
Keely Not Dead Yet


PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 24.- The Directors of the Keely Motor Association met to-night at the Lafayette Hotel. Charles B. Collier, of New York, said: "In view of the many comments on the 'Keely Motor' it was recently planned to submit Mr. Keely's discoveries and inventions to a party of unprejudiced men, men competent to judge and reliable in their statements, and who had no pecuniary interest therein. The following gentlemen have expressed their willingness to visit Mr. Keely's shop and pronounce upon the invention: Gen. Russell Thayer, Superintendent Fairmount Park; Mr. Sutherland Provost, Superintendent Transportation of Pensylvania Railroad; Mr. Amzi Dood, President Dodd's Express Company; Col. Richard Muckle, Richard Muckle, Jr., mechanical engineer; Theodore Vail, General Manager Bell Telephone, Boston, and Theodore Ely, Superintendent motive power, Pennsylvania Railroad. The first application of his inventions in doing steady, practical work is soon to be made by replacing his small steam engine used in his shop with a small vibratory scribed. Then is to follow the new and large 250-horse power engine now in course of construction by Newsham & Co., of Philadelphia, which will be wholly vibratory, the present being only one-third vibratory and two-thirds pulsating. and Mr. Keely claims that with the contents of one receiver he will be able to run it continuously for 30 hours. With this Mr. Keely will cease his exhibitions, and, with all his patents secure, deliver to his company the entire apparatus, and their speedy manufacture will follow for the markets of the world." The day upon which the committee of gentlemen appointed will visit the Keely workshop will shortly be announced. (The New York Times) 11/25/1884

See Also

Keely Chronology

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