If this product of synthesis, almost exclusively composed of geospheric energies, is atomised and atmospheric oxygen simultaneously infused through nozzles (viz. other forms of fertilisation), thus charging it with fertilising substances (these become passive at high centripetal velocity) and if this whole mixture is lightly compressed (warmed) by a descending piston, then the mixture is instantaneously transformed into the next higher state of development or aggregation, namely into air. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also
12.10 - Increasing and Decreasing Vibratory States
16.24 - Triune Vibratory States or Conditions
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions
anomaly state
aroused state
atomic state
charged state
developmental state
diffuse state
energetic state
excited state
Figure 18.05 - Two Power States of Mind Force
Figure 2.7 - Swinging Pendulum showing equal but opposed Polar States
higher state
highest state
state of equilibrium
state of evolvement
state of turmoil
transitional state
Triune States of Matter and Energy
Universal Ground State