Science has been compared to a stately and wide-spreading tree, stretching outward and upward its ever-growing boughs. As yet mankind has reached only to its lowermost branches, to often satisfied with the dead calyxes which have fallen from it to the ground, after serving their uses for the protection of the vital germs of truth. The seed of the next advance in science can only germinate as the dry husk decays, within which its potentially was secretly developed.
For upwards of ten centuries false portions of the philosophy of Aristotle enslaved the minds of civilized Europe, only, at last, to perish and pass away like withered leaves.
The most perfect system of philosophy must always be that which can reconcile and bring together the greatest number of facts that can come within the sphere of the subject. In this consists the sole glory of Newton, whose discovery rests upon no higher order of proof. In the words of Dr. Chalmers, "Authority scowled upon this discovery, taste was disgusted by it, and fashion was ashamed of it. All the beauteous speculation of former days was cruelly broken up by this new announcement of the better philosophy, and scattered like the fragments of an aerial vision, over which the past generations of the world had been slumbering in profound and pleasing reveries."
Thus we see that time is no sure test of a doctrine, nor ages of ignorance any standard by which to measure a system. Facts can have a value only when properly represented and demonstrated by proof. Velpeau said nothing can lie like a fact. Sir Humphry Davy asserted that no one thing has so much checked the progress of philosophy as the confidence of teachers in delivering dogmas as facts, which it would be presumptuous to question. This reveals the spirit which made the crude physics of Aristotle the natural philosophy of Europe.
The philosophy of vibratory rotation, which is yet to be propounded to the world, reveals the identity of facts which seem dissimilar, binding together into a system the most unconnected and unlike results of experience apparently. John Worrell Keely, the discoverer of an unknown force and the propounder of a pure philosophy, learned at an early stage of his researches not to accept dogmas as truths, finding it safer to trust "inner light" which has guided him than to wander after the ignos-fatuiy of a false system. He has been like a traveler exploring an unknown zone in the shade of night, losing his way at times, but ever keeping before him the gleam of breaking day which dawned upon him at the start. Scientists have kept aloof from him, or, after superficial examinations, have branded him as "a modern Cagliostro," "a wizard," "a magician," and "a fraud." Calumnies he never stoops to answer, for he knows that when his last problem is solved to his own satisfaction his discovery and his inventions will defend him in trumpet tones around our globe. Buchanan says, "Who would expect a society of learned men, the special cultivators and guardians of science, as they claim to be, to know as much of the wonderful philosophy now developing as those who have no artificial reputation to risk in expressing an opinion, no false and inflated conceptions of dignity and stability to hold them back, and who stand ready to march on from truth to truth as fast and far as experimental demonstration can lead them?"
Johnson tells us that the first care of the builder of a new system is to demolish the fabrics that are standing. But the cobwebs of age cannot be disturbed without rousing the bats, to whom daylight is death.
When has Nature ever whispered her secrets but for the advancement of our race on that royal road which leads to the subjugation of the power she reveals? But not until the inspiration of thought has done its work in applying the power to mechanics, can the tyrant thus encountered be transformed into the slave.
So was it with steam, so has it been with electricity, and so will it be with vibratory force. All experience shows that the steady progress of the patient study of what are termed Nature's laws does not attract public attention until there are some practical results. Professor Tyndall has said that the men who go close to the mouth of Nature and listen to her communications leave the discoveries they make for the benefit of posterity to be developed by practical men. The invention of vibratory machinery for the liberation and the operation in mechanics of sympathetic force is an instance where practical application of the discovery may be made by the discoverer. After years of experiments with this force, what does the public know of its nature? Nothing; for as yet no practical results have been obtained. Here is a power sustaining the same relations to electricity that the trunk of a tree does to its branches,- the discovery of which heralds to the scientific world possibilities affecting motive industries, such as should command the attention of all men; and yet it is known only as a theme for jest and ridicule and reproach! And why is this? Partly from the mismanagement of a prematurely-organized Keely Motor Company, and partly because men competent to judge for themselves have preferred to take the opinion of others not competent, instead of investigating each for himself.
Attempts to interest scientists in the marvelous mechanism by which etheric force is evolved from the atmosphere have failed, even as Galileo failed at Padua to persuade the principal professor of philosophy there to look at the moon and planets through his glasses. The professor pertinaciously refused, as wrote Galileo to his friend Kepler. Mankind hate truth, said Lady Mary Montague: she should have said, mankind hate new truths. The most simple and rational advances in medical science have been received with scorn and derision, or with stupid censure. Harvey was nicknamed "the circulator" * after his discovery of the circulation of the blood,- which discovery was ridiculed by his colleagues and compeers. The same reception awaited Jenner's introduction of vaccination.
The revelation of new truths is compared to the upheaval of rocks which reveal deeply-hidden strata. Stolid conservatism dislikes and avoids such facts, because they involve new thinking and disturb old theories. The leaden weight of scepticism drags down the minds of many, paralyzing their power of reasoning upon facts which reveal truth, from another standpoint than their own, with new simplicity and grandeur in the divine laws of the universe. Others there are, embracing the majority of mankind, according to Hazlitt, who stick to an opinion that they have long supported, and that supports them. But whenever a discovery or invention has made its way so well by itself as to achieve reputation, most people assert that they always believed in it from the first; and so will it be with Keely's inventions, in time.
In our day so rapidly are anticipations realized and sanguine hopes converted into existing facts, one wonderful discovery followed by another, that it is strange to find men possessing any breadth of intellect rejecting truths from hearsay, instead of examining all things and holding fast to the truth. The laws of sympathetic association need only to be demonstrated and understood to carry convictions of their truth with them. They control our world and everything in it, from matter to spirit. They control all the systems of worlds in the universe; for they are the laws which Kepler predicted would in this century be revealed to man. The divine element is shown by these laws to be like the sun behind the clouds,- the source of all light, though itself unseen.
Already the existence of this unknown force is as well established as was the expansive power of steam in the days when the world looked on and laughed at Rumsey and Fitch and Fulton while they were constructing their steamboats. Even when they were used for inland navigation, men of science declared ocean navigation by steam impracticable, up to the very hour of its consummation. In like manner with electricity, scientists declared an ocean telegraph impossible, asserting that the current strong enough to bear messages would melt the wires. Nothing could be more unpopular than railways were at their start. In England, Stephenson's were called "nuisances," and false prophets arose then (as now with Keely's inventions) to foretell their failure. It was predicted that they would soon be abandoned, and if not given up, that they would starve the poor, destroy canal interests, crush thousands in fearful accidents, and cover the land with horror.
When I say that the existence of this force is established, I do not mean that it is established by a favourable verdict from public opinion,- which, as Douglas Jerrold said, is but the average stupidity of mankind, and which is always steadily and persistently opposed to great and revolutionary discoveries. Establishment consists in convincing men competent to judge that the effects produced by etheric force could not be caused by any known force. And it is now years since such a verdict was first given, substantiated repeatedly since, by the testimony of men as incapable of fraud or collusion as is the discoverer himself.
Newton, in discovering the existence of a force which we call gravity, did not pursue his investigation sufficiently far to proclaim a power which neutralizes or overcomes gravity, the existence of which Keely demonstrates in his vibratory lift experiments.
But it is one thing to discover a force in nature, and quite another thing to control it. It is one thing to lasso a wild horse, and quite another thing to subdue the animal, harness it, bridle it, and get the curb-bit in the mouth.
Keely has lassoed his wild horse; he has harnessed it and bridled it; and when he has the bit in its place, this force will take its stand with steam and electricity, asking nothing, and giving more than science ever before conferred on the human race.
"The Home Journal" of October 20th, 1886, contained a paper which possesses some interest as having been written at the time Mr. Keely was using what he called a "Liberator," which enabled him to dispense with the use of water; but he was obliged to return to his former method soon after.
The late editor of the New York Home Journal, noticing the preceding paper, which appeared in Lippincott's Magazine, asks:- "But is not this new force too mighty to be managed by mere earthly instruments, such as iron, copper, or lead? It is the key force, the one that presided over the creation of these very metals, and can it reasonably be expected to be caged and fettered by men? Can the bubble withstand the onset of the wave, of which it is a mere drift?"
When lightning was first drawn from the clouds by Franklin, did it occur to any man living to predict that electricity (which Keely defines as a certain form of atomic vibration) could be stored, to use at will as a motive power? If atomic vibration can be made to serve the purposes of mechanics, why not etheric vibration?
But let Keely answer for himself. Some years since he wrote as follows:- "In analyzing theoretically the mechanical standard necessary for a solution of the philosophy of 'Etheric Vibration,' and the systematic mechanism to produce a rotating circle of etheric force, I must admit that the phenomenon, as presented to myself, by seeming accident, after almost a lifetime of study, still partially holds itself to my understanding as paradoxical. After constructing many mechanical devices in my vain attempts to come more closely to what I term a radiaphonic vibratory position, with microphonic adjustments, I have only been able to reach a few true and standard positions, which I can satisfactory analyze. There is but one principle underlying all, and this principle is the key to the problem."
Keely continues with an explanation of the mechanism of his generator, which he invented and constructed for the multiplication of vibrations, under the disturbance of equilibrium by mediums of different specific gravities - air as one, water as the other. He has since abandoned the generator for a vibratory machine which he calls a "liberator," in which no water is used to develop the force: the disturbance of the equilibrium being effected by a medium thoroughly vibratory in its character. The vapour which Keely produces from this liberator is perfectly free from all humidity, thus giving it a tenuity which he had never been able to reach before, and of a character most desirable for the perfect and high lines of action. In the various improvements which Keely has made in his mechanism, feeling his way in the dark as it were, he sometimes speaks of having "stupidly stumbled over them," of "seeming accident," or "seeming change," where another would call it "inspiration." "Providence sends change, and man moulds it to his own design." The improvement upon the generator was conceived by Keely during his desperate struggles to effect a simultaneous action between the molecular and atomic leads - an action that was absolutely essential for the full line of continuation. This short and simpler way of reaching his desired end was suggested, in part, to him by a quotation from some one of our scientific writings, made in a letter that he received. I am not sure about this quotation, but I think it was: "Nature works with dual force, but at rest she is a unit."
"In the image of God made He man," and in the image of man Keely has constructed his liberator. Not literally, but, as his vibrophone (for collecting the waves of sound and making each wave distinct from the other in tone when the "wave-plate" is struck after the sound has died away) is constructed after the human ear, so his liberator corresponds in its parts to the human head.
But to return to the question asked in the Home Journal. "Can this subtle force reasonably be expected to be caged and fettered by mere earthly instruments?" This is the answer, as given by Keely himself: "You ask my opinion regarding my ultimate success in the practical use of etheric force. My faith is unbounded by doubts. The successful result is as positive as the revolution of our globe, and comes under the great law which governs all nature's highest and grandest and most sensitive operations."
Since Keely wrote the above lines he has had time to get discouraged, if he could know discouragement; but he has conquered too many of the stupendous problems, which barricaded his way in the past, not to feel equally sanguine now of eventual success in his last problem, viz. the attaining of continuity of action, which at the present time seems all but within his grasp.
Some of his views may prove of interest at a time when his achievements are beginning to be a little better understood. Gravity he defines as transmittive interetheric force under immense etheric vibration. He continued:- The action of the mind itself is a vibratory etheric evolution, controlling the physical, its negative power being depreciatory in its effects, and its positive influence elevating.
The idea of getting a power as tenuous as this under such control as to make it useful in mechanics is scouted by all physicists. And no wonder that it is so. But when the character of the velocity of etheric force, even in a molecule, is understood, the mind that comprehends it must succumb to its philosophy. To move suddenly a square inch of air at the velocity of this vibratory circuit, on full line of graduation, and at a vibration only of 2,750,000 per second, would require a force at least of twenty-five times that of gunpowder. Taking the expansive force of gunpowder at 21,000 lbs. per square inch, it would be 525,000 lbs. per square inch. This is incomprehensible. The explosion of nitroglycerine, which has two and a half times less vibrations per second, when placed on the surface of a solid rock, will tear up the rock before disturbing the equilibrium of the air above it. The disturbance takes place after the explosion. To induce an action on a weight of only twenty grains, the weight of a small bird-shot, with a range of motion of but one inch, giving it an action of one million per second, would require the actual force of two and a half tons per second; or, in other words, ten-horse power per minute. Etheric vibration would move tons at the same velocity when submitted to the vibratory circuit. Thus, the finer the substance the greater the power and the velocity under such vibration.
The vapour from the liberator, registered at 20,000 pounds per square inch, has a range of atomic motion of 1333 1/3 the diameter of the atmospheric molecule, with constant rotary vibratory action. At 10,000 pounds, 666 2/3; at 5000, 333 1/3; at 2500, 166 2/3; at 1250, 83 1/3; at 625, 41 2/3. The higher the range of atomic motion the greater is its tenuity, and the range is according to the registered pressure. This rule can not be applied to any other vapour or gas at present known to scientists. The very evolution on the negative shows a vacuum of a much higher order than we ever produced before, thus confounding, to perfect blindness, all theories that have been brought to bear upon the situation, in its analysis. The highest vacuum known is 17.999999-1000000 pounds, or not quite 30 inches; but by this process etheric vacuums have been repeatedly produced of 50 to 57 inches; ranging down to 30 inches, or 15 pounds. All operations of nature have for their sensitizing centres of introductory action, triple vacuum evolutions. These evolutions are centred in what I call atomic triple revolutions, highly radiaphonic in their character, and thoroughly independent of all outside forces in their spheres of action. In fact, no conceivable power, however great, can break up their independent centres. So infinitely minute are they in their position that, within a circle that would enclose the smallest grain of sand, hundreds of billions of them perform, with infinite mathematical precision, their continuous vibratory revolution of inconceivable velocity.
These triple centres are the very foundation of the universe, and the great Creator has, in His majestic designs, fixed them indissolubly in their position. Mathematically considered, the respective and relative motion of these atomic triplets, gravitating to and revolving around each other, is about one and one-third of their circumference. The problem of this action, when reduced to mathematical analysis (presupposing taking it as the quadrature of the circle) would baffle the highest order of mathematical science known to bring it to a numerical equation.
The requirement of every demonstration is that it shall give sufficient proof of the truth it asserts. Any demonstration which does less than this cannot be relied upon, and no demonstration even made has done more than this. We ought to know that the possibilities of success are in proportion as the means applied are adequate or inadequate for the purpose; and, as different principles exist in various forms of matter, it is quite impossible to demonstrate every truth by the same means or the same principles. I look upon it as the prejudice of ignorance which exacts that every demonstration shall be given by a prescribed rule of science, as if the science of the present were thoroughly conversant with every principle that exists in nature. The majority of physicists exacts this, though some of them know that these means are entirely inadequate. Every revolving body is impressed by nature with certain laws making it susceptible of the operation of force which, being applied, impels motion. These laws may all be expressed under the general term, "Forces, which, though various in their nature, possess an equalizing power controlling each other (as in the case of the atomic triplets) in such a way that neither can predominate beyond a certain limit. Consequently, these bodies can never approach nearer each other than a fixed point: nor recede from each other beyond another certain point. Hence, these forces are, at some mean point, made perfectly equal, and therefore may be considered as but one force; therefore as but one element. It matters not that other and disturbing forces exist outside or inside the space these bodies revolve in, because if this force must be considered as acting uniformly - applying itself to each of these bodies in a way to produce a perfect equation on all, it is as if this outside force were non-existing.
The true study of the Deity by man being in the observation of His marvelous works, the discovery of a fundamental, creative law of as wide and comprehensive grasp as would make this etheric vapour a tangible link between God and man would enable us to realize, in a measure, the actual existing working qualities of God Himself (speaking most reverentially) as he would those of a fellow-man. Such a link would constitute a base or superstructure of recognition, praise, worship and imitation, such as seems to underlie the whole Biblical structure as a foundation." -Keely.
Dr. Macvicar, in his theories of the bearing of the cosmical law of assimilation on molecular action, says: "During this retreat of matter into ether in single material elements or units of weight, the molecules and masses from which such vaporization into the common vapour of matter is going on, may be expected to be phosphorescent."
This surmise Keely has, over and over, demonstrated, as a fact; also showing how gravitation operates as a lever: etheric wave motion: concentration under vibratory concussion: and negative vacuous tenuity.
Mrs. F. J. Hughes, writing upon "Harmonies of Tones and Colours - Developed by Evolution," advances theories of her own, which correspond with those demonstrated by Keely. She writes, in a private letter: "I firmly believe that exactly the same laws as those which develop sound keep the heavenly bodies in their order. You can even trace the poles in sound. My great desire is for some philosophical mind to take up my views, as entirely gained from the Scriptures; and I am certain that they will be found to be the laws developing every natural science throughout the universe."
Thus men and women in various parts of the world who still hold to their belief in and worship of God, are "standing on ground which is truly scientific, having nothing to fear from the progress of thought, in so far as it is entitled to the name of scientific- nay, are in a position to lead the way in all that can be justly so called."
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Chapter V of Keely and His Discoveries, titled "Etheric Vibration: The Key Force," introduces the paradigm-shifting ideas of John Keely’s discoveries and his understanding of "etheric vibration" as a primary, transformative force. Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore’s insights reveal Keely as both a visionary and an outcast within the scientific community, with his work often dismissed as mysticism or fraud. His vision, however, went beyond mere invention; he sought a revelation of nature's hidden forces, deeply rooted in vibratory principles that underpin both matter and consciousness. His concept of etheric vibration implied that the physical and metaphysical realms are interconnected through resonance and sympathetic association, making all of existence a seamless continuum of vibratory states.
Core Themes and Analysis
The Stubborn Skepticism of Science
Bloomfield-Moore captures a recurring theme in scientific history—the resistance to revolutionary ideas. Just as Galileo, Harvey, and Jenner faced ridicule, Keely’s ideas were met with scorn, a reaction born partly from fear of the unknown and partly from entrenched dogmas. The analogy to the "stately tree of science," with its lowest branches holding humanity's current grasp, suggests that society often clings to established "dead calyxes" or outworn ideas, while seeds of future discoveries await the decay of these old structures. Keely’s journey mirrors this: a lone seeker against a wall of skepticism, pressing forward with his faith in the potential of his work to transform human understanding and harness what he deemed “sympathetic force.”
Sympathetic Force and Etheric Vibration
Keely’s discoveries centered on a mysterious vibratory force derived from what he called the "ether." He posited that the ether held a potent energy, capable of controlling matter with unprecedented efficiency, which he demonstrated through his inventions like the "Liberator" and vibratory machines. Bloomfield-Moore draws attention to how Keely saw this force not as a hypothetical but as a fundamental, accessible power—a “wild horse” that he sought to tame and direct. The Liberator, a device Keely likened to the human head in its structural divisions, reflects his view that all creation resonates with underlying vibratory harmonics, mirroring human and cosmic symmetries.
Duality and Continuity of Forces
Keely’s description of gravity as “transmittive interetheric force” introduces a subtlety to forces traditionally viewed as single-directional or isolated. He saw etheric forces as operating in dual actions—creative and disintegrative, binding and liberating—embodying a continuum from the dense to the ethereal. Bloomfield-Moore’s account emphasizes how Keely perceived all forces as aspects of a grand, unifying vibrational matrix, suggesting that phenomena like gravitation, atomic motion, and mental energy are different expressions of the same vibratory foundation. This unity of forces would be capable of practical application, enabling humanity to control nature in more refined ways than through the "brute force" of steam or electricity.
The Limitations of Contemporary Science
The chapter highlights Keely’s frustration with scientists’ refusal to engage with his theories due to their nonconformity with established models. Bloomfield-Moore criticizes the limitations of science that demand empirical verification through prescriptive methodologies, noting that genuine breakthroughs often require new perspectives and tools. She presents Keely’s etheric theories as potential bridges between the known and unknown, hinting that a more expansive approach to science could eventually validate his claims and even elevate human interaction with natural law.
The Divine Connection
Keely’s etheric force, seen as a creative law governing both physical and spiritual realms, underscores a belief in the divine essence permeating all matter and forces. His work resonates with Hermetic and Gnostic views that humanity is a microcosm within a vibrational universe, with laws as universal in scope as they are individual. He envisioned etheric vibration as an interface between the Creator and creation, where the “atomic triplets” and “triple vacuum evolutions” are manifestations of cosmic order, stable yet dynamically interactive. Bloomfield-Moore suggests that Keely’s insights could serve as a means for humanity to understand divine action through the study of vibration, potentially inspiring a form of spiritual science.
Broader Implications
Keely’s vision opens the possibility of viewing reality as a vast harmonic network, where the tuning of sympathetic forces might one day enable human beings to interact with matter through resonance rather than direct mechanical force. This vibrational understanding, which aligns with the esoteric maxim "Everything Vibrates," could redefine approaches to energy, healing, and even consciousness.
Ultimately, Keely’s etheric vibration challenges the modern scientific paradigm, foreshadowing an integrated science of Spirit and Matter. It envisions not only an era of advanced technology but a shift in consciousness toward harmony with the vibrational frequencies underpinning all existence. This chapter serves as a reminder that while the pathway to understanding the cosmos is fraught with skepticism and struggle, it is also a journey of deep revelation into the mysteries of the universe, urging humanity to look beyond established bounds and embrace a broader, sympathetic vision of nature’s forces. [Dale Pond, ChatGPT 11/14/24]
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Etheric Capsule
Etheric Current
Etheric Elements
Etheric Force
Etheric Liberator used with Atlin the Musical Dynasphere
Etheric Vapor
Etheric Vibration. - The Key Force
Etheric Vibratory Scale
Keely and His Discoveries