


Powers of the Mind
Powers of the Mind

"A science that does not include the mind in its thinking cannot penetrate the truth. The existence of Creator power must be accepted in the sciences as an unquestionable fact." [Max Planck]

"The real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind, controlling every effect and recognizing all causation as vested in divine Mind." [Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy pg 379:6]

The term "Mind" or "Whole Mind" does not mean "intellect". Intellect is of the ego and is a subset of the general Consciousness or Mind. The term "Mind" as used in SVP means the general Consciousness, Awareness or Whole Mind. Thinking is of the intellect, ego or Split Mind while knowing is of the Mind, heart or Whole Mind. Whole Mind knowing is knowing with the heart while Split Mind thinking or intellect is of the duality of the ego.

Mind is a Substance

"There is a celestial mind force, a great sympathetic force which is life itself, of which everything is composed." Keely

"All motion is thought, and all force is mind force." [Keely, Keely and His Discoveries, pg 252]

"There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. MATTER is force in bondage." [Keely]

"Electricity is the divider of the invisible white still magnetic light of gravity - which Mind is - into the red and blue halves of the visible light spectrum for the purpose of creating male and female bodies which alone constitute all matter." [Walter Russell, notation on chart, 1955]

"This universe of matter in motion is but the electric record of Thought." [Russell, The Secret of Light]

Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force

Mind Force

A common concept and thread connecting Keely, Russell, Cayce and Quimby is Matter is solidified tenuous Mind substance. Russell called it "frozen Light". Mind stuff or substance is a range of energy densities as shown in the Etheric Element table. In other words, Mind is a form of tenuous matter (gas, plasma or ether) that can be

So when Keely says "All force is Mind Force" and then he harnessed this primal Mind Force in his machines we should investigate it further. This concept has been extensively written about by Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Quimby, Hubbard, Reich and countless others of equal note. [See Keelys Accomplishments, Mind Force the hidden Scalar Force, Natural Forces]

The mind force herein referenced above is sometimes called "Thinking with the Heart" or Whole Mind [See Universal Ground State]. This is not the split mind of the ego or intellect which invariably leads one astray or into error.

Quarks play an important and foundation role in electrical and chemical processes (chemism). This is vital to SVP because Mind Substance has to have chemical properties else how would (chemical or molecular) drugs effect physiology, consciousness equilibrium and diverse psi phenomena? Quarks also having a fundamental role in electrical phenomena tells us electrons are not all there is to consider in electricity (see Daniel Pomerleau). It is assumed then quarks and gluons are a part or portion of the interetheric (celestial) streams so often referred to by Keely which is the media or conveyor of Mind Force (etheric substances) demonstrated by so many exceptional people: Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force. It is further presumed the endocrine system operates on the quark and photon subdivisions of Mind Substance which would account for psi phenomena.

This revolutionary idea is explained by the fact that atoms (Keely's atomic subdivision) are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons - (Keely's interatomic subdivision). These three are composed of photons - (Keely's etheric subdivision). Photons are composed of quarks - (Keely's interetheric subdivision). Therefore quarks and gluons are the first level of differentiation of Undifferentiated Mind Force or Keely's compound interetheric subdivision of Mind and Force. This interetheric level of Mind and Matter is where thought, intuition, telepathy, remote viewing and clairvoyance happens. These unseen forces are the non-observable scalar forces that originate observable Newtonian effects. This matrix of matter and energy shows how our consciousness is integral to everything that is and happens around us. [See Subdivision]

compound interetheric CI Mind Awareness
interetheric E+CI quark thought, idea 1910- Radionics, Free Energy Devices
etheric E photon light 1947 1st Laser
etheric E photon light 1880 Edison Light Bulb
interatomic A+E electron electricity 1882 AC Power
interatomic A+E electron electricity 1800 1st battery
interatomic A+E electron Heat 1800 steam power
atomic A atoms purified elements alchemy nascent chemistry
intermolecular M+A supercritical fluid refined alloys Iron, Bronze Age tools, weapons
molecular M molecule alloys Stone Age Stone, Wood

This table coordinates with the Etheric Elements table.

The progression of humanity can be seen in its discovery, development and use of knowledge paralleling these levels of Matter and Energy. Therefore human progress is a reflection of humanity's expansion or elevation of Mind, Awareness or Consciousness. These ages blend and overlap but as each is adapted into society leaps in development and use of tools and processes result in surges of general well being, commerce and societal expansions of science, philosophy and politics. As we can see from the above table humanity is on the cusp of another huge leap forward.

What this means in simple terms is while we use electrons to run our machinery and we are just now learning how to use photons in lasers and micro chips, Keely used photons, quarks and gluons (thought) to operate his machines over 100 years ago. He was a visionary of our age as were the early developers of interetherically operated radionic and psychotronic devices - not yet accepted into general science or society. Dale Pond, 03/21/10

"This thermodynamical characteristic of living processes generally, is carried over from other forms of variously living and extinct species and human cultures. This general principle of all living process presently known to us, is a general law. That law is definable as a condition of progress from lower to higher modes of thermodynamics of all forms of life, as the fruit of this same set of terms. The universe, most clearly the human species, depends for the survival of existing and improved species on increase of the relative "energy-flux density" in the flow of various expressions of progress and upward-directed evolution of living processes." Lyndon LaRouche, The Showdown has Begun

Mind Force Goes Mainstream
Boeing Psychic Lab
Defense Technical Information Center
Parapsychological Association

Index of Universities offering Education in Parapsychology

See Also

Animal Magnetism
Mind Force

"Taking the law of assimilation as the cosmical law, together with self-manifesting power as the characteristic of being, we reach a primary classification of created objects, which corresponds with that which is known as mind and matter - or rather let us say mind and that which is not mind; for there is ground for the apprehension that mind and matter do not include all that exists; and that, along with matter, ether ought to be considered as something intimately related to matter indeed, but yet not just matter. When the elements of the ethereal medium are regarded as truly and simply material however small and light they may be, the elasticity and pressure which must be assigned to that medium in order to admit of the velocity of light, are altogether out of the harmony of things; and wholly incredible, especially when confronted with the phenomena and the theory of astronomy. Thus, to justify the velocity of light on the same principles as those of sound, in various material media, the ethereal pressure must be 122,400,000,000 times greater than that of the atmosphere - which is incredible, says Macvicar." [Law of Assimilation]

"True philosophy, when reached, said Professor George Bush, will conduct us into the realm of the spiritual as the true region of causes, and will disclose new and unthought of relations between the world of matter and of mind.

It is these unthought of relations which Keely's system of sympathetic physics brings to light; opening out a field for research which lies beyond the boundaries of our present knowledge. As yet he has been unable to satisfy his own penetrating mind in regard to all the hypothesis which his various discoveries have led him into formulating. He has himself, in his search for truth, pursued the wrong path too often, and made too many errors, not to welcome refutation of them, and acknowledge his mistakes when brought before him.

The title which he has given to the latent current of the triune polar flow that he discovered in 1872, "polar negative attraction," undoubtedly conveys the idea that this flow is an agent closely allied to magnetism; but such is not the case.

This latent element exists in the interstitial conditions of all nature's triple streams of force; in electricity, in magnetism, in gravity; and is the dominant current in each of these, maintaining a sympathetic relation to the high or compound luminous, which manifests itself when the proper mechanical requirements are used. It is entirely foreign in character to the elements now in commercial use. Researchers will always find before them a limitless beyond, comprehended only by the Infinite One." [Veil Withdrawn]

"In such fields of research, Mr. Keely finds little leisure. Those who accuse him of "dilly-dallying," of idleness, of "always going to do and never doing," of "visionary plans," etc., etc., know nothing of the infinite patience, the persistent energy which for a quarter of a century has upheld him in his struggle to attain this end. Still less, if possible, is he understood by those who think he is seeking self-aggrandizement, fame, fortune, or glory.

The time is approaching when all who have sought to defame this discoverer and inventor, all who have stabbed him with unmerited accusations, all who have denounced him as "a bogus inventor," "a fraud," "an impostor," "a charlatan," "a modern Cagliostro," will be forced to acknowledge that he has done a giant's work for true science, even though he should not live to attain commercial success. But history will not forget that, in the nineteenth century, the story of Prometheus has been repeated, and that the greatest mind of the age, seeking to scale the heavens to bring down the light of truth for mankind, met with Prometheus's reward." [Keely - Cure of Disease]

’’"I shall not forestall an unproved conclusion, but fight step by step the dark paths I am exploring, knowing that, should I succeed in proving one single fact in science heretofore unknown, I shall in so doing be rewarded in the highest degree. In whatever direction the human mind travels it comes quickly to a boundary line which it cannot pass. There is a knowable field of research, bordered by an unknown tract. My experience teaches me how narrow in the strip of territory which belongs to the knowable, how very small the portion that has been traversed and taken possession of. The further we traverse this unknown territory, the stronger will become our faith in the immovable order of the world; for, at each advancing step, we find fresh fruits of the immutable laws that reign over all things,- from the falling apple, up to the thoughts, the words, the deeds, the will of man: and we find these laws irreversible and eternal, order and method reigning throughout the universe. Some details of this universal method have been worked up, and we know them by the names of 'gravitation,' 'chemical affinity,' 'nerve-power,' etc. These material certainties are as sacred as moral certainties. . . . The nearest approaches to a certainty is made through harmony with nature's laws. The surest media are those which nature has laid out in her wonderful workings. The man who deviates from these paths will suffer the penalty of a defeat, as is seen in the record of 'perpetual motion' seekers. I have been classed with such dreamers; but I find consolation in the thought that it is only by those men who are utterly ignorant of the great and marvellous truths which I have devoted my life to demonstrate and to bring within reach of all. I believe the time is near at hand when the principles of etheric evolution will be established, and when the world will be eager to recognize and accept a system that will certainly create a revolution for the highest benefits of mankind, inaugurating an era undreamed of by those who are now ignorant of the existence of this etheric force."'' [Keely, Progressive Science]

Blood formation or blood decomposition - synthesising or analysing current - vitalisation or devitalisation - health in mind and body or disease, death and economic disaster, all these are decreed by what in the opening paragraph science calls molecular motion whilst having no knowledge of the differences in the forms of motion, which not only determine existence or non-existence, but also all economic progress or decline. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

This may truly appear to be the monstrous invention of an unsound mind to those who have no inkling what colossal energies are contained in a tiny drop of water, which are either bound or freed according to the type of motion. It may also seem just as utopian when it is stated that with the aid of these elemental ur-forces secreted in the medium of water and in the air (or the condensed Breath of God), the entire production of power, heat, cold and light can be reduced in cost by slightly more than 90% and that with this formative synthesising current all growth can be increased by about 30% per annum and qualitatively improved. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

There is much paradox, and the scheme differs so much from any hitherto published on the subject, that I am aware that, if any link can be found to be wanting in the chain, the defect will immediately be seized upon. I believe, however, that it will be found to admit of clear demonstration. Anyone who has studied the subject knows the difficulties that arise on all sides. In the problem before us, we have to reduce large fields of thought to certain elementary truths. In my endeavour to do this, I have been entirely dependent upon the discovery of the laws of Nature, as my ear is not musical enough to assist me in the matter. "All mysteries are either truths concealing deeper truths, or errors concealing deeper errors," and thus, as the mysteries unfold, truth or error will show itself in a gradually clearer light. The great mystery of music lies in its infinite resources; it teems with subtle elements and strange analogies. A musical note may be compared to a machine: we touch the spring and set the machine in motion, but the complex machinery exists beforehand, quite independent of our will; the motive power is not of our creation, and the laws on which its operation depends are superior to our control. The complex work of harmony is governed by the laws which are originated by the Creator; every note performs what He has willed, and in tracing these laws let us not be indifferent about their Author, but ever bear in mind that the source or fountain of the life and activity of harmonies arises from the Power who created the machine, and who knows how it will act. Let us also remember that we understand this machine but partially, and govern it but imperfectly, as indeed the finite can only, in a small measure, grasp the Infinite; and in any [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, The Method of Development or Creation of Harmonies1, page 15]

"Adore with steadfast unpresuming gaze, Him, Nature's essence, mind, and energy." Coleridge. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme2, page 44]

"Then MIND, as He, was the WORD - and dwelt among men; and we beheld HIM as the face of the Father." Cayce (1567-2)

"The time has arisen in the earth when men everywhere seek to know more of the mysteries of the mind." Cayce (254-52)

"The earth and the universe, as related to man, came into being through the Mind - Mind - of the Maker, and, as such, has its same being much as each atomic force multiplies in itself -" Cayce (900-227)

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so IS he (Proverbs 23:7)! Not what man says, nor what man even make out like he does. For we are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being; for, as has been given, the Spirit is the life, the Mind is the active force that, coordinated with the spirit that is of the creative energy, or of God, gives the physical result that is effective in every sense. Get that!" Cayce (270-17)

"So as ye contemplate, as ye meditate, as ye look upon the Mind, know the Mind hath many windows. And as ye look out of thine inner self, know whereunto thou art looking, thou art seeking. What is thy ideal? What would you have your mind-body to become?" [Cayce262-78]

"What then IS thy mind? The gift of God, that is the companion with thy soul, that is a part of same! Then if ye would develop that by its use, by its application, it is ministering good and goodness; not for self. For that ye give away ALONE do ye possess! For he that would have life must give it." [Cayce 826-11]

"As the Truth flows as a stream of life through the Mind and purifies same, so will it purify and revivify and rejuvenate the body." [Cayce 294-183]

See 18.04 - Mind Defined - Cayce

Bob Proctor
"The law of gender decrees there is a gestation or incubation period for the manifestation of all seeds, and, make no mistake about it, the image of wealth you chose to build on the screen of your conscious mind and then turned over to your subconscious mind is a seed; and it is growing into physical form, in the most fertile field of which you could ever conceive." [Bob Proctor, You Were Born Rich, page 98]

"In Scientology it has been discovered that mental energy is simply a finer, higher level physical energy. The test of this is conclusive in that a thetan "mocking up" mental image pictures and thrusting them into the body can increase the body mass and, by casting them away again, can decrease the body mass. This test has actually been made and an increase of as much as thirty pounds, actually measured on scales, has been added to, and subtracted from, a body by creating "mental energy." Energy is energy. It has different wavelengths and different characteristics. The mental image pictures are capable of reacting upon the physical environment, and the physical environment is capable of reacting upon mental image pictures. Thus the mind actually consists of spaces, energies and masses of the same order as the physical universe, if lighter and different in size and wavelength. For a much more comprehensive picture of the mind one should read The Dynamics of Life - An Introduction to Dianetics Discoveries and Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. There were written before the discoveries of the upper levels of beingness were made and are a very complete picture of the mind itself, its structure and what can be done to it and with it." [Hubbard, Scientology, The Fundamentals of Thought, page 72]

"The mighty forces latent in corpuscular matter, by which we are surrounded, are all held in oscillating vortex action by the Infinite Designer of workings hidden from us, until the time is ripe for their disclosure. This latent, registered power interchanges sympathetically with the celestial radiating streams, whereby light, heat, electricity, magnetism and galvanic action are propagated in their different orders, vitalizing all nature with their lifegiving principles. (underline added)

When this great scientific and religious truth has been made known, and established by demonstration, all controversy as to the source of energy will be for ever silenced. If I am the chosen instrument to develop this knowledge, and to make known the conditions which surround this pure truth, it is only that I may hand the key to those who will use it to enter the doorway that opens into the inaudible, and thus gain an insight into the now invisible region of the operation of Nature's most powerful governing forces, in the control over terrestrial matter by celestial mind." [Keely in Keely and His Discoveries pg. 365-367]

"He [Keely] defines gravity as transmittive interetheric force under immense etheric vibration. He continues: "The action of the mind itself is a vibratory etheric evolution, controlling the physical, its negative power depreciatory in its effects and its positive influence elevating." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]

"The substance of the Brain is molecular. The mind which permeates the brain is interetheric in substance; it is the element by which the Brain is impregnated. This element, when excited into action, controls all physical motion as long as the necessary sympathetic conditions are maintained. Then conditions are no more immaterial in their character than are light and heat. Electricity, magnetism, gravity, and heat are latent in all aggregations of matter. They are not obtained from terrestrial influences. Celestial Radiation is the true impregnating medium in all these forces. The Brain is the high resonating receptacle where the sympathetic celestial acts, and where molecular and atomic motion are induced, as according to the intensification brought to bear upon it by radiation." [Keely, The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

"The sympathetic conditions that we call mind are no more immaterial in their character than light or Electricity. The substance of the Brain is molecular, while the substance of the mind that permeates the Brain is interetheric and is the element by which the Brain is impregnated, exciting it into action and controlling physical motion. In order to trace the successive triple impulses, taking the introductory one of sympathetic negative outreach, towards the cerebral neutrals, which awaken the latent element to action, we find that mind may be considered a specific order of interatomic motion sympathetically influenced by the celestial flow and that it becomes when thus excited by this medium a part and parcel of the celestial itself. The Brain is not a laboratory. It is as static as the head of the positive negative attractor, until influenced by certain orders of vibration, when it reveals the true character of the Outreach so induced. The Brain is the high resonating receptacle where the sympathetic celestial acts, and where molecular and atomic motion exhibits itself, as according to the intensification brought to bear upon it by the celestial mind flow. The question arises, Why is this condition of the (luminous) ether always under a state of luminosity of an especial order? Its characteristics are such, from its infinite tenuity and the sympathetic activity with which it is impregnated, that it possesses an order of vibratory, oscillatory velocity, which causes it to evolve its own luminosity. This celestial, latent power, that induces luminosity in this medium, is the same that registers in all aggregated forms of matter, visible and invisible. It is held in the corpuscular embrace until liberated by a compound vibratory negative medium. What does this activity represent, by which luminosity is induced in the high Etheric realm, if not to indicate that even this order of ether is bounded by a greater region still beyond? The activity of the corpuscles represents its outflow from the luminiferous track towards the molecular centers of neutrality, revealing the connecting link between mind and matter. These conditions of luminosity have no thermal forces associated with them, although, paradoxically, all thermal conditions emanate from that source. The tenuity of this element accounts for it. It is when the streams come in conflict with crude matter that heat is evolved from its latent state and a different order of light from the Etheric luminous is originated, the sun being the intermediate transmitter. All planets and systems are sympathetic intermediates, the whole of one system, connected in sympathy for each other, the Brain of Deity." Keely, Dashed Against the Rock

"He [Keely] defines gravity as transmittive interetheric force under immense etheric vibration. He continues: "''The action of the mind itself is a vibratory etheric evolution, controlling the physical, its negative power depreciatory in its effects and its positive influence elevating." [JOHN ERNST WORRELL KEELY]

Whole Mind or Undifferentiated Mind
Split Mind or Differentiated Mind

Mind is a Substance
Mind is substance or matter. Mind is a tenuous (gaseous) matter like ether or plasma (quantum substances). Mind is an etheric (quantum) substance (plasma). Mind therefore possesses chemical attributes and frequency. As Mind is substance it can be regulated, harnessed and manipulated as any other gaseous substance.

Mind is also as an aggregate of consciousness and is comprised of three distinct subsets.

Compound Interetheric


Interatomic and below
*The liquids and solids composing the body actuated by the etheric mind forces.

"Virgil asserted that mind animates and moves the world; that the spiritual realm is the soul of the universe." [True Science]

See Also

Etheric Elements

"Likewise the body of man does not live, and having never lived it cannot die. The spirit alone lives. The body but manifests the spirit. That which we think of as life in the spirit of man manifests itself by willing the body to act. Actions thus made by the body under the command of the centering Soul have no motivative power or intelligence in themselves; they are but machines motivated by an omniscient and omnipotent intelligence extended to them." Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, page 7, 1994 edition

"Desire of Mind is the motivating force which energizes all Creation through the universal heartbeat of concentrative-decentrative thought pulsations. Likewise, YOU cannot create bodies without the desire to do so. YOUR desire is YOUR motivating force. The physical term for spiritual Mind-desire is GRAVITY. " [Home Study Course, Unit 8, Lesson 31, page 604]

"Mind is the universe.
Mind substance is "spiritual" substance.
Spirit is Light
Spirit is the ultimate, the eternal, though finite substance." [Walter Russell, The Universal One, Chapter I page 2]

"The universe of matter is a registration of the energy expended by Mind in the effort of thinking. The exact energy of the action of thinking is registered in the electro-positive charging systems, and the reaction of the action is registered in the electro-negative discharging systems. The charging systems are electrically dominated, centripetally closing, contracting systems. The discharging systems are magnetically dominated, centrifugally opening, expanding systems. The low potential speed-time dimension of energy of the highest octave is gradually accumulated into the high potential power-time dimension of the fifth octave. When these two opposing dimensions equalize in the tenth octave the cycle is completed and begins again." [Figure 12.11 - Russells Locked Potential Full Ten Octave Gamut]

"The CREATED universe of matter is the result of concentration of Mind upon the idea of form and then the generation of power by diverting low potential into centripetal vortices in order to hold the idea of Mind into the appearance of form until form disappears through mental decentration" [Figure 12.11 - Russells Locked Potential Full Ten Octave Gamut]

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"Again, I tried to make them understand the Power of Faith.
In the gospels, it has been stated I said that if a man had faith the size of a mustard seed he would be able to move mountains.
This statement is a misinterpretation of what I truly said and it reveals how little my disciples and gospellers understood my teachings when we were on earth.
If a person were to have 'faith' the size of a mustard seed - what does that mean? How can you measure faith in such a way?
Faith is faith.
It is a 'power of total conviction' in the mind, possessing the mind and cannot be restricted in 'size'.
Faith, arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a belief will serve your purposes in some way, can be powerful and strong, but never could it be estimated in 'size'! Belief is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. Because you have heard something and been convinced that what you have heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief in what you have heard. You believe it to be true. You believe in a total, complete way which defies contradiction. I was constantly telling the people: 'Believe you will receive - and you will receive'.

However, I knew at the time, that it would be well nigh impossible for the people to ever have the faith which would cause miracles to happen, since no matter how much I might explain Truth to them, they would still never have the intense knowing given me in the desert.
But now, as I relate, in small measure, the story of my sojourn on earth in Palestine, it is with the intention that you, my reader, will begin to perceive and understand the knowledge I was given during my enlightenment.
My intention is to give you knowledge. Hearsay is when you are told something but you cannot really prove it is true. Knowledge is when you are told something - or read something - and because what you have now heard or read complies logically and realistically with all related items of knowledge already in your mind, and you can understand and believe it in a realistic, logical way, the new information becomes knowledge. You KNOW that what you now 'know' is TRUE. You have a sense of 'conviction'.

In the LIGHT OF CHRIST's SPIRITUAL TRUTH, doctrines become meaningless & are swiftly jettisoned from the illuminated mind.
page 65
Letter 3-09 Up to this time, some of you have had faith in 'Jesus Christ' but you have been like precocious children. Your faith has been partially blind and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt.
Therefore, whatever you needed to be done for you, you depended on 'Jesus' for the work to be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what you believe you have derived directly from 'Jesus' has been your own 'faith in Jesus' made visible in the form of things asked for.
Whilst this child-like 'faith' is very important to your well-being, those of you who are capable of moving onward on the spiritual path to perfection, must now reach a deeper level of true knowledge of the relation between mind and 'matter'. Without this foundation, people will continue to flounder in religious myths and will be locked into the misery of the human condition.
When I was on earth, I spoke Truth to the people, but it was continually misinterpreted. What I really said regarding faith, was this:
'You see this great big tree. It has grown out of the tiniest seed imaginable. See the vast trunk and branches and foliage. All that enormous growth has come out of a small seed.
'How did such a thing come about? From whence came all the wood in the tree and the foliage which adorns it! Is not this as much a miracle as are the miracles I perform for you, day after day? Is not the growth of this tree as much the work of the 'Father' as the healing which takes place in sick people? 'I ask you - what is a seed? Can you tell me? No - you cannot. But I will tell you.
'It is a tiny entity of 'consciousness knowledge'. It is the 'consciousness knowledge' of what it will become. It is a fragment of 'consciousness' drawn from 'Divine Creative Consciousness'.
'It is a fragment of mind power drawn from 'Father Mind Power' ... which, when planted in the earth and watered by rain, will begin to clothe itself with the visible 'matter' of which it possesses knowledge, deep within itself. This knowledge is true, it is firm, it is strong and undeviating. This self-knowledge embodied in the seed, is a conviction in 'consciousness'.
'All of life forms arise out of this one-pointed self-knowledge - a 'conviction of consciousness'.
This 'conviction of consciousness' is what separates the inanimate soil and rocks from all that lives and grows upon the face of the earth. Where there is no 'conviction of consciousness' or 'knowledge of identity' there is no growth. The consciousness within soil and rocks remains 'consciousness' in a dormant form.

'Therefore, if you could believe in what you ask for,
as powerfully as does a mustard seed know its own identity,
you would be able to do anything you wanted to do.

'If you could carry within your mind, a seed - the perfected plan of your most heartfelt goals, and know beyond all doubt, that it can grow and come into perfect fruition, you would see this wonderful seed take on a life of its own which would presently manifest in your life.
'And you could surely move the mountains in your lives - those mountains which stand across your path and prevent you from achieving all that you would like ... mountains which, in times of recklessness and evil thinking have been created by yourselves.
'If you only understood creation and existence, you would be able to live lives of total freedom, limitless achievement and transcendent joy. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 64-65]

"Until you are prepared to realise and accept that your SOURCE of BEING within you, and above and around you, can indeed flow into your mind and body DIRECTLY IN RESPONSE TO PRAYER, you will be subject to all the ailments of the earthly and human consciousness." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 12]

"As the ego drive gradually relinquishes its hold over your mind and emotions, you will find that laughter bubbles up spontaneously and brings a wonderful feeling of release. The 'ripple effect' of laughter raises your consciousness frequencies of vibration not only because it is energy released where you most need it - over your heart - over your diaphragm, the seat of your emotions but because LAUGHTER is directly of Divine Consciousness.
Therefore, laughter is Divine." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 9, page 14]

Prashna Upanishad
"From Him (the supreme Self) indeed all the pranas are born. They enter the body and reside there. After death, they leave the body and become one with the Self again."
"This is the truth. As from a blazing fire, sparks, being of the same nature, fly in all directions, even so from this Self, all pranas, all worlds, all gods, all beings spring forth."
"The prana is born from the Atman (Self). As a shadow is cast by a person, so is this prana. By the actions of the mind, it enters into this body."
"As the spokes of a wheel are attached to the hub, so is everything attached to the prana (life force). Prana moves by the actions of the mind."
"Prana is the universal life force that permeates the cosmos. It is the essence that sustains life and connects all beings to the ultimate reality."
"The sun rises, illuminating the entire universe with its light. In the same way, the prana illuminates the body and the senses."
"The prana governs the body and senses, controlling all bodily functions and activities."
"The mind, indeed, is the self; the mind is the world. All this is mind. The mind is Brahman (the ultimate reality)."
"Speech rests in the mind, the mind rests in the intellect, the intellect rests in the cosmic mind, and the cosmic mind rests in the tranquil Self."
"He who knows this imperishable one (the Self), O beloved, knows the world of Brahman, the world of bliss."
"The Self is indeed the one reality, free from duality, ever pure, and indestructible."
"The wise who perceive the Self within their own hearts, see the essence of all beings and realize the oneness of existence." [Prashna Upanishad]

Yoga Vasistha
"The mind that is absorbed in the contemplation of the Self is like a lamp in a windless place, steady and undisturbed."
"When the mind ceases to be agitated by desires and distractions, it attains the state of supreme stillness and peace."
"The mind that is established in self-knowledge, free from ignorance and delusion, is always serene and tranquil." [Yoga Vasistha]

See Also

Compound Interetheric
Dominant is Light of Mind
Dominant is Light of Mind or Thought or Idea
Dynamics of Mind
Endocrine System
Etheric and Interetheric is Mind
Etheric Elements
Etheric Mind Force in Healing
Etheric state of Being and Mind
Matter Evolves from Mind
mental essence
Mind and Matter Quimby explains his use of the terms
Mind as Cause
Mind as Flow or Stream
Mind being Dominant is Creative
Mind Defined - Cayce
Mind Force
Mind Force - Light - Etheric Subdivision
Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force
Mind in Machines
Mind in Matter
Mind in Plants
Mind is deemed a force
Mind is the Builder
Mind is the Active Force
Mind is the Builder - Cayce
__Mind is the Principle of the Universe_
Mind of God
Mind over Matter
Mind The One Universal Substance
Mind to Mind
Molecular Brain Permeated by Interetheric Mind
Neutral Zone or Undifferentiated Mind
Neutral Center
P.E.A.R. Proposition
Part 18 - Mind as an Engineerable Force
Popular Definitions of the Word Mind Quimby defines "Mind" and "Matter"
Seven Levels, Subdivisions, Planes or Realms of Mind Matter and Energy
Split Mind
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Whole Mind
All forces in nature are mind forces

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday June 28, 2024 09:15:50 MDT by Dale Pond.