"For ten years Keely's demonstrations were confined to the liberation, at will, of the energy he had "stumbled over" while experimenting on vibrations in 1872; and his efforts were put forth for the construction of "the perfect engine," which he had promised to the Keely Motor Company. He made the mistake of pursuing his researches on the line of invention instead of discovery. All his thoughts were concentrated in this direction up to the year 1882. Engine after engine was abandoned and sold as old metal, in his repeated failures to construct one that would keep up the rotary motion of the ether that was necessary to hold it in any structure. Explosion after explosion occurred, sometimes harmless to him, at other times laying him up for weeks at a time.
Two more years were lost in efforts to devise an automatic arrangement, which should enable the machine, invented by Keely for liberating the energy, to be handled by any operator, and it was not until 1884 that steady progress was seen, from years to years, as the result of his enlarged researches. When Keely was asked, at this time, how long he thought it would be before he would have the engine he was then at work upon ready to patent, he illustrated his situation by an anecdote: "A man fell down, one dark night, into a mine; catching a rope in his descent, he clung to it until morning. With the first glimpse of daylight, he saw that had he let go his hold of the rope he would have had but a few inches to fall. I am precisely in the situation of that man. I do not know how near success may be nor yet how far off it is."
August 5th, 1885, the New York Home Journal announced that Keely had imprisoned the ether; and, as was then wrongly supposed, that the unknown force was the ether itself; not the medium of the force, as it is now known to be." [Bloomfield-Moore] [Ether the True Protoplasm]
[5] See also figs. 8 & 9 and associated patent descriptions in The Water Wizard, Vol I of the Ecotechnology series. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]
In a pipe, which is described in greater detail in the patent application to the Reich's patent office[12], specially shaped resistance-inducing vanes are incorporated, which are made of a potential-increasing material and are installed and aligned along very particular curved paths on the inner periphery of the pipe-walls. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
pipe-walls. The patent extension for constructing these vanes is included with the patent application under separate cover. In the patent claims particular reference is made to the pipe's insulation. Details of the angular configuration, etc. of the above vanes were omitted, because they have already been included in earlier patents. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Details concerning the initial procedures for catalysis and catalytic effects appear in the application only to the extent necessary for the preliminary establishment of the novelty and the technical feasibility of this pioneering patent. It is not the examiner's brief to adjudicate on the practicality and other aspects (see patent regulations) of the application and therefore nothing has been excluded that is required or prescribed for the patent examination. It should be emphasised here that the mechanical processes in this pipe are totally uninteresting and therefore my own earlier applications and those of others, which give prominence to the advantages of the mechanical motion, are peripheral to the present application. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
This ideal pressure-producing substance is the driving medium for powering the centrifugal Repulsators, which ur-generate the bio-electromagnetic vacuum, the most powerful suctional force of Nature's that could ever be imagined. These centrifugal Repulsators are described in the patent application at the Reich's Patent Office in Berlin[21]. Their more detailed description will be undertaken at an appropriate moment in the future. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
[21] Unfortunately no details of this patent are available. - Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also
Bell Telephone patent
Hydro Vacuo Engine Patent
Keely Patents
patent application
patent claim
patent examination
patent extension
patent No. 1.057.576
Patent No. 1.057.6767
patent regulations
Schauberger Patent 113487
Schauberger Patent 117749
Schauberger Patent 134543
Schauberger Patent 136214
Schauberger Patent 138296
Schauberger Patent 142032
Schauberger Patent 196680 - Pipe for Liquid and Gaseous Media
Schauberger Patents
Tesla - U.S. Patent 0512340
Tesla Other Patents
Tesla Patents
Tesla Patents 101-111
Tesla Patents 51-100
US Patent 2482773
Youds Patent - US20010042802