to how the octave of forces - Now let this apply not only to what is commonly considered as octave (meaning vibration thrown off as sound), but as an octave or a vibration as would be set in motion by this very activity of the gravitation in its activity - as pushes up as well as pushes down. Not until you have overcome gravitation. Now you are beginning to understand the law of gravitation. So as the raising power, there must be the opposite power, understand these, then we begin to see how the vibratory forces is the active principle all radiates from. What is gravitation? The centralization of vibratory force, ready to be changed in power by non-activity, see?" Cayce (195-54)

"Gravitation is the generative force of increasing potential and the regenerative force of decreasing potential.
"Gravitation is the power within the electric force of action to attract the electric force of action.
"Gravitation is the contractive power within Electricity to divert the universal constant of energy into centripetal vortices of closing spirals of increasing speed, thereby attracting similar states of motion into an accumulation of mass, the pressure of which increases toward its center.
"Gravitation is an expression of the power of Electricity to accumulate by induction and, by so doing, to force magnetism to increase its resistance to that accumulation.
"Gravitation is the (electric) inductive force." Russell, The Universal One
"Gravity is evidenced wherever compression from without is maximum. Gravity is a focal point from which matter desires to explode outwardly. Gravity does not pull inwardly from within as the deceptive illusion of Nature would have you believe. Neither is it the attractive force which Newton's senses were deceived into believing, for a center of gravity is a point of maximum electric potential. Gravity never changes. It is never more or less. It is maximum everywhere. It is electric potential which changes by multiplying and dividing the measure of power it is able to express by drawing it from its gravity center of control. It is like the power of a man who can draw but little from the great omnipotence which centers him, as compared with another man whose knowledge enables him to draw more of it. Electric potential is the tension caused by the electric division of the ONE universal condition of rest into two unbalanced conditions of motion." [Atomic Suicide, Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part VI, page 86]
"Man's concept of gravity as being an attractive force which pulls inward from within, is diametrically opposed to the facts of Nature. Gravity is the controlling center of a compressive electric force which is exerted from the outside of matter instead of within it." [Atomic Suicide, page 104]
"Thus it is that gravity is seemingly created to control the compressive force of Nature and the regiving reaction of the creation of an expansive force. Expansion is the result of MIND-DESIRE TO GIVE by its outward explosive effect from its zero cathode. The re-giving of compressed energy, likewise, is an outward explosive effect, as electric compression ceases, and the result of that effect is to born its opposite and leave great black holes within compressed masses as they return to the zero of their Magnetic stillness." [Atomic Suicide, page 125]
"Gravity exerts no force, whatsoever, to either attract or repel. Gravity is a shaft of Magnetic stillness which has been extended two ways from zero in the cathode of the electric current, around which electric motion can simulate the power - or energy - of its Magnetic zero center. Gravity is motionless and changeless." [Atomic Suicide, page 139]
"The Gravity Center of every ring is its center of mind control
Electric Potential and gravity are 90° in opposition.
THIS MIND AND MOTION UNIVERSE" [Atomic Suicide, page 163]
"Gravity controls the moving universe but man has never known, nor even suspected, that his own immortality and gravity are ONE in their centering of his sensed-body." [Atomic Suicide, page 170]
Gravity really means a point, or shaft, that can be located in the invisible universe, where Mind desires to concentrate thought, and thought-power. You cannot see gravity but you can locate it at the very center of every creating thought-ring, which constitutes what we call bodies of matter. You cannot see Mind either, but you can locate Mind also, for Mind is also that center which balances, controls, surveys and motivates its electric thought-rings in their effort to simulate the Idea existent within that stillness, by fast or slow motion. [Atomic Suicide, page 176]
"Gravity and the Magnetic Light are ONE, but the connotation of gravity differentiates it from the word Mind, or Light, just as the word Soul differentiates it from the word God. They are the same, however, for God is the Universal Soul while Soul in man mean's Identity, or Being, as a unit of the Universal Being. The moment that electricity divides the One changeless condition into pairs it is necessary to balance and control those pairs. Gravity is the Magnetic control and balancer, although its power never multiplies or divides. Where gravity is stillness is. An area of stillness always surrounds gravity shafts. These areas are the holes which center the rings of electric potential which continually multiply compression, or divide it by expanding, in accord with the desires of Nature, or man, to manifest that all-power which is within, and omnipresent in all things." [Atomic Suicide, page 177]
The one most important thing to burn into your consciousness is to realize that wherever motion is it is centered by stillness, and that stillness is its CAUSE. The universe is composed of electric thought-rings of motion. Each thought-ring is centered and controlled by the Creator of that thought-ring. God creates His universe that way. You create your universe that may. It is God who sits there. It is the Magnetic Light of all-knowing, all-powerful Mind which sits there. We call that centering point gravity. The reason why we call it gravity is because there are adjacent thought-rings which have united together so closely that we think of them as mass, instead of rings. Each added ring of the mass has its Mind-center in its own plane. In a mass, therefore, there are seemingly so many Mind-centers of stillness that they constitute a shaft. The word gravity arises from this fact. Gravity is a shaft of Mind-controlling stillness. In that sense, gravity and God are one. Now you have the whole story except for one thought to complete it. Every point of that gravity point is the same point, for God's zero universe is omnipresent. [Atomic Suicide, page 177]
"Man makes a big gun by making a long tube which he seals at one end and places an explosive there. He even puts a twist in the bore of the gun; to accelerate the spin of motion around the still shaft which centers that tube. That motionless explosive occupies one still position in this zero universe until he ignites it. What then happens? A two directional explosion takes place. The recoil is equal to the discharge, so he might just as well have left both ends of the gun open as far as the effect of polarization is concerned. The recoil was the opposite direction of polarity, as that explosion began its division of stillness throughout the entire universe, at the speed of 186,400 miles per second.
Let us analyze what has happened. The center of the explosion is an unchangeable point of stillness in the Magnetic Light of Creation, but we will call it gravity because we are seemingly dividing it into a shaft. Because of the tube the explosion cannot expand symmetrically and radially from the point in space which it occupied while still, for it is not enclosed in a sphere. It is enclosed in a shaft. Its spinnings encircle the walls of the tube at ninety degrees to the still shaft, which is developed because the explosion can no longer be centered as one point in space, and, therefore, have but one center of gravity instead of many. It becomes a series of points in space which form a shaft. If you can now comprehend that if the explosion within that tube is obliged to change position and move its centering point of stillness, the projectile which moves is, likewise, a sequence of points of stillness? You cannot see a projectile being ejected from the other end, but its equivalent is in that recoil." [Atomic Suicide, page 291]
ChatGPT synthesis of Levitation, Gravity:
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
axis of gravity
Center of Gravity
Chapter 8 - The Oneness of Gravity and Magnetism - I, page 176
gravity center
gravity center of control
Gravity Control
gravity resistance
gravity shaft
omnipresence of gravity
omnipresent gravity control
pair of gravity points
Part 17 - Gravity
primary shaft of gravity
specific gravity
still point of gravity
stillness of gravity
velocity of gravity
wave of gravity control
17.01 - Discovering Cause of Gravity
17.02 - Gravity Defined by Keely
17.03 - Gravity not a Flow
17.04 - Speed of Gravity Propagation
17.06 - Gravity Defined by Cayce
17.07 - Gravity Discussed by Herchel
17.13 - Gravity or Levity
17.16 - Gravity Keely
17.18 - Keelys Gravity Experiments
17.19 - Gravity Keely
"The Gravity Center of every ring is its center of mind control
Electric Potential and gravity are 90° in opposition.
THIS MIND AND MOTION UNIVERSE" [Atomic Suicide, page 163]
The explosion of accumulated gravity occurs when the orange-yellow and green-yellow of the color spectrum collide and become "short circuited" by their union with white. [Geometry and Mathematics of Octave Waves]
"Desire of Mind is the motivating force which energizes all Creation through the universal heartbeat of concentrative-decentrative thought pulsations. Likewise, YOU cannot create bodies without the desire to do so. YOUR desire is YOUR motivating force. The physical term for spiritual Mind-desire is GRAVITY. " [Home Study Course, Unit 8, Lesson 31, page 604]
Figure 7.8 - Gravity (aggregation of matter) is the Life, Sex and Power Principle.
"The uncreated universe is Light undivided - The created universe is Light divided into mated pairs. Gravity is the Life Principle, the Sex Principle, and Power Principle which motivates the Universal Heart beat."
(courtesy of University of Science and Philosophy)
(click to enlarge)
"Density (sometimes called mass) seeking equilibrium." [Dale Pond]
The product of this involuting motion, which always converges to a point while at the same time curling in upon itself, is biomagnetism. That it is also contingent on the presence of catalytic influences will not be further discussed here. As such, biomagnetism extends itself longitudinally and radiates its surplus energies vertically and, for example, draws the trout along in its wake. The trout can so regulate this upsuctional force with its gills that even its motionless stance and equally well-known mastery of gravity becomes understandable in the light of the above. The weight of physical masses only exists in the atmospheric living space. Above this the force of levitation prevails as inverted gravitation. Consequently, all pressure- and heat-intensifying motion must inevitably function all the more irrationally, uneconomically and development-impedingly, the more it is accelerated and strengthened. To this end raw materials are squandered to such a degree that a growing dearth of them is unavoidable. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
Modern intuitionless science has regulated the eternal flow of evolution (panta Rhei) in the wrong way and thus failed to notice the possibility of generating ur-forces. Instead of additional products of emulsion possessing development-enhancing functions, it had to make do with development-disturbing reactive forces and resistances to motion that increase by the square of the reversed form of acceleration. According to an age-old maxim, "she half-pulled him down, he half-sank on her". In this play on words there lies a far deeper meaning. It would take too long here to enumerate all the catalysts with various functions, which as Goethe already recognised, form the 'connecting' emulsifying bond. They are ray-forms, upon whose function the development-disturbing rising temperature gradient and the development-fostering falling temperature gradient depend. Paramagnetic catalysts act decentratingly diamagnetic catalysts concentratingly. This fact alone pin-points the incorrect form of development, which ultimately results in the destruction of atoms. Wise Nature, on the other hand, proceeds by way of atomic transformation, which from, a biological viewpoint is the exact opposite. Pressure and fire technology therefore produce retrogressive atomic energies, whereas implosion technology generates super-powerful, forward-thrusting atomic energies, i.e. an almost 100% formative and levitative force. And so the question arises, what actually is a catalyst? The answer is simple. It is a condenser that has been galvanically alloyed with oppositely-charged substances, which radiates predominantly negatively potentiated ray-forms into the naturalesquely inwindingly moved medium. This then activates a flowing diamagnetism, the formative and levitative force that soars upwards and sucks the generating device up in its wake, and which can be regulated by the rate of rotation. With this, the force was rediscovered that enables air-craft to overcome gravity effortlessly and stationary machines to be powered for virtually nothing. According to accounts from earlier times, the high priests of ancient cultures had a commanding knowledge of this power, which they cherished and guarded like life itself so as to be venerated as Gods for their skill. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
"notes which are produced by the two primes, 3 and 5. As the quadrant contains all the angles which give the different proportions in form, so does the ratio of 1:2, or the area of an octave, contain all the different notes in music. The ratio of 1:2 corresponds to unity, and, like the square and the circle in form, admits of no varieties. Half the length of a string gives an octave when the string is homogeneous and uniform; if the one half has more gravity than the other, the center of gravity of the whole string gives the octave. The ratio of 1:2 rests on the center of gravity. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 27]
"Gravity and levity, and centrifugal force; these musical forces do not here refer to the center of the earth, but the center of the musical system, e.g., E in the scale of C." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 27]
"centrifugal force. A third note produced by the prime 5 is derived from the note produced by the first power of 3, and this note by the first power of 5 having being slightly acted on by the force of gravity, and the first power of 5 having only a little centrifugal force, the result is that this note E in the scale of C, derived from the first power of 3 by the prime 5, is balanced between the two forces. It is the only note in the system which in the octave scale has not a large interval on the one side of it nor on the other, and consequently it is the only note which attracts and is attracted by two notes from proximity. Thus it is that the musical system is composed of three notes having specific gravity and three having specific levity or bouyancy, and one note, E, the center of the tonic chord, balanced between these two forces. As the attractions of notes from proximity take place when the notes with downward tendency meet the note with upward tendency, had the notes been animated by only one of these forces there could have been no system of resolutions of the notes either in melody or harmony; they would all have been by gravity weighing it downwards, or by levity soaring upwards." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 28]
"The third note of the octave scale, E, the center of the tonic chord in the key of C, is the center of the system. It is the note which has the least tendency either upward or downward, and it has immediately above it in the octave scale the note which has the greatest amount of specific gravity, F, the root of the major subdominant; and immediately beneath it the note which has the greatest amount of specific levity, D, the top of the major dominant. Thus the root of the subdominant chord and the top of the dominant are placed right above and below the center of the system, and the gravity of the one above, and the levity of the one below, causes each of them to move in the direction of the center. These tendencies are seen in the scale at whatever key it may be pitched, and by whatever names the notes may be called. And it is on account of this permanency of character of the notes that the third note of the scale, E, in the key of C, has a lower effect1 than the second, D; and that the fourth note, F, has a lower effect than either the first, second, or third; the fifth note, G, has a higher effect than the fourth, F; but the sixth, A, has a.." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 28]
"lower effect than the fifth; the seventh, B, has a higher effect than the sixth; but the eighth, C, has a lower effect than the seventh. If the effects of notes or chords depended wholly on the mathematical primes by which they are measured and located, or the ratios inherent in them, then the effects of the tonic, subdominant, and dominant chords would have been alike, for these chords are measured by exactly the same primes, and have exactly the same ratios. It is the position of the tonic chord which gives it its importance and not any special primes by which it is produced, nor any special ratios inherent in it. Notes by the power of 2 have a pure unmixed and invariable character. Notes by the first, second, and third powers of 3 have different degrees of centrifugal force; and the character of the notes produced by the first power of 5 depends on the character of the notes from which they are derived. The final character of notes and chords is determined by the amount of force which they have acquired from the way in which they have been derived, and from their position in the system. And no matter where these notes may be afterwards placed, like chemical elements, they never lose their original forces and tendencies. What Tyndal says of the inorganic chemical elements of the brain is true of the inorganic notes of music, "They are all dead as grains of shot." It is the organic state which gives the notes and chords their gravities and levities, and these two tendencies, the one upward and the other downward, constitute the vital principle of music. It is true that the mathematical operation is required to give birth and life to music, and that the mathematical system gives the knowledge of causes down to the law of gravitation, yet the artistic effects are fully realised from the tempered system deriving its organic harmony from this vital principle of music. The centrifugal tendencies of the notes of the subdominant, are too strong to be at all disturbed by the system being tempered. The enormous power of these chords corrects the effect which might otherwise arise from tempering, as the enormous power of the sun corrects the perturbations of the planets." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 29]
The life-force of the notes from the law of position gives them a versatility which they could never have had from fixed ratios, however numerous. If the interval of the octave be excepted, there are no two notes together in a chord, nor succeeding each other in the octave scale, having the same amount of specific levity or gravity; consequently each note has an expression and [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 35]
GRAVITY - The downward effect, to the ear, of a sound in a key. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 40]
of the major being upward, and the genesis of the minor being downward. The ascending genesis, beginning with the root of the subdominant major F, produces in the ascent a scale of notes at varying distances, and of increasing levities; the middle note, D27, being carried a little above the center of the system. The descending genesis, beginning with the top of the dominant minor B, produces in the descent a scale of notes with identical variety of distances, but with increasing gravities; the middle note, D26 2/3, being pressed a little below the center of the system, thus giving rise to these two D's - one whose genetic number is 27, the major D, and one whose genetic number is 27 2/3, the minor D - the duality of D is thus residing in itself.1 [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 43]
The vitality of the notes depends on their specific gravities and levities. As the tempered system does not in any way alter the position of the notes of the mathematical system, and as it is their specific gravities and levities which give the notes their vitality, when the one is not changed neither is the other. The gravities and levities of the notes change when the notes change their position in the system. They may indeed have the same names, but they are no longer the same notes. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 43]
it is changed from being the top of the dominant major to being the root of the minor subdominant, and levity becomes gravity in it. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 62]
The varied effect of position in chords. When a chord stands as C E G C, having its root also at the top, it has its softest, dullest, most united effect; it is undramatic, with little contrast. When it stands as E G C E, having its third at the top and bottom, it has a more ticklish, interesting, far-away effect. In reveries composers often finish thus, as if it had vanished - an unsettled effect. When it stands as G C E G, with its top at top and bottom, it has its most dominant character - loud, swelling. In the position C E G C it stands mixingly with the subdominant C E f G a C, and in this its first position its unseen filling in is chiefly from the region of gravity; hence its soft, grave, dull, heavy effect; and it passes very easily to the subdominant chord. When it stands as G C E G it stands mixingly with the dominant G b C d E G, and has its third position and most brilliant effect and uprising, for its unseen filling in is then chiefly from the region of levity; and it passes easily to the dominant chord. When in its second position, its middle position E G C E, its unseen filling in is mixingly both subdominant and dominant, E f G a b C d E; it has then its most interesting and puzzling effect; on the one hand its softest, dullest, and one-est, on the other hand its most brilliant effect, as if it would at once both sink and soar. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 72]
mathematical genesis, as seen in its D being a comma higher than that of the minor. This gravity and buoyancy of the modes is a striking feature of them. In the Thirds it is different from the Fifths; the larger hemisphere of each third seems gravitating toward the center of the tonic chord. The area of the scale has then the aspect of a planet with its north and south poles, and pervaded by a tendency towards the center; the center itself being neutral as to motion. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 107]
Buckminster Fuller
“Omnitriangulated geodesic spheres consisting exclusively of three-way interacting great circles are realizations of gravitational field patterns… The gravitational field will ultimately be disclosed as ultra high-frequency tensegrity geodesic spheres. Nothing else.” [Buckminster Fuller]
ChatGPT on Gravity
Dale Pond asks:
Gravity as recorded in the svpwiki especially what has been written by Keely, Russell and Schauberger. Review all of what they each said and synthesize a summary with bullet pointed points of interest.
ChatGPT responds:
Certainly, Dale. Let’s delve into the unique perspectives on gravity from the writings and theories of John Keely, Walter Russell, and Viktor Schauberger. Each thinker approached gravity with a distinct understanding, often differing significantly from conventional science, and their insights contribute richly to Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. Here’s a synthesized summary of their ideas:
John Keely
Sympathetic Attraction: Keely viewed gravity as a force of sympathetic attraction rather than a simple pull between masses. He described it as the interlocking of vibratory chords or frequencies between bodies.
Etheric Field Influence: Gravity, according to Keely, is related to etheric fields, the unseen realms of finer matter or energy. He believed that sympathetic vibratory forces emanate from the ether, creating a binding force between objects.
Tripartite Structure of Matter: Keely suggested that gravity is a result of vibratory interactions at three levels: atomic, molecular, and inter-atomic. These interactions are governed by sympathetic vibratory laws, linking particles at a distance.
Law of Harmonic Vibration: Gravity operates through harmonic vibration; objects attract because they are in a state of vibratory resonance. Thus, Keely considered gravity to be a form of rhythmic, sympathetic attraction that could be manipulated by altering vibrational frequencies.
Walter Russell
Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces: Russell described gravity as a centripetal force, pulling inward toward the center of mass, counterbalanced by a centrifugal, outward force. He saw these two forces as expressions of cosmic equilibrium, fundamental to his concept of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.
Gravity as Motion Seeking Rest: According to Russell, gravity is the force of "motion seeking rest" while radiation is "rest seeking motion." This duality forms the basis of his cosmology, where all actions are part of a balance-seeking interchange.
Spatial Compression: Gravity, for Russell, is a compression force that works to condense space, drawing matter inward. This compression creates heat and energy, which he believed fuels all creation.
Field of Light: Russell also viewed gravity as fundamentally related to light. He proposed that gravity is a product of the motion within light fields, suggesting that what we perceive as gravitational pull is actually light waves folding and unfolding in rhythmic cycles.
Viktor Schauberger
Implosive Motion: Schauberger’s understanding of gravity aligns closely with his concept of implosion. He argued that gravity is not merely a downward force but an inward, centripetal energy flow, pulling everything toward a state of increased potential.
Living, Dynamic Energy: Schauberger viewed gravity as part of a living, dynamic field rather than a static force. He believed it interacts with all matter in nature, influencing growth and movement, especially in water.
Interplay with Water and Air: According to Schauberger, gravity interacts uniquely with water and air, creating spirals and vortices. He observed that in natural systems, water spirals and compresses, generating gravitational pull and influencing fluid dynamics.
Temperature and Polarity: Schauberger proposed that gravity changes with temperature and polarity shifts, affecting how elements attract or repel. For instance, cold water has a higher density and greater gravitational pull than warm water, a principle he used to develop technology based on vortex flow.
Key Commonalities and Distinctions
Resonance and Vibratory Patterns: Both Keely and Russell believed that gravity is a result of sympathetic resonance, though they described it in different terms—Keely through vibratory sympathy and Russell through rhythmic interchange.
Centripetal vs. Implosive: While Schauberger emphasized implosion (an inward, spiral-like motion of energy), Russell focused on a centripetal force balanced by an opposing centrifugal force, seeing gravity as one half of a cosmic duality.
Interplay with Etheric and Subtle Energies: Keely and Russell both tied gravity to subtler, non-material energies—the ether or light fields. Schauberger, though less explicit about etheric forces, implied a similar view by emphasizing gravity as a living energy that interacts with water and other elements.
Points of Interest
Manipulating Gravity: Keely and Schauberger believed gravity could be influenced or harnessed through vibratory techniques or specific fluid dynamics, respectively, hinting at technologies far beyond conventional science.
Gravity as a Life Force: Each thinker proposed that gravity is more than a simple pull; it is a vital, life-giving force that shapes matter, promotes growth, and maintains cosmic balance.
Ethical Implications: Especially in Schauberger’s work, gravity and related forces were understood to have moral and ecological consequences. Misalignment with natural gravitational laws, he warned, leads to environmental and energetic discord.
Each of these views reflects a paradigm where gravity is part of a larger web of vibrational or energetic interactions. This gravity is not a simple attraction between masses but an expression of cosmic forces, harmonics, and dynamic flows that can be aligned or manipulated through resonance, light, and implosive techniques. These insights offer a profound alternative to the standard gravitational model, suggesting a universe rich with vibratory intelligence and interconnectivity.
Revisiting Gravity, Assimilation and Attraction (Syntropy) as Quantum Phenomena [3/5/25]:
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
369 - Hollingshead "Harnessing the Force of Gravity" using 3, 6 & 9 modes.
17.01 - Discovering Cause of Gravity
17.02 - Gravity Defined by Keely
17.04 - Speed of Gravity Propagation
17.06 - Gravity Defined by Cayce
17.07 - Gravity Discussed by Herchel
17.13 - Gravity or Levity
17.16 - Gravity Keely
17.17 - Gravital Sympathy
17.18 - Keelys Gravity Experiments
17.19 - Gravity Keely
17.20 - Acoustic Levitation
Acoustic Levitation
Aerial Navigation
aerial navigator
Affinity to Neutral Center
Air-ship model
Bjerknes Effect
Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation
Center of Focalization
Center of Sympathetic Attraction
Center of Sympathetic Coincidence
downward tendency
Figure 13.13 - Gravity Syntropic and Radiative Entropic Waves
Figure 13.18 - Russells Gravity Motor
Figure 15.03 - Opposing Forces of Gravity and Radiation
Figure 15.04 - Gravity Generates Matter about Neutral Centers
Figure 15.05 - Nine Pairs of Gravity Poles
Figure 17.00 - Opposing Forces of Gravitation and Radiation
Figure 17.02 - Gravity divides multiplies and balances Light and Sound
Figure 17.03 - Analysis of the Octave Gravity Bar
Figure 17.04 - Gravity Pressure Recorder - Bar Magnet
Figure 19.15 - Keelys Levitation Experiment
Figure 7.8 - Gravity is the Life Sex and Power Principle
Figure 7.9 - Gravity aggregates Light into States of Matter
formative and levitative force
gravity - Tesla
Gravity Defined by Russell
Gravity Source
Gravity Waves
Gravity Keely
Inertia and Gravity
Inward Explosion
inward radial direction of condensation
inwardly contract
inwinding rotary current
inwindingly moved medium
John Hutchison
Keelys Aerial Navigation
Keelys Gravity Control with 369
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
law of etheric compensation and restoration
Law of Gravity
musical gravity
negative attraction
Negative Attractive
Neutral Center
Our Balanced Earth is Weightless
Part 17 - Gravity
pressure condition in motion
Prime Neutral Center
specific gravity
Supreme Neutral Center
sympathetic concordant concentration
upsuctional force
Veil Withdrawn
Vibratory Lift
water-inwinding suctional force
Universal Laws Revealed: Keely's Secrets
Acoustic Levitation References
Acoustic Levitation Methods and Apparatus
Acoustic Levitation System
Acoustic Levitation with Less Equipment
Acoustic Levitation with One Driver
Acoustic Levitation with One Transducer
Acoustic Levitator Maintains Resonance
Acoustic Translation of an Acoustically Levitated Sample
Applying Uniform Polymer Coatings to Microspheres
Blowing Polymer Bubbles in an Acoustic Levitator
Bubble-Free Containers for Liquids in Microgravity
Classifying Particles by Acoustic Levitation
Conductor-Backed Superconductive Coplanar-Waveguide Resonators
Contactless Calorimetry for Levitated Samples
Controlling Sample Rotating in Acoustic Levitation
Counteracting Gravitation In Dielectric Liquids
Digital Controller for Acoustic Levitation
Electrostatic Levitator with Feedback Control
Electrostatic Liquid-Drop Levitation System
Equipment for Microgravity Research
Experiments on Rotating, Charged Liquid Drops
Field Resonance Propulsion Concept
High-Temperature Electrostatic Levitator
Hybrid Contactless Heating and Levitation
Hybrid Electrostatic Acoustic Levitator
Improved Acoustic Levitation
Magnetic Compensation For Gravitational Pressure Gradient
Matching Impedances and Modes in Acoustic Levitation
Microwave Dielectrophoretic Levitation In Microgravity
Microwave Levitation of Small Objects
Orienting Acoustically Levitated Aspherical Objects
Precision Fabrication of Electromagnetic-Levitation Coils
Producing Metallic Glasses with Acoustic Levitation
Rotation Control in a Cylindrical Acoustic Levitator
Stabilized Acoustic Levitation of Dense Materials Using High-Powered Siren
Stable and Oscillating Acoustic Levitation
The Theory of ElectroGravitation Fields part 1 of 2
The Theory of ElectroGravitation Fields part 2 of 2
Viscous Torques on a Levitating Body