"Gravity really means a point, or shaft, that can be located in the invisible universe, where Mind desires to concentrate thought, and thought-power." [Atomic Suicide, page 176]
“To get back to the real substance of all things, you must get back into the thought world. Until one knows that the thought-energy is the cause of which is back of all things, and the product only the effect, then he is tied to the effect and is limited by it.” [Walter Russell, no source given]

"As far as my researches have gone, I find that there is but one condition approaching reliability, and that is in computing the intermittent periodic disturbances along a nodal vibratory transmitter - the nodes of gold, silver and platina - a fixed number placed at such different distances along its line, as to take up and equalize (by a certain order of vibratory transmissions) the chord masses of the nodal interferences between the triple metals of which the nodes are composed, and also the acoustic introductory impulse of whatever chord is set. This will determine the rate of their accelerated molecular oscillation, so induced beyond their normal standard, and give us some definite figures in the computing of vibration, thousands of billions of times more than those of light.
"Light is induced by electromagnetic percussion emanating from the ether, and in its action represents the plane of magnetism. In fact, it is the plane of magnetism when under polarization. (Platina wires the thickness of a fine hair associated with each of the nine nodal beads, and concentrated towards a general center of focalization, attaching the other end of the wires to the focal center, will determine, by the magnetic conduction, the number of corpuscular oscillations per second induced by a thought, either positive or negative, in the central centers. These are the only conditions - those of magnetic conduction - whereby the evolution of a thought can be computed in regard to its force under propagation, as against the amount of latent energy set free to act as induced by such thought on the physical organism.) Some scientific theories of the past have taught us that electricity and magnetism are one and the same thing. Sympathetic vibratory philosophy teaches that they are two distinct forces of one of the triune sympathetic family." Keely, circa 1893. Snell Manuscript, ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION - Snell
Nikola Tesla
"Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present.
"A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe." [Nikola Tesla; The Electrical Review, 1893]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"Remember, at all times, that what you THINK about is what you are tuning into. Your thoughts are ‘searchlights’ making contact with what you seek." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth 8.3]
See Also
As a Man Thinketh
Mind Force
Mind Power
P.E.A.R. Proposition
Polarity of Thought
Power of Thought
Recording Unuttered Thoughts
thought form
Will Force