

Disintegration. Dissociation is the destruction, disordering, dispersion or dismembering of coherent (ordered) substances (molecules, atoms and quanta) into their constituent or aliquot parts. There are many diverse processes used to dissociate seeming solid substances or ordered systems. These include but are not limited to: acoustic, ultrasonic, cavitation, heat, radio waves, microwave, vacuum and ultraviolet waves (light).

1. The separation of a molecular entity into two or more molecular or atomic entities (or any similar separation within a polyatomic molecular entity). Examples include unimolecular heterolysis and homolysis, and the separation of the constituents of an ion pair into free ions.
2. The separation of the constituents of any aggregate of molecular entities.
In both senses dissociation is the reverse of association.
[Source: PAC, 1994, 66, 1077 (Glossary of terms used in physical organic chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 1994) on page 1107] http://goldbook.iupac.org/D01801.html



The peculiar conditions as associated with the gaseous elements of which water is composed, as regards the differential volume and gravity of its gases, make it a ready and fit subject of vibratory research. In submitting water to the influence of vibratory transmission, even on simple thirds, the high action induced on the hydrogen as contrasted with the one on the oxygen (under the same vibratory stream) causes the antagonism between these elements that induces dissociation. The differential antagonistic range of motion, so favoring the antagonistic thirds as to become thoroughly repellant. The gaseous element thus induced and registered, shows thousands of times much greater force as regards tenuity and volume than that induced by the chemical disintegration of heat, on the same medium. [Hydrogen, page 4] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 4]

"The positive vibrations are the radiating or propulsive, the negative vibrations are the ones that are attracted towards the neutral center. The action of the magnetic flow is dual in its evolutions, both attractive and propulsive. The sound vibrations of themselves have no power whatever to induce dissociation, even in its lowest form. Certain differential, dual, triple and quadruple chords give introductory impulses which excite an action on molecular masses, liquid and gaseous, that increase their range of molecular motion and put them in that receptive state for sympathetic vibratory interchange which favors molecular disintegration, then, as I have shown, the diatonic enharmonic is brought into play, which further increases the molecular range of motion beyond fifty percent of their diameters, when molecular separation takes place, giving the tenuous substance that is necessary to induce progressive subdivision. This molecular gaseous substance, during its evolution, assumes a condition of high rotation in the sphere or tube in which it has been generated, and becomes itself the medium, with the proper exciters, for further progressive dissociation. The exciters include an illuminated revolving prism, condenser, and colored lenses, with a capped glass tube strong enough to carry a pressure of at least one thousand pounds per square inch. To one of these caps a sectional wire of platinum and silver is attached; the other cap is attached to the tube so screwed to the chamber as to allow it to lead to the neutral center of said chamber." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS, page 6]

"The series of experiments, daily for one week, that I am now preparing to give before an expert committee, for the purpose of enabling this committee to make a public announcement of the scientific and commercial value of my system of sympathetic vibratory physics, comprises:

First. - Operation of the polar circuit, drawing power from space, and showing control of various degrees of velocity.

Second. - Sensitization of a polar disk, after having had its complete neutrality to magnetism tested.

Third. - After associating it with the polar test-medium, heavily weighting it to demonstrate its attractive power; the weight remaining suspended to it by this power.(7)

Fourth. - Transmitter connected to the test-medium, while the disk is carrying the weight. Negative vibration transferred; effecting complete dissociation; the disk and weights dropping to the floor.

Fifth. - Rotation of compass needle, on a set of resonators, subservient to any one of the resonators, in defiance of its attraction to the north. Variations given; changing its subservience to different resonators, as the introductory impulse is changed.(8)

Sixth. - Mediums, representing the chords of different masses of metal, made to float in a tall jar of water, with extraordinary changes of position.

Seventh. - Operations of a sensitized globe, by sound.

Eighth. - Operations of the globe under the influence of the improved polar sympathetic transmitter.

Ninth. - Disintegration of water by triple vibration,(9) showing progressive degrees of energy (from molecular to interatomic, etc., etc.) on different rates of transfer." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

"Beyond disintegration lies dispersion, and Keely can just as easily disperse the atoms of matter as disintegrate its molecules. Disperse them into what? Well, - into ether, apparently; into the hypothetical substratum which modern scientist [1892] have postulated, and about whose nature they know absolutely nothing but what they invent themselves, but which to Keely is not hypothesis, but a fact as real as his own shoes; and which ether, indeed, seems to be `the protoplasm of all things.'" [Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter 8. See Thermodynamics, Reversible, Irreversible]

See Keelys Forty Laws that govern the following three systems of dissociation
Molecular Dissociation - dissociating molecules into its constituent atoms
Atomic Dissociation - dissociating atoms into quantum entities
Etheric Dissociation - dissociating quantum into sub-quantum entities or Mind(?) [See Subdivision]

the alteration of the above fermentation process at its most fundamental phase. To make this even clearer: Allotropic oxygen conformations are liberated through pressure- and heat-intensifying dynamic effects or volume-enlarging thermal influences, because the fat-concentrates with opposite polarity become inactive and are maintained in a passive state under such influences. This results in the inner fission (dissociation) of the previously internally interconnected and highly evolved, therefore extremely pressure- and heat-sensitive trace-elements, which like yeasts initiate the process of raw-material transformation - the fermentation process described above. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

This explains why, for example, the hitherto incurable can suddenly be healed and the hitherto healthy can become incurably ill (e.g. suffer a stroke). It also explains the hitherto inexplicable effect of the water long known to the ancients as healing, or more correctly all-healing water, which 'specifically' densifies to the highest degree. Such water carries within it the relatively highest-grade products of synthesis derived from the above higher-grade dissociation and therefore is able to reprogramme the molecular fermentation process and thus specifically to heal the condition of disease caused by the opposite primary metabolic processes. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

Temperature group A (T1 - Schauberger) is entirely unknown in scientific circles today and is also missing in our conceptual and linguistic vocabulary. All that is known therefore are the so-called processes of oxidation, combustion or decomposition; the so-called reduction process being understood only in part. And this only to the extent to which it is responsible for the separation of both stocks of primary substances, namely the dissociation of the allotropic carbones and oxygenes present in deceased organic or inorganic structures. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

Magnetism and electricism are the two opposing metaphysical energy-forms, which regulate life and death and which dwell in every solid, liquid and gaseous (aeriform) mass (matter) in an allotropic and latent transitional state. They await the all-important developmental impulse in order to be transformed into higher-grade (life-affirming) or lower-grade (life-negating) forms of energy. In the former case a magnetolytic dissociation process plays the mediatory role and in the latter an electrolytic. The belief that magnetism was a passive and uninteresting by-product of electricism arose merely because nobody was aware of the type of motion that gives rise to higher-grade energy-forms. Nor were they aware of the associated dynamic shapes with which latent bipolar dynagens and their carrier-substance can be accelerated in such a way naturalesquely that, in accordance with the equation F = ma, the force responsible for the increase in substance and qualitative improvement (ennoblement) arises with whose aid the relatively highest grade energy-form can come into being. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

All systems of technical, hydraulic and dynamic motion cause the axial->radial dissociation of the tripolar masses of air and water, through which pressure, which generates lower-grade heat-forms, increases by the square of the centrifugating rotational velocity. This results in electrolytic dissociative processes, wherein the oxygen becomes free, unipolar and highly aggressive, and consumes and digests the carbones (fermented fatty-matter), which become passive under this heat influence. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

Precisely the opposite dissociation is inaugurated when the suctional component prevails or is dominant. This is because suction, which produces higher-grade coolness, increases in proportion to the centripetating rotational velocity. This invigorating (quality-enhancing) suctional effect can only be created when a tripolar mass of water or air is radially->axially rotated at high speed about its own axis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

These opposing executive forces are to be found in statu nascendi in every solid, liquid and gaseous (air) medium and in the highest-grade transitional state in the vitamin-molecules of the air and water, where they await the liberating motive impulse so as to be transformed into life-affirming magnetic or predominantly life-negating electric fuel concentrates (ions). The forces involved in these metaphysical transformation processes are in the ratio of 96% : 4%. The predominant force in this process can either be the up-building, formative motive force or its decomposive counterpart. Whichever force is subordinate, down to a minimum of 4%, provides the resistance required for all types of motion. Everything is ordered through the agency of 'magnetolytic' or 'electrolytic' processes of dissociation. Both energetic processes are of almost equal value, but differ only in function. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]

Mass (matter) is thus a product of precipitation, whose quality increases in step with the essential product of dissociation (the product of the interaction [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]

noun: all the chemical processes by which cells produce the energy and substances necessary for life. Food is separated (dissociated) into the parts it is made up of to produce heat and energy, to repair tissues, and to help growth to happen.
noun: the organic processes in a cell or organism that are necessary for life
noun: the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals

Metabolism ("change") is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms. The three main purposes of metabolism are:

(1) the conversion of the energy in food to energy available to run cellular processes;
(2) the conversion of food to building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates;
(3) and the elimination of metabolic wastes. [Metabolism]

Leadbeater and Annie Besant
"After the third dissociation but one more is possible; the fourth dissociation gives the ultimate physical atom. This may vanish from the physical plane, but it can undergo no further dissociation on it. In this ultimate state of physical matter two types of atoms have been observed; they are alike in everything save the direction of their whorls and of the force which pours through them. In the one case force pours in from the "outside," and passing through the atom, pours into the physical world. In the second, it pours in from the physical world, and out through the atom into the "outside" again, i.e., vanishes from the physical world. The one is like a spring, from which water bubbles out; the other is like a hole, into which water disappears. We call the atoms from which force comes out positive or male; those through which it disappears, negative or female. All atoms, so far as observed, are of one or other of these two forms." [C.W Leadbeater and Annie Besant] See Figure 18.00 - Leadbeater Chart of Mind and Matter

See Also

08 - The Brain as applied to Vibratory Etheric Science
13 - Chart Defining the Arrangement of the different Atoms and Corpuscles of Matter
14 - Chart with Symbols Defining the relative Simple and Compound Sympathetic Association
15.03 - Questions Concerning Dissociation
15.04 - Dissociating Water with Fire
15.05 - Relative Diameters in Dissociation
15.06 - Power of Dissociated Water
15.07 - Dissociating Process
15.08 - Dissociating Water with X-Rays - Radiolysis
15.09 - Dissociating Water with Ultrasonic Vibration - Puharich
15.10 - Dissociating Water with Alternating Current - Puharich
15.11 - Dissociating Water with Vacuum
15.11.5 - Dissociating Water with Sound
15.12 - Dissociating Water with Acoustic Cavitation
15.13 - Dissociating Water Acoustically - Liberation of Quantum Constituents
15.14 - Dissociation Liberates Spontaneous Energy
15.15 - Progressive Dissociation
15.20 - Dissociation Frequency
15.21 - Water Dissociation Demonstration
16.26 - Magnetism is Liberated Latent Power in Iron
4plusplus - Russell paradigm
7.6 - Reciprocal Disintegration and Creation
7B.14 - Latent Force
Aqueous Disintegration
Atomic Dissociation
breaking down
broken down
Dissociating Solid Matter
Dissociating Water by Plants
Dissociating Water with Microwave
Dissociation - Russell
dissociation of matter
dissociative force
electrolytic dissociative process
Ether Generator Producing High Pressures
Ether Generator
Ether the True Protoplasm
Ether Theory
Etheric Capsule
Etheric Current
Etheric Elements
Etheric Force
Etheric Vapor
Figure 1.10 - Keelys Vibratory Relations of Multi-Level Matter
Figure 1.3 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
Figure 1.3.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy according to Keely
Figure 1.4 - Dynamical Full Gamut of Mind and Matter
Figure 1.5 - Expanded Gamut of Mind and Matter Chart
Figure 13.02b - Liberator or Ether Vivifier
Figure 15.00c - Keelys Devices for Liberating and Measuring Etheric Pressure
Gustave Le Bon - published paper in 1896 detailing his dissociation of atoms
Intra-atomic energy
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Etheric Generator or Liberator
Latent Element
Latent Energy
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Latent Force in Interstitial Spaces
Latent Force
latent heat
latent neutral
Law of Atomic Dissociation
Law of Chemical Dissociation
Law of Cycles
Liquid Ether
Locked Potentials and Subdivisions
magnetolytic dissociation
microwave electrothermal plasma technology
Molecular Dissociation
nodal dissociator
nuclear fission
Original Etheric Vapor Liberator
Part 15 - Dissociating Water
Part 15 - Dissociating Water - including all subsections
Part 30 - Dissociating Matter
Progressive Disintegration
second order of dissociation
Splitting Atoms and Molecules
splitting the atom - Keely
SVP Cosmology Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically
The Evolution of Matter
The Seven Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
thermodynamic equilibrium
Triple Point
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
The Ultimate Constitution of Matter and the Action of the Force Regulating its Phenomena
States of Matter, Wikipedia

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday December 28, 2022 03:32:13 MST by Dale Pond.