
verb: squeeze or press together

(2) "A process for the liquefaction of gases by the Joule–Thomson effect. In this process devised by Carl von Linde (1842-1934) for liquefying air, the air is freed of carbon dioxide and water and compressed to 150 atmospheres. The compressed gas is passed through a copper coil to an expansion nozzle within a Dewar flask. The emerging air is cooled by the Joule–Thomson effect as it expands and then passes back within a second copper coil that surrounds the first coil. Thus the expanded gas cools the incoming gas in a process that is said to be regenerative. Eventually the air is reduced to its critical temperature and, at the pressure of 150 atmospheres (well above its critical pressure), liquefies. The process is used for other gases, especially hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen has first to be cooled below its inversion temperature (see Joule–Thomson effect) using liquid air; helium has first to be cooled below its inversion temperature using liquid hydrogen." [Collins Dictionary of Science. Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 1984, ISBN 0-19-211593-6.] — Ed [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

If this product of synthesis, almost exclusively composed of geospheric energies, is atomised and atmospheric oxygen simultaneously infused through nozzles (viz. other forms of fertilisation), thus charging it with fertilising substances (these become passive at high centripetal velocity) and if this whole mixture is lightly compressed (warmed) by a descending piston, then the mixture is instantaneously transformed into the next higher state of development or aggregation, namely into air. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also

12.31 - Heat Generated Through Resistance to Compression
16.09 - Positive Electricity is Compression
9.28 - Compression Zones
Bjerknes Effect
Compression Wave Velocity
Compression Wave
Figure 3.28 - Compression and Expansion Forces in Gyroscopic Motions
Figure 3.30 - Discrete Degrees or Steps in Gyroscopic Compression Motion
Figure 7.3 - Step 3 - Sphere Forms Orthogonally Triple Compressing Shell Layers
Figure 7B.03 - Dynaspheric Shells and Attractive Compressing Equators
Figure 8.2 - Compression Wave Phase Illustration
Figure 9.11 - Compression Wave with expanded and contracted Orbits
Law of Attraction

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