
On many occasions I have stated that the rising of sap in trees cannot be explained by physical factors alone - such as the effect of external air pressure. Its explanation is to be found in ongoing metabolic processes in constant pulsation in every cell of the tree. It is therefore a result of the vital activity of the capillary tree-cell. Professor Kurt Bergel of Berlin came to similar conclusions in relation to the activity of the heart and the blood in animal life. He rejects the current view that the motor - the heart - is supposed to pump blood into all parts of the body. On the contrary this work is performed by the millions of highly active capillaries permeating the body. This fluid-raising capillary force is only effective up to a certain height. An external aid is therefore necessary. This Bergel demonstrated with a small experiment. He stood the base of a bundle of hair-thin tubes in water and lightly and regularly tapped it at the top, causing water to flow continuously out of the upper ends of the capillaries.

In his view health and disease are primarily dependent on the faultless or disturbed activity of the capillaries. Professor Bergel furnished definite proof of this in his investigations of a bird's egg. After being incubated for only a short period of time a small red spot appeared on an egg, which on closer inspection proved to be a drop of blood. If the egg is incubated further, then a network of arteries can already be distinguished on the skin of the yolk-sack. Rhythmical pulsations can still be detected just before it cools off. [Our Senseless Toil, page 38-39]

On the other hand, life-negating dynagen currents form if the oxygenic elements, which become free, unipolar and aggressive under the influence of usual forms of heat (B-group temperatures), consume (bind) the sweet-matter concentrates. Under such influence the latter become passive and increasingly dense as they inwardly contract. In solid, liquid and gaseous inorganic bodies these life-negating currents act in the same way as poisons do in living organisms, and provoke processes of decomposition, decay or combustion; in a word, they destroy everything ripe for development. In the form of a formative and upwardly impelling dynagen flow, the digestive product of the former metabolic process has development-furthering (growth-promoting) effects. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

Either this important, or more correctly, vitally important process and the products of development arising from it are wholly unknown, or the possibility has been suppressed, which, with the aid of that which 'radiates' formatively, would enable the enlightening life-flame to be supplied with qualigen. Here we are concerned with the end-product of a life-affirming (reactive) metabolic process, the most highly evolved fatty-matter already in a metaphysical state, without which no increase in intellectual activity (ability) of any kind would be possible. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

The crowning law of today's technology is therefore no natural law, but the biological consequence of a tragic error of contemporary science. For if the naturalesque metabolic process is initiated through equally naturalesque impulses (il primo movere), then as the velocity increases owing to the additional input from the inwinding rotary current, the power increases by the square. The outcome of this developmental process is an almost cost-free, development-promoting mechanical power - the evolving water (viz. the atomised water vapour). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

forces from the lower temperature group B, which enforce the gravitation of all that cannot be uplifted. This duality therefore involves a rhythm within a rhythm - a sort of four-stroke motor, in which upward, downward, inward and outward impulses can rhythmically take place on a common developmental axis. A perpetual state of turmoil is constantly created in an epicentre of commotion, leading to continuous fission and fusion (separation and combination), whereby what matters is which metabolic process predominates. In other words, in this primordial battle between the ur-feminine and the ur-masculine, whether the re-destructive or the re-creative is victorious. The one that triumphs is the one that is able to drag its opponent into the middle of this gigantic wrestling match, there to encircle, bind, consume and digest it. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

No present-day scientist can explain or understand the quintessential nature of 'motion'. From a naturalesque standpoint, this should be viewed as a rhythmical metabolic interplay between the components of refreshing (cooling) suction and fatiguing (paralysing) pressure; in other words, two constituent forces which as reactive opposites, alternately (rhythmically) act mechanically (materially) and temperature-relatedly (physically). Therefore, depending on the predominance of either the suction or the pressure component (whether the active force is material or physical is unimportant), the metaphysical formative force, or the most elemental destructive force on this planet, comes into being. As the end product of a natural or unnatural sequence of motion, it will be accelerated along either the longitudinal or the transverse axis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]

Michael Crichton
"Think about oxygen. Necessary for life now, but oxygen is actually a metabolic poison, a corrosive gas, like fluorine. When oxygen was first produced as a waste product by certain plant cells some three billion years ago, it created a crisis for all other life on earth. Those plants were polluting the environment, exhaling a lethal gas. Earth eventually had an atmosphere incompatible with life. Nevertheless, life on earth took care of itself." [Michael Crichton]

See Also

inner metabolic processes
metabolic function
metabolic process
primary metabolic process
Saving the Earth
two metabolic processes
uric acid

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday September 9, 2024 17:13:35 MDT by Dale Pond.