Rotating etheric or quantum substances surrounding and enclosing a molecule, atom, interatom, etheron, rotating envelope etc. See Envelope, etheric envelope also called dynasphere.
"Science has further discovered that these atoms are severally encompassed by an ethereal substance which prevents their touching each other, and to its circumambient, interatomic element they have given the name of dynasphere; but, inasmuch as has further been found, that in these dynaspheres there resides a tremendous potency, it is evident that they also must contain atoms, and that these atoms must in their turn be surrounded by dynaspheres, which again contain atoms, and so on ad infinitum. Matter thus becomes infinite and indestructible, and the force which pervades it persistent and everlasting." CJBM, Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter VII, Part II, Keely's Secrets [See Envelope, Dynaspheric Force]
"The atom is surrounded with a dynasphere, or etheric capsule, which prevents the atoms from touching each other, inasmuch as this dynasphere is in inconceivably rapid motion. Dynaspheric force is broadly divided into two categories: the sentient and the non-sentient atoms (particles to it). Dynaspheric force, composed of non-sentient atoms, is the force used mechanically by Mr. Keely to his motor." [Laurence Oliphant] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
"Keely says the atomic triplets revolve "around each other" at "about 4/3 of their circumference." He says they remain in a triangular position unless disturbed by a magnet, when they lie in a straight line and the otherwise spherical dynasphere or etheric capsule then becomes oblate. He explained what was afterwards called the "Zeeman effect" by this physical change in the light emitting body." [INTERATOMIC FOURTH SUBDIVISION]
"How can we measure the velocity of the etheric capsule - the differential range of its vibratory action? How can we actually prove the laws governing its motions, attractions and disintegration?"
"By progressive disintegration, accomplished by the proper vibratory focalized exciters we may prove all these things. By means of those introductory acoustic impulses which negatize their molecular, atomic and interatomic neutral affinities for the center of the aggregate mass we may demonstrate the laws of those vibrations which control the etheric capsule and the conditions on which these vibrations act."
"Vibrations of the atomic order, transmitted through the Trextrinar will so accelerate the atomic film or capsule that it ruptures itself and liberates the atomic gaseous element from the molecules. By this means it should be possible to measure the velocity of the atomic etheric envelope." [Snell Manuscript]
"Not until the intermolecular structure of hydrogen is subdivided by interatomic vibrations can it assimilate with the introductory etheric element.
"Transmitting vibrations of the atomic order through a three-node transmitter (Trextrinar) produces infinite acceleration of the atomic film and thereby ruptures the capsule, permitting the escape of the gaseous atomic element.
"The etheric capsule of one subdivision must be ruptured and the component interstitial ether of that unit released before the next higher subdivision can be disintegrated. The ether from one ruptured subdivision is absolutely essential in operation on that subdivision coming next up in the scale." [Snell Manuscript]
"Consideration of even the introductory conditions of the etheric stage of vibration convinces me that the attraction of the rotating stream for the neutral center is directly proportional to its velocity. Were it otherwise, there could not be any planetary formations, or a molecular Universe. If a billiard ball is rotated rapidly enough, it will burst into fragments, which will disperse at various tangents. But if I should rotate a ball of ether, the higher the velocity the greater would be its attraction for the neutral center and its consequent cohesion or individuality.
"Imagine a magnified molecule twelve inches in diameter, having an atmospheric film 1/16th inch in thickness, rotating billions of times per second, at the same relative velocity as the etheric molecular capsule. It would rotate with such frequency that a particle on its exterior would travel no less than 600,000 miles per second, which would give to it such rigidity that it would be impenetrable to a steel pointed projectile at the greatest velocity we could give it. Considering the affinity of the capsule for the neutral center, which increases with the velocity, this film could enclose a pressure of several thousands of pounds per square inch. It is simply the internal pressure, registered on the specially built lever, which resulted in pressure of 5,000 to 32,000 lbs. per square inch, as produced in Keely's experiments.
"Although no amount of pressure can cause the molecules to actually come in contact with each other or to rub each other, the molecular volume can be reduced by enormous pressure and the resultant tension on the rotating etheric capsule induces heat or "thermal reduction." This induced heat is a positive proof of the wonderful velocity of the etheric envelope. Were the molecules dead to sympathetic vibration and with no rotating etheric envelope, they would be incompressible and the application of pressure would produce no thermal change." [Snell Manuscript]
MacVicar says "The groups of etherical elements generate material elements. The ethereal atmospheres to become confluent or spherical and the individualized nuclei seek juxtaposition thereby forming molecules." [Snell Manuscript]
The molecule itself is a world ruled by the same sympathetic forces that govern the planets of our solar system. Its three component intermolecules, each like a small sphere, oscillate within its shell-like etheric envelope with a frequency of 20,000 per second, and the molecular etheric capsule rotates about them with inconceivable velocity. Within the molecule no intermolecule ever comes in contact with even its nearest attendant. Each is held by its gravital neutral center within its proper sphere of action. Molecular dissociation by intermittent vibration does not disturb in the next higher, the atomic subdivision, the fixed neutral center of the atomic triplets. Centripetal and centrifugal forces rule the orbits and revolutions of the components of the molecule in the same manner as interplanetary forces of the same type rule the elements of the solar system. [Snell Manuscript - the book]
Keely does not give an analysis of the structure of the etheric, but from the fact that he was able to subdivide it through the same process of "triple subdivision" into "interetherons" we may assume that three interetherons, each with its etheric capsule whirling about it, existed within the envelope of the etheron, vibrating with an oscillatory frequency greater than any of the lower subdivisions.
The fundamental mode of vibration changes as we reach the fifth subdivision, to the dominant, the diatonic third of the mass chord, which controls the vibratory states of both etheron and interetheron. The awful might concealed in the depths of the etheric and interetheric subdivisions utterly transcends anything Science has ever known. Even the theoretical energy value of radium now accepted by Science, pales into insignificance in comparison to the energy value of an equal amount of water subdivided to the etheric or interetheric state. [Snell Manuscript - The Book]
"Were our sight able to penetrate the interstitial spaces that exist inside the orbits of the oscillating intermolecules and analyze the conditions in those interstitial spaces, where dwells incalculable latent energy, we would be bewildered with amazement. And assuming our vision, which is limited by persistency, could follow the intermolecules in their rapid oscillations and the intermolecular etheric capsule as it revolves with infinite velocity like a transparent shell about the three component atoms that exist inside it, which in turn revolve in their orbits and oscillate with even a higher frequency than the intermolecules, we would still be only on the border gazing into the remote depths of the interstitial realms that stretch far down into the interatomic, etheric and interetheric subdivisions, and, within the interetheric subdivision at last arrive at the neutral center, the nucleus of everything we know as substance. This neutral center bears about the same relation to the etheric subdivision that the atomic subdivision bears to the crude molecular, in other words, its texture is as much finer than electrons as electrons are finer than coarse molecules." [INTERSTITIAL SPACES]
"Later in this book you will find that every atom is exactly like your tire. It is an electrically compressed ring with a hole in it. See Fig. 41. Nature has to seal her compressed rings to imprison that compression, just as you do, but the cap she uses to seal them is the eternal cold of space which encases every one of them with a frozen crust. That keeps the heat sealed inside, as it does to our earth." [Atomic Suicide, page 15]
See Also
1.5 - Fractal Structure of Matter
1.6 - Structure of Matter
13.01 - Math Structure a Place to Start
13.08 - Atlins Neutral Center Structure and Dynamics
7.17 - Eighth
7B.03 - Dynaspheric Shells
atmospheric envelope
atomolic envelope
7B.03 - Dynaspheric Shells
crystalline structure
Dynaspheric Force
electron shells
energetic structure
Etheric Capsule
Etheric Elements
etheric envelope
etheric structure
Figure 3.3 - Orthogonal Structure and Dynamics
Figure 4.12 - Keelys Formative Structural Dynamic Morphology
Figure 4.14 - Feynmans Triplet Structures of the Proton and Neutron
Figure 6.0.5 - Cube with Vortices showing Structural Relations
Figure 6.1 - Orthogonal Vortex Motion as Structural base of Cubes
Figure 6.13 - An Introductory Matrix Structure
Figure 7B.03 - Dynaspheric Shells and Attractive Compressing Equators
Figure 7B.09 - Feynmans Triplet Structure of Photon
Figures 3.31 - Vortex Orthogonal and self-contained Motions - Structure
Etheric Capsule
Figure 7B.06 - Rotating Triplets Animation
Figure 4.4 - Triple Vectors in Orthogonal Motions
Lorentz Contraction
fine structure constant
Fine Structure
fine-structured opposites
floral envelope
homogenously structured
Hyperfine Structure
Lewis structure
mathematical origin and structure
molecular envelope
molecular structure
morphous structure
New Concept - XXVIII - Vibrating Matter - The Root Principle of Atomic Structure
organic structure
polar envelope
rotating envelope
rotatory envelope
snail shell resonator
Table 11.01 - Scale of Infinite Ninths its Structure and Base
Table 11.05 - Comparison of Scale Structural Components and Relations
Table 13.01 - Suppositional Math and Symbolic Structure
terrestrial envelope
terrestrial magnetic envelope
triple combination of the magnetic terrestrial envelope
unity of structure