Gravity; process or dynamic of mutual attraction to a center. Syntropy.
Dr. Macvicar, in his theories of the bearing of the cosmical law of assimilation on molecular action, says: "During this retreat of matter into ether in single material elements or units of weight, the molecules and masses from which such vaporization into the common vapor of matter is going on, may be expected to be phosphorescent." This surmise Keely has, over and over, demonstrated as a fact, also showing how gravitation operates as a lever, etheric wave motion, concentration under vibratory concussion, and negative vacuous tenuity. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
’’"I shall not forestall an unproved conclusion, but fight step by step the dark paths I am exploring, knowing that, should I succeed in proving one single fact in science heretofore unknown, I shall in so doing be rewarded in the highest degree. In whatever direction the human mind travels it comes quickly to a boundary line which it cannot pass. There is a knowable field of research, bordered by an unknown tract. My experience teaches me how narrow in the strip of territory which belongs to the knowable, how very small the portion that has been traversed and taken possession of. The further we traverse this unknown territory, the stronger will become our faith in the immovable order of the world; for, at each advancing step, we find fresh fruits of the immutable laws that reign over all things,- from the falling apple, up to the thoughts, the words, the deeds, the will of man: and we find these laws irreversible and eternal, order and method reigning throughout the universe. Some details of this universal method have been worked up, and we know them by the names of 'gravitation,' 'chemical affinity,' 'nerve-power,' etc. These material certainties are as sacred as moral certainties. . . . The nearest approaches to a certainty is made through harmony with nature's laws. The surest media are those which nature has laid out in her wonderful workings. The man who deviates from these paths will suffer the penalty of a defeat, as is seen in the record of 'perpetual motion' seekers. I have been classed with such dreamers; but I find consolation in the thought that it is only by those men who are utterly ignorant of the great and marvellous truths which I have devoted my life to demonstrate and to bring within reach of all. I believe the time is near at hand when the principles of etheric evolution will be established, and when the world will be eager to recognize and accept a system that will certainly create a revolution for the highest benefits of mankind, inaugurating an era undreamed of by those who are now ignorant of the existence of this etheric force."'' [Keely, Progressive Science]
Newton, who scoffed at Epicurus's idea that "gravitation is essential and inherent in matter," asserted that gravity must be caused by an agent acting, constantly, according to certain laws. Heat, gravity, light, electricity, magnetism, chemical affinities, are all different phases of the primal force discovered by Keely, and all these forces, it is said, can be obtained from a single ray of sunlight. "The evidence of unity or oneness even between the physical, vital, mental, and spiritual is seen in the light of this law of correlation," says J. J. Smith. "A great portion of our muscles contract and relax in obedience to our wills, thereby proving that the mental force can be, and is, in every such instance actually converted into the muscular or the physical." Keely demonstrates the truth of this assertion, claiming that "all forces are indestructible, immaterial, and homogeneous entities, having their origin and unity in one great intelligent personal will force." [The Key to the Problems. - Keelys Secrets]
Professor Daniel Brinton
"The rhythmic relations in which force acts are everywhere, under all conditions, and at all times, the same. They are found experimentally to be universally expressible by the mathematical relations of thirds.
"These threefold relations may be expressed with regard to their results as,
I. Assimilative (Concentration, Gravitation)
II. Individualizing (Radiation, Entropy)
III. Dominant or Resultant
"From these three actions are derived the three fundamental LAWS OF BEING:
I. Law of Assimilation: every individualized object assimilates itself to all other objects.
II. Law of Individualization: every such object tends to assimilate all other objects to itself.
III. Law of the Dominant: every such object is such by virtue of the higher or dominant force which controls these (above) two tendencies. [14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being]

"The oxidation process is an effect of the electric pressure of gravitation." [Russell, The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation, Gravitation and Radiation - page 142-143]
"Actions are the basis of radiation. Reactions are the basis of gravitation." [The Secret of Light, page 230]
Gravitation is the generative force and radiation is the degenerative force of the universal constant. These are the opposing powers which, within all mass, seek an equilibrium zone of pressure for the potential of that mass. [The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation, Gravitation and Radiation - page 141]
Gravitation is the generative force of increasing potential and the regenerative force of decreasing potential. [See Syntropy] [The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation, Gravitation and Radiation - page 141]
The attraction of gravitation and the repulsion of radiation is nature's simple method of distribution and redistribution of all masses, so that each mass will find its proper position. [See Universal Heart Beat]
It is not proper to conceive either of these apparently opposite forces as two forces.
The south wind and the north wind are not two winds. They are the same wind blowing in opposite directions.
It is more correct to say that gravitation and radiation are processes.
The one motive force which directs these processes is equally divided into opposite effects, but these opposite effects are unequally balanced. [See 14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9]
The unequal divisions of the two opposites totaled together constitute an equilibrium.
The One force never subdivides into any minus expression of force without counterbalancing that minus with an equal and opposite plus. [See Reciprocating Proportionality]
Gravitation is a synthetic process of putting things together, and analytic one of taking them apart.
The chemist uses these processes in every action and reaction.
Consider for example the reduction of iron oxide at high temperature by passing a jet of hydrogen over it.
What happens? The hydrogen falls toward the higher potential of the oxygen of the iron which is sufficiently expanded by the high temperature to absorb the hydrogen, and the hot iron is sufficiently expanded to release the oxygen.
This is an effect of gravitation in respect to the oxygen and the hydrogen.
They unite, they mutually integrate, and freeze into amorphous crystals of such extended orbits that they assume the liquid state known as "water."
On the contrary, it is an effect of radiation in respect to the iron and the oxygen. [The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation, Gravitation and Radiation - page 141]
The following definitions of weight are in keeping with Natural Law.
Weight is the sum of the differences between the two pressures which act upon every mass.?
Weight is the measure of the differences in electric potential between any mass and the volume it occupies.?
Weight is the measure of unbalance between any mass and its displaced environment.??
Weight is the measure of the force which a body exerts in seeking its true potential.?
Weight is the sum of the difference between the inward pull of gravitation and the outward thrust of radiation.?
Weight is the measure of intensity of the desire within all matter to express motion or seek rest from motion.? [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 184-185]
"Creation is but a swing of the cosmic pendulum from inertia, through energy, and back again to inertia, forever and forever. It is but a series of opposing pulsations of action and reaction, integration and disintegration, gravitation and radiation, appearance and disappearance." [The Cosmic Pendulum]
A true understanding is only possible after appropriate observable demonstrations, whereupon all the rigid theorems, principles and dogmas of today will then be rendered untenable and quickly collapse upon themselves. Moreover, all present laws, regardless of whether they concern the laws of energy conservation, gravitation or so-called heat-equivalence, will likewise be invalidated. To make it quite clear at the outset, what is here involved is something entirely new, which is why any proper assessment by scientists would be impossible. For this reason the Austrian government was requested to dispense with the expert opinion of specialists. All that is required is practical proof for which certain prerequisites are necessary, such as the one requested in the memorandum of the 15th of March 1946.[5] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
forces from the lower temperature group B, which enforce the gravitation of all that cannot be uplifted. This duality therefore involves a rhythm within a rhythm - a sort of four-stroke motor, in which upward, downward, inward and outward impulses can rhythmically take place on a common developmental axis. A perpetual state of turmoil is constantly created in an epicentre of commotion, leading to continuous fission and fusion (separation and combination), whereby what matters is which metabolic process predominates. In other words, in this primordial battle between the ur-feminine and the ur-masculine, whether the re-destructive or the re-creative is victorious. The one that triumphs is the one that is able to drag its opponent into the middle of this gigantic wrestling match, there to encircle, bind, consume and digest it. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
which in turn the allotropic[1] primary materials for growth and development also reside. Reacting to bio-centrifugence, these basic substances are liberated through the cycloid-space-curve-motion of the Earth and under the influence of reactive cooling substances, consume (bind) the counter-weighing oxygen. Reactive differences in potential are created in this way which express themselves as reactive differences in temperature, which on their part, as all-penetrating inner outward<->inward, upward<->downward dynamic influences, intensify the physical (external) form of movement. This leads to a renewed intensification of the inner dynamic processes, which once again act to stimulate additional motion. Thus it is absolutely no wonder that the good old Earth eternally rotates about her peculiarly unique axis, because in this special axis (viz. the shimmering shaft in a water vortex) that something ascends, which enables stationary trout to stand motionless amidst torrential flows and to flee upstream like lightning. A phenomenon inexplicable in terms of mechanics, because the trout must not only overcome its own weight, but also that of the counter-flowing dense and heavy spring water. Indeed it can escape upstream all the more rapidly, the faster the cold specifically heavier water-masses, which whirl about their own axes in exactly the same way that the Earth rotates about hers, enter its jaws and flow out of its gills through a system of cycloid-space-curves. In this way the particular axis is formed in which that something returns to its ur-source, which becomes free through this special rotating motion and the frictional motion produced by it. In becoming free in this way, it then draws the motion-generating form - in this case the trout - in its wake, because this counter-flowing energy-form is the force that enables everything that crawls and flies on this manure-heap Earth to overcome its own weight. In other words, it is the 'levitational force', without which there would be no life, no movement, no growth and naturally no gravitation either. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
See Also
16.13 - Differential Densities
17.01 - Discovering Cause of Gravity
17.02 - Gravity Defined by Keely
17.04 - Speed of Gravity Propagation
17.06 - Gravity Defined by Cayce
17.07 - Gravity Discussed by Herchel
17.08 - Gravitation and Radiation Russell
17.08.01 - Gravitation and Radiation Keely
17.09 - Gravitation and Radiation Hatonn
17.10 - Gravitation Differentiation Cayce
17.13 - Gravity or Levity
17.14 - Gravitation Neutralized
17.16 - Gravity Keely
17.18 - Keelys Gravity Experiments
17.19 - Gravity Keely
17.20 - Acoustic Levitation
2.7 - Differential Densities
3.6 - Differential Densities Begin to Form
369 - Hollingshead "Harnessing the Force of Gravity" using 3, 6 & 9 modes.
6.13 - Density Differentiation
atomic intermolecular and molecular density
Bjerknes Effect
Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation
Center of Focalization
Center of Sympathetic Attraction
Center of Sympathetic Coincidence
condensive force
differential densities
downward tendency
Edgar L Hollingshead
energy density
energy-flux density
ether density
Figure 13.13 - Gravity Syntropic and Radiative Entropic Waves
Figure 13.18 - Russells Gravity Motor
Figure 15.03 - Opposing Forces of Gravity and Radiation
Figure 15.04 - Gravity Generates Matter about Neutral Centers
Figure 15.05 - Nine Pairs of Gravity Poles
Figure 17.00 - Opposing Forces of Gravitation and Radiation
Figure 17.02 - Gravity divides multiplies and balances Light and Sound
Figure 17.03 - Analysis of the Octave Gravity Bar
Figure 17.04 - Gravity Pressure Recorder - Bar Magnet
Figure 19.15 - Keelys Levitation Experiment
Figure 7.8 - Gravity is the Life Sex and Power Principle
Figure 7.9 - Gravity aggregates Light into States of Matter
Figure 7B.14 - Electric Condensing Flows to Center
force of levitation
free energy density
gravitational force
inverted gravitation
Keelys Gravity Control with 369
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Law of Gravitation
Law of Gravity
Laws of Being
local energy density
negative attraction
Negative Attractive
Neutral Center
Nucleal Center
Odic Ray - Hollingshead
Part 17 - Gravity
Part 17 - Gravity
potential density
pressure condition in motion
Prime Neutral Center
Supreme Neutral Center