noun: the act of exploding or bursting something
noun: a sudden outburst
noun: a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction
noun: the noise caused by an explosion
noun: a sudden great increase
noun: the terminal forced release of pressure built up or held latent.
An entropic dispersion. Opposite to syntropic implosion.
Keely pursued the line of "invention" instead of "discovery" from 1872, and his thoughts were thus concentrated until 1882. Engine after engine was scrapped as old metal, in his failures to construct one that would keep up the rotary motion of the ether that was necessary to hold it in any structure. Explosion after explosion occurred, sometimes harmless, at other times laying him up for weeks. He spent two more years endeavoring to devise an automatic control to enable the machine for liberating the energy to be handled by an operator and in 1884 he stated he was commencing to make real progress. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
"For ten years Keely's demonstrations were confined to the liberation, at will, of the energy he had "stumbled over" while experimenting on vibrations in 1872; and his efforts were put forth for the construction of "the perfect engine," which he had promised to the Keely Motor Company. He made the mistake of pursuing his researches on the line of invention instead of discovery. All his thoughts were concentrated in this direction up to the year 1882. Engine after engine was abandoned and sold as old metal, in his repeated failures to construct one that would keep up the rotary motion of the ether that was necessary to hold it in any structure. Explosion after explosion occurred, sometimes harmless to him, at other times laying him up for weeks at a time.
Two more years were lost in efforts to devise an automatic arrangement, which should enable the machine, invented by Keely for liberating the energy, to be handled by any operator, and it was not until 1884 that steady progress was seen, from years to years, as the result of his enlarged researches. When Keely was asked, at this time, how long he thought it would be before he would have the engine he was then at work upon ready to patent, he illustrated his situation by an anecdote: "A man fell down, one dark night, into a mine; catching a rope in his descent, he clung to it until morning. With the first glimpse of daylight, he saw that had he let go his hold of the rope he would have had but a few inches to fall. I am precisely in the situation of that man. I do not know how near success may be nor yet how far off it is."
August 5th, 1885, the New York Home Journal announced that Keely had imprisoned the ether; and, as was then wrongly supposed, that the unknown force was the ether itself; not the medium of the force, as it is now known to be." [Bloomfield-Moore] [Ether the True Protoplasm]
"Electricity is the result of three differentiated sympathetic flows, combining the celestial and terrestrial flows by an order of assimilation negatively attractive in its character. It is one of Nature's efforts to restore attractive differentiation. In analyzing this triple union in its vibratory philosophy, I find the highest order of perfection in this assimilative action of Nature. The whole condition is atomic, and is the introductory one which has an affinity for terrestrial centers, uniting magnetically with the polar stream; in other words, uniting with the polar stream by neutral affinity. The magnetic or electric forces of the earth are thus kept in stable equilibrium by this triune force, and the chords of this force may be expressed as 1st, the dominant, 2nd, the harmonic, and 3rd, the enharmonic. The value of each is, one to the other, in the rates of figures, true thirds. E flat- transmissive chord or dominant; A flat- harmonic; A double flat- enharmonic. The unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, when the negative and the positive conditions reach a certain range of vibratory motion, as to be compared to an explosion. During this action the positive electric stream is liberated and immediately seeks its neutral terrestrial center, or center of highest attraction." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"In analyzing this triple union in its vibratory philosophy, I find the highest order of perfection in this assimilative action of Nature. The whole condition is atomic, and is the introductory one which has an affinity for terrestrial centres, uniting magnetically with the Polar stream, in other words, uniting with the Polar stream by neutral affinity. The magnetic or electric forces of the earth are thus kept in stable equilibrium by this triune force, and the chords of this force may be expressed as 1st, the dominant, 2nd, the harmonic, and 3rd, the enharmonic. The value of each is, one to the other, in the rates of figures, true thirds. Eb, - transmissive chord or dominant; Ab - harmonic; Abb - enharmonic. The unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, when the negative and the positive conditions reach a certain range of vibratory motion, as to be compared to an explosion. During this action the positive electric stream is liberated, and immediately seeks its neutral terrestrial centre, or centre of highest attraction." [True Science]
"Each of the billions of nebulae and suns in the heavens is one of those giant cataclysms which must divide itself and die a heat death. They split up into other fireballs which, in turn die a heat death. All matter dies a centrifugally dividing heat death, but it also lives a centripetally multiplying heat life. Heat is a condition which is necessary to the creation of life in inorganic matter and organic as well. But heat is also necessary to create death. Matter would never disappear if it could be kept cold enough. Matter can die and disappear only by accumulating enough heat to consume itself. The cathode beginning of matter is an immeasurable low degree of heat. The anode ending of matter is an immeasurably high degree of heat. Flame is the maximum consumer of matter. All matter is self-consuming but its creation is an effort of its Creator. The Creator gives, but that which He gives must be regiven. That is law, and law must be fulfilled. Fulfillment is automatic, however. It is self-motivated by explosion from within itself. Flame is self-explosive but the heat which created the flame is a compressive effort. [Atomic Suicide, page 155-156] [anode ending of matter]
"If you should cause an explosion in the very center of a perfectly spherical room you would form spherical layers of increasingly dense pressures with maximum density at the surface of the sphere. The center of the sphere would be maximum in vacuity. The explosion would be symmetrically radial. The reaction to that explosion would also be its reverse. The reflections which would return by radar from the spherical walls of that room would collide at its very center. Compression would then be exerted from the outside and density would increase in the direction of the center. Nature does not work that way, however. Nature causes her explosions to take place as though they were confined within the flat walls of a room of four or many walls of such shapes as we see in crystals. If you caused such an explosion in your six sided room the outward expansion would no longer be even. It would not even be spherical because of the four corners, which would have to be filled. The outward explosion could no longer produce straight radial lines, which would reflect back in straight radial lines. Every radial line would have to curve in the direction of its corners, and as they approached those corners their curvature would twist and increase in speed as they approached the corners. In a sphere all radial lines are equal, but in a cube the diagonals are longer than the diameters. This fact accounts for the curvature, the spin and the shaft. It also accounts for the disappearance of all curvature." [Atomic Suicide, page 289]
The explosion of accumulated gravity occurs when the orange-yellow and green-yellow of the color spectrum collide and become "short circuited" by their union with white. [Geometry and Mathematics of Octave Waves]
processes of combustion is immaterial. In warmed up rivers and streams this is associated with losses in the carrying capacity and tractive force[10] (the deposition of sediment and the sinking of the groundwater table). The products of this emulsion give rise to all kinds of inflammation in all organisms, as a result of which, due to the lack of qualigen, the regressive course of cancer then becomes inevitable. In the tissues minute explosions occur, which result in their destruction.

[10] Tractive force: This refers to the force described hydraulically as 'Shear force' — the force that acts to 'shear off' or to dredge and dislodge sediment. In German the term for shear force is 'Schubkraft', meaning 'to push, to shove' as well as 'to shear', whereas Viktor Schauberger uses the word 'Schleppkraft'. The verb 'schleppen' means to drag, draw or pull. Viktor Schauberger's choice of 'Schleppkraft' here is quite specific, since in his view the movement of sediment is due to the sucking action of fast flowing, dense cold water downstream, rather than to the mechanical impact of the water coming from upstream. In view of this subtle change in emphasis, in lieu of the hydraulically correct term 'shear force', the term 'tractive forces' will be used. This dynamic is similar to the effect of wind on roofs, where a roof is blown off not by force from the windward side, but rather by the sucking effect of vortices created on the leeward side. -Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
Particularly serious mistakes were made through the spreading of blast-furnace slag (so-called artificial fertilisers), whose intensified combustion once again robs the soil of its essential energy concentrates, the congealed oily sweetness, which the de-energised and finely pulverised slag then drags to itself from the surrounding negatively potentiated groundwater. Artificial fertilisers therefore remove the blood of the Earth's formative substances, which it must supply to the plants indirectly for the purposes of further ennoblement. In this way too, those levitational factors were eliminated which triable the specifically heavy groundwater to maintain its precarious suspension on steep slopes. From this it can be seen how dangerous are the influences of fire and the lower-grade, expansively and explosively functioning temperatures that arise from fire-affected masses. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Explosion is chemical reaction that takes place extremely rapidly, in which a large increase in pressure occurs due to large quantities of hot gases. Explosions are always innately destructive. They therefore function in a life-harming way. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]
The cause of an explosion is the sudden binding by highly charged oxygen, which at +40°C (104°F) becomes free and aggressive, of the sweet substances generally known as carbones, which become increasingly passive (inactive) with pressure and increase in heat. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]
With explosions vorticity (turbulence) always occurs, resulting in a reduction in the velocity of the through-flowing substance, leading in turn to cavitation, viz. the corrosion on [a] ship propeller or pressure screws in turbines. In particular when snow meltwater or glacier water is centrifugated. In such cases radar-like retroactive reactions takes place, which as detonating events, have a shattering effect. The detonation velocity can be a thousand times greater than the normal combustion velocity, which explains, for example, why the resistance to motion increases by the square in all explosion and expansion machines, which also increases by the square of the velocity of an increase in heat. It therefore acts to impede motion. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]
See Also
Corner Cube Prisms
Corner Cube Retro-Reflectors
Corner cube retroreflectors
corner projector
corner reflector
Coulomb explosion
expansive force
Figure 10.07 - Corner Vortices and Vectors
Figure 10.08 - Sympathetic Streams entering and exiting Corners
Figure 6.10 - Wave Dynamics between Cube Corners
Figure 6.11 - Cube Corner Reflectors Dissipating and Concentrating
Figure 6.16 - Juxtaposed Corner Cubes
Inward Explosion
Ion Energies from Atomic Cluster Explosions
Numerical Simulation of an Atomic Cluster Explosion
omnipresent radar universe
outward explosion
radar corner reflector
radar corner reflector
radar system
10.08 - Corner Vortices
6.12 - Corner and Face Cubes
6.6 - Cube Corner Retroreflectors
6.7 - Corner receivers from corners of cubes