I have found no other reference to this quote attributed to Nikola Tesla. Are there any? If you know the source of this quote and/or have more Tesla materials on this idea please contact me.
However, what I have found are numerous references within the Keely materials. Russell also mentions the importance of threes. Dale Pond
The 3, 6 and 9 idea has been partially explained in Laws of Being - Annotated and more completely explained with considerable detail in Dale Pond's new book Keely's Laws of Being - The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration"The relative frequency of all sympathetic streams is in the ratio 3:6:9. Those whose relative frequencies are 3:9 are mutually attractive, while those having the relation of 6:9 are mutually repellant." [Keely; see also Sympathetic Stream, Laws of Being, Modes of Vibration, Modes of Vibration - Annotated, SYMPATHETIC STREAMS - Snell, LAWS OF MOLECULAR BEING]
"The vitalization of the disks for the polar and depolar field is established on the ratio of thirds, sixths, and ninths; the ninths being the circuit occupied by the polar field, must represent, in the scale of vitalized focalized intensity, 100 in my system: sixths in the depolar field, or 66 2/3; and in the neutral field, or thirds, 33 1/3. The triplets must represent one true chord of equation." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
John Keely wrote that the vibrations of "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful." In fact, he proved the "vibratory antagonistic thirds was thousands of times more forceful in separating hydrogen from oxygen in water than heat." In his "Formula of Aqueous Disintegration" he wrote that, "molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects."
Keely often used these terms in relation to the Sympathetic Streams which he viewed as having three currents: Harmonic, Enharmonic and Dominant. These three numbers relate to the relationship between these three currents as applied to dissociation processes. [see Laws of Being]
According to what I think I know about Keely's work these three currents making up streams come from the vacuous tenuity of space or Celestial realm. Under syntropic influence they sympathetically associate, merge and seek condensation within Neutral Centers. There, according to his Law of Cycles, revert to radiating energy. [see Bjerknes Effect]
The term "Sympathetic Streams" means individual streams that are sympathetic (think entanglement here) to each other as in objects experiencing "sympathetic vibration" not unlike what occurs between finely tuned or sympathetic tuning forks. Because there is a high degree of sympathy between them they will mutually attract, merge and condense.
"He [Keely] describes an experiment in vibratory transmission as follows: "I attach a nodal transmitter to a soft steel mass and the other end to the clustered thirds (3:6:9 in three octaves) of my focalizing neutral concentrator. (The telephone transmitter at the near end of the Trexar.) Another nodal transmitter is attached to the sixth cluster of the same disk, the other end being connected to the resonating sphere of my compound instrument (the resonating sphere) and all are brought to a complete rest. A slight tap on the Chladni wave plate now accelerates the normal 20,000 oscillations per second to 180,000 per second. The nine nodes here touch the extreme end, next to the mass being operated on, silver, gold and platinum coming in the order given, both in the respective wire sections and in the nodes." The Snell Manuscript
Three Modes of Vibration
Enharmonic = Radiant or Radiation, Dispersion, Dissociation, Disintegration, Entropic. It does this because it is discordant to the overall harmony / sympathy.
Harmonic = Attractive, condensing, concentrating, syntropic because it is harmonious.
Dominant = the that which controls the Harmonic and Enharmonic by accentuating one then the other periodically. A metaphor is two kids on a see-saw. Harmonic going down - attraction of gravity. Enharmonic going up away from gravity. The Dominant is the Fulcrum between them as also their desire and body motions to change one direction into the other.
Dominant = is of the Celestial, Vacuum, Spirit, Mind and Scalar domains.
In terms of dissociating an atom or molecule the two polar forces (Harmonic and Enharmonic) are held in a dynamic balance. The Harmonic (centripetal) force is counterbalanced by the Enharmonic (centrifugal) force. Keely used the Dominant to disturb this equilibrium one direction or the other. Add in an abundance of Enharmonic and the atom or molecule comes apart because the centrifugal force will at that point over ride the mutual attraction of the Harmonic current. The 3, 6 and 9 refer to these quantities of applied energies relative or proportionate to each other (IMHO).
Look to Nature. The sun evaporates (dissociates) water molecules in the ocean. What is it about sun rays that breaks the water molecule so effortlessly? UV rays perhaps. Keely says magnetism and Light are intimately connected on the same plane but at different angles. He says they are basically the same energy manifesting differently. So in a sense magnetism-like energy is involved.] Dale Pond, 03/10/13"The Trexar is a wire made of sections of silver, gold and platinum, respectively, is peculiarly adapted to transmit concordant vibrations in the relations of thirds, their range of molecular oscillation being in the proportion of 3:6:9 respectively. The Trexar is this wire composed of: a first section of silver, a second section of gold and a third section of platinum, all uniform in size, which is used as a conductor in vibratory transmission and for the multiplication of vibrational frequencies." Keely
"Silver represents the third, gold the sixth, and platina the ninth, in their links of association, one to the other, in the molecular range of their motions, when submitted to vibratory impulses. [Keely, SYMPATHETIC OUTREACH - Snell]
Silver represents the third, gold the sixth and platinum the ninth, in ratio of molecular range of oscillation, when submitted to vibratory induction. [Keely, MOLECULAR VIBRATIONAL RANGE]
"Keynote of electromagnetic sympathy, transmissive combinations, thirds, on the subdivision of first octave B flat, diatonic. Sixths, on same subdivision of thirds, octave harmonic, and ninths, on the same subdivision on the sixths, octave enharmonic. [Keely, ANSWERS MADE IN LETTERS FROM MR. KEELY - TO QUESTIONS ASKED OF HIM]
"When using the Trexar or Trexnonar, a "slight tap on the Chladni wave plate" accelerates the normal molecular frequency from 20,000 to 180,000 or 9 times. The sectional ratio is 3:6:9 or (9/3)2 or 9 times. Here the nine nodes touch the extreme end, and next to the mass being operated on, in which position they are not in use." Keely
See Keelys Physical Philosophy and Laws of Being where these numbers are mentioned.
"In the three metals, silver, gold, and platina, we obtain the proportions - 3:6:9 : - As this is the primary relation of the modes of vibration, a wire made of these three metals is peculiarly adapted to transmit concordant impulses; and nodes made of these substances placed upon a wire, transmitting resonant vibrations, indicate, by the different orders of vibration induced in them, the rate of oscillations of the atomic constituents." Daniel Brinton, in 14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being, Laws of Being, The Laws of Being
"All forces in nature are mind force|mind forces; magnetic, electric, galvanic, acoustic, solar, are all governed by the triune streams of celestial infinity, as also the molecular, intermolecular, atomic and interatomic. The remote depths of all their acoustic centers become subservient to the third, sixth and ninth position of the diatonic, harmonic and enharmonic chords, which when resonantly induced, concentrate concordant harmony, by reducing their range of corpuscular motion, drawing them as if towards each other's neutral center of attractive infinity.
"The sympathetic acoustic exciters, or impulses are: 1st, the third diatonic, 2nd, the harmonic sixths neutralizing affinity, 3rd, the enharmonic ninths, positive acceleration, which induces infinite trajective velocity from neutral centers, in other words, neutral radiation. [Keely, MOLECULAR DISSOCIATION - Snell]
"Only two vibratory conditions can be so associated as to excite sympathetic affinity between two physical organisms, the etheric chord of B flat, third octave and on etheric sympathetic transmission the chord of E flat, with third dominant, sixth enharmonic and ninth diatonic, with octave enharmonic."
The dark hemisphere, which represents 50% of the full internal area of pure concordant harmony, receives the negative Thirds, Sixths and Ninths, the bombardment of which disturbs the equilibrium of the sphere and induces rotation. The speed of rotation is directly in proportion to, and controlled by, the relative volume of the negative antagonistic chords. Even with no wire transmission of vibrations, an ordinary mouth organ, which is constructed tuned to thirds, will cause the sphere to slowly rotate. [HOW THE MUSICAL SPHERE ROTATES]
Thirds, Sixths and Ninths
Keely Discoveries 1 | On the enharmonic sixths, that the vibration of the intermolecule |
Keely Discoveries 1 | on the dominant etheric sixths, 8,100,000,000; and on the interetheric |
Keely Discoveries 2 | stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass |
Keely Discoveries 2 | the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effect. |
Keely Discoveries 2 | Second, sixths: resolving the hydrogen and oxygen into |
Keely Discoveries 2 | until the harmony of thirds, sixths, and ninths are reached; |
Keely Discoveries 2 | representing the thirds, sixths, and ninths |
Keely Discoveries 2 | represent a confliction by thirds, sixths, and ninths, as towards the harmonic |
Keely Discoveries 2 | transmissive chords of the thirds, sixths and ninths to bombard upon |
Keely Discoveries 2 | and on the sixths, or atomic graduation, 360 revolutions |
Keely Discoveries 3 | Here we have a clue to the Thirds, Sixths and Ninths of Keely's theories |
Keely Discoveries 3 | established, by negatizing the thirds, sixths, and ninths of this concordance |
Keely Discoveries 3 | 2nd. the harmonic sixths neutralizing affinity |
Keely Discoveries 3 | antagonizes the discordant sixths extending the range of their oscillating |
Keely Discoveries 3 | meaning, second harmonic bar on sixths, or neutralizing one |
Keely Information | The instrument is set on the sixths, to liberate intermolecular latent |
Keely Information | set on the ninths dominant, the sixths harmonic, and the thirds enharmonic |
Keely Information | Sixths Sympathetic impregnation of matter. |
Keely Information | revolutions per minute, and on the sixths or atomic graduation, 360 revolutions |
Keely Information | established on the ratio of thirds, sixths, and ninths |
Keely Information | focalized intensity, 100 in my system: sixths in the depolar field, or 66 2/3 |
Keely Information | On the sixths and ninths, in the progressive triple |
Keely Information | triple stream which represents the sixths in vibratory sympathetic physics |
Keely's Laws of Harmony | established, by negatizing the thirds, sixths and ninths of this concordance |
Keely's Laws of Harmony | spirals are governed by Sixths (inversion Thirds) |
Keely's Laws of Harmony | These can and do include thirds, sixths, sevenths, elevenths, etc. |
SVP Articles | There are still thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths and sevenths |
SVP Articles | Of the sixths, there are 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 and 5/6. |
SVP Articles | individual note making 6 sevenths, 5 sixths, 4 fifths, 2 fourths and a keynote |
Keely Discoveries 1 | On the diatonic ninths, that atomic vibration reaches 900,000, |
Keely Discoveries 1 | on the interetheric ninths, 24,300,000,000 |
Keely Discoveries 2 | antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass |
Keely Discoveries 2 | instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effect |
Keely Discoveries 2 | thoroughly harmonized with the scale of ninths which is placed at the base |
Keely Discoveries 2 | Third, ninths: The low atomic ether |
Keely Discoveries 2 | representing the thirds, sixths, and ninths, drawing a piece of small gum tube |
Keely Discoveries 2 | between the disintegrator and the ninths of the scale at base of transmitter |
Keely Discoveries 2 | confliction by thirds, sixths, and ninths, as towards the harmonic scale. |
Keely Discoveries 2 | chords of the thirds, sixths and ninths to bombard upon |
Keely Discoveries 3 | clue to the Thirds, Sixths and Ninths of Keely's theories |
Keely Discoveries 3 | negatizing the thirds, sixths, and ninths of this concordance |
Keely Discoveries 3 | induced on the introductory ninths, over their normal standard. |
Keely Discoveries 3 | 3rd, the enharmonic ninths - positive acceleration |
Keely Discoveries 3 | third, enharmonic ninths, which is the one |
Keely Discoveries 3 | establish, on the ninths, a sympathetic affinity |
Keely Discoveries 3 | medium of the universe: the infinite ninths that I am now endeavouring to graduate |
Keely Discoveries 3 | the graduation of the full ninths, or triple triplets |
Keely Information | sympathetic flows than the ninths |
Keely Information | we reach the luminiferous track on the ninths, in the triple subdivision |
Keely Information | the instrument is set on the ninths dominant, the sixths harmonic |
Keely Information | Ninths - Sympathetic transfer from the celestial |
Keely Information | controlling medium of the universe. The ninths which I am now endeavoring to graduate |
Keely Information | clustered thirds and introductory ninths, upon nodal transmitters |
Keely Information | ratio of thirds, sixths, and ninths |
Keely Information | ratio of thirds, sixths, and ninths; the ninths being the circuit occupied by the polar |
Keely Information | On the sixths and ninths, in the progressive triple subdivision |
Keely Information | chords of the thirds, sixths and ninths to bombard upon |
Keely Information | Major 5th 3,145,728 Ninths |
Keely Information | 57th 144,115,188,075,855,872 Full Ninths 156,057,552,198,220,000 |
Keely Information | confliction by thirds, sixths and ninths, as towards the harmonic scale. |
Keely's Laws of Harmony | by negatizing the thirds, sixths and ninths of this concordance |
Keely's Laws of Harmony | medium of the universe; the infinite ninths that I am now endeavoring to graduate |
See Also
celestial luminous
Celestial mind force
celestial radiation
Laws of Being
luminiferous ether
Trinity of Matter and Force
Nine Tones of the Octave Scale Indig Numbers
"In the three metals, silver, gold, and platina, we obtain the proportions - 3 : 6 : 9 - As this is the primary relation of the modes of vibration, a wire made of these three metals is peculiarly adapted to transmit concordant impulses; and nodes made of these substances placed upon a wire, transmitting resonant vibrations, indicate, by the different orders of vibration induced in them, the rate of oscillations of the atomic constituents." [Daniel Brinton, in 14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being, Laws of Being, The Laws of Being]
"Silver represents the third, gold the sixth, and platina the ninth, in their links of association, one to the other, in the molecular range of their motions, when submitted to vibratory impulses. [SYMPATHETIC OUTREACH - Snell]
"The only two vibratory conditions that can be so associated as to excite high sympathetic affinity, as between two physical organisms are : Etheric chord of B flat, 3rd octave, and on Etheric sympathetic chords transmission E flat on the scale third, sixths, and ninths, octaves harmonic, having the third dominant, the sixth enharmonic and the ninth diatonic." [Keely, PHILOSOPHY OF TRANSMISSION AND ROTATION OF MUSICAL SPHERE]
In the Mirror Cube
Three Interior Mirrors
Six Mirrors of Inertia Planes
Nine Mirrors altogether. [See Wave Field, Cube-Sphere]
Mirrors and Lens of Cosmic Cinema
We Now Build the Nine Equators of Cube-Sphere Wave-Fields
I give you free will to do as you wish within the six mirrors of My Light which balance and control your actions from without, and three more balancing mirrors within the six which control your actions from within. For I say to you that these nine mirrors of My Light are My LAW, and they are also the means of enforcing My Law.
These nine Light mirrors of zero curvature and zero motion are your limitations, and the measure of them is the measure of your desire. You may change their measure, and your limitations, by changing the intensity of your desire, but beyond these nine you cannot go in any direction without arriving at the zero of your beginning and ending." Home Study Course
3, 6 and 9 Chronology
1893 - first appeared in Bloomfield-Moore's Keely and His Discoveries as her book is essentially an edited compilation of her earlier articles these numbers are from earlier dates.
1947 - Russell's The Secret of Light
1948 - Russell's The Message of the Divine Iliad
19?? - unsourced Nikola Tesla quote "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." [14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9]
about linear numbers SVP physics and dynamics
See Also
369 - Hollingshead
369 in Portuguese, Eli De Elmos
clustered thirds
Exploring the Dominant
Keely WaveFunction
Keelys Physical Philosophy
Laws of Being
Laws of Being - Annotated
Modes of Vibration
Modes of Vibration - Annotated
Part 14 - Keelys Mysterious Thirds Sixths and Ninths
Table of 369 - Synonyms
The Divine Triplet
The Laws of Being
Three Laws of Being
We Now Build the Nine Equators of Cube-Sphere Wave-Fields
7B.02 - Three Forces in Harmony
12.05 - Three Main Parts of a Wave
12.07 - Keelys Thirds Sixths and Ninths
14.02 - Three Six and Nine - The Principles of Creation
14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being
14.28 - Thirds as Polar and Depolar Parameters
14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9