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Walter Russell
Walter Russell
“Thus I was made to see the universe as a whole and its simple principle of creation as one unit, repeated over and over, endlessly and without variation, as evidenced in the universal heart-beat to which every pulsing thing in the light-wave universe is geared to act as ONE UNIT OF ONE WHOLE." [Dr. Walter Russell, The Man Who Tapped The Secrets Of The Universe]

Walter Russell is known for his scientific, philosophic and artistic contributions. He is credited with a wide variety of achievements including introducing figure skating to America, discovered several unknown elements of the Periodic Table, notable architect, writer, painter and sculptor. Walter experienced 39 days of illumination or Satori and spent the rest of his life writing about, illustrating and explaining insights gained during that experience.

"I will put it very simply. In May of 1921 God took me up into a high mountain of inspiration and intense ecstasy. A brilliant flash like lightning severed my bodily sensation from my consciousness and I found myself freed from my body and wholly in the Mind universe of Light, which is God. And then God said to me, “Behold thou the unity of things in Light of Me, and the seeming separateness of all things in the two lights of my divided thinking. See thou that I, the Undivided, Unchanging One, am within all divided things, centering them, and I am without all changing things, controlling them.” And the secrets of the universe were unfolded to me in their great simplicity as the doors to the Light opened fully to my consciousness. In less time than it takes to put it into words, I knew all there was to know of the CAUSE of all effect, for there was very little to know. In that hour it was as though the infinity of complexity within the moving kaleidoscope were suddenly taken apart and it was shown to me that the entirety of its illusion was but three mirrors and a few bits of broken glass. Likewise the universal kaleidoscope was but moving mirror waves of dual light extending from their equilibrium in God from Whom all creating things spring in octave electric waves just as ocean’s waves spring from the calm sea." [Walter Russell]

Walter Russell
Walter Russell

(May 19, 1871 - May 19, 1963) Walter Russell (1871 - 1963) was an American polymath, known for his achievements in painting, sculpture, architecture, and for his unified theory in physics and cosmogony. He posited that the universe was founded on a unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. This physical theory, laid out primarily in his books The Secret of Light (1947) and The Message of the Divine Iliad (1948 - 49), has not been accepted by mainstream scientists. Russell asserted that this was mainly due to differences between himself and scientists in their assumptions about the existence of mind or matter. Russell was also proficient in philosophy, music, ice skating, and was a professor at the institution he founded, the University of Science and Philosophy. He believed mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed.

In 1963, Walter Cronkite in the national television evening news, commenting on Dr. Walter Russell's passing, referred to him as "... the Leonardo da Vinci of our time." [Wikipedia]

Walter and Lao Russell Home Page

Books by Walter and Lao Russell - in order of publication date

Historical Articles
NYT articles

"I met Lao at Swananoa once in the summer of 1986. I asked her if Walter had heard of Keely or did Walter have any Keely books in his library. She said she 'was sure there were no Keely books but felt sure Walter had heard of Keely.' - In all my reading of WR's works I've not yet seen any clear indication he knew of Keely." [Dale Pond]

It is significant that the philosophies of Russell and Keely are in many particulars, identical. There are differences but not many. Keely was more scientific and technical while Russell was more philosophical and artistic. I have found that where one came up short the other filled in quite nicely. [Dale Pond]

"In my years of study and living at the USP, I never ran across any references to Keely in either of the Russells' writings. Don't know why he did not attract that knowledge into his understanding of how the Universe works." [Chester Hatstat]

"I was going through the Russell's insight in the book you [Toby Grotz] donated to me. I am convinced that he did have glimpses of reality. He is clear on the inward nature of gravitational force and also on relation of gravity with light. On the more fundamental issue of space and matter his vision that "space creates matter is correct" but when he says that "matter creates space" should read that matter creates "fields" in space. To translate visions into words, in some cases, new vocabulary is needed. In my case it took me two years of deep thinking to write the two simple fundamental equations on mass and charge. How could a void - volume be proportional to mass? The understanding came: that prior to the creation of the void, the volume of space-fluid in circulation at the speed of light (within the spherical void formed later), was enegy proportional to the mass equivalent of this void.

"In any case he reached reality through visions that nothingness is not the substratum of the universe. And that is more important than 1000 papers on relativity and quantum physics." [Tewari]

See Also

A Russellian Extrapolation of the Creation of Alphanon from Plutonium Decay
Atomic Suicide - the book
Atomic Suicide
Chart of Locked Potentials - Russell's Elements with Locked Potentials and Polarities
Electrolysis - Russell
Etheric Elements - Russell's Elements correlated with Keely's Seven Subdivisions, etc.
Figure 7B.08 - Russells Periodic Chart of the Elements
Figure 7B.10 - Russells Periodic Chart of the first four octaves of proto-matter - Space, Ether or Vacuum Elements
Figure 9.17 - Russells Ten Octaves of Matter as Integrated Light - The Universal Constant
Home Study Course
Jackson to NYT - 1930 November 4
Keely vs Russell
Lao Russell
Locked Potentials and the Square Law
Octave Relationships
Optic Dynamo
Optic Dynamo-Generator - Pages 1-5
Optic Dynamo-Generator - Pages 41-46
Optic Dynamo-Generator - Pages 47-50
Original Opti Dynamo-Generator Document
Part 12 - Russells Locked Potentials
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
Russell Chronology
Russell Optic Generator
Russell to NYT - 1930 August 12
Russell to NYT - 1930 July 28
Russell to NYT - 1930 November 2
Russell Wavefunction
Russells Optic Dynamo-Generator
Russells Optic Dynamo-Generator
Scale of Locked Potentials
Scale of the Forces in Octaves
Subscribe to SVPwiki for Periodic Updates.
The Russell Nine Octave Chart of the Elements
The Secret of Light
Walter Russells Laws
What Electricity Is - Russell
University of Science and Philosophy home page
12.03 - Russell scale divisions correspond to Keelys three-way division of currents
12.17 - Note about Octave Relationships in Russells System
14.03 - Hints from Russell
14.21 - Russell on Thought and Idea
14.31 - Preponderance Russell
16.02 - Walter Russell describing what electricity is
16.16 - Negative Electricity - Russell
17.08 - Gravitation and Radiation Russell

Created by dale. Last Modification: Sunday December 15, 2024 02:18:54 MST by Dale Pond.