"Particles" are all the same energy under varying polarizations on different energy levels and degrees of polarization. Instead of seeing these particles as "things" we might want to see them as quantities of energies.
"The ethereal atmosphere has the tendency to become confluent or spherical, and the material nuclei, being individualized, seek juxtaposition, thereby constituting molecules. The forms of these molecules must be as symmetrical as the reaction of the constituent particles may allow." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
"The atom is surrounded with a dynasphere, or etheric capsule, which prevents the atoms from touching each other, inasmuch as this dynasphere is in inconceivably rapid motion. Dynaspheric force is broadly divided into two categories: the sentient and the non-sentient atoms (particles to it). Dynaspheric force, composed of non-sentient atoms, is the force used mechanically by Mr. Keely to his motor." [Laurence Oliphant] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
Alphanon - First "particle" or centralization of motion as form. [See The Universal One, Page 92]

"All light particles are alike. When found in different relation to their equators and different positions and directions of motion, they are called by different names, such as neutrons when they are on wave amplitudes, photons, positrons, and other such names when they are found in other parts of the wave." [Walter Russell]
"One of the greatest causes which led to the assumption of an atomic nucleus is the familiar spiral nebulae of the heavens. As you examine them in these pages you will see a central sun in all of them, around which suns and their planets are revolving like a pinwheel. These spiral nebulae are all dying stellar systems, which do not become systems until after the collision of octave pairs of rings at wave amplitudes. In other words an atom, such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, aluminum or sodium is a single particle - not a system." [Atomic Suicide, page 134-135]
"You thus have uranium in your blood cells and tissues, strontium and calcium in your bone marrow, and other radioactively liberated particles affecting every part of your body, its genes, hormones and even unto the destruction of the proteins of your hair and nails, all confined within one particle." [Atomic Suicide, page 263]
"Also the statement that uncharged particles are ejected from one end is not true to Nature. There are no uncharged particles in Nature. Wherever there is matter there is motion. Motion is an electric effect, which charges all matter." [Atomic Suicide, page 274]
List of Particles see
See Also
Alpha Particle
Figure 9.14 - Wave Flow and Phase as function of Particle Rotation
Figure 9.15 - Wave Flow and Wave Length as function of Particle Oscillatory Rotation
K particle
Particles and Corpuscles
Table of Quantum Particles
Tunable resistive pulse sensing