Tyndall, John
"Cohesion is electro-magnetic negative attraction." [See Keely and His Discoveries page 302; also (Tyndall, John; "Sound"; Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1893, page 179)]
With his Generator, which was invented for the purpose of multiplication of vibrations, he secured higher frequencies by disturbance of equilibrium of mediums of different specific gravities, air as one, water as the other.
In the disintegration of water in his "Liberator" he produced the "etheric order of ozone." This he is said to have used in a "carbon register" to produce a high vibratory circuit that proved sufficient to break up cohesion, which he states is simply molecular magnetism. At that time he used, in molecular dissociation, one tuning fork of 620 per second, setting chords on the first octave, in atomic separation, two forks, one of 620 and one of 630, setting chords on the second octave, and in etheric separation used three forks, one of 620, one of 630 and one of 12,000, setting chords on the third octave. [VIBRATORY MULTIPLICATION]
Babcock writes in 1880:- "This discoverer has entered a new world, and although an unexplored region of untold wealth lies beyond, he is treading firmly its border, which daily widens as with ever-increasing interest he pursues his explorations. He has passed the dreary realm where scientists are groping. His researches are made in the open field of elemental force, where gravity, inertia, cohesion, momentum, are disturbed in their haunts and diverted to use; where, from unity of origin, emanates infinite energy in diversified forms." [Vibratory Physics - True Science, Keely and Science - Part 1 and Ether the True Protoplasm]
"This is also a form of attraction. Keely states cohesion is sympathetic negative attraction, its degree corresponding to the character of the molecular density. The differing powers of attraction represent differing molecular ranges of motion; the less the molecular vibratory range, the greater the cohesive force and vice versa. Elsewhere he states: "Cohesion is electromagnetic sympathetic attraction." [COHESION - Snell]

Law/Source | ||||
Cohesion increases as molecular motion decreases. Also called molecular magnetism.

"Cohesion is SYMPATHETIC NEGATIVE ATTRACTION. It is the negative, vibratory assimilation, or aggregation, of the molecules, acting according to the density or compactness of the molecular groupings on their structures. The differing character of the molecular densities, or molecular range of motion, represents differing powers of attraction. The lower the range of motions on the molecular vibrations of these structures, the greater is the attractive force that holds them together; and vice versa." [Keely and His Discoveries pg 272]
"This is also a form of attraction. Keely states cohesion is sympathetic negative attraction, its degree corresponding to the character of the molecular density. The differing powers of attraction represent differing molecular ranges of motion; the less the molecular vibratory range, the greater the cohesive force and vice versa. Elsewhere he states: "Cohesion is electromagnetic sympathetic attraction."
He classed molecular cohesion as the dominant order of the electric stream, in other words, the resultant from the polar current of the individual molecules, and says that the negative attractive property of the molecules, causing their combination in crystalline aggregates, is simply another phase of cohesion.
"If the sympathetic negative polar stream was cut off from the earth the individual molecular neutral centers would float away into space like a swarm of bees." The solidarity of matter is, then, caused by the polar stream, which acts as the medium of attraction. The juxtaposition of unit-matter causes the ethereal atmosphere to become confluent and this polar stream flows through this ethereal atmosphere. The combination of all the molecules in the earth-mass causes a certain degree of confluence of all their ethereal atmospheres and this confluence constitutes the dynasphere of the earth, with the polar stream flowing through this dynasphere.
"If a disk of proper proportions of silver, gold and platinum were used with the Trexar in connection with a "negative focalizer" (an accessory used in his magnetic engine, which he also calls his "polar radiator") the alloyed disk would exhibit high induced cohesion by adhering to this focalizer with such affinity as to become inseparable from it, notwithstanding any force which might be mechanically applied to pry them apart." [Snell Manuscript] The Snell Manuscript

IN tracing the origin of a harmony, or family of sounds, all divisions must come out of the one, or unit. Two powers are at work—cohesion and separation; a truth continually dwelt upon by the Greek philosophers. In the diagram, the note C may be considered as central, or as placed with four tones below and two above itself. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Diagram II - The Twelve Keynotes1, page 23]
See Also
cohesive power
electro-magnetic negative attraction
Law of Cohesion
Negative Attraction
Negative Attractive
Sympathetic Affinity
sympathetic aggregation
Sympathetic Negative Attraction
Sympathetic Neutral Affinity
sympathetic polar attraction
7B.18 - Sympathetic Negative Attraction
14.12 - Sympathetic Attraction
14.18 - Law of Sympathetic Association