The Life-Current in Air & Water
Leonstein, May 1946, (Schauberger Archives). "Equivalence signifies uniformity and thus immobility."
Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 113, p. 23.
It is a well-known fact that what we call the temperature of a body
higher or lower temperatures are produced. As the motion slows, the temperature drops until ultimately, with the cessation of all molecular motion, absolute zero is reached at -273.15°C (-459.67°F).
Cold is therefore just as much the result of motion as is heat, and de facto is merely a lower level of heat. So much for the scientific point of view.
Entirely unknown to contemporary science, however, is that apart from this familiar form of temperature, there are also 'higher' forms of heat and cold, which are equally attributable to molecular motion. These 'higher' temperature-forms are to be differentiated from those referred to at the beginning in that the 'usual' forms of heat have a rising and expanding function and their associated cold-forms have a falling and concentrating function.
The 'higher' heat-forms are characterised by the fact that they possess falling and concentrating functions, and their associated cold, or refreshing forms have rising and expanding properties. So much for the general appreciation of this bio-technical finding, which is essentially founded on 'higher' physics, or biophysics.
This 'higher' practically implementable metaphysics has nothing in common with today's science. We are therefore here concerned with real 'knowledge' and in no way with the commonly held concept of 'science'.
The formulation of all terminology concerning this 'higher' knowledge is uncommonly difficult for the simple reason that today's science has commandeered all the relevant terminology, and thus in the German vocabulary there is a lack of suitable words with which to formulate these new concepts in a meaningful way.[4] For this reason the only way to approach things is by way of circumlocution so that they can be half-way understood by scientists.
A true understanding is only possible after appropriate observable demonstrations, whereupon all the rigid theorems, principles and dogmas of today will then be rendered untenable and quickly collapse upon themselves. Moreover, all present laws, regardless of whether they concern the laws of energy conservation, gravitation or so-called heat-equivalence, will likewise be invalidated. To make it quite clear at the outset, what is here involved is something entirely new, which is why any proper assessment by scientists would be impossible. For this reason the Austrian government was requested to dispense with the expert opinion of specialists. All that is required is practical proof for which certain prerequisites are necessary, such as the one requested in the memorandum of the 15th of March 1946.[5]
Uncanny experiences in a high alpine reserve almost untouched by human hand and a perhaps extraordinary gift for observation of Nature led to the discovery that a mysterious current lies hidden in the media of air
[4] This also applies to the English language. — Ed.
[5] This relates to the provision of premises for research and development mentioned later in this article. — Ed.
and water, which is freed when these aqueous or gaseous bodies are moved naturalesquely.
In every respect, experiments with this formative and levitative (synthesising) current produced surprising results. Thus, for example, 2,000,000 volts per drop of water, which were measurable, visible and palpable, and therefore incontrovertible, could be freed with appropriate charge-releasing devices. With 50 pairs of needle-jets about 200 million volts can be produced for virtually nothing, for which today's science requires giant machines. Even then it can only produce an exceptionally disintegrative (analysing) current, which has life-negating properties. This is to be differentiated from the formative and levitative, therefore life-affirming, functions of the synthesizing current mentioned elsewhere.
A few examples of applications should explain in general terms the nature of this novelty, still wholly unknown to contemporary science.
If this current is conducted into vacuum tubes, then they emit a strongly pulsating blood-red glow horizontally along the elongated transverse axis and a dazzling, motionless, colourless and temperatureless radiance vertically up the elongated longitudinal axis, which fills the whole space.
If the horizontally emitted current is first accumulated in a Leyden jar and conducted thence into petrol, then a tongue of flame is produced and the higher the accumulated charge, the longer the flame.
If this current is conducted through strongly insulated resistances, then cool, juvenile water, free of other ingredients is produced, which exhibits an uncommonly high dissolving capacity and cohesive power. Conducted into a hinged lever, which hangs down, this current stands it upright. It also causes pendulums to gyrate in peculiar looping, twisting movements.
If this current is introduced into ordinary water, then the water becomes cool, dense and specifically heavy and its ion-count increases many thousand-fold.
If such water is drunk, then every kind of pain ceases almost immediately.
After prolonged consumption of such water both mental and sexual potency increases in a truly striking fashion. Even the impotent will regain their potency.
Kidney stones, gallstones and accretions of similar nature are dissolved and expelled in the form of grains or mucous. Rheumatic pains disappear completely after a few weeks.
Venereal and malarial bacteria are eliminated and passed out of the body in bloodstained urine. In short, under the supervision of doctors, no affliction has yet been found which has been able to offer any resistance to this life-current. Even malignant cases of cancer improved quite remarkably. These experiments were discontinued, because the secret state police intervened owing to rising indignation amongst the medical fraternity.
Later I received a valuable offer from the English banker and financier, Sir
Victor Sassoon, which was made in the presence of Dr. Ing. Haertel Wien, director of the State Water Resources department. This I declined, because it required my moving to America or England and I had no desire to leave my homeland. For the same reason I also declined an offer from the Russians. Other offers from France, Turkey and Italy were similarly rejected.
If specifically heavy high- quality water is atomised and the resultant water vapour is compressed by a descending piston[6.1] with a simultaneous infusion of atmospheric oxygen, then this aqueous mixture of air is instantaneously transformed into increased and highly potentiated stocks of new air. The expansive pressure produced in this way corresponds to the power of about 2,000 atmospheres per litre of water.
If ordinary air is bio-centrifugated above the speed of sound in very specially contoured and suitably alloyed development-facilitating devices, for which an auxiliary mechanical force is required in the order of 0.08 kW per cubic metre of moved air, then the torque-producing current (synthesising current) mentioned above arises, which also accelerates the device that generates it. This further accelerates the intake of air, which again intensifies the strength of the current, resulting in an even higher rate of rotation, which provokes yet a further increase in the torque-producing current, and so on. Ultimately a powerful and highly potent vacuum is created in front of the generating device, while at the same time the expansive pressure described above exerts a squeezing, wedging pressure along its teardrop-like body (see figs. 22[6] & 38). These suctional and pressural forces, which evolve along a common developmental axis in the form of a fully developed dynagen gradient can overcome any weight or form of anchorage.
What is here involved are the colossal carrying and tractive forces that maintain the whole Earth in an unstable floating state and cause it to rotate in peculiar spiral space-curves (cycloid-space-curve-motion). They are the same forces that maintain the delicate equilibrium of a trout in fast-flowing water and enable everything that crawls and flies on this dung-heap - Earth - to overcome their own physical weight.
In opposition to this dualistic formative, levitative and life-affirming force, however, there is a counterforce, which comes into being in a similar manner. It is also a biotechnically producable current, but functions in a life-negating way and can thus be described as the 'death-current', since, with the exception of developmentally harmful bacterial life-forms, it slowly but surely destroys all life. It breaks down and decomposes every organism so that under very specific pre-conditions and with the aid of a very peculiar movement it can ur-generate new life or death forces of increased and intensified power from the product.
[6] In regard to fig. 22, while the diagrams depict a submarine, theoretically the same process should also apply to a similarly shaped aircraft. — Ed.
[6.1] Editor's Note: The original Keely Motor has two descending pistons.
Practically and factually we are thus presented with the unveiling of the seven enshrouding veils of Sais[7]. We stand before the secret of the genesis of all life and its unfoldment, which viewed objectively is none other than the perfection of all that is raw material. It is the eternal process of self-renewal out of which are born the forces of growth and formation, as well as those of renewed decomposition and reversion, which appear in the form of synthesising or analysing currents, depending on whether the medium of air or water is moved naturalesquely in specially constructed and alloyed development-facilitating devices, or unnaturally in unsuitable ones.
As absolute opposites these two forces, which promote either progressive or regressive development, arise from different sources; the destructive forces evolving from the temperature-forms that today's science exploits to operate its various types of machine. The formative and levitative forces on the other hand stem from the 'higher' temperature-forms which, as stated earlier, are unknown to contemporary science.
Conventional science has so far only become acquainted with the forms of heat that exhibit fatiguing effects, which however are those heat-forms through which the resistance to motion increases by the square of the velocity. This occurs for the simple reason that they are precisely the forms of temperature that kill off all dynamism and vitality and which, after a suitable development, are transformed into the condensing (falling and concentrating) cold-forms in order to conduct the thing in question back onto or into the Earth, where under the exclusion of light and heat it is prepared for a renewed attempt to rise.
The actual source of life - the 'higher' temperature-forms from which the life-affirming, formative and uplifting levitation-current evolves, is an absolute novelty to today's science.
Whether such a science consciously or unconsciously exploited precisely the opposite means to achieve a desired build-up of culture - the build-up
[7] To give a greater understanding of events at Sais, that ancient Egyptian city in the Nile delta, The Secret Doctrine by H P Blavatsky relates: "...And how little Herodotus could tell is confessed by himself when speaking of a mysterious tomb of an Initiate at Sais, in the sacred precinct of Minerva. There, he says 'behind the chapel is the tomb of One, whose name I consider it impious to divulge... In the enclosure there are large obelisks and there is a lake near, surrounded with a stone wall in a circle. In this lake they perform, by night, that person's adventures, which they call mysteries. It is well to know that no secret was so well-preserved and so sacred with the ancients as that of their cycles and computations. From the Egyptians down to the Jews it was held as the highest sin to divulge anything pertaining to the correct measure of time. It was for divulging the secrets of the Gods, that Tantalus was plunged into the infernal regions; the keepers of the sacred Sybilline Books were threatened with the death penalty for revealing a word of them.' The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, page 396. While not directly related to the Seven Veils of Sais, the following quotation from The Secret Doctrine, Vol. III, p.132, may afford further insight into what was hidden behind them. "An impenetrable veil of secrecy was thrown over the Occult and Religious Mysteries, after the submersion of the last remnant of the Atlantean Race, some 12,000 years ago, lest they should be shared by the unworthy, and so desecrated. Of these Sciences several have now become exoteric — such as astronomy, for instance, in its purely mathematical and physical aspect." Ed.
of quality matter, which is what concerns us here and which has been inhibited by these development-impeding temperature-forms, cannot be entered into here.
The fact of the matter, however, is that through these totally perverse procedures and all manner of unnatural activities, everything we are experiencing today that is difficult, disgraceful and degrading of human dignity had inevitably to happen. Deductively thinking logicians have therefore over-looked the causes of the supposed effects, out of which, depending on whether the form of motion is natural or unnatural, the respective ancillary forces that either affirm life or negate it come into being. In this regard the life-denying forces increase, reproduce and advance themselves in exactly the same way as their counterparts, which promote the naturally ordained course of further development through increase and qualitative improvement. This would be impossible, however, were it not for the temperature-forms responsible for expelling what is inferior and for purging, purifying and detoxifying organisms. It is out of these temperature-forms that the decomposing, analysing cavitation current arises, which today's science uses in the widest variety of ways and without exception for a supposed build-up of culture. Clearly the misfortunes we shall have to reap will be all the greater, the more widespread and intensive the activity of a science that makes use of these lower-grade temperature-forms.
The first person, who had unconsciously to grapple with this disastrous development, was Galilei, whose discovery that the Earth itself moved, caused an immense uproar in secular and religious scientific circles. Galilei was forced to recant, although he recanted his recantation shortly before his death. This he did at a moment when he could no longer be harmed by those, who like past dictators used similar means to torture those whose opinion differed from theirs, believing they could re-instill faith through the agonies of torture. His opponents, however, who were just as dangerous as they were ruthless, had practically no alternative but to acknowledge this new fact.
Curiously enough, since then apparently no scientifically trained individual has bothered about the causes of the mysterious motion of this dung-heap Earth, and the purpose of its exceptional form of motion. This disinterest, however, was only feigned. In reality, since Galilei's discovery, people were very much on their guard in order to avert the immeasurable repercussions resulting from the revelation of: 'Why' does the Earth ceaselessly rotate about her own peculiar system of axes in an unstable state of equilibrium in so-called free space in very particular looping movements in defiance of the laws of gravity?
This 'why' has been clarified by various of Nature's phenomena. Amongst others, the stationary trout that stands motionless in torrential alpine streams and flees upstream like lightning whenever danger threatens. Or spawning
trout, which, floating upwards, are able to surmount freely overfalling waterfalls several metres high, if particularly hollowed out flow-guiding stones cause the falling water to flow in 'cycloid-spiral-space-curves', the form of motion that arises and can be observed above every bunghole through which water is able to free-fall. This how the water-inwinding suctional forces evolve and the reactive forces acting in the opposite direction come into being in the axis of the suction-vortex. It is the latter forces that are at issue here. Today's science, which measures and weighs everything exactly, overlooked them, because the 'producer of measure and weight' can neither be measured with a yardstick, nor weighed with decimal scales.
In a word, after decades-long observations, trials and series of experiments, I succeeded in getting to the bottom of this mysterious double-game of Nature's and in becoming aware of the unspeakable ferocity and purest mother-love that are united behind her two eternally concealed faces. I came to recognise the scales of fate of all life upon which every action is scrupulously weighed after death and that whatever is no longer fit for the next higher evolutive progression is once more ruthlessly eliminated, it being of too inferior a quality for its metaphysical transformation into exalted entities in the form of the above formative and levitative current. It has to return to greater or lesser depths within the Earth to interact with those vibratory influences in such a way that out of these basic substances new formative and levitative energies evolve for a renewed attempt to rise. It is these revitalised substances, whose higher forms of cooling essences possess expanding and upwardly impelling functions, which make this resurrection possible. Falling and concentrating light- and heat-forms then subsequently ensure the intermediate solidification of 'what is destined to vegetate', namely the actual physical form of growth in which the counter-energies also reside, which initiate the further interactions that enable this intermediate assembly of raw materials to grow, to reproduce and further evolve itself.
Now comes a brief description of Nature's principal formative substance - metaphysical fatty-matter[8] - about which a thick book could be written. As a reactive or 'higher' temperature-form this comes into being with the aid of the Earth's 'cycloid-space-curve-motion' under the exclusion of light and ordinary heat in the cool germinating zone, the boundary zone between the negatively potentiated geo-atmosphere and the positively potentiated external atmosphere. This then develops as a potential that propagates horizontally in a wavi-linear movement.
[8] Fatty matter. In its association with what Viktor Schauberger calls 'sweet matter', a creative, formative substance, this relates to compounds principally containing carbon C and hydrogen H (carbohydrates - CH) and all the elements under the collective term 'carbone' or 'mother-substances'. In this regard, despite its general 'neutrality' as a carrier substance (like a woman with child), H is more inclined to the feminine than the masculine. — Ed.
The raw materials out of which this fine matter arises under very specific preconditions, consist of the naturalesquely interred earthly remnants of former life. On no account are they senselessly and purposelessly reduced to dust and ashes, but once again, under particular preconditions, they develop into the 'peculiar' axis in the form of the formative and levitative current mentioned earlier. This spiritualising and uplifting current, which inwinds, upwardly impels and whirls around like a tornado, is partially condensed by the above heat-forms and can be readily measured and generated in any quantity and quality almost without cost. By means of this formative and levitative current all growth can be increased and qualitatively improved almost at will, and any weight can be lifted or moved indirectly at any desired speed rotationally and / or vertically with a power that increases by the square.
The source of this formative and levitative marvel is the 'higher' temperature-form that evolves through the previously described form of motion, which is produced in very specially contoured and alloyed development-facilitating ur-forms (extreme egg-shapes).
Naturally, this ur-powerfully-active principal formative substance is barely perceptible in water or air, because the naturalesque motion of the Earth has already transmuted it into a metaphysically potentiated state, where in a semi-free and semi-bound condition it characterises the 'goodness' and 'intrinsic quality' of the aqueous or gaseous medium.
Therefore if the media of water or air are moved naturalesquely (and the trick is how to do this) then the bipolar gases are initially transformed into aetheric and ultimately into energetic stocks of subtle matter. These are then bound in the self-evolving juvenile media (air and water) and what has been increased in this way is rendered homogenous and specifically densified. That is to say, they intensify the carrying capacity and tractive force to such a degree that in such waters material with a higher specific weight than the transporting medium, even ore with a specific weight of 1.9, readily floats down the centre of the axis, where the strongest suctional force acts downstream and the strongest reactive force acts upstream in the form of a dynagen gradient, but which, however, has no effect on raw material structures to the extent that these do not involve life-forms.
This also explains why the very moment that watercourses were hydraulically[9] regulated, i.e. when the natural system of flow was ruined, the calamity concerning the transport of sediment began.[10] The riverbanks were attacked, the riverbed silted up and the water ejected itself from its dislocated course with elemental ur-force in order to regain its naturalesque form of motion, through which that something is also propagated and deployed to which
[9] Hydraulically:The use of the term here relates specifically to conventional hydraulics.—Ed.
[10] See Viktor Schauberger's writings on river engineering in The Water Wizard, Vol. I of the Ecotechnology series. — Ed.
everything that lives on this manure-heap owes its independent movement, the 'original form of motion', and its own power to reproduce and further develop itself.
This naturalesque form of motion will now be once more reinstated in those places where there are inaccessible stands of precious timber, which are apparently untransportable with oxen, horse-teams, tractors, cable or forest railways, etc. and, as occurred at Neuberg in Steyrling, will be floated to its destination as circumstances demand with about a 90% saving in transport costs compared to the best transport systems presently available. Therefore at a time when, according to radio and press reports about 800 million people, i.e. about 1/3rd of the world's present population, are threatened with starvation, those people can be saved, whose only assets are those valuable timbers spared by modern forestry, because they were deemed irrecoverable, and who for this reason will be repaid in gold by nations with a high exchange rate, or in what is of far greater value today - food. For today whatever still stands in accessible forests - as every timber expert knows - is worth nothing, or precious little. Such products of forestry science are in any case unsuitable for export.
After this brief pointer as to how these gigantic formative and levitative forces can be made use of in the national economy, it should also be mentioned that these 'original' tractive and transportive forces can be applied to the silent, odourless, smokeless, toxic-emission-free propulsion of all types of machine, all forms of conveyance on land, on water and in the air at any desired speed and at negligible cost, for in such machines, instead of resistance, the power increases by the square of the velocity. Now devoid of foundations, the crowning law of fire-spitting technology will therefore collapse upon itself.
It would take too long here to describe the necessary preconditions through which it is possible to build up the energy-sources (the 'higher' temperature-forms) out of which the formative and levitative current - characterised in the title as the 'life-creating current' - comes into being.
A small error in motion therefore suffices to provoke a general susceptibility to cancer in what has created everything we can see around us or are otherwise aware of.
It is really not immaterial whether motion must first be active in the production of a temperature, which on its part triggers a reactive increase in motion, or whether a temperature induced by physical, thermal or chemical means affects physical movement by way of the molecular motion. The matter first becomes complex, however, when the different temperature-forms mentioned earlier are included in the equation, wherein it is also necessary in regard to the types of motion, to differentiate between those that produce the 'higher' or 'lower' temperature-forms.
The former invigorate, the latter enervate.
The development of high-grade products of potentiation is only possible via an exceptionally long course of development - and what is decisive here - only if the mechanical motive impulse takes place first, which then automatically gives rise to the reactive increase in power upon which the normal course of further development is founded.
However, as is the case with all today's machines, if the physical, thermal or chemical starting impulse happens first, then the opposite reactive course of further development results. It thus becomes clear that with an increasing rate of rotation the resistance to motion increases by the square of the enforced acceleration in the interchange of substances (metabolism).
The crowning law of today's technology is therefore no natural law, but the biological consequence of a tragic error of contemporary science. For if the naturalesque metabolic process is initiated through equally naturalesque impulses (il primo movere), then as the velocity increases owing to the additional input from the inwinding rotary current, the power increases by the square. The outcome of this developmental process is an almost cost-free, development-promoting mechanical power - the evolving water (viz. the atomised water vapour).
In the opposite case, annihilating fire and its cohorts, including toxic gases, are created, which in association with the debilitating temperature-forms from which rigor mortis develops, foster the proliferation of bacteria.
It thus follows that all attempts to combat the source of disease of whatever kind, are senseless and futile as long as the formative metabolic processes are not controlled causatively at their root-level. This also explains why pains disappear and the most serious diseases improve markedly when water is drunk in which formative and levitative substances have been bound and which further evolve at the expense of the developmentally harmful elements in the organism that consumes such water. As a result the organism automatically regains its capacities, i.e. it becomes physically and mentally potent - and therefore healthy.
Fundamentally, therefore, we are dealing with two metabolic processes entirely different in nature and function, both of which are necessary, for without any purging and purifying process no more highly evolved forms could be built up.
These two metabolic processes, which in every organism interact reciprocally, are:
(a) the process of oxidation, and
(b) the process of reduction,
which, while known to today's chemist, are initiated unnaturally, therefore in the wrong way, and carried out with the use of ordinary temperature-forms.
The product of the oxidising process is an analysing current.
The product of the reducing process is a synthesising current.
In the first case a form of molecular motion is inaugurated, which results in the principal primary formative substance being bound, consumed and digested by the countervailing stocks of oxygen.
This process is caused by the liberation of this dangerous retrogressive substance, which has become unipolar and aggressive through a pre-active physical, thermal or chemical starting impulse, whereas the principal formative substance, the naturalesquely fermented fatty-matter, or so-called carbon (carbone), becomes passive and inactive under this influence.
However, if the mechanical starting impulse is activated first, which must be produced in appropriately contoured development-facilitating devices, then higher cold-forms arise through which the fatty-matter (carbone or sweet matter), which reacts to centrifugence,[11] becomes free, unipolar and highly active. In this situation the oxygen, which becomes passive under this influence, is consumed (bound), providing it has been dosed (dispersed) mechanically and made palatable (thinned out), (viz. the swaying and fluttering branches of plants).
Every developmental or redevelopmental process therefore has its characteristic source, which gives rise to one or the other activity (function).
This involves two temperature groups:
(A) the formative, life-affirming (incremental), and
(B) the disintegrative, life-negating (decremental).
[See T1 and T2.]
To group A belong all falling and concentrating heat-forms and all cold-forms, which initiate rising and expanding phenomena. To group B belong all rising and expanding heat-forms and all cold-forms having falling and concentrating effects.
This latter temperature-form is applied by today's science universally, and hence it strives in vain to achieve the build-up of any form of culture (i.e. a naturalesque course of further development). On the contrary, it must reap economic reversals, which will become all the more palpable, the more wide-spread and intensive this activity becomes.
In Nature both temperature-groups are active in every healthy organism.
This is necessary because the formative and uplifting levitational essences evolve from the higher temperature group A and the purging dissociative
[11] This seems to conflict with statements made elsewhere, which attribute intensified carbone activity to centripetence (outside—>inward motion), and intensified oxygen activity to centrifugence (inside->outward motion). In actual fact for each of the two substances there are two opposite 'reactions' involving centripetence and centrifugence. Oxygen 'reacts' to centrifugence by becoming aggressive and 'reacts' to centripetence by becoming passive. Conversely carbone 'reacts' to centrifugence by becoming passive and 'reacts' to centripetence by becoming highly active, as is also affirmed on the following page. — Ed.
forces from the lower temperature group B, which enforce the gravitation of all that cannot be uplifted. This duality therefore involves a rhythm within a rhythm - a sort of four-stroke motor, in which upward, downward, inward and outward impulses can rhythmically take place on a common developmental axis. A perpetual state of turmoil is constantly created in an epicentre of commotion, leading to continuous fission and fusion (separation and combination), whereby what matters is which metabolic process predominates. In other words, in this primordial battle between the ur-feminine and the ur-masculine, whether the re-destructive or the re-creative is victorious. The one that triumphs is the one that is able to drag its opponent into the middle of this gigantic wrestling match, there to encircle, bind, consume and digest it.
The very specific molecular motion mentioned in the opening paragraph is what is decisive here. More particularly, a mechanically induced outside-inwardly directed impulsive force is required, through which, aided by supplementary influences, Nature's principal formative substance - naturalesquely fermented, etherised fatty-matter (carbones or sweet-matter) - becomes free, unipolar and highly active and is able to overpower its opponent, which becomes passive under these influences.
Here we are concerned above all with a conformity with a natural inner law of reciprocity today entirely unknown to science. That is to say, with very particular types of motion in specially formed and alloyed development-facilitating devices, the preconditions described in the preceding paragraph are satisfied, and because of this the 'Eternally Feminine', as Goethe called this creative essence, can press its counterpart (oxygen) into the centrepoint of this battle and conquer it (see fig. 10).

The product of this event is the mysterious upcurrent, the naturalesquely ordained resurrection marvel. Springing forth from 'higher' temperatures, it rationally and truthfully explains the increase of what is corpuscular and its qualitative improvement - in a word, the transmutation and perfection of all that is raw material - the process of self-renewal, or to put it briefly, evolution and all growth, its coming into being and passing away.
However, if a physical, thermal or chemical starting impulse is first active, which influences the molecular motion in such a way that the oxygen becomes free, unipolar and aggressive due to the resurgence of positive, group B temperatures, then having been forced into the centre of this combat, the principal formative matter will become passive and will be bound, consumed and digested. The product of this event is the developmentally harmful cavitation current - a variety of the so-called electric current - which as an exceptionally analysing current not only pits and corrodes steel turbine blades, but also decomposes and dissociates the blood of the Earth - water.
In short, it robs everything and anything of its remaining formative and levitative energies in order to mortify the thing itself and to dispatch what has deviated from its ordained path back into this eternally fermenting manure heap - Earth. There, thanks to her special motion and other prerequisites, the total transformation of what has sunk down ensues.
Blood formation or blood decomposition - synthesising or analysing current - vitalisation or devitalisation - health in mind and body or disease, death and economic disaster, all these are decreed by what in the opening paragraph science calls molecular motion whilst having no knowledge of the differences in the forms of motion, which not only determine existence or non-existence, but also all economic progress or decline.
There is insufficient space here to explain the nature of biomagnetic and bioelectric currents or their origin and purpose in more detail. They always come into being and operate simultaneously, because everything is bipolar, i.e. in every man the feminine also exists, and in every woman the masculine. Here too it is merely a question of which type of molecular motion took place first, thus giving precedence to processes of oxidation or reduction. All it takes therefore is a small starting impulse to determine the fate of all living things and whether they are dispatched on a downward or upward path.
Contemporary science is founded on far too low a level of knowledge. The dying forests, the wasting fields and meadows, the polluted waters and the mind- and body-crippling industries are frightening warning signs of a total failure to appreciate the true workings of Nature. Through false pictures of the world, world-views and the ways of working arising from them, science unconsciously or consciously arrested the build-up of quality matter, thus committing the greatest stupidity or the greatest crime; the crime against the spiritual germinating force. It inhibited the transformation of matter into
aetheric and energetic structures and entities; the very thing that even Christ placed at the cardinal point of his world-shaking teachings. This transformation is only possible if very precisely constructed and alloyed calyx[12]- or cup- shaped vessels are moved in the same way that priests have demonstrated to us before the altar for about 2000 years, although they themselves were perhaps unaware of the true significance of this swinging, cruciform motion.
No words suffice to castigate what nature-alienated individuals have perpetrated on their unsuspecting fellow human beings through ignorance or their desire to rule. There is only one thing to do: To point out the developments that we are experiencing today, namely the biological consequences of the disruption of Nature's water-balance through totally unnatural work practices. As a result, all those things, which that something that accompanies us faithfully and unselfishly from the cradle to the grave, requires for its coming into being and its original movement, will now have to travel the road to ruin.
And this ur-blood of the Earth has thus far only been viewed as a chemically inert substance and the provisions for its journey - the diverse forms of sediment - merely deemed to be impurities!!
This may truly appear to be the monstrous invention of an unsound mind to those who have no inkling what colossal energies are contained in a tiny drop of water, which are either bound or freed according to the type of motion. It may also seem just as utopian when it is stated that with the aid of these elemental ur-forces secreted in the medium of water and in the air (or the condensed Breath of God), the entire production of power, heat, cold and light can be reduced in cost by slightly more than 90% and that with this formative synthesising current all growth can be increased by about 30% per annum and qualitatively improved.
Today's forest, land, water and energy resources management and all branches of contemporary science - whatever the specialist discipline - are tragic mistakes, whose terrible consequences will only become apparent when the irrefutable truth has been grasped through practical demonstrations; when people see and understand what is created when any thing - above all air and water - is moved unnaturally and therefore wrongly. Through this absurd form of motion precisely that temperature-form is produced which gives rise to the developmentally harmful cavitation current that wise Nature uses to remove everything from the path of evolution, which for one reason or another is unfit for the growth and formation of the relatively highest quality.
And precisely this tremendous source of power has hitherto been utilised for a supposed build-up of culture!! This continuously destructive principle is taught in every school, so that all humanity is being led into an almost
[12] Calyx = the sepals of a flower collectively forming the outer floral envelope, protective of the bud. — Ed.
escape-less dead-end. Rigid laws and dogmas were contrived which simply do not exist in Nature, where constant change is sovereign.
The immutable law of reciprocity, without which there can be no naturalesque motion, nor anything brought to life, was overlooked, disregarded or deliberately suppressed, "Nulla poena sine lege" (no punishment without law).
For Nature to punish those individuals responsible for the dreadful fate of millions upon millions of human beings was impossible. She therefore had no other alternative but to condemn the whole of humanity, the most dangerous of Nature's trouble-makers, to death by starvation.
Eight hundred million people, i.e. about one third of those alive today [1946], will be mercilessly condemned to starve, if at the final hour it is not possible to produce the practical examples necessary to open the eyes of those who do not perceive the differences between different current-sources, from which, depending on the choice of trifling starting impulse - life or death originate.
This is reason why the Austrian government was requested merely to make a suitable location available at their expense, where in all peace and quiet and with the help of familiarised assistants, it would be possible by practical examples to reveal to the world at large and to expose publicly the ur-causes of this indescribable misery and appalling poverty.
A strange twist of fate led me to the burial ground of an ancient culture on the 20th of May 1946. There people smirked, because they believed they were dealing with a madman, who described water as the blood of the Earth!
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