noun: Ball, globe (hollow or solid)
noun: zone of activity or influence.
"The ethereal atmosphere has the tendency to become confluent or spherical, and the material nuclei, being individualized, seek juxtaposition, thereby constituting molecules. The forms of these molecules must be as symmetrical as the reaction of the constituent particles may allow." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
When Keely's discovery has been made known to scientists, a new field of research will be opened up in the realm of Philosophy, where all eternal, physical, and metaphysical truths are correlated; for Philosophy has been well defined by Willcox as the science of that human thought which contains all human knowledges. He who possesses the structure of philosophic wisdom built up of all knowledges - grand and sublime - has a mental abode wherein to dwell which other men have not. Dr. Macvicar says:- "The nearer we ascend to the fountain-head of being and of action, the more magical must everything inevitably become, for that fountain-head is pure volition. And pure volition, as a cause, is precisely what is meant by magic; for by magic is merely meant a mode of producing a phenomenon without mechanical appliances - that is, without that seeming continuity of resisting parts and that leverage which satisfy our muscular sense and our imagination, and bring the phenomenon into the category of what we call 'the natural' - that is, the sphere of the elastic, the gravitating, the sphere into which the vis inertiae is alone admitted." In Keely's philosophy, as in Dr. Macvicar's "Sketch of a Philosophy," the economy of creation is not regarded as a theory of development all in one direction, which is the popular supposition, but as a cycle in which, after development and as its fruit, the last term gives again the first. Herein is found the link by which the law of continuity is maintained throughout, and the cycle of things is made to be complete: - the link which is missing in the popular science of the day, with this very serious consequence, that, to keep the break out of sight, the entire doctrine of spirit and the spiritual world is ignored or denied altogether." [The Fountain Head of Force]
Wed. July 28, 1886, the Public Ledger said "Let us have some actual useful work ... this display last week ... the "whizz" of the big sphere (etc.) seems to have been so rapid and the racket so stunning as to more greatly puzzle those present ... then on any former occasion ... We would rather have found Mr. Keely less inclined to be mysterious ... less disposed to talk in terms of ... meaningless jargon to ... the informed." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
JOHN ERNST WORRELL KEELY - the discoverer of compound interetheric force, as the result of more than 20 years of persistent effort to apply this force to the operation of machinery has, at last, been enabled to produce partial continuity of motion in his engine, but up to this time, he has not so mastered this subtle force as to control reversions. The development of his various discoveries has been one uninterrupted work of evolution, reaching, within the last year, he thinks, the sphere of perfect vibratory sympathy, both theoretically and practically. The proof of this is found in the fact that he now transmits vibrations along a wire, connected at one end with the vibratory machine which is the source of power and at its other end with the engine or cannon, as the case may be, which is operated by such vibratory power. Until recently Keely stored force, as he generated it, in a receiver, and experiments were made by him in the presence of thousands at various times for the purpose of testing the operations of this force, liberated in the presence of the audience and stored up in this small receiver. The editor of the Scientific American thus describes what took place: [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
"The experiment illustrating "chord of mass" sympathy was repeated, using a glass chamber, 40 inches in height, filled with water, standing on a slab of glass. Three metal spheres, weighing about 6 ounces each, rested on the glass floor. The chord of mass of these spheres was B flat first octave, E flat second octave and B flat third octave. Upon sounding the note B flat on the sympathetic transmitter, the sphere having that chord of mass rose slowly to the top of the chamber, the positive end of the wire having been attached, which connected the covered jar with the transmitter. The same result followed the sound of the other spheres, all of which descended as gently as they rose, upon changing the positive to the negative. J.M. Wilcox, who was present remarked: "This experiment proves the truth of a fundamental law in scholastic philosophy, that when one body attracts or seeks another body, it is not that the effect is the sum of the effects produced by parts of one body upon parts of another, one aggregate of effects, but the result of the operation of one whole upon another whole." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
The vibrations induced by this experiments reached over 700,000,000 per second, unshipping the apparatus, thus making it insecure for a repetition of the experiments. The decarbonized steel compressors of said apparatus moved as if composed of putty.
Volume of sphere 15 cubic in weight of surrounding metal, 316 lbs. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
"The positive vibrations are the radiating or propulsive, the negative vibrations are the ones that are attracted towards the neutral center. The action of the magnetic flow is dual in its evolutions, both attractive and propulsive. The sound vibrations of themselves have no power whatever to induce dissociation, even in its lowest form. Certain differential, dual, triple and quadruple chords give introductory impulses which excite an action on molecular masses, liquid and gaseous, that increase their range of molecular motion and put them in that receptive state for sympathetic vibratory interchange which favors molecular disintegration, then, as I have shown, the diatonic enharmonic is brought into play, which further increases the molecular range of motion beyond fifty percent of their diameters, when molecular separation takes place, giving the tenuous substance that is necessary to induce progressive subdivision. This molecular gaseous substance, during its evolution, assumes a condition of high rotation in the sphere or tube in which it has been generated, and becomes itself the medium, with the proper exciters, for further progressive dissociation. The exciters include an illuminated revolving prism, condenser, and colored lenses, with a capped glass tube strong enough to carry a pressure of at least one thousand pounds per square inch. To one of these caps a sectional wire of platinum and silver is attached; the other cap is attached to the tube so screwed to the chamber as to allow it to lead to the neutral center of said chamber." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS, page 6]
"All hollow spheres of certain diameters are resonant to the enharmonic and diatonic thirds of any and all concordant sounds. Nature, working with her perfect form, the sphere, gives this effect, but not so with tubes. The shortest way to pure resonance between any number of resonating mediums is through use of the sphere." [HOW THE MUSICAL SPHERE ROTATES]
"The earth's rotation is caused and continued by the action of the POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SYMPATHETIC CELESTIAL STREAMS." He proved this by the action of the metal sphere mentioned elsewhere. "It's motion is governed to the utmost mathematical nicety, free from intermittent impulses, by the mobility of the earth's oceans and the oceans' "anastomosis". Herein is the elephant mentioned in the fable, on which the tortoise stands."
"The fixed neutral center of the earth, being the concentration of all the molecular neutral centers in its mass, is the unit of the Universe held in suspension through its own properties. We cannot say "This is what the elephant stands on" but we can say "This is the power by which the elephant is suspended."
"The earth's rotation excites and disturbs the equilibrium of the three sympathetic streams, of which the material manifestations are the three forms of electricity. The alternate light and darkness assists in preserving their activity through disturbance of equilibrium, with consequent "dissimilation" (radiation) and "assimilation" (absorption). The dark zone, following the light zone, holds the fluctuations of the polar power constant. This is the tortoise mentioned in the fable, upon which the world rests." [Snell Manuscript - the book, FORCES CONTROLLING THE EARTH]
The molecule itself is a world ruled by the same sympathetic forces that govern the planets of our solar system. Its three component intermolecules, each like a small sphere, oscillate within its shell-like etheric envelope with a frequency of 20,000 per second, and the molecular etheric capsule rotates about them with inconceivable velocity. Within the molecule no intermolecule ever comes in contact with even its nearest attendant. Each is held by its gravital neutral center within its proper sphere of action. Molecular dissociation by intermittent vibration does not disturb in the next higher, the atomic subdivision, the fixed neutral center of the atomic triplets. Centripetal and centrifugal forces rule the orbits and revolutions of the components of the molecule in the same manner as interplanetary forces of the same type rule the elements of the solar system. [Snell Manuscript - the book]
"Prolating spheres, such as our sun, are becoming incandescent inward toward their centers, while oblating spheres, such as our planets, are becoming cold inward towards their centers." [Russell, The Secret of Light, page 232]
"The sphere is the perfection of form, and the perfection of the illusion of stability in motion." [Russell, The Universal One, page 184]
"Fig. 63 is the body end of the cosmic bridge. It is that which is projected. It is motion compressed into a spherical image of the transient form that is eternally recorded in the hole which is within the four rings of the seed. That sphere is also composed of eight parts, and is centered by the zero of its Source." [Atomic Suicide, page 258]
"The fourth of the octave pairs is the sphere itself. These four pairs, and their inert gas recorder, constitutes the whole octave wave-field principle. It shows how matter is constructed." [Atomic Suicide, page 259]
“Diffraction rings are wave spheres in sections. They have an orderly rhythmic, mathematical and geometric relation to the sphere, the cube and whatever lenses occur when light waves interact. This diagram gives that mathematical relation. Sphere marked A indicates a miniature of the large diagram within which a lens is drawn as shown in sphere B as small scale. The exact width of each white and dark space is thus determinable with mathematical precision.” [Dr. Walter Russell]
The formless zero universe is divided into four pairs of cubes and four pairs of spheres which are concentrically placed within each other. These four pairs of cube-spheres constitute one tonal octave of the universal harp. These tonal octaves are eight in number by appear to be nine for the first half of the ninth octave is the last half of the first. [Geometry and Mathematics of Octave Waves]
"Spheres occur only at wave amplitudes and the fact of its four positive and four negative efforts is the basis of the octave wave from which our spectrum, our octaves of the elements and our octaves of musical tones are derived.
"This 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 octave sequence constitutes the heartbeat of the universe. It is the basis of our musical rhythms, our chemistry, our mathematics, our symmetry of design of all animal, mineral and vegetable forms and of our color spectrum of light." [Walter Russell, Home Study Course, 53 - Unit Nine - Lesson 35]
"The formless zero universe is divided into four pairs of cubes and four pairs of spheres which are concentrically placed within each other. These four pairs of cube-spheres constitute one tonal octave of the universal harp. These tonal octaves are eight in number but appear to be nine for the first half of the ninth octave is the last of the first." [zero universe]

(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
(click to enlarge)
The potential differences in constant existence between inner and outer temperatures are none other than forms of energy, which complete the cycle of water and at the same time kindle it anew.
Evolutionary manifestations are therefore,
1. of material, and
2. of immaterial nature.
Stone, plant, animal, human being, planet and Sun are organisms possessed of body and soul. Every ray of light or heat requires a physical form in which it can evolve, or organise itself. Every body requires an inner energy that builds it up or transforms it. When a body disintegrates then those energies
that created it will again be freed. They are never lost. If they lose their place of abode with the decaying of the body, then they are willingly taken up by the water that eternally circulates in, on and above the Earth and which conducts them once more to a new life. Therefore wherever we look there is life, constant formation and transformation. Should we look into apparent emptiness, then a sea of spiritual life, passed and future generations, returns our gaze. Every material form of vegetation is always the reflection of an immaterial form consisting of light, heat and radiation.
Every change in sphere changes the outer and inner relations of the whole, changes the weight and the intensity of the inner radiation of water and thus the direction in which this carrier of life moves. Disturbances to the inner and outer conformities with natural law lead to a disturbance in the organisation of the whole evolution of life. The disappearance of water or its substantial transformation is a very serious warning sign, because the character of the water also changes with its inner composition, and with this the character of all forms of life, including human-beings. The qualitative decline of the vegetation and above all the deterioration of the highest plant-organism - the forest, the psychic and moral degeneration of humankind, are only the legitimate consequence of the disturbance of the physical composition of water and the disruption of the geosphere occasioned by humanity's subversive activity in the organism of the Earth.
What we are experiencing today is no crisis, but rather the demise of the whole, i.e. the qualitative, physical degeneration of all organisms, brought into effect through the disturbance of Nature's water-balance. In step with this devolution goes the moral, mental and spiritual collapse of humanity, which has already reached such an advanced state, that despite all warning signs people still do not recognise the seriousness of the situation. Worse than animals, they seek their final salvation in the decimation of humanity with weapons of war, that our priests even bless along with the banners under which our children are supposed to bleed to death.
The decision, whether we take the latter path or whether at the final hour we can protect ourselves from our own self-mutilation, only lies with us, or with those men of science and the state, who take upon themselves an altogether appalling responsibility, when out of personal interest, with no consideration of the gravity of the situation and being incapable of bringing any effective help, they continue to adhere to their present point of view. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
B, namely G#, they come in touch of each other like the two D's. When this three fifths below F major and three fifths above B minor have been developed, the extremes A? and G#, though standing like the two D's in duality, are so near that here again one note can be made to serve both. The major series of scales and the minor series at these limits are thus by two notes which have duality in themselves hermetically sealed; but not till Nature has measured off for any one of these scales a sphere of twelve keys in which to move in perfect freedom of kinship by softly going modulations. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 39]
"To say that I was surprised at what Mr. Keely has discovered would be saying very little indeed ... It would appear that there are three different spheres in which the laws of motion operate. 1 - The first is the one in which Nature plays her grand fugue on the silent harp of Pendulums. In one period of Nature's grand fugue, as illustrated by pendulums, there are 19 ratios in 25 circles of oscillations ranging over 6 octaves; but all in silence. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 86]
2 - In the second sphere the tension of strings and other elastic bodies imbues them with forces operating upon the elastic air, producing vibrations quick enough to awaken sounds for the human ear. Here Nature plays on her tuneful harp the same grand fugue; from which everything in music is derived. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 86]
3 - In the third sphere, vibrating things, molecules, atoms, etc. gaseous, liquid, or solid have tensions and forces far beyond the requirements of music, and far above the audible region where musical sounds have been located by the Great Numberer. The multiplication of forces there, and their augmentation derived from sympathy, of which sympathy we have faint illustrations in the region of [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 86]
The sympathy of one thing with another, and of one part of a thing with another part of it, arises from the principle of unity. For example, a string requires to be uniform and homogenous to have harmonics producing a fine quality of tone by the sweet blendings of sympathy; if it be not so, the tone may be miserable ... You say you wish I were in touch with Mr. Keely; so do I myself ... I look upon numbers very much as being the language which tells out the doings of Nature. Mr. Keely begins with sounds, whose vibrations can be known and registered. I presume that the laws of ratio, position, duality, and continuity, all the laws which go to mould the plastic air by elastic bodies into the sweetness of music, as we find them operative in the low silence of oscillating pendulums, will also be found ruling and determining all in the high silence of interior vibrations which hold together or shake asunder the combinations which we call atoms and ultimate elements, but which may really be buildings of wondrous complexity occupying different ranges of place and purpose between the visible cosmos and Him who built and evermore buildeth all things. The same laws, though operating in different spheres, make the likenesses of things in motion greater than the differences. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 87]
In Fig. 1 is shown the way in which duality arranges the new sharp in the majors to the middle of the dominant, and the new flat to the middle of the subdominant in the minors, all through the six scales done in flats and sharps. The flat goes to the root of the subdominant and the sharp to the top of the dominant in the other six, as in Fig. 2. This is the invariable way that the new sharps and flats are responsively added all through the system. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 120]
See Also
Armillary Sphere
Bomb Calorimeter
Cube Sphere
Dynasphere Applications
Eighteen Attributes or Dimensions
Etheric Liberator used with Atlin the Musical Dynasphere
Figure 13.02c - Dynasphere Neutral Center
Figure 13.09 - Primary Emanations from within Dynaspheres
Figure 13.11 - Russells Ring of Motion Superimposed on Dynasphere Profile
Figure 16.02 - Electricity Evolves Mass into Spheres
Figure 19.01 - Keely and his original Dynasphere
Figure 19.02 - Dale Pond and his replica of Keelys Dynasphere
Figure 19.04 - Dynasphere Components
Figure 19.06 - Inside view of Keelys original Dynasphere
Figure 2.1.5 - Russells Rings forming Spheres from Three Pairs of Reflecting Mirrors
Figure 20.01 - Keely and his original Dynasphere circa 1889
Figure 20.02 - Dale Pond and his replica of Keelys Dynasphere 1996
Figure 20.04 - Dynasphere Components
Figure 20.15 - Dynaspheres Across America
Figure 3.26 - Formation of Spheres along Six Vectors of Cubes
Figure 4.11 - Six Planes and Three Shafts Coincide to Produce Spheres
Figure 5.1 - Swirling Vapor in the Atmosphere
Figure 5.4 - Vortex and Gyroscopic Motion on One Plane then on three forming Sphere
Figure 6.12 - Spheres and Cubes are Gods Only Tools
Figure 6.18 - Sphere Circumscribed by Cube
Figure 6.19 - Sphere to Cube - Relations and Proportions
Figure 7.3 - Step 3 - Sphere Forms Orthogonally Triple Compressing Shell Layers
Helmholtz Resonator
Keely Sphere Was No Secret
Kepler Music of the Spheres
Music of the Spheres
Musical Dynasphere
Neutral Equilibrium
One More Step Toward Building The Cube-Sphere Wave-Field
Part 05 - Three Rotating Planes Become Spheres
Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere - Historical
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere - Current Research
Volumetric Resonator
We Now Build the Nine Equators of Cube-Sphere Wave-Fields
2.1 - Rings and Spheres
5.6 - Vortex Forming Spheres
6.14 - Sphere and Cube
13.09 - Sphere Rotated by Vibrations
19.03 - Philosophy of Transmission and Rotation of Musical Sphere
19.05 - Excerpts from original Articles about Keelys Globe Motor or Musical Sphere
20.02 - Keely Describing Dynasphere Construction