To polarize or create a potential, bias or dipole of syntropic and entropic conditions. See Ionization, Charge. The creation of two seeming opposite states under tension and potential as in charging a battery or magnetizing iron into a magnet. A battery is polarized when charged. A piece of iron is polarized when it becomes a magnet.
"All through this book we have shown how God divides every effect of motion into equal pairs in nine consecutive waves. It is the most basic principle of Creation, for polarization is founded upon it." [Atomic Suicide, page 226]
"A three-dimensional universe is but the result of polarization. Polarization is not an extension of motion. It is an extension of omnipresent stillness into omnipresent stillness. Motion is a lever which must have a fulcrum. As motion extends there is always a fulcrum ever present to center it. A gravity shaft, which results from polarized division of stillness into moving pairs, is not a direction of motion, nor is it a part of Creation. It is merely an identifiable Mind position in the zero invisible universe." [Atomic Suicide, page 228]
"It was not necessary to prove that cobalt "decays." To decay means to disintegrate, depolarize, discharge and die. All matter does that, whether atom or man. This experiment, however, did not assist in the decay process, for it lined up the gravity shaft of cobalt with the gravity shaft of the electric field. That is a process of polarization, which divides any one electrical condition into pairs. The process of decay is an opposite effect. It ejects rings from equators, as clearly shown in Saturn - see Fig. 4 - and in Jupiter - see Fig. 3."[Atomic Suicide, page 274]
"If we now put a piece of the metal cobalt between two coils like Fig. 70, the middle will become the plane of highest potential and its center will "attract" a needle if held toward any point of its circumference. If cobalt is thus placed in the anode position, instead of in the cathode, there will be no ejection of electrons and neutrinos from its polar ends. Instead of that, there will be ring ejections from the equatorial plane of maximum high potential, maximum heat and maximum density. We now have the decay process instead of the polarization process." [Atomic Suicide, page 276]
"It is a commonly known fact by every physicist and laboratory worker that electricity runs only in the direction of the turnings in a solenoid coil. Every such worker is also perfectly familiar with the effect of polarization which evidences its effect at 90 degrees from the direction - and plane - of the electric current. These two seeming directions, and effects, are confusing to him for the idea of polarization, as an extension of stillness, has not yet entered his thinking." [Atomic Suicide, page 283-284]
"When you have fully grasped this fact, however, much that is complex will become simple. If these sincere young physicists had that Mind-awareness they would not have reasoned as they did in relation to an experiment, which they have mistaken to be something other than the simple, basic polarization process of Nature which extends the two-dimensional thought-ring universe into a three-dimensional, dual action universe." [Atomic Suicide, page 286]
radar and polarization are one and the same effect
"They are also mirrors which reverse all direction of motion, which impact against them to extend them into the next wave-field and radar them back to their point of beginning. When the world of science realizes that radar and polarization are one and the same effect it will greatly advance its mechanics, for it is by this principle that any happening anywhere in the universe happens everywhere. This principle is the whole basis of the telephone, radio, television, etc. [Atomic Suicide, page 289-291]
"We have very briefly described this principle which makes polarization and a bilateral universe not only possible but imperative. Likewise, it makes extension imperative." [Atomic Suicide, page 291]
"In 1816 André-Marie Ampère gave Augustin-Jean Fresnel an idea that the polarization of light can be explained by the wave theory if light were a transverse wave.
By the year 1821, Fresnel was able to show via mathematical methods that polarisation could be explained by the wave theory of light and only if light was entirely transverse, with no longitudinal vibration whatsoever." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light#Wave_theory
Editor's Note: This page is labeled as a "figure". The figure is the Table below if taken as a screen capture. There is no .gif or .jpeg image.
This is a table (below) of seeming opposing states, conditions, motions or vectors. For dualities of state, condition or cause and effect see Table of Cause and Effect Dualities. [See Celestial and Terrestrial Domains]
I. The Radiating: called also the "Dispersing", the "Propulsive", the "Positive", and the "Enharmonic".
II. The Focalizing: called also the "Negative", the "Negative Attractive", the "Polarizing", and the "Harmonic".
III. The Dominant: called also the "Etheric", or the "Celestial".
"These, it will be noted, correspond to the three laws of being. It is not to be understood that any one of these three modes of vibration can exist independently. Each by itself is called a "current", and all three must be present in every "stream" or "flow" of force. The relations of the currents in every flow are expressible in thirds, and it is experimentally demonstrable that the relation of the three are in the order named: as 33 1/3 : 66 2/3 : 100. [KEELYS PHYSICAL PHILOSOPHY - Snell][1] see MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY
Space and volume are inversely disposed opposites, which consume or animate one another depending on whether one is made to burn by the other or
[4] See description of air-turbine in Austrian Patent No. 145141, p. 115 of this book. —Ed.
is itself ennobled intrinsically through this reciprocal intensification and polarization. Today's technology mistakenly chose the former of the two processes and it is therefore no wonder that cancer is on the rampage here, there and everywhere.
Goethe said, "The driving wheels of Nature are polarity and intensification and whoever understands enough to untie also knows enough to bind." What is born in light, disintegrates in the coolness of the ground. It rises up and returns again as a ray of energy in order to quicken that which stands ready to become new life at the boundary between space and volume.
Every leaf is an animalistic magnet in monoplanar form, which attracts and radiates, depending on whether the Sun shines on it or cold caresses it. This great law of reciprocity also operates in water, which constantly restructures itself by altering its space and volume. The space is shaped by light and heat. The volume is a product of darkness and coolness. If we understand how to apportion the opposing relation between space and volume and how to organise its intrinsic structure, then the substance - water - will become 'The Space' and the formless volume its realisation, which is transformed instantaneously with heat-pressure, thereby creating the motion that fills the over-lying inter-space.
If nature-alienated humanity, however, reverses this purposeful process and combusts precisely those substances that occasion life, then they should no longer be surprised when the Sun burns up that which serves it as an intermediate space, and which serves humankind for the maintenance of life.
Life unfolds itself in three spheres:
1. in the Carbone[5] - sphere
2. in the Atmosphere
3. in the Stratosphere
The connection between these spheres is created by water. Conversely, the various states of aggregation of water form the bridges for the formation and reconstitution of the basic elements carried by water, which succeed in reaching the Earth's interior from the stratosphere and vice versa. The purely mechanical circulation of the physical form - water - operates in the opposite direction to the circulation of energy. The rising of the C-substances with their carrier - water - is countered by the sinking of the oxygen. Where these
[5] Carbone: In contrast to the normal use and definition of 'carbon', Viktor Schauberger grouped all the known elements and their compounds, with the exception of oxygen and hydrogen, under the general classification of 'Mother Substances', which he described with the word 'Kohle-stoffe', normally spelt 'Kohlenstoffe' and meaning carbon. Apart from the above definition the hyphen also signifies a higher aspect of carbon, both physically and energetically or immaterially. The additional V in the English word is therefore intended to redefine and enlarge the scope of the usual term 'carbon' in accordance with Viktor's concepts. On occasion carbone will be represented by the term C' [to] differentiate it from the normal term for carbon — C - Ed.
mutually contra-directional currents intersect, energy is freed. These energetic interactions can never reach a state of rest due to the constant variation in the length of night and day. Inevitably therefore, there is a continual shift in the individual microclimatic conditions, which further result in variations in the quantity and quality of the basic elements. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
The cause of an implosion is the sudden binding (emulsion) of oxygen, which becomes passive (inactive) with a decrease in heat and in this state is consumed by the sweet substances, which attain their charged state at +4°C (39.2°F). The mechanical atomisation of the oxygen is necessary, however. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]
See Also
Figure 3.11 Thermal Polarization
Figure 13.20a - Hurricane Polarities - Polarization and Differentiation at root of Rotation
Figure 3.14 - Initial Vector Polarizations
Figure 7.1 - Step 1 - Wave Vortex Crests at Maximum Polarization
Mineral Ionization of Water
reversal of polarization
Sympathetic Depolarization
sympathetic polarization
Triple Polarization
3.15 - Modern References to Polar States
7B.16 - Polarity
13.03 - Voiding Polarization
16.08 - Polar Link in Thirds