
"For ten years Keely's demonstrations were confined to the liberation, at will, of the energy he had "stumbled over" while experimenting on vibrations in 1872; and his efforts were put forth for the construction of "the perfect engine," which he had promised to the Keely Motor Company. He made the mistake of pursuing his researches on the line of invention instead of discovery. All his thoughts were concentrated in this direction up to the year 1882. Engine after engine was abandoned and sold as old metal, in his repeated failures to construct one that would keep up the rotary motion of the ether that was necessary to hold it in any structure. Explosion after explosion occurred, sometimes harmless to him, at other times laying him up for weeks at a time.

Two more years were lost in efforts to devise an automatic arrangement, which should enable the machine, invented by Keely for liberating the energy, to be handled by any operator, and it was not until 1884 that steady progress was seen, from years to years, as the result of his enlarged researches. When Keely was asked, at this time, how long he thought it would be before he would have the engine he was then at work upon ready to patent, he illustrated his situation by an anecdote: "A man fell down, one dark night, into a mine; catching a rope in his descent, he clung to it until morning. With the first glimpse of daylight, he saw that had he let go his hold of the rope he would have had but a few inches to fall. I am precisely in the situation of that man. I do not know how near success may be nor yet how far off it is."

August 5th, 1885, the New York Home Journal announced that Keely had imprisoned the ether; and, as was then wrongly supposed, that the unknown force was the ether itself; not the medium of the force, as it is now known to be." [Bloomfield-Moore] [Ether the True Protoplasm]

In other words, either it is believed in such circles that progress as an individual ceases with the cessation of vital physical functions, or there is a definite interest in ensuring that, by inhibiting the production of qualigen by deliberately eliminating A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger), the dull-brained can never die out. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

place to an economy powered by excremental matter. For this reason an economic decline is inevitable. The reintroduction of cycloid-space-curve-motion signifies the reinstatement of the normal progress and processes of development and the immediate alleviation of privation and penury. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]

This is especially true of water. It is therefore important to study the nature of water, its inner propensities and its capacity for onward transmission so that general and individual progress can be fostered through the possibility of its ennoblement. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]

Crude oils belong to the genus of physical manifestations that are incapable of reproduction. They are formations that missed their way on evolution's developmental path and rightly belong to the genus of mules, in which connection the donkey is also known to have made a mess of the normal progress of development. Seen from this angle, distilled crude oil is to be considered as a kind of super-mule, produced by humans who think they can cleverly outsmart Nature. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also

Progressive Evolution
progressive synthesis
progression of keys
geometric progression
law of progress
Progressive Science
progression of harmonics
Geometrical Progression
progressive order
15.15 - Progressive Dissociation
progressive subdivision
triple progression
semitonic progression
progressive root
semitonic progress
chromatic progression
diatonic progression
Diatonic progression chords
reciprocal progression
inverse progression

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday November 30, 2022 06:02:03 MST by Dale Pond.