

The cause of this groundwater decomposition is the emission of analysing substances, namely cadaverine poison in ray-form (ptomaine radiation), which arises from liquefied stocks of fatty-matter when mechanically-induced centrifugal pressure and physically dissociative energies trigger lower-grade (expansive) temperatures, i.e. lower-grade cell vibrations, in molecular structures. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

As also happens with rapidly moving tractor-drawn iron - steel - ploughs[18], this gives rise to electrolytic dissociative effects and detonating-gas-like eruptions (so-called earth-rumbles) over a wide area, which further enlarge the structures mechanically that have already been pre-loosened up through their inner excitation. That is to say, the above forms of inner motion and excitation mutually amplify one another by way of such chain-reactions, whose periodicity rises by the square of the rotational velocity. On the one hand the products decisive for development are ur-created, i.e. the buoyant atomic forces (levitation) that effortlessly overcome all physical weight, and on the other, those retrogressive energies, which mortify all life through the enlargement of the tissue-structure. Therefore either the cadaverine poison in ray-form or the life-elixir in an atomic state is created, which overcomes all disease. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

It is therefore ridiculous, for example, to try to treat polluted water with chlorine, or to eliminate all noxious life-forms with poisonous gases, which would otherwise disappear automatically by changing the motive and stimulative influences. In the opposite case, the evil will only be reinforced, for through the influence of the above poisons even what is still healthy will become diseased. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

On the other hand, life-negating dynagen currents form if the oxygenic elements, which become free, unipolar and aggressive under the influence of usual forms of heat (B-group temperatures), consume (bind) the sweet-matter concentrates. Under such influence the latter become passive and increasingly dense as they inwardly contract. In solid, liquid and gaseous inorganic bodies these life-negating currents act in the same way as poisons do in living organisms, and provoke processes of decomposition, decay or combustion; in a word, they destroy everything ripe for development. In the form of a formative and upwardly impelling dynagen flow, the digestive product of the former metabolic process has development-furthering (growth-promoting) effects. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

Michael Crichton
"Think about oxygen. Necessary for life now, but oxygen is actually a metabolic poison, a corrosive gas, like fluorine. When oxygen was first produced as a waste product by certain plant cells some three billion years ago, it created a crisis for all other life on earth. Those plants were polluting the environment, exhaling a lethal gas. Earth eventually had an atmosphere incompatible with life. Nevertheless, life on earth took care of itself." [Michael Crichton]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday October 24, 2022 04:03:10 MDT by Dale Pond.