(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
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"God divides the stillness of His omnipresent Oneness into mated pairs, and simultaneously multiplies their power to simulate His omnipotence and omniscience through fast centripetal motion. He then unites His mated pairs to simulate His Oneness, and simultaneously multiplies their speed of centrifugal motion until they disappear into His omnipresent stillness." [Atomic Suicide, An Open Letter, III, page xxix]
"My command is to give humanity a living philosophy based upon scientific knowledge of Love and God's ways and processes in relation to mate-pairs, which man has never had. Civilization can never find balance in its human relations until these principles of equal mate-hood are applied." [Atomic Suicide, p. xxxi]
"God creates His ideas in mate-pairs and places one half of His every idea in its mate-half. This is a fundamental principle of Creation which is based upon the principle of balance in the giving and regiving of love." [Atomic Suicide, p. xxxi]
"I fully know that it was God's plan that He illumine two of us as one to father and mother His Message to man in this dread hour, for God works that way in all His ways. All living things created by Him are mated pairs, which must unite as one in order to interchange and multiply. Likewise, all idea - and power - and even love - are created by Him in divided pairs, which must unite as one to interchange and multiply. When love gives and regives equally its matings will endure, but when it takes, no power on earth can hold its matings together. That is what is the matter with the world of today. And that is why God united us as one to multiply our power to give His Message." [Atomic Suicide, p. xxxvi]
"If this search for balanced mates is universal in all bodies of matter, and if the division of an equilibrium into polarized pairs is the effect which electricity produces, why do we not recognize the sex principle as the basis of all electrically divided, and pressure conditioned matter, and discard the old text-book idea of two kinds of electricity, one which repels and the other which attracts, as being the basis of matter and motion?" [Atomic Suicide, page 85-86]
"The cathode in Nature is the still point of Magnetic White Light of Mind from which motion begins to compress in two opposite directions to create sex-divided bodies. Gravity begins when compression begins. Polarization and compression are ONE." [Atomic Suicide, page 91]
"God creates three pairs of disunited male and female bodies upon His extending octave wave shaft - and then a united fourth pair at His thought wave amplitude. This united, balanced pair is an incandescent sphere. At that point in the wave, and that only, the disunited father and mother unite as ONE at its white center. One of its hemispheres, however, is still the red light of the father (syntropy) and the other one is the blue light of the mother (entropy); for each is still extended from its centering Oneness." [Atomic Suicide, page 111-114]
"The question has long been asked by research scientists why it is that the inert gases will not mix, or unite with "any of the other elements." The first answer is that the inert gases are not electrically divided and conditioned elements, as all of the others in the nine octaves are. The inert gases begin in the first octave as invisible white fluorescent light of zero motion. They end at the 9th cathode in the 9th octave, as visible white fluorescent light, which has reached a speed of nearly 186,400 miles per second. Fluorescent light is that light which begins in the undivided electric spectrum. It is the beginning and end of motion. All motion is either red or blue, according to its sex. The end of motion at the amplitude of the 9th octave means that the divided spectrum has been united as one colorless, sexless light which has been under such high compression that it has reached its limit of conditioning by motion and must be transformed from the white light of visible motion to the invisible white Light of Magnetic stillness. The fluorescent light is that ending of electric power to divide motion into pairs, and to condition the pairs with the opposing sex tensions of electrically divided spectrum opposites. The inert gases are not pairs. They are not divided. Division takes place by light projected from them, but that projected light of spectrum pairs is the basis of the electrochemical elements, which have great volume and density in comparison." [Atomic Suicide, page 261-262]
"It was not necessary to prove that cobalt "decays." To decay means to disintegrate, depolarize, discharge and die. All matter does that, whether atom or man. This experiment, however, did not assist in the decay process, for it lined up the gravity shaft of cobalt with the gravity shaft of the electric field. That is a process of polarization, which divides any one electrical condition into pairs. The process of decay is an opposite effect. It ejects rings from equators, as clearly shown in Saturn - see Fig. 4 - and in Jupiter - see Fig. 3."[Atomic Suicide, page 274]
"The familiar bar magnet, created by the electric current, will serve as a clarifying example of balance in the elements, which are all created in pairs, but are as often united as unbalanced pairs as balanced ones." [Atomic Suicide, page 276]
"As a first step we again remind you that Nature creates everything in pairs, and that all pairs unite to form masses. The hemispheres of a sun are united pairs, for example. Try, therefore, as a first mental exercise, to image the uniting of two hemispheres of the sun, which are spinning in opposite directions. The fact that you, yourself, are right-handed and left-handed, adds to the difficulty of the subtle thing which we must explain about our universe, which has led these observers to form such conclusions. What we mean by this is that Nature is bilateral. Everything which is created is equally extended in pairs from a cathode dividing equator. The equator acts as though it were a mirror. It reflects each extended unit of each pair in reverse. These divided pairs unite as two hemispheres of a sphere, which is also divided by an equator." [Atomic Suicide, page 280-281]
"We now go into the laboratory. The physicist makes a two-way gun, which he calls a coil. He does not seal one end of it for he cannot. His electric current goes both ways and spins around its extending shaft in equality of potential. In this way he divides gravity and extends it in such a manner that both of each pair of mates, thus divided, are equal." [Atomic Suicide, page 292-293]
"In the coil, above described, there is no material body occupying the cathode position as there is when a plane, or bullet, starts to move. In the Lee-Yang experiment a material body is placed there to be polarized. Cobalt is not a balanced, mated pair, like carbon, however. It is but one of a pair, although it is very close to the balanced amplitude point of its wave. When the current is turned on the resultant effect is as though a steel rod was inserted in the shaft of the coil, which is a half inch in diameter at one end and a quarter of an inch at the other end. Every physicist knows that both ends would then be different, for the equator of the rod would not be in the middle. It would be nearer the small end. The rod would not pick up an equal weight at its opposite ends, for the electric potential which does the lifting, would be unequal. The small end would pick up a greater weight, for its rings would be smaller and spin faster." [Atomic Suicide, page 293]
"That is the way that paired units become mated systems, which complete the purposefulness of the universe by regiving to the Creator all that the Creator had given to them." [Atomic Suicide, page 294]

The alchemists were aware
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"And you shall know that what emerges from one side of its equator is equal - but opposite to that which is on the other side - and that EACH WILL DISAPPEAR IN SEEMING DEATH TO REBORN EACH OTHER AS SEEMING LIFE. The anodes of the universe are likewise cathodes - and the cathodes are likewise anodes as surely as you, who breathe out, breathe in again to again breathe out - and as you who live, are dying as you live, and must forever die to forever live." [Home Study Course, Unit Seven. Lesson 25]
"Matter begins by division of stillness in the inert gases and its projection by two-way motion into pairs of octave wave tones, which we call elements." [Atomic Suicide, page 253]
"God's end of the cosmic
Bridge where motion begins
Its projection into space
To simulate mind-idea.
Matter begins by division of stillness in the inert gases and its projection by two-way motion into pairs of octave wave tones, which we call elements. The principle of projection is the same that man uses in projecting the concept of his idea into the moving form of the idea. It is the dual radar principle of Nature. Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, Nature is a series of echoes." [Atomic Suicide - Fig 62]
"C. Hydrogen (H) and fluorine (F) being almost mates and in nearly same pressure zone, same plane and same orbit, will unite part for part.
D. Oxygen (0) or beryllium (Be) being one pressure zone removed and consequently of double potential, will require two parts of hydrogen to their one, and then only unite under pressure of higher temperature. Hydrogen and oxygen, thus united, become the very stable compound known as water and remain united because they are opposed in sex, while beryllium and hydrogen, being both male, will break away unless bound by oxygen, sulphur or some other female stabilizer.
E. Nitrogen or boron are two pressure zones removed and require three parts of hydrogen and higher pressure for union. Same rule of sex applies.
F. Carbon, three pressure zones removed and four times higher potential, demands four parts of hydrogen to remain in union with its one; also the high temperature pressure of the electric are is needed to induce union.
No present-day scientist can explain or understand the quintessential nature of 'motion'. From a naturalesque standpoint, this should be viewed as a rhythmical metabolic interplay between the components of refreshing (cooling) suction and fatiguing (paralysing) pressure; in other words, two constituent forces which as reactive opposites, alternately (rhythmically) act mechanically (materially) and temperature-relatedly (physically). Therefore, depending on the predominance of either the suction or the pressure component (whether the active force is material or physical is unimportant), the metaphysical formative force, or the most elemental destructive force on this planet, comes into being. As the end product of a natural or unnatural sequence of motion, it will be accelerated along either the longitudinal or the transverse axis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
"But forget the conventional myth of visualizing the potential as pushing a unit charge in from infinity "against the force field" - there isn't any force field in the vacuum, as is well-known in quantum mechanics. Also, Newton's third law requires all forces to occur in pairs - each pair consisting of a force and its 3rd law reaction force. From that viewpoint alone, there is no such thing as an electromagnetic force field or force field wave in the vacuum. There are just gradients of the vacuum potential present in the vacuum. In the vacuum, an electromagnetic wave is actually a wave of the phase locked gradients of the electrostatic scalar potential and of the magnetostatic scalar potential. And each such gradient wave is simultaneously accompanied by its phase conjugate gradient wave, because of Newton's third law."
Newton's third law requires forces to occur in pairs of equal but antiparallel forces.
"Both wave and antiwave co-exist simultaneously in the vacuum electromagnetic wave. Therefore it's a stress potential wave, not a force field wave. It's more like an electromagnetic sound wave, and so it is a longitudinal wave, not a transverse wave. In the electromagnetic vacuum wave's interaction with matter (the so-called "photon" interaction), the wave normally half interacts with the electron shells of the atom, giving translation forces, while the anti-wave half interacts with the atomic nucleus, giving the Newtonian 3rd law reaction (recoil) forces (waves). [Bearden, The Final Secret of Free Energy]
"There are just gradients of the vacuum potential present in the vacuum. In the vacuum, an electromagnetic wave is actually a wave of the phase locked gradients of the electrostatic scalar potential and of the magnetostatic scalar potential. And each such gradient wave is simultaneously accompanied by its phase conjugate gradient wave, because of Newton's third law." [Bearden, The Final Secret of Free Energy]
"Both wave and antiwave co-exist simultaneously in the vacuum electromagnetic wave. Therefore it's a stress potential wave, not a force field wave. It's more like an electromagnetic sound wave, and so it is a longitudinal wave, not a transverse wave. In the electromagnetic vacuum wave's interaction with matter (the so-called "photon" interaction), the wave normally half interacts with the electron shells of the atom, giving translation forces, while the antiwave half interacts with the atomic nucleus, giving the Newtonian 3rd law reaction (recoil) forces (waves). The electromagnetic wave in vacuum is an electrogravitational wave." [Bearden, The Final Secret of Free Energy]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"The DIVINE INTENTION of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS was to express ITs own wholeness through creation by individualising, in physical form, each of the two equally balanced aspects of ITSELF and then bringing them together again in physical form, to experience the unity and wholeness of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS from which they originally took their individuality.
As they come together in love and unity of spirit and body, they discover the joy and ecstasy of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS in equilibrium. (This entire process is clearly set out in Letters 5 and 7.) Therefore, the combination of the masculinity of the man and the femininity of the woman is essential to make a 'whole' drawn from the SOURCE of BEING. Out of this combination is formed a whole child." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 17]
"After the Big Bang, the Father-Mother Creative Process was divided into two different energies, continually working apart and together, independent yet mutually constrained to work together having individual characteristics or 'natures' - and different functions. Therefore, their work load was/is different yet indivisible." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 23]
There are two Diatonic systems in Music - the major and the minor. With the exception of one note, all the notes of the one system are identical with those of the other. The major key C has all the notes of the minor key A excepting D, the root of the minor subdominant; and the minor has all the notes of the major exception D, the top of the major dominant. These twain are one music, the masculine and feminine of a twofold unity; one system in duality rather than two systems. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 50]
This is a twofold mathematical table of the masculine and feminine modes of the twelve scales, the so-called major and relative minor. The minor is set a minor third below the major in every pair, so that the figures in which they are the same may be beside each other; and in this arrangement, in the fourth column in which the figures of the major second stand over the minor fourth, is shown in each pair the sexual note, the minor being always a comma lower than the major. An index finger points to this distinctive note. The note, however, which is here seen as the distinction of the feminine mode, is found in the sixth of the preceding masculine scale in every case, except in the first, where the note is D26 2/3. D is the Fourth of the octave scale of A minor, and the Second of the octave scale of C major. It is only on this note that the two modes differ; the major Second and the minor Fourth are the sexual notes in which each is itself, and not the other. Down this column of seconds and fourths will be seen this sexual distinction through all the twelve scales, they being in this table wholly developed upward by sharps. The minor is always left this comma behind by the comma-advance of the major. The major A in the key of C is 40, but in the key of G it has been advanced to 40 1/2; while in the key of E, this relative minor to G, the A is still 40, a comma lower, and thus it is all the way through the relative scales. This note is found by her own downward genesis from B, the top of the feminine dominant. But it will be remembered that this same B is the middle of the dominant of the masculine, and so the whole feminine mode is seen to be not a terminal, but a lateral outgrowth from the masculine. Compare Plate II., where the whole twofold yet continuous genesis is seen. The mathematical numbers in which the vibration-ratios are expressed are not those of concert pitch, but those in which they appear in the genesis of the scale which begins from F1, for the sake of having the simplest expression of numbers; and it is this series of numbers which is used, for the most part, in this work. It must not be supposed, however, by the young student that there is any necessity for this arrangement. The unit from which to begin may be any number; it may, if he chooses, be the concert-pitch-number of F. But let him take good heed that when he has decided what his unit will be there is no more coming and going, no more choosing by him; Nature comes in [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 117]
Return to Book 01 - Chapter 19 - Omniscience

is the desire of electricity to integrate into the appearance of form.
is the desire of magnetism to disintegrate into the disappearance of form.
The ONE force appears to divide itself into two forces
Electricity which is the positive force of action moving away from inertia against magnetic pressure resistance and
Magnetism which is the negative force of reaction moving towards inertia with magnetic pressure assistance.
They are both the same force, electricity magnetism, but they are moving in opposite directions.
The result is an increasing intensity of opposition between the two forces as the cosmic pendulum swings away from inertia.
This increasing intensity of opposition between the gravitative desire of electricity to assemble the universe into the appearance of form by the generative force of attraction and the radiative desire of magnetism to disassemble into the disappearance of form by the expanding power of repulsion is the cosmic principle of creation. Generation contracts and radiation expands. These two motions-in-opposition constitute energy. Matter is merely the storehouse of energy, the record of states of motion.
The apparent division into apparent opposites is an absolute characteristic of all phenomena of nature. There are no opposites in fact. Out of any action the opposite reaction is born; and out of the reaction, the action is again regenerated. The cosmic pendulum ever swings from non-opposition through an orderly periodicity of opposition and back again for ever and ever - increasing opposition, or apparent separation into two, develops an increasing intensity of desire to return to the the inertial state of non-opposition. This desire is all that constitutes the force which man called energy. The opposites of energy developed by increasing desire and radiative energy which is separative and repels. Energy decreases as these opposites separate and increases as they amalgamate.
The Law - Everything that is, is of everything else that is, nothing is of itself alone.
The One force of the universe is the energy of thinking mind. There is no other energy.
"In this system (Sympathetic Vibratory Physics), force and energy are classified as opposites, working in antagonism to each other: Force as "a positive power which initiates aggregative motion, and resists separative motion, in three postules, of ponderable matter in the etheric medium;" Energy as "a negative power, which initiates separative motion, or disintegration, and resists aggregative motion, in three postules of ponderable matter, also of the etheric medium." [Bloomfield-Moore, What Electricity Is - Bloomfield Moore]
See also
Bjerknes Effect
Father-Mother Principle
Law of Assimilation
Law of Attraction
Law of Repulsion
Mind Force
Mind of God
mutually constrained
One Balanced Whole and Two Reciprocating Dynamics
Reciprocating Duality
Russell Images
The Universal One
Universal Heart Beat
See Also
Allotropic oxygen conformations
allotropic energy-producing substances
allotropic threshold substance
Bidirectional wave pair
bipolar component force
bi-sexual system
blue light of the mother
catalytic opposites
cathode mother womb of space
centripetal pair
Chart of Locked Potentials
divided and extended pairs
Ramsay - The Two D's - The Rah and the Ray
Janus-faced center
Ramsay - The Outlook of the Janus-faced D
Father Forces
father light
father of earth
father seed of life
Father Sky
Father Son Holy Ghost
Father-Mother Principle part 2
Father-Mother Principle
Fig. 2.12 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Forces
Figure 12.04 - Locked Potential Points Relations and Descriptions
Figure 12.10 - Russells Locked Potential Wave
Figure 12.11 - Russells Locked Potential Full Ten Octave Gamut
Figure 2.14 - Intermingled Male Father Syntropic and Female Mother Entropic
Figure 9.12 - Scale of Locked Potentials over Time
galvanically alloyed
I and My Father are ONE
Jachin and Boaz
Law of Assimilation
Law of Duality
Law of Polarity
Laws of Music
light of the mother
Locked Potentials and Subdivisions
Locked Potentials and the Square Law
Christ marriage
Mother Earth
mother womb
mutually constrained
Octave Wave
oppositely-charged substance
Order and Disorder
Part 12 - Russells Locked Potentials
prime neutral center
Ramsay - How the Diatonic Germ becomes a 4-Note Chord
Ramsay - The Two D's - The Rah and the Ray
recoil velocity
red light of the father
Scale of Locked Potentials
seed of the father
seven pairing
sexed mates
Sexed Pairs
sexual note
three pairs
Twin Flame
twin sounds
Two Centers
two mutually opposed
two poles
universal division of sexed pairs
Wave Pair
11.13 - Dominant Conditions are Mated Opposing Pairs as Fifths
2.19 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Forces
2.21 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Intermingle
2.23 - Male-Father-Syntropic and Female-Mother-Entropic Swirling Cosmic Dance
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions