
Keely Motor

The Keely Motor is written up here and here. These links have many photos and history. Pictured here is the Keely Motor designed to function with etheric vapor acting against pistons. It has been stated he made 129 models of this motor as he perfected the design. In later literature the term "Keely Motor" was still used generically in reference to his new motor designs sometimes called globe motor, sphere motor, dynasphere and his last motor operated on sympathetic association. These new machines still used etheric vapor as a working medium but not as pressure against pistons. See the recent history of this motor here: Victor Hansen

"The famous Keely motor, which has been hovering the horizon of success for a decade, is but an attempt to repeat in an engine of metal the play of forces which goes on at the inmost focus of life, the human will, or in the cosmic spaces occupied only by the ultimate atoms. The engineer with his mallet shooting the cannon-ball by means of a few light taps on a receiver of depolarized atoms of water is only re-enacting the role of the will when with subtle blows it sets the nerve aura in vibration, and this goes on multiplying in force and sweep of muscle until the ball is thrown from the hand with a power proportionate to the one-man machinery. The inventor Keely seeks a more effective machinery; a combination of thousands of will-forces in a single arm, as it were. But he keeps the same vibrating principle, and the power in both cases is psychical. That is, in its last analysis." - [George Perry, The Fountain Head of Force]

Up to 1888 Keely still pursued the wrong line of research, trying to construct an engine which could hold the ether in a "rotating circle of etheric force," still ignorant of the impossibility of ever reaching commercial successes on that line. At the end of that year he abandoned his "perfect engine" and confined himself to researches. Before this, his researching devices had been principally of his own construction, but now he was supplied with the best optical instruments from models or designs which he furnished. If he made progress from 1882 to 1888 from 1888 to now (1893) he has made much more progress. From the hour in which he grasped "the key to the problem," the "principle underlying all" the solution broke upon his vision and he was no longer left at the mercy of the genii whom he had aroused." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]

Keely says: "In considering the operation of my engine, the visitor .... must abandon all thought of engines (such as conceived with pistons, eccentrics, or working with pressure.) "My system - both in the developing of this power and in every branch of its utilization is based and founded on sympathetic vibration. In no other way would it be possible to awaken or develop this force and equally impossible would it be to operate my engine upon any other principle. [KEELYS SECRETS - 1888]

This dynaspheric force, which is also called etheric, is conditioned as to its nature on the quality of the atoms which form its transmitting media; and which are infinite both in variety and in their combinations. They may, however, be broadly divided into two categories; viz., the sentient and the non-sentient atoms. Dynaspheric force, composed of non-sentient atoms, is the force that has been already mechanically applied by Mr. Keely to his motor; and which will probably, ere long, supersede the agencies now used for locomotive, projectile, and other purposes. When the laws which govern it come to be understood it will produce materially a great commercial and industrial revolution. There is no hard-and-fast line between the sentient and the non-sentient atoms; just as zoophytes are a connecting link between the animal and vegetable creation, so there is a graduated scale of atoms, between atoms [See isotope] which although animated by the divine life are not sentient, and those which are as highly developed, relatively to them, as man is to a cabbage. [Dynaspheric Force]

Keely Motor

Also called Keely Hydro-Vacuo Motor

Keely Motor

Keely Motor - Part 1 of 18

Keely Motor

"There was no "motor" visible, and Keely said that he had long since quit working at that thoroughly ridiculed engine." [Pittsburg Dispatch April 07-1890]

In opposition to this dualistic formative, levitative and life-affirming force, however, there is a counterforce, which comes into being in a similar manner. It is also a biotechnically producable current, but functions in a life-negating way and can thus be described as the 'death-current', since, with the exception of developmentally harmful bacterial life-forms, it slowly but surely destroys all life. It breaks down and decomposes every organism so that under very specific pre-conditions and with the aid of a very peculiar movement it can ur-generate new life or death forces of increased and intensified power from the product.

[6] In regard to fig. 22, while the diagrams depict a submarine, theoretically the same process should also apply to a similarly shaped aircraft. — Ed.
[6.1] Editor's Note: The original Keely Motor has two descending pistons. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

If this product of synthesis, almost exclusively composed of geospheric energies, is atomised and atmospheric oxygen simultaneously infused through nozzles (viz. other forms of fertilisation), thus charging it with fertilising substances (these become passive at high centripetal velocity) and if this whole mixture is lightly compressed (warmed) by a descending piston, then the mixture is instantaneously transformed into the next higher state of development or aggregation, namely into air. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also

Apergy - Power Without Cost
Bennett C. Wilson
Browns Gas
Compendium K
descending piston
Etheric Force or Compressed Air
Etheric Vapor
Figure 15.02 - Keelys Hydro-Pneumatic-Pulsating-Vacuo Engine operated with etheric vapor
Hansen, Victor
Historical Documents
History of Keely and his Machines
Hydro Vacuo Engine Patent
Keely Chronology historic documents
Keely Motor - What is Claimed for it
Keely Motor video
Keely Motor video
Keely Motor Company
Keely Motor - How It Works
Keely Motor Patent
Keely Motor photo gallery
Keelys Three Systems
Law Suit
The Keely Motor
The Doom of Steam

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday August 22, 2024 03:19:08 MDT by Dale Pond.