
noun: Cylinder, reservoir or container to receive or hold a gas, gas mixture or vapor.

JOHN ERNST WORRELL KEELY - the discoverer of compound interetheric force, as the result of more than 20 years of persistent effort to apply this force to the operation of machinery has, at last, been enabled to produce partial continuity of motion in his engine, but up to this time, he has not so mastered this subtle force as to control reversions. The development of his various discoveries has been one uninterrupted work of evolution, reaching, within the last year, he thinks, the sphere of perfect vibratory sympathy, both theoretically and practically. The proof of this is found in the fact that he now transmits vibrations along a wire, connected at one end with the vibratory machine which is the source of power and at its other end with the engine or cannon, as the case may be, which is operated by such vibratory power. Until recently Keely stored force, as he generated it, in a receiver, and experiments were made by him in the presence of thousands at various times for the purpose of testing the operations of this force, liberated in the presence of the audience and stored up in this small receiver. The editor of the Scientific American thus describes what took place: [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]

"The famous Keely motor, which has been hovering the horizon of success for a decade, is but an attempt to repeat in an engine of metal the play of forces which goes on at the inmost focus of life, the human will, or in the cosmic spaces occupied only by the ultimate atoms. The engineer with his mallet shooting the cannon-ball by means of a few light taps on a receiver of depolarized atoms of water is only re-enacting the role of the will when with subtle blows it sets the nerve aura in vibration, and this goes on multiplying in force and sweep of muscle until the ball is thrown from the hand with a power proportionate to the one-man machinery. The inventor Keely seeks a more effective machinery; a combination of thousands of will-forces in a single arm, as it were. But he keeps the same vibrating principle, and the power in both cases is psychical. That is, in its last analysis." - [George Perry, The Fountain Head of Force]

The confined vapor was passed through one of the small flexible tubes to a steel cylinder on another table, in which a vertical piston was fitted so that its upper end bore against the underside of a powerful, weighted lever. The superficial area of this piston was equal to one-half of a square inch, and it acted as a movable fulcrum placed close to the hinged end of the short arm of this lever, whose weight alone required a pressure of 1500 pounds to the square inch against the piston to lift it.

Figure 15.00c - Keely's Devices for Liberating and Measuring Etheric Pressure
Figure 15.00c - Keely's Devices for Liberating and Measuring Etheric Vapor Pressure

See Also

Bomb Calorimeter
Part 28 - Keelys Amazing Machines
The Compressed Air Lie

"The maximum test was made to placing an iron weight of 580 lbs. on the extreme end of the long arm of the lever. To lift this weight required a pressure of 18,900 lbs. to the square inch counting the difference in the length of the two arms and the area of the piston. When Keely turned the valve-wheel leading from the receiver to the flexible tube and through it into the steel cylinder beneath the piston, simultaneously with the motion of his hand the weighted lever shot up against its stop a distance of several inches, as if the iron were cork. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]

"Keely then diverted the gas and fired a cannon containing a lead bullet about an inch in diameter, which went through an inch board and flattened itself to about 3 inches in diameter, with a loud report. [KEELYS SECRETS - 1888]

"Then is to follow the new and large 250-horse power engine now in course of construction by Newsham & Co., of Philadelphia, which will be wholly vibratory, the present being only one-third vibratory and two-thirds pulsating. and Mr. Keely claims that with the contents of one receiver he will be able to run it continuously for 30 hours." [Keely Not Dead Yet]

"Mr. Keely has brought with him in a receiver five gallons of vaporic force, which, if the experiments are successful will show that there is no bogus aid used, as he has been able to generate the force in Philadelphia and bring it to New York." [Keelys Vaporic Force]

"The apparatus by which this power is made is termed a "generator" or "multiplicator," and the vapor is then passed into a "receiver," and from thence to the cylinder box of the engine, where it drives the pistons and sets the engine in motion. The "generator" is about three feet high, made of Austrian gun metal, in one solid piece, and will hold about ten or twelve gallons of water. It is four or five inches thick, and made to (handle) the very heavy pressure of 20,000 to 30,000 pounds of vapor to the square inch. The inside is composed of a number of cylindrical chambers, connected by pipes, and furnished with cocks and valves. The "reservoir" is about six inches in diameter and forty inches long, and is connected with the "generator" by a pipe which is about one inch in circumference on the outside, with a bore of about one-eighth of an inch. Connected with both "generator" and "receiver" is a "stand-pipe" of brass, about two and a half inches in diameter and three feet high, having a spherical chamber at the bottom, made in two parts, by flanges, and connected to the pipe uniting the "generator" and "reservoir". The vapor generated in the multiplicator is conveyed to the reservoir. Which contains numerous pipes, and from there, by a "feed-pipe," to the engine." [The Keely Motor - What is Claimed for it]

"A very little reflection is sufficient to show us that some medium is absolutely necessary for the transmission of sound; for inasmuch as sound is caused by vibratory motion, it is plain that this motion cannot pass through a vacuum. This fact can, however, be easily proved experimentally. Under the receiver of an air-pump a bell is suspended. We shake the pump, and the bell may be heard ringing; for its vibrations are communicated by the air to the glass of the receiver, and by the latter to the outer air, and so to our ears. We now pump as much air as possible out of the receiver, and again ring the bell. It can still be heard faintly, for we cannot remove all the air. We now allow dry hydrogen to pass into the receiver, and on again ringing the bell, there is very little increase of sound, this gas being so very light-only about 1/14 as heavy as air. If we now exhaust the receiver, we shall be able still further to attenuate the atmosphere within it, and then, although we may violently shake the apparatus, no sound will be heard." [02 - The Transmission of Sound]

"Until recently, comparatively speaking, Keely stored force, as he generated it, in a receiver; and experiments were made by him in the presence of thousands, at various times, for the purpose of testing the operations of this force, liberated in the presence of his audience and stored up in this small receiver. The editor of the Scientific Arena thus describes what took place at one of these exhibitions, when he was present:- "The confined vapour was passed through one of the small flexible tubes to a steel cylinder on another table, in which a vertical piston was fitted so that its upper end bore against the underside of a powerful, weighted lever. The superficial area of this piston was equal to one-half of a square inch, and it acted as a movable fulcrum placed close to the hinged end of the short arm of this lever, whose weight alone required a pressure of 1500 pounds to the square inch against the piston to lift it.

After testing the pressure by several small weights, added to that of the lever itself, in order to determine how much power had already been accumulated in the receiver, the maximum test was made by placing an iron weight of 580 pounds, by means of a differential pulley, on the extreme end of the long arm of the lever. To lift this weight, without that of the lever supporting it, would require a pressure against the piston of 18,900 pounds to the square inch, counting the difference in the length of the two arms and the area of the piston, which we, as well as several others present, accurately calculated. When all was ready, and the crowded gathering had formed as well as possible to see the test, Keely turned the valve-wheel leading from the receiver to the flexible tube, and through it into the steel cylinder beneath the piston, and simultaneously with the motion of his hand the weighted lever shot up against its stop, a distance of several inches, as if the great mass of iron had been only cork. Then, in order to assure ourselves of the full 25,000 pounds to the square inch claimed, we added most of our weight to the arm of the lever without the piston back again.

After repeating this experiment till all expressed themselves satisfied, Keely diverted his etheric gas to the exciting work of firing a cannon, into which he placed a leaden bullet about an inch in diameter. He conveyed the force from the receiver by the same kind of flexible copper tube, attaching one end of it to the breech of the gun. When all was again in readiness he gave a quick turn to the inlet valve, and a report like that of a small cannon followed, the ball passing through an inch board and flattening itself out to about three inches in diameter, showing the marvelous power and instantaneous action of this strange vapour." [The Key to the Problems. - Keelys Secrets]

"The famous Keely motor, which has been hovering the horizon of success for a decade, is but an attempt to repeat in an engine of metal the play of forces which goes on at the inmost focus of life, the human will, or in the cosmic spaces occupied only by the ultimate atoms. The engineer with his mallet shooting the cannon-ball by means of a few light taps on a receiver of depolarized atoms of water is only re-enacting the role of the will when with subtle blows it sets the nerve aura in vibration, and this goes on multiplying in force and sweep of muscle until the ball is thrown from the hand with a power proportionate to the one-man machinery. The inventor Keely seeks a more effective machinery; a combination of thousands of will-forces in a single arm, as it were. But he keeps the same vibrating principle, and the power in both cases is psychical. That is, in its last analysis. - George Perry" [The Fountain Head of Force]

"The earlier method, that of gaseous pressure, first calls for consideration. Mr. Keely still retains, though he no longer uses, the apparatus in which this pressure was developed and manifested. This consists of a small but strong cylindrical receiver, a lever whose long arm is weighted with an iron ball said to weigh five hundred and fifty pounds,and a lifting arrangement near the fulcrum of this lever and connected by a tube with the gas cylinder. The only material employed in this apparatus is said to have been a few drops of water, introduced into the cylinder.

Mr. Keely has also filled the receiver with water in the presence of investigators, emptied it before their eyes, and immediately afterward produced the results above described. In truth, one needs but to see the apparatus to be satisfied that the theory of a concealed reservoir of gas is without foundation." [Apergy - Power Without Cost]

See Also

Bomb Calorimeter
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday November 22, 2022 00:12:12 MST by Dale Pond.