A stream or flow of vibration, oscillation, Force or Energy having two poles; i. e., syntropy and entropy.
"Electricity is the result of three differentiated sympathetic flows, combining the celestial and terrestrial flows by an order of assimilation negatively attractive in its character. It is one of Nature's efforts to restore attractive differentiation. In analyzing this triple union in its vibratory philosophy, I find the highest order of perfection in this assimilative action of Nature. The whole condition is atomic, and is the introductory one which has an affinity for terrestrial centers, uniting magnetically with the Polar stream, in other words, uniting with the Polar stream by neutral affinity. The magnetic or electric forces of the earth are thus kept in stable equilibrium by this triune force, and the chords of this force may be expressed as:
1st.: The Dominant
2nd.: The Harmonic
3rd.: The Enharmonic. [WHAT IS ELECTRICITY]
The value of each is, one to the other, in the rates of figures, true thirds. E flat- transmissive chord or dominant; A flat- harmonic; A double flat- enharmonic. The unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, when the negative and the positive conditions reach a certain range of vibratory motion, as to be compared to an explosion. During this action the positive electric stream is liberated and immediately seeks its neutral terrestrial center, or center of highest attraction." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"He [Keely] announced in 1888 that he had discovered this "sympathetic vibration" to be associated both positively and negatively with the polar stream. [MASS VIBRATIONS]
Keely announced in 1888 that he had proved the uselessness of building engines to employ the ether as a motive power, which could only be used as a medium for the power which he had discovered, namely a condition of sympathetic vibration associated both positively and negatively with the polar stream. The revolving globe was never created to be the "source of power" and Keely never affirmed that he could produce with it "an indefinite amount of horse power without current expense." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
"In analyzing this triple union in its vibratory philosophy, I find the highest order of perfection in this assimilative action of Nature. The whole condition is atomic, and is the introductory one which has an affinity for terrestrial centres, uniting magnetically with the Polar stream, in other words, uniting with the Polar stream by neutral affinity. The magnetic or electric forces of the earth are thus kept in stable equilibrium by this triune force, and the chords of this force may be expressed as 1st, the dominant, 2nd, the harmonic, and 3rd, the enharmonic. The value of each is, one to the other, in the rates of figures, true thirds. Eb, - transmissive chord or dominant; Ab - harmonic; Abb - enharmonic. The unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, when the negative and the positive conditions reach a certain range of vibratory motion, as to be compared to an explosion. During this action the positive electric stream is liberated, and immediately seeks its neutral terrestrial centre, or centre of highest attraction." [True Science]
"The polar current is a triune flow, in which the dominant is the controlling element." He sought to demonstrate through instruments the sympathetic association of the polar stream with the "luminiferous track" or "compound etheric field." [POLAR CURRENT]
See Also
Conjugate Variables
Figure 4.8 - Triple Polar Rotations In and Out
Figure 7.1 - Step 1 - Wave Vortex Crests at Maximum Polarization
Figure 8.8 - Polar States or Conditions as Seeming Opposites
Figure 13.12 - Triune Polar Stream Characteristics
Mind as Flow or Stream
Part 02 - Origin of Polar States
Polar Flow
polar negative stream
Spiral 4 Streams
sympathetic negative polar stream
Sympathetic Polar Flows
Sympathetic Stream
Sympathetic Streams
Table 15.02 - Triune Polar Streams
Triune streams
Wave Train
16.21 - Magnetic Flow
16.22 - Magnetic Flow is Negative Sympathetic Polar Stream