
Synonyms: Dissociation, Dispersion, Entropy, Explosion, Repulsion, Vacuum, radioactivity, fission, death, Flame, Mother.
"The aerial propeller has a sympathetic polar accumulator and disperser in one instrument, which is entirely distinct from any of the devices intended for terrestrial use; also other mechanical adjuncts not needed on land nor water.
All forms of non-sympathetic machinery have, associated with them, conditions of centrifugal force on the ratio of the velocity induced; the diverging power from the center of induction being governed specifically by its gravital weight according to the diameter it occupies in its circle of rotation.
In a sympathetic negative circuit this order of conditions is reversed; for the power of neutral attraction draws the molecules of any mass, no matter what the weight, toward the center of rotation (instead of toward its periphery) according to the intensity of the negative vibration that is induced upon that particular circle.
Our earth, in its routine of revolution, is governed by the same law in every particular; its mass tending toward its centre of neutrality with a force that is equivalent to the character and velocity of its rotation.(3) If its rotation were increased, the tendency of everything associated with it would be increased toward its centre of neutrality on the same ratio. That is, a pound in weight would, under certain conditions of increased velocity, become two pounds in weight. The laws governing the sympathetic rotation of vibratory machinery are the same laws that govern planetary suspension. To those who have not witnessed the operation of my devices, my theories must indeed seem wild; but the laws of nature are the same yesterday today and forever. They know no change; and sympathetic physics, demonstrated mechanically, must triumph over all ridicule and opposition in the end. To contradict the laws governing sympathetic rotation is to contradict the laws governing planetary suspension, as I am prepared to demonstrate.
If the earth were rotated on a shaft by mechanical force, the present condition of its rotations would be reversed; everything on its surface would fly off at a tangent, on the ratio of the velocity induced. The equilibrium of all things would also be changed.
The gyroscope reveals astounding facts in relation to this philosophy, even when operated mechanically. No other known device is so nearly associated with sympathetic vibratory physics.
The vitalization of the disks for the polar and depolar field is established on the ratio of thirds, sixths, and ninths; the ninths being the circuit occupied by the polar field, must represent, in the scale of vitalized focalized intensity, 100 in my system: sixths in the depolar field, or 66 2/3; and in the neutral field, or thirds, 33 1/3. The triplets must represent one true chord of equation. The sympathetic transmitter transfers any degree of intensity desired from zero up to disintegration; all the transfers being made above the line of the first inaudible, as associated with my resonating system of transfer. On the sixths and ninths, in the progressive triple subdivision of the elements (4) of water, the nearest sympathetic approach is made to the high luminous, which is the main sympathetic link to the earth's polar negative envelope, and the one whereby coordination is effected for commercial work. In short, this progressive condition establishes the necessary association between celestial radiation and terrestrial outreach, in regard to controlling the polar negative attractive force in mechanics; whether for aerial navigation or for terrestrial commercial work, in all its multiplied forms.
The atmospheric envelope of our earth owes its activity and its volume entirely to celestial radiating forces.(5) Reception and dispersion are kept up by atomic and interatomic conflict between the dominant and enharmonic currents of the triune polar stream. The harmonic and enharmonic current with the dominant (in the electric stream) by their sympathetic association evolve the energy of matter.
The mechanical proof of the correctness of my theories, in sympathetic or spiritual physics, is so overwhelming in its simplicity that it needs but to be witnessed to convince the most learned or the most simple mind that this system will place both science and commerce on a platform which will elevate each to a level far higher than those they now occupy." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
Progressive Disintegration - "The question arises, how and by what means are we able to measure the velocity of these capsules and the differential range of their vibratory action? Also, how can we prove beyond dispute the facts relating to their sympathetic government? By progressive disintegration; this is the only way; and it is accomplished by the proper exciters of vibratory focalization; the introductory acoustic impulses which negatize their molecular, atomic and interatomic media of neutral attractions, towards their focalized centers of sympathetic aggregation." [Keely]
"Recently some questions, propounded to Mr. Keely by a scientist, elicited answers which the man of science admitted were clear and definite, but no physicist could accept Keely's assertion that incalculable amounts of latent force exist in the molecular space, for the simple reason that science asserts that molecular aggregation is attended with dissipation of energy instead of its absorption. The questions asked were:-
I. "In disintegrating water, how many foot-pounds of energy have you to expend in order or produce or induce the vibratory energy in your acoustical apparatus?"
Answer.- "No foot-pounds at all. The force necessary to excite disintegration when the instrument is sensitized, both in sensitization and development, would not be sufficient to wind up a watch."
II. "What is the amount of energy that you get out of that initial amount of water, say twelve drops, when decomposed into ether?"
Answer.- "From twelve drops of water a force can be developed that will fill a chamber of seven pint volume no less than six times with a pressure of ten tons to the square inch."
III. "In other words, if you put so many pounds of energy into vibratory motion, how many foot-pounds do you get out of this?"
Answer.- "All molecular masses of metal represent in their interstitial molecular spaces incalculable amounts of latent force, which if awakened and brought into intense vibratory action by the medium of sympathetic liberation, would result in thousands of billions more power in foot-pounds than that necessary to awaken it. The resultant development of any and all forces is only accomplished by conditions that awaken the latent energy they have carried with them during molecular aggregation. If the latent force that exists in a pound of water could be sympathetically evolved or liberated up to the seventh subdivision or compound interetheric, and could be stored free of rotation, it would be in my estimation sufficient to run the power of the world for a century." [Vibratory Physics - True Science]
"Beyond disintegration lies dispersion, and Keely can just as easily disperse atoms of matter as disintegrate its molecules, dispersing them into ether. The law of gravity appears in the light of Keely's experiments but one manifestation of a law which provides for the reversion of the process of attraction in the shape of a process of repulsion. Keely, by means of a belt and certain appliances which he wore upon his person moved singlehanded, a 500 horsepower vibratory engine from one part of his shop to another, without a scratch on the floor, and astounded engineers declared it could not have been moved without a derrick, to use which would have required the removal of the roof." [KEELYS SECRETS - 1888]
In all molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects. These triple conditions are focalized on the neutral center of said instrument so as to induce perfect harmony or concordance to the chord note of the mass chord of the instruments full combination, after which the diatonic and the enharmonic scale located at the top of the instrument, or ring, is thoroughly harmonized with the scale of ninths which is placed at the base of the vibratory transmitter with the telephone head. The next step is to disturb the harmony on the concentrative thirds, between the transmitter and the disintegrator. This is done by rotating the siren so as to induce a sympathetic communication along the nodal transmitter, or wire, that associates the two instruments. When the note of the siren becomes concordant to the neutral center of the disintegrator, the highest order of sympathetic communication is established. It is now necessary to operate the transferable vibratory negatizer or negative accelerator, which is seated in the center of the diatonic and enharmonic ring, at the top of the disintegrator, and complete disintegration will follow (from the antagonisms induced on the concordants by said adjunct) in triple progression, thus: First thirds: Molecular dissociation resolving the water into a gaseous compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Second: sixths, resolving the hydrogen and oxygen into a new element by second order of dissociation, producing what I call low atomic ether. Third: ninths, the low atomic ether resolved into a new element, which I denominate high or second atomic harmonic. All these transmissions being simultaneous on the disturbance of sympathetic equilibrium by said negative accelerator. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 4]
"I have been repeatedly urged to repeat my disintegrations of quartz rock, but it has been utterly out of my power to do so. The mechanical device with which I conducted those experiments was destroyed at the time of the proceedings against me. Its graduation occupied over four years, after which it was operated successfully. It has been originally constructed as an instrument for overcoming gravity, a perfect, graduated scale of that device was accurately registered, a copy of which I kept, I have since built three successive disintegrators set up from that scale, but they did not operate. This peculiar feature remained a paradox to me until I had solved the conditions governing the chords of multiple masses, when this problem ceased to be paradoxical in its character. As I have said, there are no two compound aggregated forms of visible matter that are, or ever can be, so duplicated as to show pure, sympathetic concordance one to the other. Hence the necessity of my system of graduation, and of a compound device that will enable anyone to correct the variations that exist in compound molecular structures, or in other words to graduate such, so as to bring them to a successful operation." [Keely] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, MINERAL DISINTEGRATION, page 7]
"Disturbance of equilibrium is the prime mover, aggregator and disperser of all forces that exist in nature. The force of the mind on matter is a grand illustration of the power of the finer over the crude, of the etheric over the molecular. If the differential forces of the brain could become equated, eternal perpetuity would be the result. Under such a condition the physical would remain free of disintegration or decomposition.
"But the law, laid out by the Great Master, which governs the disturbance of equilibrium, making the crude forms of matter, subservient to the finer or higher forms, forbidding anything molecular or terrestrial to assimilate with the high etheric, the law that has fixed the planets in their places, is an unknown law to the finite mind, comprehended only by the Infinite One." [True Science]
"The peculiar conditions as associated with the gaseous elements of which water is composed, as regards the differential volume and gravity of its gases, make it a ready and fit subject of vibratory research. In submitting water to the influence of vibratory transmission, even on simple thirds, the high action induced on the hydrogen as contrasted with the one on the oxygen (under the same vibratory stream) causes the antagonism between these elements that induces dissociation. The differential antagonistic range of motion, so favoring the antagonistic thirds as to become thoroughly repellant. The gaseous element thus induced and registered, shows thousands of times much greater force as regards tenuity and volume than that induced by the chemical disintegration of heat, on the same medium. " [THEORY AND FORMULA OF AQUEOUS DISINTEGRATION]
"Mr. Keely showed control of the ether, interatomic subdivision, by graduating the escape of the residue, as he allowed it to discharge itself with a noise like the rushing of steam to an expulsion as gentle as the breathings of an infant. The three subdivisions acted simultaneously, showing instantaneous association and disassociation. The sympathetic globe was operated upon, 120 revolutions a second, ceasing the instant that the wire was detached."
"The experiments on the 12th closed with the disintegration of water, twelve drops of which we saw dropped, drop by drop, into the small sphere attached to the disintegrator after exhausting the air by suction. A pressure of over 20,000 pounds to the square inch was shown to the satisfaction of all present. Mr. Keely showed control of the ether, interatomic subdivision, by graduating the escape of the residue, as he allowed it to discharge itself with a noise like a rushing of steam to an expulsion as gentle as the breathings of an infant. The three subdivisions acted simultaneously, showing instantaneous association and dissociation. The sympathetic globe was operated upon, 120 revolutions per second, ceasing the instant that the wire was detached." [Chapter 9 of Keely and His Discoveries]
"Creation is but a swing of the cosmic pendulum from inertia, through energy, and back again to inertia, forever and forever. It is but a series of opposing pulsations of action and reaction, integration and disintegration, gravitation and radiation, appearance and disappearance." [The Cosmic Pendulum]
This two-fold interplay of perpetual motion can be directly observed and studied in deep, cool cellars, for through differences in temperature, what has grown large in the Sun and then reduced in size by squashing, will be moved 'cycloidally' in the cellar. First refined, then made 'cloudy', it slowly becomes clear after termination of this adolescent period. This is how wise Nature operates, who is known to have unlimited developmental periods at her disposition for all things. We, poor souls, to whom only a single, unique life is available in which we will also be forced to make use of cycloid-space-curve-motion in order to alleviate almost intolerable reactive energies through their abreaction, will have to behave more sensibly in order to become somewhat more blissful while still on this Earth than has been the case due to the efforts of 'active' technicians. In other words, we must reverse the way things are done. Cycloid-space-curve-motion must therefore be given pride of place, which logically leads to the almost cost-free mechanical generation of reactive differences in potential, which in turn give rise to increased and intensified active differences in motion. Harnessed once more, these trigger further high-grade differences in potential of a reactive nature, and so on and so forth until temperatures and reactive forces of such a kind are triggered that it is a veritable art to devise an operating load heavy enough to brake and control these elemental suctional and pressural forces. At the right time, therefore, we must keep our eyes open for the specialists and experts, who function as super-brakes on development!! Most certainly, however, we must replace those, who today brake the normal course of development with the reversed interplay of forces, which they do in such a way as to increase and intensify precisely those kinds of energy that promote decomposition and the expulsion of what is unsuitable for further development. In so doing they trigger a form of perpetual motion, because here too the self-intensifying decomposive and repulsive forces also increase by the square owing to the cycloid-space-curve-motion of the Earth. Sadly they do not see what they have themselves created, namely boundless decline and disintegration instead of an equally [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
already very shaky scientific edifice would come tumbling down, if the full scope of the reactive energy economy should become known too quickly. An upheaval of such a kind would then arise, which could not be endured in these days of food shortages, and the baby would be thrown out with the bath-water by those, who have only one idea left: somehow to struggle through life and to be free of all problems. Were this implemented, however, then the most marvellous things would come to life again, which compared to the present world situation would be a paradise. The trick therefore is - how do I tell the innocent children that the end has come for all manner of lusts for power, because a natural power is now appearing, before which everything else must unconditionally capitulate. Today this new power rejoices over the victory, which was brought about by the fact that the Germans - and this can be examined from any desired viewpoint - were unfortunately the best exponents of a technology founded on faecal matter. Unhappily they exploited precisely those expulsive energies that enable us, for example, to rid ourselves of those substances so vital to the Earth for maintaining the eternal renewal of her motive forces. With the aid of these earthly and other waste materials she recreates everything anew, which our evolutionally older descendants absolutely require for their various necessities of life. For this reason wise Nature will not hesitate much longer before she clears everything off the green dissection-table with a single sweep of the hand, as it were, upon which, using decimal scales and an inch ruler, attempts were made to discover the 'essence', namely, that which provides for the weight and measure of all things. And thus, instead of specific elements they found absolutely heavy remnants, which they then declared to be 'atoms'. That these remnants of a former organic whole, which have been artificially rendered potential-less (stripped of life-force, so to speak), interact in a lively fashion, is quite obvious. Under no circumstances, however, do the products of synthesis that produce higher quality products come into being in this way, but only active forms of heat and cold. These promote the process of decay through further interactions, which in turn give rise to the decomposive and retrogressive factors that promote an accelerated disintegration as well as the annihilating energies that intensify by the square. That these energy-forms, which foster decomposition and are possessed of a force of resistance that increases by the square, contradict the irrational assumption that they actually further the build-up of culture, is perhaps only incomprehensible to those who know nothing of the specific counter-elements and who, because of a tragic error, established the crowning law of contemporary technology, such that under all circumstances the resistance must increase by the square of the velocity. The specific counter-form, the upward falling weight as it were, comes into being when etherialised substances are transferred to the 4th dimension. This happens, due to the fact that negatively potentiated constituents of carbonic [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
All birth requires fertilisation. Fertilisation, however, necessitates the disintegration of the original ur-form. All of which brings us to the fundamental question: What actually is motion? This question is answered by a free-falling droplet of water, from which a horizontally and vertically radiating energy-form springs forth, the power of the horizontal emission corresponding to about 12,000 seed-volts as measured with an electrometer. These are referred to as seed-volts here, because in this case we are concerned with a charge-bundle which contains about 12,000 water embryos in an energetic state. These are freed when a drop of water merely falls about 20 cm (8 inches). Naturally, special equipment is required to measure this capacity. To describe it in more detail here, would stray too far from the present theme, therefore clarification of the 'essentials' will have to suffice. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
suspected. Let us take as our standard of colours the series given by the disintegration of white light, the so-called spectrum: as our standard of musical notes, let us take the natural or diatonic scale. We may justly compare the two, for the former embraces all possible gradations of simple colours, and the latter a similar gradation of notes of varying pitch. Further, the succession of colours in the spectrum is perfectly harmonious to the eye. Their invariable order is— red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet; any other arrangement of the colours is less enjoyable. Likewise, the succession of notes in the scale is the most agreeable that can be found. The order is—C, D, E, F, G, A, B; any attempt to ascend or descend the entire scale by another order is disagreeable. The order of colours given in the spectrum is exactly the order of luminous wave-lengths, decreasing from red to violet. The order of notes in the scale is also exactly the order of sonorous wave-lengths, decreasing from C to B." [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, On Colours as Developed by the same Laws as Musical Harmonies2, page 19]
Law/Source | ||||
Disintegration with UltraSound
Modern Mechanix, 1932
See Also
4plusplus - Russell paradigm
Aqueous Disintegration
Atomic Dissociation
decomposive force
Dissociating Solid Matter
Dissociating Water by Plants
Dissociating Water with Microwave
Dissociation - Russell
dissociation of matter
Ether Generator Producing High Pressures
Ether Generator
Ether the True Protoplasm
Ether Theory
Etheric Capsule
Etheric Current
Etheric Elements
Etheric Force
Etheric Vapor
Figure 1.10 - Keelys Vibratory Relations of Multi-Level Matter
Figure 1.3 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
Figure 1.3.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy according to Keely
Figure 1.4 - Dynamical Full Gamut of Mind and Matter
Figure 1.5 - Expanded Gamut of Mind and Matter Chart
Figure 13.02b - Liberator or Ether Vivifier
Figure 15.00c - Keelys Devices for Liberating and Measuring Etheric Pressure
Gustave Le Bon - published paper in 1896 detailing his dissociation of atoms
Intra-atomic energy
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Etheric Generator or Liberator
Latent Element
Latent Energy
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Latent Force in Interstitial Spaces
Latent Force
latent heat
latent neutral
Law of Atomic Dissociation
Law of Chemical Dissociation
Law of Cycles
Liquid Ether
Locked Potentials and Subdivisions
Molecular Dissociation
nodal dissociator
nuclear fission
Original Etheric Vapor Liberator
Part 15 - Dissociating Water
Part 15 - Dissociating Water - including all subsections
Part 30 - Dissociating Matter
Progressive Disintegration
Splitting Atoms and Molecules
splitting the atom - Keely
SVP Cosmology Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically
The Seven Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
The Ultimate Constitution of Matter and the Action of the Force Regulating its Phenomena
States of Matter, Wikipedia
08 - The Brain as applied to Vibratory Etheric Science
13 - Chart Defining the Arrangement of the different Atoms and Corpuscles of Matter
14 - Chart with Symbols Defining the relative Simple and Compound Sympathetic Association
15.03 - Questions Concerning Dissociation
15.04 - Dissociating Water with Fire
15.05 - Relative Diameters in Dissociation
15.06 - Power of Dissociated Water
15.07 - Dissociating Process
15.08 - Dissociating Water with X-Rays - Radiolysis
15.09 - Dissociating Water with Ultrasonic Vibration - Puharich
15.10 - Dissociating Water with Alternating Current - Puharich
15.11 - Dissociating Water with Vacuum
15.11.5 - Dissociating Water with Sound
15.12 - Dissociating Water with Acoustic Cavitation
15.13 - Dissociating Water Acoustically - Liberation of Quantum Constituents
15.14 - Dissociation Liberates Spontaneous Energy
15.15 - Progressive Dissociation
15.20 - Dissociation Frequency
15.21 - Water Dissociation Demonstration
16.26 - Magnetism is Liberated Latent Power in Iron
7.6 - Reciprocal Disintegration and Creation
7B.14 - Latent Force