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Partial list of published sources of the materials referenced throughout the SVPwiki. More books, newspaper and magazine articles and letters are organized in the Chronology.
Allen, Grant
Allen, James
- As A Man Thinketh a book I strongly recommend
Arguelles, Jose
- Earth Ascending - An illustrated treatise on the law governing whole systems, 1996 (highly recommended)
Atkinson, William Walker
- Mind Power wiki'ed book
- Mind Power - Full Text pdf
Barker, William
Bearden, Thomas
- Analysis of Scalar/Electromagnetic Technology
- Energy from the Vacuum - Concepts and Principles; 2002
- Gravitobiology - A New Biophysics
- The Final Secret of Free Energy
- The New Tesla Electromagnetics and The Secrets of Electrical Free Energy
Beck, Bob
Blavatsky, Helena
- The Coming Force (1888)
Bloomfield-Moore, Clara
[See CJBM for a more complete bibliography by this remarkable woman.]
- A New Creed, 1893
- Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex (1895)
- Aerial Navigation (1894)
- Dogmatism of Science (1895)
- Etheric Vibration See Etheric Vibration. - The Key Force
- Keely and His Discoveries (1893)
- Keely's Contribution to Science
- Keely's Present Position
- Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships (1891)
- Mr. Keely's Etheric Force
- Newton of the Mind - The Propeller of Keely's Airship Described (1891)
- Some Truths about Keely (1896)
- The Keely Motor Secret (1887)
- Veil Withdrawn (1893?)
- What Electricity Is. A Revelation of Forgotten Knowledge (1893?)
- What is Science?
Carhart, Henry S.
Carpenter, Tom and Linda
Cayce, Edgar
- Auras - An Essay On The Meaning Of Colors
- Cayce's Perpetual Motion Machine
- Edgar Cayce Blue Book - Dimensions
- Edgar Cayce lecture. Auras read by Edgar Cayce at Tuesday Night Bible Study Group Meeting, August 26, 1941. Supplement to reading (5746-1)
- Edgar Cayce Readings
Cayce, Hugh Lynn
- Oneness of all Force
Cayce Foundation
- New Tomorrow - A.R.E. Press, No. 1, page 16
Colville, William
- Dashed Against the Rocks (1884)
Crowther, Kiesha
- Message for the Tribe of Many Colors
DeMeo, James, Ph.D.
- The Orgone Accumulator Handbook
Dresser, Horatio
Emoto, Masaru
- Love Thyself
- The Message from Water
Garrett, Garet
- The Wild Wheel, 1952 - review of this amazing book - download pdf
Grant, Richard
- Give it No Thought
- Nothing Matters
- Know Who I Am
Harris, T. F.
Hawken, Paul
- The Magic of Findhorn
Hubbard, L. Ron
- Scientology, The Fundamentals of Thought
- Dianetics
Hughes, Mrs. Fitzgerald
Hull, George
Hunt, Roland
- The 7 Rays of Healing; Edgar Cayce Foundation, 67th & Atlantic Ave., Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Ingalese, Richard
- The History and Power of Mind
Iverson, Ben
- see Ben Iverson for list of articles and books
Jeans, James Hopwood
- The Science of Music
Kapp, MD, M. W.
- Glands - Our Invisible Guardians; 1962. The Rosicrucian Press. San Jose, California.
Keely, John Ernst Worrell;
- Acoustic Theoretical Charts - Philosophy of Planetary Suspension, Mechanical Rotation by Negative Attraction, Control of Mind Over Matter (1887)
- Amplitude of Force (1894) in Dashed Against the Rock
- Keelys Forty Laws
- Keelys Lost Books
- Brain Disturbance see Keelys Secrets - Part 2 - One Phase of Keelys Discovery in Its Relation to the Cure of Disease
- Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships (1891)
- Propositions of Astronomical Circles
- Propositions Demonstrating the Relative Properties of Straight and Curved Lines
- Propositions of Geometry
- Keely's Musical Dynasphere with Dale Pond
- The Birth Of A World See Keelys Discoveries
- The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit
- Pyramids Telescopes and Light (1894) in Dashed Against the Rock
- Scale of the Forces in Octaves (1894) in Dashed Against the Rock
- The Connecting Link between Mind & Matter with Bloomfield-Moore
- Theory of the Induction of Sympathetic Chords to Excite Rotation by Vibrophonic Trajection to and from Centers of Neutrality on Revolving Globe
- Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena
Lewis, Harvey Spencer
- Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life
- Mental Poisoning
- Glands - Our Invisible Guardians
Macvicar, Dr. John Gibson;
- A Sketch of a Philosophy - Book II
- A Sketch of a Philosophy - Book III
- A Sketch of a Philosophy, Supplement
- On the Nature of Things
Maltz, Maxwell
- Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Way to Get More Living out of Life, 1960 see Psycho-Cybernetics
Mandino, Og
Meister, Morris
- Magnetism and Electricity Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929, 1930, 1935
Miller, Dayton Clarence , D.Sc.
- The Science of Musical Sounds
Moray, T. Henry
Morris, Charles
- Apergy - Power Without Cost, New Science Review, vol. II, October, 1895
Paijmans, Theo
Phoenix Journals - Discusses Walter Russell's science and philosophy
Podolny, R.;
Something Called Nothing - details vacuum physics, ether, etc.
Pond, Dale;
- Activating Your Power to Create
- Atlin color photos 8" X 10"
- Atlin - Knowing I AM
- Cavitation/Implosion Bibliography
- Chart of Overtone Series on Natural Scale
- Chord of Life Aura Chart
- Chord of Life Aura Chart Handbook
- Chord of Life Personality Descriptions
- Chord of Life Windchime
- Collection of Radionics Patents
- The Coming Force of Love
- Creative Power of Sound
- Dale Pond, Speaking Freely
- Divine Triplet or the Law of One in considering Gold, Silver & Platinum as applied to the Mind, Body & Spirit
- Dynaspheric Force - Theoretical and Applied Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Volume I
- Dynaspheric Force - Theoretical and Applied Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Volume 2
- Engineering with Love
- The History of American Constitutional or Common Law with Commentary Concerning Equity and Merchant Law
- HyperVibes(TM); A computerized interactive knowledge base containing approximately 14,000 records of information on SVP and related topics.
- John Worrell Keely’s Forty Laws of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
- Keely Bibliography
- Keely Chronology of Life and Events from 1872-1884
- The Keely Legacy: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Part 2
- Keely Motor or Hydro Vacuo Engine - How it works and why
- Keely Musical Dynasphere, IANS-1996 video
- Keelys Laws of Being
- Keely's Musical Dynasphere
- Keely's Musical Dynasphere - ANE, 1997 workshop
- List of Symptoms and Ailments with Alleviating Vitamins and Minerals
- MIND: An Engineerable Force
- Mind Force the hidden Scalar Force
- Musical Interval Calculator
- Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine with Tesla's original patents
- Our American Common Law
- Physics of Love - The Ultimate Universal Laws
- Playing in Grace and Mercy
- Quantum Arithmetic Elements
- Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree - Keely's Musical Dynasphere
- Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Compendium of Terms and Phrases
- SVP Universal Cosmology, version 2.3
- SVPwiki
- Sympathetic Streamings
- Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - The Basic Principles DVD
- Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Volume I
- Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Volume II
- [Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal - All 5 volumes] temporarily out of print
- Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Tulsa Seminar
- Tesla Oscillator Photos (Earthquake Machine)
- Keely's Laws of Being - The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration
- The Physics of Love 2.0
- Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets - Understanding and Using the Science of Sympathetic Vibration - superseded, see below updated version
- Universal Laws Revealed: Keely's Secrets
Proctor, Bob
- You Were Born Rich - This easy to read book shows you how to change your thinking patterns. Strongly recommended!
Prophet, Mark
- Saint Germain on Alchemy - Formulas for Self-Transformation; Summit University Press. ISBN 978-0-916766-68-9
Quimby, Phineas P.;
Ramsay, Dougald Carmichael
Russell, Walter
- The Universal One, 1926
- The Secret of Light, 1947
- Walter Russell - Home Study Course, 1950
- A New Concept of the Universe, 1953
- Atomic Suicide?, 1957
- Genero-Radiative Concept
- The Message of the Divine Iliad, Volume I
Schwaller de Lubicz;
- The Temple in Man - Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man; Inner Traditions International, New York; 1949, 1977; ISBN 0-89281-021-1
Searl, John
Sinclair, David;
- Lux Naturae
- A New Creed, see A New Creed for a review of this book
- Vera Vita the Philosophy of Sympathy a sequel to the above book
Snell, C. W.
Skinner, John Ralston
Steiner, Rudolph
- The Story of My Life
Stone, W. H.
- Stone's Scientific Basis of Music
Swami Pratyagatmananda Saraswati
- Japasutram - The Science of Creative Sound by Swami Pratyagatmananda Saraswati; Ganesh & Co. (Madras) Private Ltd., India, 1971.
Stranges, Dawn;
- Etheric Forces and the Sophigurate Device (The Theory and Device for Vibrationally Repatterning Ourselves)
- The Five Loves - A Message from Mary to You - Accentuating Your Goodness & Putting It into Action
- Friendly Advice from the Universe - Hope Unlimited
- How to Tap Centropy
- Spirit Messages from John Keely, Atlin and Others as told to the Musical Dynasphere Project Team
- Structure of Ether and Its Subtle Forces
Tansley, David
- Omens of Awareness, Neville Spearman Ltd., 1977. page 136-138. Mentions Keely's work and discoveries.
Tesla, Nikola
- Coil for Electro-Magnets - US Patent Office, Serial Number 479,804, July 7, 1893
- Excerpts on Nikola Tesla
- Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
- Tesla Patents
Tiller, William A. Science and Human Transformation - Subtle Energies Intentionality and Connsciousness; Pavior Publishing, 1997; ISBN 0-9642637-4-2
The New York Times list of articles about Keely
Van Tassel, George
- The Council of Seven Lights
Thomas, Nick;
- The Battle for the Etheric Realm
Tompkins, Peter; Bird, Christopher
- The Secret Life of Plants
Watson, Lyall
- Supernature
White, Carol
- Energy Potential: Toward a New Electromagnetic Field Theory, (with essays by Bernhard Riemann trans. from German by J. J. Cleary, Jr.), Campaigner Publications, New York, 1977. (about scalar potential, highly recommended)
Wood, Alexander
- The Physics of Music
Wright, W. C.
- Gravity is a Push, 1976.
Yukteswar, Swami Sri
- The Holy Science
See Also