The Neutralization of Magnets
"Thus, either present elements are the true elements, or else there is the probability before us of obtaining some more high and general power of nature, even than electricity, and which at the same time might reveal to us an entirely new grade of matter, now hidden from our view and almost from our suspicion. - [FARADAY]
Question. How can a magnet be robbed almost instantaneously of its magnetic power?
Answer. The peculiarity of the sympathetic conditions which conserve a magnet to polar and anti-polar currents of the earth, prove perfect sympathetic equation between reception and distribution in that part of the electrical field which is classified, in my system, as interatomic vibratory oscillation.
This oscillation represents, in its corpuscular field of action, an alternating wave-motion of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibratory exchanges per second, between polar reception and depolar distribution, thus establishing its perfect sympathetic concordance to that third of the electric triple stream which represents the sixths in vibratory sympathetic physics. The sympathetic action of the magnet, when electrically sensitized, becomes subservient to polar attraction as a medium through which a portion of its flow is diverted; no longer latent, but highly active as long as its magnetic sympathy (as electrically induced) continues, and it will then associate itself with every medium in nature in which this element exists in its latent state, from steel to oxygen at a low temperature.
We have now reached a starting-point from which to obtain a conception of the manner in which a magnet can be neutralized, that is, robbed of its coincident unity, or subservience to polar negative attraction." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
The attraction of gravitation and the repulsion of radiation is nature's simple method of distribution and redistribution of all masses, so that each mass will find its proper position. [See Universal Heart Beat]
It is not proper to conceive either of these apparently opposite forces as two forces.
The south wind and the north wind are not two winds. They are the same wind blowing in opposite directions.
It is more correct to say that gravitation and radiation are processes.
The one motive force which directs these processes is equally divided into opposite effects, but these opposite effects are unequally balanced. [See 14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9]
The unequal divisions of the two opposites totaled together constitute an equilibrium.
The One force never subdivides into any minus expression of force without counterbalancing that minus with an equal and opposite plus. [See Reciprocating Proportionality]
Gravitation is a synthetic process of putting things together, and radiation an analytic one of taking them apart.
The chemist uses these processes in every action and reaction.
Consider for example the reduction of iron oxide at high temperature by passing a jet of hydrogen over it.
What happens? The hydrogen falls toward the higher potential of the oxygen of the iron which is sufficiently expanded by the high temperature to absorb the hydrogen, and the hot iron is sufficiently expanded to release the oxygen.
This is an effect of gravitation in respect to the oxygen and the hydrogen.
They unite, they mutually integrate, and freeze into amorphous crystals of such extended orbits that they assume the liquid state known as "water."
On the contrary, it is an effect of radiation in respect to the iron and the oxygen. [The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation, Gravitation and Radiation - page 141]
"Temperature is a dimension of relative and opposing pressures as expressed in its opposites, heat and cold.
"The popular concept that temperature measures only the degree of heat is not in conformity with the laws of motion.
"Heat is improperly presumed to be an effect of motion which is operative in both directions.
"In other words, that which we call cold is assumed to be less heat.
"This idea must be eliminated from man's thinking. Heat and cold are as much the opposites of temperature dimension as positive and negative electricity, contraction pressure and expansion pressure are opposites of other dimensions." Russell, The Universal One
Temperature Conversion
temperature converter
"The carbones in water should be viewed as negative electrons and the oxygenes as positive electrons which, under the influence of temperature and in conformity with natural law, are mutually opposed in inverse proportion." [Our Senseless Toil, page 27]
Both in cross-section and longitudinal section the double-spiral-flow pipe satisfies all the criteria necessary for a water-supply pipe, if it is to convey healthy water to the place of use. By means of a system of vanes made of precious metal arranged on the inner surface of the pipe walls (see figs. 5, 6, 7 & Patents Nos. 134543, 136214 & 138296 in Appendix), the water-masses are conducted along a double-spiral-flow pipe in such a way that the movement of the individual filaments of water at the periphery takes the form of a secondary helical motion along a primary helical path (see fig.) Through this arrangement both centrifugal and centripetal forces evolve simultaneously in the cross-section of the pipe, which convey bodies heavier than water down the centre. Bodies lighter than water are impelled towards the periphery.
Viktor Schauberger's portrayal of the double-spiral longitudinal vortex
Water-masses conducted in this fashion are slightly warmed through the interplay of mechanical forces of friction on the vane-surfaces, leading to the separation of oxygen in the inner region of the pipe and its subsequent concentration at the periphery.
At the same time as the oxygen is ejected, all the bacteria migrate towards the periphery as well, since their living conditions in the more central part of the cross-section have now become unsuitable. In company with the bacteria, all the water-polluting particles are also dispatched towards the periphery of the pipe. Thus the water is easily and simultaneously purged of suspended matter.
Once bacteria have transferred to the peripheral zone in search of the required oxygen, and after a certain period of time in water completely cut off from outside influences, they are overwhelmed by a localized concentration of oxygen. In this way precisely those pathogenic bacteria susceptible to an excess of oxygen are advantageously eliminated, whereas non-pathogenic bacteria which are not harmful to human health, but in many cases are actually beneficial, are to a certain extent retained. At the same time as the content of absorbed oxygen is separated from the carbones contained in all water, the inner core of the water surges ahead in a simple spiral movement (vortical movement along the longitudinal axis) because the surface tension of the water becomes physically reduced as a result of the above-mentioned separation of oxygen from the particles of carbone.
The physical reduction in surface tension results in a mechanical acceleration, leading to the self-purification and energetic charging of the centrally-accelerating water-masses. On the other hand this charging of energy gives rise to further processes related to the overall equilibrium between the heavy, centrally-accelerating bodies and the energy-rich water. With the ensuing simultaneous cooling solid particles are separated and are again directed towards the periphery. There they combine with oxygen and are reunited with the centrally-accelerating water in the form of additional energies. Those particles of matter not drawn into the centre will be pressed onto the surface of the pipe walls by the prevailing mechanical pressure, there to combine with the raw materials from which the timber was originally formed. Thus they seal the pores of the wood, which in this way becomes more durable than iron. Once again we are here concerned with a natural process whose active principle is operative in the formation of all capillaries. The capillaries not only construct themselves but also protect themselves against harmful influences.
As a result of acceleration of the entire body of water peculiar to the double-spiral-flow pipe, greater quantities of water can be conveyed than in an ordinary smooth-walled pipe and, due to the efficacy of the oxygen, extensive self-purification and self-sterilization of the water occurs which constantly increases in quality through the uninterrupted build-up of energy as it moves along its path. The reason for this is as follows: as they accelerate, centrally-conducted water-masses are simultaneously cooled, with the result that gases evolving from the carbones become concentrated in the flow-axis, where the lowest temperatures reside. This concentration decreases towards the periphery. The oxygen on the other hand is concentrated around the periphery of the pipe, reaching its most aggressive state at the interface with the warmer pipe-wall, giving rise to mutual interactions between the two basic substances from the periphery inwards. This subsequently leads to the aforementioned interactions which qualitatively enhance both water and wood.
In the course of time the relative spacial distribution of the more central flow of water and the interactions at the surface of the pipe walls arrive at a certain state of equilibrium. These processes then cease - the water is now mature and both wood and water have become almost immune to harmful outside influences. Whereas oxygen is located in the peripheral zones of the pipe, the free particles of carbonic acid congregate in the boundary zone of the inner core of water as a result of the water temperatures prevailing there. The carbones contained in the water, in bound form, necessarily accumulate in the central axis, which is predominantly saturated with carbones. By arranging the in-built, specially-shaped vanes in a particular way, aggressive particles of oxygen on the boundary layer of the outer edge of the inner core of water, are brought into continuous and direct contact with the most aggressive carbon dioxide, resulting in a continuous generation of energies. These are drawn further towards the centrally-accelerating water-masses, due to the decrease in temperature towards the central axis of the pipe.
Accordingly two types of circulation are created in the cross-section of the pipe: the mechanical circulation of the water and the counter-circulation of those energies that evolve when aggressive particles of oxygen encounter free carbon dioxide. This circulation of energy manifests itself in the form of a continuous electro-dynamic process. In this instance it does not take place at the walls of the pipe, but at the boundary zone of the water's inner core, resulting in the qualitative uplifting of its physical, material, energetic and immaterial attributes - but not in the destruction of the pipe walls.
These double-spiral-flow pipes also convey matter heavier than water down the middle of the pipe and at the same time ennoble and refine it, so that oils of inferior quality, for example, will be improved during flow. After smelting, iron ores transported in this fashion yield a higher-grade iron, because in the process of being transported, the oxygen in the ore is consumed in the formation of new carbone compounds (reduction processes), which then contribute towards the materially higher composition of the carbone - iron. [Our Senseless Toil, page 39-41]
"It has become clear to some that the origins of all manifestations of life and motion lie in chemo-physical and electromagnetic causes, which on their part are triggered by plus and minus temperatures.
Will and counterwill are functions of the temperatures that arise for one reason or another. Work is a function of the temperatures that lie above or below the turning point or point of intersection - the anomaly point - in which all life arises (zero point). It is of similar nature to what we experience as the 'present', which is a function of an on-going extremely high velocity flow. This flow is an eternal motion-of-creation, which in turn gives rise to a constant creation-of-motion.[1] Thus we arrive at the fallacy and the explanation of the life that lies between birth and burial, which is the illusion that clothes evolution with reality. Temperature is thus the difference between differences, out of which the ceaseless movement of evolution arises, which is itself the product of tensions resulting from the contrasting directions of movement.
The movement of the planets is mirrored in the movement of earthly bodies and thus the possibility also exists to order the course of such planetary systems by means of a particular physical motion. Conversely, it is also possible to exploit planetary motion to produce physical motion, which will enable us to harness a constantly waxing motive force for our own use. Opposites have their appointed directions of movement and find their expression in the mutual interaction of living and moving matter. [From Schauberger, The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature - From Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2, 1993, section 3.1]
The outcome of this incessant reciprocal activity on the one hand is the reconstitution of the various kinds of water present in the individual zones, and on the other, the constant transformation of the species of vegetation in which water makes its way, ceaselessly moved by this inner interplay of forces. This inner, energetic interaction, however, is opposed by the effect of the water's weight. The alternating magnitudes of these component forces inevitably lead to the constant rising and falling of the water particles - the so-called pulsation of water. Every new formation and all growth is derived from the smallest beginnings. Continuing development in the early stages can only be accomplished if the circulation in the Earth's interior proceeds correctly. According to inner law, every higher form of vegetation is built up from the lower species preceding it. The carrier of the substances and the transmitter of the life-processes in the root-zone is the groundwater. The impulse for its movement is caused by a drop in temperature, to which the inner metabolic processes of the here decisive groups of basic elements give rise. The impulse for the movement of water is thus a product of the interactions between the opposites contained within it, which find their necessary resistance in the water itself. Through the resistance arising from the interactions between carbone and oxygen, fluctuations in temperature again occur and with them the impulse to move - the pulsation of water, which in this way at times dissolves salts and at others deposits them, transports them, creates energies and transforms them. The sense and purpose of these perpetual transformation processes is the creation and maintenance of the various types of vegetation and physical forms, which on their part again represent the bridges for the build-up and maintenance of the energies. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
My allegations in this regard were construed an as affront to the honour and prestige of the Establishment and I was requested to provide written proof of these provocative assertions to the university professors I mentioned by name. This I also did and without exception they all had to capitulate. I could prove to them that as a result of techno-academic systems of motion - a predominantly centrifugal form of mass-movement - an atomic (electrolytic) excess pressure builds up in the structure of the basic elements, thereby producing an increase in temperature; in other words, a feverish condition. In contrast, an atomic (magnetic) low or negative pressure is generated through a form of planetary mass-motion in which centripetence predominates. This gives rise to a concentrative, negative pressure, which functions as a biological vacuum. It was discovered as early as 1908 by Professor Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch, who recognised that neither breathing nor expansion of the lungs would be possible if the biological vacuum were not to exist. He was declared a fool all the same and dismissed without notice when he told his superior, Professor Mikolitsch, the following:
"Were there no vacuum between the surface of the lungs and the pleura, no intake of breath, nor resistanceless expansion of the lungs would be possible. Everything would suffocate were this biological vacuity to be filled with normal, atmospheric pressure through any form of perforation." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
Professor Sauerbruch was unaware that this vacuum comes into being through the planetary movement of the blood. Had he known, then medicine would have taken a completely different course.
I was further able to prove that because contemporary machines operate using centrifugence, resistances to motion with a reactive function[12] are
[11] Here the German word is 'Qualitatstoff', which literally means 'quality-matter, or substance'. With this Viktor Schauberger intended to describe a higher, 4th or 5th dimensional magnitude of pure quality as a thing in itself and as the driving force in the raising of quality of whatever kind as a 'quality-producer' or 'quality-generating substance' or energy. The English expression term 'qualigen' used here, is a contraction of the two words 'quality' and 'generator'. — Ed.
[12] Active and reactive energies, temperatures, etc.: 'Active' essentially relates to the more physical dimension, to what is outwardly physical and perceptible, physically palpable, gravitationally affected or oriented, and life-negating, i.e. to energies that tend to curb, limit and brake life, evolution and development. 'Reactive' on the other hand relates to more metaphysical dimensions, to what is inwardly physically intangible, levitationally affected or oriented, and life-affirming, i.e. to energies that tend to foster, re-animate and accelerate life, evolution and higher development. - Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
(inactive) in a diffuse state, then it will be exceptionally clear and cool above the tree-tops. This happens, because diamagnetically charged levitational forces come into being in a similar way as occurs in natural mixed forests, whose temperature in winter and summer constantly remains close to the anomaly zone of the interspersed water (+4°C - 39.2°F). This healing zone is sought out by sick and wounded animals, which go there to regain their health or to die a painless death. These sick beds, or surgical beds as experienced huntsmen called them, are also to be found in the water immediately below high-grade springs to which wounded game comes and to which the naturalistic huntsman hurries by the shortest route, where he finds the wounded creature dying in the healing water and puts it out of its agony with a coup-de-grace. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
During early and late frosts experienced farmers protect their blossoming orchards by spraying water onto iron or steel plates through a system of paramagnetic[16] nozzles, which results in an immediate rise in temperature of about (6°C - 10.8°F) in the crown zone. This water cannot mix with the differently charged surrounding air and remains unchanged even under the severest frost. This works incomparably better than artificial smoke generators (smudge pots), which are also known to protect the delicate blooms against freezing. If the above process is carried out with copper nozzles, then a conspicuous cooling occurs in the crown zone, which can be used to safeguard sensitive young shoots and protect them from scorching. This is especially necessary in the case of young light- and heat-sensitive seed-stock, which are often shielded from sunburn with leafy cuttings. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
The cause of this groundwater decomposition is the emission of analysing substances, namely cadaverine poison in ray-form (ptomaine radiation), which arises from liquefied stocks of fatty-matter when mechanically-induced centrifugal pressure and physically dissociative energies trigger lower-grade (expansive) temperatures, i.e. lower-grade cell vibrations, in molecular structures. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Undoubtedly known to the high-priests of ancient cultures, these concentrates of noble matter (ethericities) are responsible for the legendary near-absolute abundance of food and the freedom of movement associated with it. Incidentally, these concentrates were also ultimately responsible for the disaster of Atlantis, referred to as the Flood by a circumspect Church, which was the result of the careless control of these elemental levitative energies. In this respect the Church was quite right, because the negatively potentiated mother-water (amniotic fluid), the physically first-born, will be precipitated out by these formative and levitative energies (there is exact proof of this). It is in this ennobled carrier-substance, however, that the latent higher-grade atomic energies reside, which make naturally ordained locomotion possible. These energies, however, can be transformed into the most developmentally harmful forms of atomic energy if, for example, a cyclotron-like centrifugating device is employed as the supposedly correct means for producing energy. Hitherto it has not been known that vitamins, the concentrates of noble matter (perfectly developed fat-formations fermented under the exclusion of light and heat, which are known to solidify at death) can be degraded through inferior (expansively-acting) influences of heat and light and are gradually transformed into the atomic ptomaine radiation mentioned at the beginning. Only recently has so-called vacuum-distillation been applied to obtaining high-grade fat-concentrates from essential oils. For this, however, only atmospheric-gas-rarefying devices, air-suction or air-pressure pumps are used, which can never emulate the processes that wise Nature employs for specifically densifying these highest-grade concentrates of ennobled matter. This is the 'Organic' vacuum. Created by a centripetence-machine, it densifies noble matter through the co-active influences of higher-grade motion and contractile stimuli. That is to say, the moved (accelerated) mass approaches the temperatureless and feverless anomaly state (+4°C - +39.2°F), which is only possible through mass-acceleration on the longitudinal axis. Nor can the resistance to motion mentioned earlier evolve during this process for the simple reason that this 'original' system of mass motion and acceleration, the dissociative, structure-loosening, positive temperature influences are missing, which would otherwise induce an increase in dangerous wall-pressures. It should be noted that it is entirely immaterial whether a molecular interaction between basic elements is initiated by a physical or metaphysical motion-excitation combination. In the same way that social revolutions arise from psychological stimuli, so too can a beneficial fever and thus the healing of a supposedly incurable disease be provoked by a strong inner stimulus, or conversely, sudden death through a so-called stroke, caused by an abrupt alteration of the inner interaction between basic substances. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Under the term 'suction turbine' is to be envisaged an inverted pressure turbine. It is an apparatus with which water can be densified mechanically and physically, therefore 'specifically', at the same time. By being moved in this way, the anomaly state so vital to life, the temperatureless and feverless condition of health, can be attained regardless of any positive temperature influences. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Specially constructed blade-systems are here involved, which swirl the draining water-masses about their own centre of rotation. Under these conditions neither positive, nor negative temperatures can arise. Therefore the water accelerated in this way approaches the anomaly point of +4°C (+39.2°F). It is thus temperatureless and feverless, i.e. it becomes healthy and capable of reproduction and further development. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
The raw material for these atomic developmental products are the earthly remains of former life. Above all, it is the concentrates of fatty-matter which, regardless of any external positive temperature influences, solidify after death. These are subjected to fermentation processes similar to those taking place in the stocks of fatty-matter in plant juices from which, depending on the type of motion and excitation, various acids evolve that give further rise to essential and energetic concentrates. This only happens if no vessels are used, wherein annihilating fire robs these concentrates of their allotropic (polymorphic) trace-elements, namely their concentrates of essential oils, which in such high-grade fermentation processes act like yeasts. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Particularly serious mistakes were made through the spreading of blast-furnace slag (so-called artificial fertilisers), whose intensified combustion once again robs the soil of its essential energy concentrates, the congealed oily sweetness, which the de-energised and finely pulverised slag then drags to itself from the surrounding negatively potentiated groundwater. Artificial fertilisers therefore remove the blood of the Earth's formative substances, which it must supply to the plants indirectly for the purposes of further ennoblement. In this way too, those levitational factors were eliminated which triable the specifically heavy groundwater to maintain its precarious suspension on steep slopes. From this it can be seen how dangerous are the influences of fire and the lower-grade, expansively and explosively functioning temperatures that arise from fire-affected masses. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
In the management of today's forestry, agriculture, water and energy resources, lower-grade interactions between basic substances are triggered exclusively and without exception. That is to say, molecular disturbances are caused through the influences of fire and expansively acting temperatures. These disturbances immediately intensify into chain reactions, thereby weakening the interaction between basic substances in the whole organism or actually reverse it. Thus, in accordance with Nature's inner laws, the disruptions to development will become all the more severe, the more modern science, which produces the reversed motive and stimulative influences, achieves its phoney successes. In lieu of the 'original' pressure-less and heat-less motion of the Earth's masses, it has invented and applied the reversed methods of motion and excitation. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
New Forms of Temperature
"The inner climate stamps each individual with its character. Every life-form has its own individual anomaly point of health, which makes the orderly reproduction of the species possible. This also explains why the world of parasites increases with fever." [Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 71, p. 12.] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
(a) Two different forms of temperature, which I shall refer to as T1 and T2. Conditioned by these temperatures and also closely associated with them, there also arise: [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
(b) Two different types of flow, which we shall describe as F1 and F2.
Through these hitherto unknown forms of temperature and motion the substance in question (i.e. water or air) is decomposed, transformed and built up. In this way, through appropriate regulation, elemental energies are freed. Suctional and pressural forces come into being, which in my apparatuses evolve along a common developmental axis and represent an entirely new means of motion and propulsion. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
T2 temperature-forms exhibit rising and expanding forms of heat and falling (decadent) and condensing (concentrating) forms of cold. T2 furthers bacterial life. If T2 temperatures predominate, then a reduction in raw materials coupled with a simultaneous thriving parasitic activity results, the effect of which again reinforces the removal for reprocessing of everything unsuitable for higher purposes. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
Both expressions of temperament - and all forms of temperature can be viewed as such - serve for the build-up of tension, charge and potential. On the one hand these give rise to life-affirming dynagen currents, which come into being when naturalesquely fermented fatty-matter, which the chemist calls 'carbons' (sweet matter), consumes (binds) the oxygenes[3] in an allotropic (condensed) state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
On the other hand, life-negating dynagen currents form if the oxygenic elements, which become free, unipolar and aggressive under the influence of usual forms of heat (B-group temperatures), consume (bind) the sweet-matter concentrates. Under such influence the latter become passive and increasingly dense as they inwardly contract. In solid, liquid and gaseous inorganic bodies these life-negating currents act in the same way as poisons do in living organisms, and provoke processes of decomposition, decay or combustion; in a word, they destroy everything ripe for development. In the form of a formative and upwardly impelling dynagen flow, the digestive product of the former metabolic process has development-furthering (growth-promoting) effects. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
In Nature both temperature groups are active. Group A provides for the progressive build-up of what is suitable for higher development. Group B is responsible for the precipitating out, breaking down and disassembly of everything unfit for such purposes. This has to be removed and as a life-form must be annihilated, or expressed more correctly, reduced to the relatively lowest developmental state, prior to attempting a renewed ascent under entirely different influences. This temperature-group also becomes active when any given life-form has fulfilled the purpose of its existence, its duty to multiply itself physically or further develop itself. Withering away through decrepitude, and as an over-ripe product of raw material, it is then made available for the build-up of qualigen with the aid of A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger). However, if for any reason B-group temperatures (T2 - Schauberger) become active in the deceased substance, it will be putrefied, combusted or otherwise destroyed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
Temperature group A (T1 - Schauberger) is entirely unknown in scientific circles today and is also missing in our conceptual and linguistic vocabulary. All that is known therefore are the so-called processes of oxidation, combustion or decomposition; the so-called reduction process being understood only in part. And this only to the extent to which it is responsible for the separation of both stocks of primary substances, namely the dissociation of the allotropic carbones and oxygenes present in deceased organic or inorganic structures. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
All analyses of whatever kind are followed by a synthesising process, i.e. the manifestation of what has been evolved to a higher level. This is initiated by A-group temperatures out of which the formative, reproductive, upwardly evolving and qualitatively improving synthesising current arises. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
In other words, either it is believed in such circles that progress as an individual ceases with the cessation of vital physical functions, or there is a definite interest in ensuring that, by inhibiting the production of qualigen by deliberately eliminating A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger), the dull-brained can never die out. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
Apart from this, it is an indisputable and demonstrable fact that B-group temperatures are about 96% more expensive to produce than the reactive A-group temperatures responsible for formation and uplift, for which natural development-facilitating devices and associated systems of motion are required. The necessity to work will therefore become progressively less, and food and other necessities will increase quantitatively and qualitatively as formative and levitative power strengthens. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
The devices for practically implementing the generation of the bio-magnetic formative and levitative current with the aid of reactive temperatures (naturalesque expressions of temperament) have now been invented and in principle can be mass-produced. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
The Life-Current in Air & Water
Leonstein, May 1946, (Schauberger Archives). "Equivalence signifies uniformity and thus immobility."
Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 113, p. 23.
It is a well-known fact that what we call the temperature of a body [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
higher or lower temperatures are produced. As the motion slows, the temperature drops until ultimately, with the cessation of all molecular motion, absolute zero is reached at -273.15°C (-459.67°F). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Entirely unknown to contemporary science, however, is that apart from this familiar form of temperature, there are also 'higher' forms of heat and cold, which are equally attributable to molecular motion. These 'higher' temperature-forms are to be differentiated from those referred to at the beginning in that the 'usual' forms of heat have a rising and expanding function and their associated cold-forms have a falling and concentrating function. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Conventional science has so far only become acquainted with the forms of heat that exhibit fatiguing effects, which however are those heat-forms through which the resistance to motion increases by the square of the velocity. This occurs for the simple reason that they are precisely the forms of temperature that kill off all dynamism and vitality and which, after a suitable development, are transformed into the condensing (falling and concentrating) cold-forms in order to conduct the thing in question back onto or into the Earth, where under the exclusion of light and heat it is prepared for a renewed attempt to rise. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
It is really not immaterial whether motion must first be active in the production of a temperature, which on its part triggers a reactive increase in motion, or whether a temperature induced by physical, thermal or chemical means affects physical movement by way of the molecular motion. The matter first becomes complex, however, when the different temperature-forms mentioned earlier are included in the equation, wherein it is also necessary in regard to the types of motion, to differentiate between those that produce the 'higher' or 'lower' temperature-forms. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
In Nature both temperature-groups are active in every healthy organism.
This is necessary because the formative and uplifting levitational essences evolve from the higher temperature group A and the purging dissociative [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
forces from the lower temperature group B, which enforce the gravitation of all that cannot be uplifted. This duality therefore involves a rhythm within a rhythm - a sort of four-stroke motor, in which upward, downward, inward and outward impulses can rhythmically take place on a common developmental axis. A perpetual state of turmoil is constantly created in an epicentre of commotion, leading to continuous fission and fusion (separation and combination), whereby what matters is which metabolic process predominates. In other words, in this primordial battle between the ur-feminine and the ur-masculine, whether the re-destructive or the re-creative is victorious. The one that triumphs is the one that is able to drag its opponent into the middle of this gigantic wrestling match, there to encircle, bind, consume and digest it. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
The product of this event is the mysterious upcurrent, the naturalesquely ordained resurrection marvel. Springing forth from 'higher' temperatures, it rationally and truthfully explains the increase of what is corpuscular and its qualitative improvement - in a word, the transmutation and perfection of all that is raw material - the process of self-renewal, or to put it briefly, evolution and all growth, its coming into being and passing away. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
However, if a physical, thermal or chemical starting impulse is first active, which influences the molecular motion in such a way that the oxygen becomes free, unipolar and aggressive due to the resurgence of positive, group B temperatures, then having been forced into the centre of this combat, the principal formative matter will become passive and will be bound, consumed and digested. The product of this event is the developmentally harmful cavitation current - a variety of the so-called electric current - which as an exceptionally analysing current not only pits and corrodes steel turbine blades, but also decomposes and dissociates the blood of the Earth - water. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
which in turn the allotropic[1] primary materials for growth and development also reside. Reacting to bio-centrifugence, these basic substances are liberated through the cycloid-space-curve-motion of the Earth and under the influence of reactive cooling substances, consume (bind) the counter-weighing oxygen. Reactive differences in potential are created in this way which express themselves as reactive differences in temperature, which on their part, as all-penetrating inner outward<->inward, upward<->downward dynamic influences, intensify the physical (external) form of movement. This leads to a renewed intensification of the inner dynamic processes, which once again act to stimulate additional motion. Thus it is absolutely no wonder that the good old Earth eternally rotates about her peculiarly unique axis, because in this special axis (viz. the shimmering shaft in a water vortex) that something ascends, which enables stationary trout to stand motionless amidst torrential flows and to flee upstream like lightning. A phenomenon inexplicable in terms of mechanics, because the trout must not only overcome its own weight, but also that of the counter-flowing dense and heavy spring water. Indeed it can escape upstream all the more rapidly, the faster the cold specifically heavier water-masses, which whirl about their own axes in exactly the same way that the Earth rotates about hers, enter its jaws and flow out of its gills through a system of cycloid-space-curves. In this way the particular axis is formed in which that something returns to its ur-source, which becomes free through this special rotating motion and the frictional motion produced by it. In becoming free in this way, it then draws the motion-generating form - in this case the trout - in its wake, because this counter-flowing energy-form is the force that enables everything that crawls and flies on this manure-heap Earth to overcome its own weight. In other words, it is the 'levitational force', without which there would be no life, no movement, no growth and naturally no gravitation either. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
palatable[2] in order to act as levitational fuel for the others (viz. the branches swaying in the wind, whose source of motion - the wind - also arises through reactive differences in temperature). The vertically disposed forces of cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, etc. are also founded on this developmental process and owe their kinetic energy to cold processes of oxidation. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
This ideal fuel is present in a latent state in the stones, which emit a cold golden glow when rubbed together under water - a sign that these energy-concentrations are mature and properly alloyed. Austria, and the Tyrol in particular, is exceptionally rich in such minerals, charged with allotropic formative and levitative substances, which can be used to generate reactive temperatures by very simple means. These can provide a quite ideal form of domestic heating and cooling, because it is in this way that Nature keeps the ground cool in summer and warm in winter. Thanks to this mineral abundance, Austria will become immensely rich, if only it has the will and the determination finally to rid itself of those, who do everything entirely back-to-front so as to secure their continuing existence as so-called experts and [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
When the fruit juices that have flourished in the Sun begin to ferment, it is a sign that reactive temperature differences have triggered the fermenting movement, which in the initial stages has to separate the inferior from the superior. The former will be separated and centrifugated out through cycloid-space-curve-motion. The latter interconnects with itself, as it were, and the product of this remarkable marriage process is that something, which also brings us out of the delicately balanced equilibrium that the Earth ceaselessly enjoys. Not being in a state of stable equilibrium, she has constantly to rotate about her own axis in a form of movement that declinates and oscillates in two directions. This is how she generates the inversely symmetrically- and inversely proportionally-acting force, which enables everything that crawls and flies on this dung-heap Earth to move 'originally' (autonomously) in order to seek out its food, which also contains allotropic energy-producing substances. These are then broken down through the vibration of the organs, leading to the familiar development of physical strength and mental vigour, whose ur-causes have not been perceived by physico-technical scientists, who calculate with common calories and measure them with decimal scales and rulers. Moreover, they also believe they have captured everything with their tweezers that is proper to Nature. Unfortunately, however, this cannot be accomplished with such an instrument, because the producer of 'measure' and 'weight' is an imperceptible extraordinary energy-form, which as the 'essential' is the 'reactivated' itself, which actively moves the ordinary. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
This two-fold interplay of perpetual motion can be directly observed and studied in deep, cool cellars, for through differences in temperature, what has grown large in the Sun and then reduced in size by squashing, will be moved 'cycloidally' in the cellar. First refined, then made 'cloudy', it slowly becomes clear after termination of this adolescent period. This is how wise Nature operates, who is known to have unlimited developmental periods at her disposition for all things. We, poor souls, to whom only a single, unique life is available in which we will also be forced to make use of cycloid-space-curve-motion in order to alleviate almost intolerable reactive energies through their abreaction, will have to behave more sensibly in order to become somewhat more blissful while still on this Earth than has been the case due to the efforts of 'active' technicians. In other words, we must reverse the way things are done. Cycloid-space-curve-motion must therefore be given pride of place, which logically leads to the almost cost-free mechanical generation of reactive differences in potential, which in turn give rise to increased and intensified active differences in motion. Harnessed once more, these trigger further high-grade differences in potential of a reactive nature, and so on and so forth until temperatures and reactive forces of such a kind are triggered that it is a veritable art to devise an operating load heavy enough to brake and control these elemental suctional and pressural forces. At the right time, therefore, we must keep our eyes open for the specialists and experts, who function as super-brakes on development!! Most certainly, however, we must replace those, who today brake the normal course of development with the reversed interplay of forces, which they do in such a way as to increase and intensify precisely those kinds of energy that promote decomposition and the expulsion of what is unsuitable for further development. In so doing they trigger a form of perpetual motion, because here too the self-intensifying decomposive and repulsive forces also increase by the square owing to the cycloid-space-curve-motion of the Earth. Sadly they do not see what they have themselves created, namely boundless decline and disintegration instead of an equally [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
(d) To the heating and cooling of living spaces with the aid of allotropic mineral elements through the intensification of the repulsive power and performance of expansive substances (the radiation of stocks of basic elements from selenium cells. With slight stimulation these produce reactive forms of temperature, which indirectly result in a form of cooling that acts from below upwards and a diffuse form of heat that acts from [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]
acid are bio-centrifugated with the aid of cycloid-space-curve-motion and so strongly expanded by mechanical means, that they become free, unipolar, cool and highly active in a kind of ray-form. They consume (bind) the oxygenes which become inactive due to the effect of this reactive temperature influence, when these seminal substances[6], which concentrate around the longitudinal axis are dispersed mechanically. In this way they are made palatable as it were, in a manner similar to branches which, swayed up and down by the wind, prepare or pre-masticate the food for the young saplings growing under the protection of the mother-trees. The ultimate products of this digestive process are the high-grade forms of fructigen which, through a progressive series of transformative and formative processes, are produced in similar fashion, when one entity is consumed by a higher one, which in turn falls victim to an even higher lover. The fructigens thus produced are finally consumed by the Earth herself, who gives upward birth to primary products of synthesis, which are created through a progressive series of interactions involving the etherealisation of former fatty-matter derived, for example, from naturalesquely broken down and transformed worm-fat. This etherealising process then ur-produces the more highly influential substances in an energetic state, which the community of worm descendants once more brings to life and moves 'originally'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
This perpetuum mobile is also involved when the developmental process is intensified with Repulsines and, for example, the substances contained in the air are subjected to the fermentation process outlined above. In this way the same thing is achieved practically and factually, but in a slightly different active form. In the same way that the end-products influence the more basic factors and cause them to move, they also cause them to be displaced upwards at cyclonic speeds; a process that also gives rise to reactive forms of temperature at the same time. Using these reactive temperature-forms the floor can be made warm in a rational way. In spite of the forces that help us to overcome our own body-weight so effortlessly, providing both metabolic processes [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
function unimpededly, we still have to creep and crawl around on this floor in a way that houseflies cannot emulate, which are perhaps the only beneficiaries of these incongruous conventional methods of heating. These methods will also almost completely exhaust the reserves of coal, which is no longer available in sufficient quantity, or is impossible to deliver to the point of use with the present means of transport (the true energy-gluttons), even if sufficient quantities were available for this coming catastrophic winter [1945-46]. It is therefore understandable that those who are threatened with freezing to death and starvation will fall upon this new method of heating and transport like beasts of prey, unless the matter is put in hand with extreme caution. This is the principal reason why heating with mineral substances, with which reactive temperature-forms can be produced virtually without cost, must be inaugurated with great care. These reactive temperatures are activated merely when various allotropic substances are gently stimulated by active heat influences. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
To say more about this here would be pointless, because up to now nobody knew anything about the ur-causal energies that dwell in every substance, and especially in very ordinary pebbles. When these are rubbed together under water they produce a gleam of cold light. This is an indication that the bipolar basic elements are mature, ready for release and can be used to generate those forms of temperature, which maintain us and all we see around us in the unstable thermal equilibrium that maintains health. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
These concentrations of subtle matter are bacteriophagous threshold conformations (being neither corpuscular, nor metaphysical embryos) in which the opposing energy-forms mentioned at the beginning are suspended, which oscillate gently in liquid or gaseous media in a wavering state of equilibrium. That is to say, they possess too much levitational force to gravitate and too much lower-grade mass to levitate autonomously. Their inner processes of motion are sustained by the ambient differences in temperature. These, however, are insufficient to determine the fate of these threshold substances as they vacillate at this cross-roads. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
This is to be compared with the tragic error in motion made by today's technologists, hydraulicists and dynamicists inasmuch as they produced the reversed motive impulse in all machines, whether for systems of conveyance or for the generation of light and temperature. In place of the invigorating suctional component they allowed the pressural component to prevail and predominate, which has a fatiguing effect on the moved mass. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
Up to now this formative, levitative, multiplying and ennobling natural force has not only been inhibited, but through the reversed form of mass-acceleration has been transformed into the decomposive energy-form that destroys development-ripe raw-material. All this happened for the sole reason that air and water were moved axially->radially (= technically, hydraulically or even dynamically) instead of radially->axially, because it was generally believed that the earthly residues of former life decayed to dust and ashes! And so it came to pass that these vital formative substances were thoughtlessly decomposed or combusted in order to produce lower-grade light, temperature and power. In so doing people literally condemned themselves to death by the very sweat of their brows. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
Accordingly we have to learn the lesson from both extremes and balance out both forms of motion and acceleration in such a way that in accordance with the well-known equation F = ma, the desired force F in the form of a predominantly magnetic ion constantly possesses enough levitational superiority to ensure that natural increase and qualitative improvement can keep pace with the unavoidable increase in the population. That is to say, the standard of living must be regulated through the use of higher-grade (quality-increasing) retro-influent dynagens, which come into being when bipolar threshold masses are centripetated in accordance with the equation E = mc2. In other words, when they are accelerated by radially->axially in-winding forces to a speed exceeding that of sound under the simultaneous effect of a falling temperature gradient, i.e. accelerated along the longitudinal axis above their boundary velocities. This gives rise to the higher-grade factors of temperature, light and energy out of which upwardly streaming magnetism springs forth from the spiritual embryos, the vitamin-molecules mentioned at the beginning. These are suspended in a delicately balanced state of equilibrium in the media of air and water and await the naturalesque motive impulse in order, as refined subtle matter, to transform themselves into formative, multiplying and ennobling retro-influent energies. This will signify the end of the present shortages of food, raw material, germinating substances and fuels, and instead of capitalism and bolshevism a true socialism will arise about which Christ preached 2,000 years ago, who taught of the transformation of matter into spirit with the aid of the above form of motion. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
Up to now we have therefore been forced to use flowing electricism for the purposes of generating low-grade power, light and temperature (heat). As a result, the essential formative and uplifting force - magnetism - was relegated to the subordinate role of providing the resistance necessary for all motion. That this resistance to motion must increase by the square of the initiating rotational velocity that produces it, is readily understandable because it concerns the development of metaphysical fuels, for which the force of resistance required for the acceleration must increase concurrently and proportionally. For this reason the 'crowning law" (the Conservation of Energy Law) of today's technology is fallacious inasmuch as the supposedly quiescent magnetic resistance to motion can be transformed into a 'flowing' magnetic motive force and conversely, pernicious electricism can be transformed into the aforesaid supportive force (resistance). The means to achieve this is the Repulsator (see figs. 24-26) or the Repulsine (see figs. 30-33), which have hitherto remained unknown. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
In this formative process the electrical field-resistance is also responsible for the condensing of the higher-grade medium, which in the process of synthesis described earlier is essential for the physical encasement and insulation of every energy-form. The most important aspect of the magnetolytic (formative) dissociative process is that no low-grade heat-forms should develop during in this restructuring process in which, on the contrary, a cooling (freshening) temperature influence evolves. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
No present-day scientist can explain or understand the quintessential nature of 'motion'. From a naturalesque standpoint, this should be viewed as a rhythmical metabolic interplay between the components of refreshing (cooling) suction and fatiguing (paralysing) pressure; in other words, two constituent forces which as reactive opposites, alternately (rhythmically) act mechanically (materially) and temperature-relatedly (physically). Therefore, depending on the predominance of either the suction or the pressure component (whether the active force is material or physical is unimportant), the metaphysical formative force, or the most elemental destructive force on this planet, comes into being. As the end product of a natural or unnatural sequence of motion, it will be accelerated along either the longitudinal or the transverse axis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
If on the other hand a tripolar mass is split up by suction-intensifying and temperature-reducing dynamic influences, then the true creative substance (sweet matter) will be exposed to revitalising (cooling) temperatures. In this case the formative (levitative) sweet-matter becomes free, unipolar and so highly active that it binds, consumes and digests the oxygen (fertilising substance), which has become passive under this other dynamic influence. The end product of this magnetolytic dissociation is the predominantly magnetically charged ion, whose original formative and levitative force, which as everything else in Nature is to be understood as an indirect effect, can be intensified by up to 96%. Imbued with levitative force, these ions suck up the inferior matter and the generating device in their wake with elemental ur-force and encounter the natural and therefore higher-grade forms of inwardly falling (impanding) and concentrating (condensing) heat and light moving in the opposite direction. The product of this partial concentration, which has been solidified through these higher-grade counter-influences is what is known as 'growth', (see fig. 15) [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
destructive force. That is to say, there is no machine, no transport system, temperature or light generating plant, which does not make use of developmentally dangerous axial->radial impulses. The same applies to all the operational procedures of forestry, agriculture, water and energy supply. All the watercourses and drinking-water plants are being systematically destroyed not only by this development-disrupting motion, which activates electrolytic dissociative processes, but also by official rules and regulations. And if this were not enough, this nation-destroying motion and way of thinking is being enforced by law! [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
[10] The following excerpt from "Pregnant Water" (Schwangeres Wasser) in Implosion Magazine, No. 117, pp. 60-61, explains this process:
"It is a known fact that no free oxygen is present at normal temperatures, but that in the form of ozone it is loosely bound to nitrogen in the ratio of 3O2 to 6N6.
Were it otherwise, then it would not be beneficial to living things. It is only at +40°C (+104°F) that the individual O2 molecules appear, which trigger life-threatening chemical reactions in the human body and are the cause of heat-stroke for example. At about 1,000°C (1,832°F) single-atom molecules of O, identical to the oxygen atom, appear, which naturally have very specific effects. This is why, despite the hermetic seal, the high pressure in high-pressure boilers drops to medium pressure once the above atomic transformation has taken place. Similarly, it is a fact that N (= nitrogen) is not a uniform basic element, but in reality is CH2, i.e. a carbone composed of He3 (helium), wherein two atoms of hydrogen play the role of carrier-substance as it were. Furthermore, it is known that gaseous water and liquid water are quite different things. Gaseous water is OH2 and liquid water (OH2)6. The strong action of gaseous water, for example, follows from this, because two free action quantities or points become active, whereas liquid water has no action quantities, because all the action points are filled with H." [Viktor Schauberger].- Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Apart from those who are happy to extract Nature's failed products such as oil, directly from the ground, there are others who make it their life's work, so to speak, to earn their living by meddling in wise Nature's affairs. These species of human being are commonly called chemists, who are known to produce products of fermentation without taking Nature's dynamic processes into account. Without this there is no possibility for reproduction and further development of any kind, because things possessing these properties have come into being through movement, during which differences in temperature arise that initiate intermediate metabolic processes. These then give rise to flow-alternating processes that engender products of organic synthesis, which is what concerns us here. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
If we study the inner processes involved in synthetic fuel production, then we can establish that, together with supplementary catalytic factors, strong pressure and high temperature play the leading role. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
[20] "At a temperature of 15°C water is 819 times heavier than air at the same temperature. Water vapour, on the other hand, absorbs a 1,700-fold volume of water. With the evaporation of 1 litre of water, about 600 heat units become latent (stored, bound)." Walter Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No 9, p.26. — Ed.
[21] Unfortunately no details of this patent are available. - Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
John Tyndall
"Compression creates heat. Rarefaction creates cold." [Tyndall, John; Sound; Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1893. pg 57] See 4plusplus, Cycle of Temperature
See Also
12.28 - Temperature
12.29 - Origin and Nature of Heat
12.31 - Heat Generated Through Resistance to Compression
7B.19 - Light and Heat
Atomic Cluster Heating
CHAPTER I. Ancient Ideas of Light and Heat
critical temperature
Cycle of Temperature
expanding heat death universe
Figure 3.10 - Temperature Accumulates in the North and Cools in the South Reciprocally
HEAT - Snell
heat death
heat divides electric potential
heat engine
heat life
heat multiplication
heat of resistance to tension
Heat pump and refrigeration cycle
heat resistance
heat-increasing machine
Heat-Thermal Conduction
high temperature
latent heat
Law of Heat
law of contemporary technology
Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Temperature
Law of Variation of Atomic Pitch by Temperature
multiplication of heat
Radiant heat
solar heat
specific heat
T1 - Schauberger
T2 - Schauberger
vaporising heat-form
Force and Energy - The Theory of Dynamics