The cause of this groundwater decomposition is the emission of analysing substances, namely cadaverine poison in ray-form (ptomaine radiation), which arises from liquefied stocks of fatty-matter when mechanically-induced centrifugal pressure and physically dissociative energies trigger lower-grade (expansive) temperatures, i.e. lower-grade cell vibrations, in molecular structures. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
The raw material for these atomic developmental products are the earthly remains of former life. Above all, it is the concentrates of fatty-matter which, regardless of any external positive temperature influences, solidify after death. These are subjected to fermentation processes similar to those taking place in the stocks of fatty-matter in plant juices from which, depending on the type of motion and excitation, various acids evolve that give further rise to essential and energetic concentrates. This only happens if no vessels are used, wherein annihilating fire robs these concentrates of their allotropic (polymorphic) trace-elements, namely their concentrates of essential oils, which in such high-grade fermentation processes act like yeasts. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Both expressions of temperament - and all forms of temperature can be viewed as such - serve for the build-up of tension, charge and potential. On the one hand these give rise to life-affirming dynagen currents, which come into being when naturalesquely fermented fatty-matter, which the chemist calls 'carbons' (sweet matter), consumes (binds) the oxygenes[3] in an allotropic (condensed) state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
Either this important, or more correctly, vitally important process and the products of development arising from it are wholly unknown, or the possibility has been suppressed, which, with the aid of that which 'radiates' formatively, would enable the enlightening life-flame to be supplied with qualigen. Here we are concerned with the end-product of a life-affirming (reactive) metabolic process, the most highly evolved fatty-matter already in a metaphysical state, without which no increase in intellectual activity (ability) of any kind would be possible. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
Now comes a brief description of Nature's principal formative substance - metaphysical fatty-matter[8] - about which a thick book could be written. As a reactive or 'higher' temperature-form this comes into being with the aid of the Earth's 'cycloid-space-curve-motion' under the exclusion of light and ordinary heat in the cool germinating zone, the boundary zone between the negatively potentiated geo-atmosphere and the positively potentiated external atmosphere. This then develops as a potential that propagates horizontally in a wavi-linear movement. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
[8] Fatty matter. In its association with what Viktor Schauberger calls 'sweet matter', a creative, formative substance, this relates to compounds principally containing carbon C and hydrogen H (carbohydrates - CH) and all the elements under the collective term 'carbone' or 'mother-substances'. In this regard, despite its general 'neutrality' as a carrier substance (like a woman with child), H is more inclined to the feminine than the masculine. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
This process is caused by the liberation of this dangerous retrogressive substance, which has become unipolar and aggressive through a pre-active physical, thermal or chemical starting impulse, whereas the principal formative substance, the naturalesquely fermented fatty-matter, or so-called carbon (carbone), becomes passive and inactive under this influence. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
However, if the mechanical starting impulse is activated first, which must be produced in appropriately contoured development-facilitating devices, then higher cold-forms arise through which the fatty-matter (carbone or sweet matter), which reacts to centrifugence,[11] becomes free, unipolar and highly active. In this situation the oxygen, which becomes passive under this influence, is consumed (bound), providing it has been dosed (dispersed) mechanically and made palatable (thinned out), (viz. the swaying and fluttering branches of plants). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
The very specific molecular motion mentioned in the opening paragraph is what is decisive here. More particularly, a mechanically induced outside-inwardly directed impulsive force is required, through which, aided by supplementary influences, Nature's principal formative substance - naturalesquely fermented, etherised fatty-matter (carbones or sweet-matter) - becomes free, unipolar and highly active and is able to overpower its opponent, which becomes passive under these influences. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
acid are bio-centrifugated with the aid of cycloid-space-curve-motion and so strongly expanded by mechanical means, that they become free, unipolar, cool and highly active in a kind of ray-form. They consume (bind) the oxygenes which become inactive due to the effect of this reactive temperature influence, when these seminal substances[6], which concentrate around the longitudinal axis are dispersed mechanically. In this way they are made palatable as it were, in a manner similar to branches which, swayed up and down by the wind, prepare or pre-masticate the food for the young saplings growing under the protection of the mother-trees. The ultimate products of this digestive process are the high-grade forms of fructigen which, through a progressive series of transformative and formative processes, are produced in similar fashion, when one entity is consumed by a higher one, which in turn falls victim to an even higher lover. The fructigens thus produced are finally consumed by the Earth herself, who gives upward birth to primary products of synthesis, which are created through a progressive series of interactions involving the etherealisation of former fatty-matter derived, for example, from naturalesquely broken down and transformed worm-fat. This etherealising process then ur-produces the more highly influential substances in an energetic state, which the community of worm descendants once more brings to life and moves 'originally'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
substances of water or air, could also be whirled around at high speed in cycloid-space-curves. At the same time oligodynamic (decay-promoting) and catalytic (growth promoting) secondary influences also evolve and in this way the process of formation and transformation can take place within seconds due to the slip-pressures and suctional forces, which intensify by the square. This is how it is possible to build up the 'ur-primordial' levitative and supplementary forces in the form of metaphysical suctional and pressural forces almost without cost, in other words the creation of an energy-gradient, which 'ur-originates', as it were, from dynamic elements in a latent state. This opens the way for practically exploitable atom-transformation, or expressed otherwise, for the transubstantiation of former matter (fatty-matter) into negatively potentiated dynagens, those spiritual animating and dynamising energies; a transmutation that has been demonstrated many times over two millennia by the priest when making the symbolic sign of the cross over the Holy Grail - the extreme egg-shape (the calyx). All that hitherto was lacking was the practical design - the model - that proves what is actually obvious, namely, that with annihilating fire and decay-promoting forms of heat, no form of culture can develop. These models, which are now operational and available, merely await the 'extreme unction', as it were, in order to set them in motion and thus inaugurate a new age of development, wherein all privation and other problems will come to a natural end. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
All systems of technical, hydraulic and dynamic motion cause the axial->radial dissociation of the tripolar masses of air and water, through which pressure, which generates lower-grade heat-forms, increases by the square of the centrifugating rotational velocity. This results in electrolytic dissociative processes, wherein the oxygen becomes free, unipolar and highly aggressive, and consumes and digests the carbones (fermented fatty-matter), which become passive under this heat influence. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
No law of energy conservation, nor any heat or other equivalence exists and hence no insuperable law of gravity, for all that is necessary is merely to accelerate a mass of ordinary water or air naturalesquely in order to generate upwardly flowing magnetism. This is the colossal force that maintains the whole Earth-ball in unstable equilibrium and whose revolution in cycloid-spiral-space-curves is caused and sustained by the above rotary (torque-producing) levitating current. By means of magnetolytic dissociative processes, this motion ur-produces the enlivening and originally moving (form-creating) retro-influent energy out of deceased fatty-matter; an energy that gives rise to the hitherto mysterious processes of genesis and increase, and the qualitative improvement (ennoblement) of what has been naturalesquely increased. In other words, it is responsible for the natural self-renewal and evolvement of everything that crawls and flies on this Earth. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
put it bluntly, instead of being radially->axially wound up, the ur-works were wound up like a clock-spring in the opposite way, i.e. axially->radially. To date this false 'winding' has been taught and learnt in all schools and preached from all pulpits. Only the Catholic Church, if merely symbolically, has indicated the naturalesque way to transform high-grade matter into Spirit (energy). However they were unable to recognise the truth, because they believed and also fostered the belief, that after death the earthly remains of fatty-matter, out of which allotropic threshold substances - vitamin-molecules - come into being, decay into dust and ashes. Therefore, due to electrolytic processes of decomposition (unnatural form of interment), the metaphysical fat-concentrates cannot come into being, which are the source of spiritual energy that makes all life invincible, free and independent. Perhaps this was considered undesirable so as to ensure the docility of slave-workers by spiritually castrating them through suppression of the build-up of quality substances, thereby making a constant supply of working oxen available. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
See Also
Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation
Cadaverine Poison
crude oil
decomposive energy
earthly remains
faecal matter
fatty acid
Fatty Matter
Fractionating Column and Distillates
interred earthly remnants
less valuable
life-removing forces
natural gas
paraffin wax
waste matter