"The teleological view was opposed to the mechanical, which regarded the universe as a collocation of mere facts without any further significance. The mechanical view looked backward to the antecedents of a phenomenon, and explained things by reducing them to their lowest terms; the teleological or philosophical view looked forward to the end or purpose which was being realized, which was the reason of the whole development, and in the deepest sense its cause. Mechanical explanation was an infinite progress, which could ultimately explain nothing; in the last resort cause efficientes pendent a finalibus. In defining the nature of the end which it thus asserted, philosophy had to wage unsparing battle against the naturalistic tendencies of our time." - [From a Review of Professor Seth's address delivered in Glasgow in 1891.] [Professor Seth, same as Seth Pancoast?]
In 1887, a series of articles appeared in The British Mercantile Gazette, then edited by Mr. Arthur Goddard. The June number devoted more than eight columns to the progress and present position of the discoverer of Etheric force.
To the Editor of the British Mercantile Gazette.
Sir,- Dr. Ziermann, a German writer, has said that a great deal of sound sense and moral courage are required to introduce ideas which will only be recognized as truth after the lapse of time. He adds, "Nay, even to recognize their truth will require more understanding than falls to the share of most men." The day will come, I think, when your action in giving the pages of your journal to quotations from Mr. Keely's papers on Etheric Physics and Etheric Philosophy, will make known your claim to this 'understanding.' In the meantime, you have, by your appreciation of his labours and your sympathy in his trials, extended that assistance to the discoverer of this newly-known force in Nature which is more powerful than any other agent in inspiring to renewed efforts; after ridicule and calumny, long continued, have done their worst towards depressing the vital centres of nerve-force. When Mr. Keely has made known the law of sympathetic association to the world, the full meaning of the words "sympathy," "help," "consolation," will be better understood than they are now. The most important discoveries, the most difficult problems of research, the most arduous scientific labours have been achieved by men who have battled with persecution and contempt at every step of their progress; enduring all, as he has done, with patience; in the full assurance that the glorious truths entrusted to him to reveal will, in the end, be proclaimed for the advancement of the race. "The nobler the soul," writes Guida, "the more sensitive it is to the blows of injustice." Cicero tells us that praise stimulates great souls into greater exertions; and Plutarch said that souls are sensitive to sympathy, to praise, and to blame, in exact proportions to the fineness of their fibre. Mr. Keely proves this truth by actual tests, as will be seen in time, to the satisfaction of all investigators.
"Every branch of science, every doctrine of extensive application, has had its alphabet, its rudiments, its grammar; indeed, at each fresh step in the path of discovery, the researcher has to work out by experiments the unknown laws which govern his discovery. Ignorant himself, he builds up his knowledge upon a foundation which, uncertain as it must be at first, becomes as secure as that of Gibraltar rocks when, one by one, he has removed the misshapen stones of error, and replaced them with the hewn granite blocks of truth. To attempt to introduce scientists, without any previous preparation, to any new system, no matter how solid its foundation, would be like giving a book published in Greek to a man to read who had never before seen its characters. We do not expect a complicated problem in the higher mathematical analysis to be solved by one who is ignorant of the elementary rules of arithmetic. Just as futile would it be to expect scientists to comprehend the laws of etheric physics and etheric philosophy at one glance.
'There are some secrets which, who knows not now,
Must, ere he reach them, climb the heapy Alps
Of science, and devote long years to toil.'
"Norman Lockyer, in his 'Chemistry of the Sun,' writes of molecules that 'one feels as if dealing with something that is more like a mental than a physical attribute - a sort of expression of free will on the part of the molecules.' Herein lies one of the secrets of Mr. Keely's so-called 'compound secret.' Again Mr. Lockyer writes: 'The law which connects radiation with absorption, and at once enables us to read the riddle set by the sun and stars, is, then, simply the law of sympathetic vibration.' This is the very cornerstone of Mr. Keely's philosophy - yes, even of the discovery.
"It has been said that all great men who have lived, or who now live, have been indebted for their knowledge to teachers or to books; but all progress depends upon the use made of such knowledge when acquired. In order to bear fruit, knowledge must be increased by reflection, and by placing the mind in that attitude which brings into play the powers of intuition; or, rather, placing it in the receptive state which admits of the in-flowing of what is called inspiration.
"Molecular vibration is Keely's legitimate field of research. In this field his discovery was made, many years since; but it is only now, within this year, that he has reached any approach to a solution of the stupendous problems which have arisen barring and baffling all progress, at times, towards the complete subjugation and controls of the force that he had discovered. Again and again has he invited the attention of scientists to his discovery, from the commencement of his researches; but the few scientists who condescended to accept his invitations were so ignorant of the mysteries which they sought to investigate - of 'the alphabet and rudiments' of etheric physics - that they found it easier to accuse him of jugglery and of fraud than to account for the phenomena that they witnessed. They addressed their report to a public even more ignorant than themselves, if such a thing could be possible, with the result of preventing other scientists, who would have better understood the experiments, from examining into Keely's claims, as the discoverer of an unknown force. A system of doctrine can be legitimately refuted only upon its own principle viz., by disproving its facts, and invalidating the principles deduced from them. It is, then, the facts, and not the opinions of the ignorant or the prejudiced, which are of chief importance here, as in all other questions of moment.
"All those men who have witnessed the production of etheric force and its application experimentally, during the exhibitions given at various times, have, if capable of understanding such a marvelous discovery as Keely has made, agreed to a man in bearing testimony, at the time, that no known force could have produced such results under the same conditions.
"It is now three years since Keely invited certain English men of science (experimenting in the same field where his explorations commenced) to examine his Liberator; which was dismantled for the purpose and all its parts assembled for examination before being put together for the production of etheric force, when these men refused to visit his workshop, and it has been said that a Professor of the University of Pennsylvania prevented the investigation by his assertion that compressed air is the force used by Keely with which to dupe his audiences. A schoolboy's knowledge of the change of temperature always accompanying the compression of air would prevent such an assertion from being made by anyone who had witnessed the operation of the Liberator in the production and storage of etheric force, during which there is not the slightest change of temperature. Had these English scientists, with their knowledge of acoustics, been present on the occasion referred to, no such groundless assertion would have possessed any influence with either; and the world of science would have sooner known and acknowledged the nature and the worth of this great discovery.
"Roget says that if we are to reason at all, we can reason only upon the principle that for every effect there must exist a corresponding cause; or, in other words, that there is an established and invariable order of sequence among the changes which take place in the universe. The bar to all further reasoning lies in the fact that there are men who, admitting all the phenomena we behold are the effects of certain causes, still say that these causes are utterly unknown to us, and that their discovery is wholly beyond the reach of our faculties. Those who urge this do not seem to be aware that its general application in every sense would shake the foundation of every kind of knowledge - even that which we regard as built upon the most solid basis. Of causation it is agreed that we know nothing; all that we do know is that one event succeeds another with undeviating constancy; and what do we know of magnetism, electricity, galvanism, but such facts as have been elicited by the labour of experimental inquirers, and the laws which have been deduced from their generalization? Would it be considered a sufficient reason for the absolute rejection of any of these facts - or a whole class of facts - that we are still ignorant of the principle upon which they depend, and that such knowledge is beyond our reach? Facts are every day believed, upon observation, or upon testimony, which we should be exceedingly puzzled to account for, if called upon to do so. Every man who has passed the mere threshold of science ought to be aware that it is quite possible to be in possession of a series of facts, long before he is capable of giving a rational and satisfactory explanation of them; in short, before he is enabled to discover their causes. Also that he must classify his fact and construct hypotheses before he can impart his experimental position to others. Many things which were, for a long time, treated as fabulous and incredible have been proved, in our age, to be authentic facts, as soon as the evidence in support of them was duly subjected to the crucible of scientific investigation. Take, for example, Professor Dewar's researches in the cause, or origin, of meteoric stones. Fortunately for his branches of research and experiment, he is possessed of that philosophical spirit and energy which enables him to divest himself of all prejudice, and, in constructing his theories, to welcome the evidence of truth from whatever quarter it approaches. More than two thousand years elapsed between the first record of the phenomenon, by Anaxagoras, and Mr. Howard's observations in 1802, during which time the fact was disputed most strenuously by many, while, in our time, Professor Dewar's explanation of the same, upon intelligible and satisfactory principles, have confirmed the statements made centuries ago. How few the years, in comparison, since Keely's grand discovery first broke upon his own mind, which he has devoted to experiment, to invention, to the classification of facts, and the building up of hypotheses, before reaching the goal of his desires. Men will marvel at the shortness of the period when all that he has accomplished is made known. The delays which have occurred in bringing before the world the actual discovery of this primal force, from which all the forces of nature spring, have been in part occasioned by the want of that sympathy and appreciation which Keely would have received from his fellowmen, had scientists believed him to be honest in his claims. He would not then have been left in the merciless hands of "a ring," which gave or withheld financial aid according as he could be "thumb screwed," into giving exhibitions for speculative ends on the part of "the ring." These costly days of delay are now a thing of the past. Keely's programme of work for the remainder of the year embraces such exhibitions of his progress as can be given without interfering with this programme.
Coleridge says in "Table Talk," - "I have seen what I am certain I would not have believed on your telling; and in all reason, therefore, I can neither expect nor with that you should believe on mine." It is of all tasks the most difficult to produce any favourable reception for doctrines which are objectionable only because they are deemed to be incompatible with preconceived notions. It does not answer to disturb the calmness of views now held by our most eminent physicists, who seem to expect that nature will always accommodate her operations to their preconceived notions of possibility, and adapt her phenomena to their arbitrary systems of philosophy. We are all familiar with the anecdote of the wise Indian potentate who imagined that his informant was imposing upon his credulity when giving him an accurate description of the steam-engine. Now what would be thought of that philosopher who, in attempting to communicate an adequate idea of the operation of the steam-engine, should content himself with a mere description of its mechanism - of its wheels and levers, and cylinders and pistons - keeping entirely out of view the moving power - the steam; and ridiculing all investigation into the nature, application, and phenomena of this power. Yet this is exactly what microscopic observers of the animal economy call "absurd and useless inquiry." The true springs of our organization are not these muscles, these arteries, these nerves, which are described and experimented upon with so much care and exactness. They are hidden springs, the action of which are as miracles to those who have vainly tried to account for the motion of the muscles at the command of the will; for the power of vision, which places the human eye in intimate and immediate connection with the soul-dependent as they are upon unknown laws, assigned them by the great omniscient and omnipotent Being by whom they were originally created, and Who is the one source of all power.
Although in our present ordinary state of existence we are permitted to see only "as through a glass darkly," ignorant of many of the powers and processes of nature, as well as of the causes to which they are to be ascribed, we are not, therefore, entitled to set limits to her operations, and to say to her, "Hitherto shalt thou go, and no further!" We must not presume, says Glanvill, to assign bounds to the exercise of the power of the Almighty, nor are these operations and that power to be controlled by the arbitrary theories and capricious fancies of man. We are surrounded by the incredible - the seemingly miraculous. Who would not ask for demonstration when told that a gnat's wing, in its ordinary flight, beats many hundred times in a second? But what is this, when compared to the astonishing truths which modern optical inquiries reveal - such as teach us that the sensation of violet light affects our eyes 707 millions of millions of times per second in order to effect that sensation?
How strangely must they estimate nature, how highly must they value their own conceits, who deny the possibility of any cause of any effect, merely because it is incomprehensible. In fact, what do men comprehend? What do they know of causes? When Newton said that gravitation held the world together, he assigned no reason why the heavenly bodies do not fly off from each other into infinite space. The discoverer of etheric force is able to give the reasons for, and explanations of, the laws involved in all that he asserts; or, rather, all that he propounds; for, with the true humility of wisdom, he asserts nothing. Newton at first thought that he had discovered in electricity the ether which he asserted pervades all nature, until, by repeated experiments, he became convinced of the insufficiency of that principle to explain the phenomena. Other philosophers have speculated upon magnetism in the same way, and upon the similarity between magnetism and electricity. Mr. Keely's experiments show that the two are, in part, antagonistic, and that both are but modifications of the one force in nature. There have been some physiologists who have maintained that the nerves are merely the conductors of some fluid from the brain and spinal cord to the different parts of the body, and that this circulating fluid is capable of an external expansion, which takes place with such energy as to form an atmosphere, or sphere of activity, similar to that of electrical bodies. Dr. Roget observes that the velocity with which the nerves subservient to sensation transmit the impression they receive at one extremity, along their whole course, exceeds all measurement, and can be compared only to that of electricity passing along a conducting wire. A comparison with gravity would have been nearer the truth, though no computation ever has been made, or ever can be made, between the flight of gravity and of electricity, so infinitely swifter in the former.
Beclard almost completely demonstrated the truth of Roget's hypotheses concerning the action of "the nervous fluid" by cutting a nerve of considerable size, adjoining a muscle, which induced paralysis in this part. Perceiving the contractile action reappear, when he approached the two ends of the nerve to the distance of three lines, he became convinced that an imponderable substance, a fluid of some kind, traversed the interval of separation, in order to restore the muscular action. By another experiment he demonstrated its striking analogy to galvanic electricity. The late Professor Keil, of Jena, also made some very interesting experiments of the same character, one of which tends to demonstrate the susceptibility of the nervous system to the magnetic influence, and the efficacy of the magnet in the cure of certain infirmities. It was communicated by him to a meeting of the Royal Society of London more than fifty years since. If we are justified, then, in assuming the existence of this nervous fluid, writes Colquhoun, in 1836, whether secreted by, or merely conducted by the nerves, and of its analogy to the other known, active, and imponderable fluids, and of its capability of external expansion, an in the case of electricity, it does not appear to be a very violent or unwarrantable proceeding to extend the hypotheses a little further, and to infer that it is also capable of being transmitted or directed outwards, either involuntarily or by the volition of one individual, with such energy as to produce certain real and perceptible effects upon the organism of another, in a manner analogous to what is known to occur in the case of the torpedo the gymnotus-electricus, etc.
Should it be that Mr. Keely's compound secret includes any explanation of this operation of will force, showing that it may be cultivated, in common with the other powers which God has given us, we shall then recover some of the knowledge lost out of the world, or retained only in gipsy tribes and among Indian adepts.
The effects of the law of sympathetic association, which Mr. Keely demonstrated as the governing medium of the universe, find illustrations in inanimate nature. What else is the influence which one string of a lute has upon a string of another lute when a stroke upon it causes a proportionable motion and sound in the sympathizing consort, which is distant from it, and not perceptibly touched? It has been found that, in a watchmaker's shop, the timepieces, or clocks, connected with the same wall or shelf, have such a sympathetic effect in keeping time, that they stop those which beat in irregular time; and, if any are at rest, set those going which beat accurately. Norman Lockyer deals with the law of sympathetic association as follows:- "While in the giving our of light we are dealing with molecular vibration taking place so energetically as to give rise to luminous radiation, absorption phenomena afford no evidence of this motion of the molecules when their vibrations are far less violent." . . ."The molecules are so apt to vibrate each in its own period that they will take up vibrations from light which is passing among them, provided always that the light thus passing among them contains the proper vibrations." . . . "Let us try to get a mental image of what goes on. There is an experiment in the world of sound which will help us." . . . "Take two large tuning-forks, mounted on sounding-boxes, and tuned to exact unison. One of the forks is set in active vibration by means of a fiddle-bow, and then brought near to the other one; the open mouths presented to each other. After a few moments, if the fork originally sounded is damped to stop its sound, it will be found that the other fork has taken up the vibration, and is sounding distinctly. If the two forks are not in unison, no amount of bowing of the one will have the slightest effect in producing sound from the other."
Although physicists know that this extraordinary influence exists between inanimate objects as a class, they look upon the human organism as little more than a machine, taking small interest in researches which evince the dominion of mind over matter. Keely's experimental research in this province has shown him that it is neither the electric nor the magnetic flow, but the etheric, which sends its current along our nerves; that the electric or the magnetic bears an infinitely small ratio to that of an etheric flow, both as to velocity and tenuity; that true coincidents can exist between any mediums-cartilage to steel, steel to wood, wood to stone, and stone to cartilage; that the same influence (sympathetic association) which governs all the solids holds the same governing influence over all liquids; and again, from liquid to solid, embracing the three kingdoms, animal, vegetable and mineral; that the action of mind over matter thoroughly substantiates these incontrovertible laws of sympathetic etheric influence; that the only true medium which exists in nature is the sympathetic flow emanating from the normal human brain, governing correctly the graduating and setting-up of the true sympathetic vibratory positions in machinery necessary to success; that these flows come in on the order of the fifth and seventh positions of atomic subdivision, compound ether a resultant of this subdivision; that, if metallic mediums are brought under the influence of this sympathetic flow they become organism which carry the same influence with them that the human brain does over living physical positions - that the composition of the metallic and of the physical are one and the same thing, although the molecular arrangement of the physical may be entirely opposite to the metallic on their aggregations; that the harmonious chords induced by sympathetic positive vibration permeate the molecules in each, notwithstanding, and bring about the perfect equation of any differentiation that may exist - in one, the same as in the other - and thus they become one and the same medium[*] for sympathetic transmission; that the etheric flow is of a tenuity coincident to the condition governing the seventh subdivision of matter - a condition of subtlety that readily and instantaneously permeates all forms of aggregated matter, from air to solid hammered steel - the velocity of the permeation being the same with the one as with the other; that the tenuity of the etheric flow is so infinitely fine that any magnifying glass, the power of which would enlarge the smallest grain of sand to the size of the sun, brought to bear upon it, would not make it visible to us; that light, traversing at the speed of 200,000 miles per second a distance requiring a thousand centuries to reach, would be traversed by the etheric flow in an indefinite fragment of a second.
These are some of the problems which Mr. Keely has had to solve before he could adapt his vibratory machinery to the etheric flow. The true conditions for transmitting it sympathetically through a differential wire of platinum and silver have now been attained, after eight years of intense study and elaborate experiment. The introductory indications began to show themselves about two years ago, but the intermissions on transmission were so frequent and so great as to discourage Mr. Keely from further research on this line. Then came one of those "inspirations" which men call "accident," revealing to him "the true conditions" necessary to produce a sympathetic flow, free of differentiation, proving conclusively the truth of his theory of the law governing the atomic triplets in their association. Differentiation, by compound negative vibration of their neutral centres, causes antagonism, and thus the great attractive power that aggregates them becomes one of dispersion or expansion, accompanied by immense velocity of rotation, which carries its influence through the whole volume of air, 230 cubic inches contained in sphere, within its 33 1/3 chord of its circle of coincidence. By this wire of platinum and silver the current of force is now passed to run the vibratory disk, thus altogether upsetting the "compressed air" theory of Professor Barkes, Dr. Hall, and others of less note.
"In setting the conditions of molecular sympathetic transmission by wire," writes Keely, "the same law calls for the harmonious adjustment of the thirds, to produce a nonintermittent flow of sympathy. Intermission means failure here. That differential molecular volume is required, in two different mediums of molecular density, to destroy differentiation of sympathetic flow, seems at first sight to controvert the very law established by the great Creator, which constitutes harmony - a paradoxical position which has heretofore misled physicists who have propounded and set forth most erroneous doctrines, because they have accepted the introductory conditions, discarding their sympathetic surroundings. The volume of the neutral centre of the earth is of no more magnitude than the one of a molecule: the sympathetic conditions of one can be reached in the same time as the other by its coincident chord."
Thus it will be seen what difficulties Keely has encountered in his persevering efforts to use the etheric flow in vibratory machinery. One by one he has conquered each, attaining the transmission of the etheric current in the same manner as the electric current, with this one notable difference - that, in order to show insulation to the sceptical, he passes the etheric current through blocks of glass in running his vibratory devices.
When Keely's system is finished, then, and not until then, all that is involved in his discovery will be made known to the world.
Five years after this paper on Etheric force was written, Dr. Henry Wood, of Boston, wrote an article, which appeared in The Arena of October, 1891, having the title "Healing through Mind". Dr. Wood says: "Truth may be considered as a rounded unit. Truths have various and unequal values, but each has its peculiar place, and if it be missing or distorted, the loss is not only local but general. Unity is made up of variety, and therein is completeness. Any honest search after truth is profitable, for thereby is made manifest the kingdom of the real. . . .
"We forget that immaterial forces rule not only the invisible but the visible universe. Matter, whether in the vegetable, animal, or human organism, is moulded, shaped, and its quality determined by unseen forces back of and higher than itself. We rely upon the drug, because we can feel, taste, see, and smell it. We are colour-blind to invisible potency of a higher order, and practically concluded that it is non existent," - "Healing Through Mind".
"It is through the action of nature's sympathetic forces that planets are born and their volume of matter augmented. If the sympathetic negative polar stream were cut off from the earth, its molecular mass would become independent, and would float away into space as would a soap-bubble filled with warm air. The same conditions of governing rule exist in the planetary masses as between the mental and physical forces in our organisms; the organism representing the earth, and its link with the cerebral centers the connection with the infinite mind. In other words, the latent energy existing in the neutral depths of matter, visible or invisible, remains eternally subservient and unchangeably linked to the eternal mind. True science is bastardized by intimating that the life in matter can be destroyed by any intensity of thermal negation (frigidity). Can finite man make use of an infinite element to neutralize infinity? Thermal negation causes molecular oscillation to diminish, or even seem to cease, but the results brought about from this superficial appearance of matter coming to rest are that the latent energy existing in the molecular zone is transferred to the intermolecular, increasing the oscillations of the intermolecular in the same ratio that the molecular is diminished. All the art that man can employ to induce the same effect on the intermolecular zone ends here. Granting, however, that it were possible, what would ensue?" [Newton of the Mind]
""It is through the action of nature's sympathetic forces that planets are born and their volume of matter augmented. If the sympathetic negative polar stream were cut off from the earth, its molecular mass would become independent, and would float away into space as would a soap bubble filled with warm air. The same conditions of governing rule exist in the planetary masses as between the mental and physical forces in our organisms; the organism representing the earth, and its link with the cerebral centers the connection with the infinite mind. In other words, the latent energy existing in the neutral depths of matter, visible or invisible, remains eternally subservient and unchangeably linked to the eternal mind. True science is bastardized by intimating that the life in matter can be destroyed by any intensity of thermal negation (frigidity). Can finite man make use of an infinite element to neutralize infinity? Thermal negation causes molecular oscillation to diminish, or even seem to cease, but the results brought about from this superficial appearance of matter coming to rest are that the latent energy existing in the molecular zone is transferred to the intermolecular, increasing the oscillations of the intermolecular in the same ratio that the molecular is diminished. All the art that man can employ to induce the same effect on the intermolecular zone ends here. Granting, however, that it were possible, what would ensue?" [Newton of the Mind]
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Chapter IV Summary: Sympathetic Vibratory Force (1887)
In 1887, John Keely continued exploring the nature of vibratory forces, delving deeper into what he called the "Sympathetic Vibratory Force." Keely’s theories are set against the backdrop of prevailing scientific resistance and his assertion that all of nature’s processes are interconnected through vibrational harmonics.
Key Concepts in Sympathetic Vibratory Force
Sympathetic Vibratory Force as a Fundamental Law:
Keely proposed that vibratory or etheric force governs the interactions of all matter, rooted in “sympathetic association.” This concept goes beyond mechanistic views, suggesting that purpose and harmony permeate the universe.
Vibratory force, according to Keely, is essential in bridging matter and mind, indicating that even the invisible, such as thought or will, plays a powerful role in material reality.
Etheric Physics and Vibrational Mechanics:
Keely introduced the concept of the ether as a permeating, universal medium, through which vibrations create cohesion and structure in matter. This etheric substance is highly tenuous yet powerful, capable of transmitting energy instantly, unlike electrical or magnetic currents.
The forces of attraction, cohesion, and even gravity are driven by vibrations within this ether, which Keely linked to atomic and molecular interactions.
The Law of Sympathetic Association:
Keely’s experiments showed that certain vibrations can synchronize or harmonize disparate materials, regardless of their nature (e.g., metals, organic materials, or gases). This universal “sympathetic” force aligns with the natural vibrations of matter, causing spontaneous alignment and unification, a phenomenon Keely believed could unify understanding across scientific disciplines.
Through “sympathetic association,” Keely suggested that all matter is linked by resonance and that the mind could potentially influence matter by aligning with its vibrational state.
Challenges in Scientific Acceptance:
Despite resistance, Keely believed that his work would eventually redefine science’s understanding of cause and effect. He argued that the “law of sympathetic vibration” is a more comprehensive explanation than the purely mechanistic theories of his contemporaries.
His frustration stemmed from public skepticism and accusations of fraud from scientists who lacked the foundational understanding to interpret his discoveries. Keely argued that scientists needed a fundamental re-education to grasp etheric physics and vibratory force principles.
Etheric Flow and Mechanical Applications:
Keely’s ongoing work involved adapting his machinery to harness etheric currents as a practical energy source, capable of driving devices without conventional fuels. His “Liberator” device was central to these experiments, where he aimed to control vibratory force to safely and effectively power machines.
Differentiation and intermittency of etheric flow presented obstacles. Yet, through continued trials, Keely discovered that controlling etheric currents required harmonizing different vibratory “chords” for non-intermittent flow, essential for practical application in machinery.
Mind and Matter: The Influence of Will Force:
Keely believed the mind’s vibratory force, or “will force,” could directly impact physical systems through sympathetic resonance. This aligns with historical ideas of “nervous fluid” or “life force” in esoteric traditions, which posited that mental energy or intent could influence physical matter.
His work suggested a connection between mental vibrations and etheric force, potentially enabling direct interaction between mind and matter, an idea that modern science has yet to fully explore or understand.
Keely’s Vision of a Unified Science:
Keely envisioned a scientific approach in which vibratory harmony unifies the physical, biological, and mental realms. Through sympathetic vibratory force, he argued, it is possible to understand planetary dynamics, biological functions, and mental influences as interconnected facets of a single, harmonious system.
This holistic view of nature contrasts with the reductionist approach of contemporary science, which, according to Keely, fails to see the interconnectedness of all things.
Implications for the Future of Science:
Keely anticipated that his discoveries would eventually lead to breakthroughs in energy, transportation, and even healing. By aligning human technology with vibratory laws, he believed humanity could unlock new levels of progress and understanding.
His work foreshadowed ideas about the unity of mind, matter, and energy, challenging scientists to reconsider the “boundaries” between visible and invisible, material and immaterial, and physical and mental forces.
In Sympathetic Vibratory Force, Keely outlined his vision of a universe governed by vibratory principles, where matter, energy, and consciousness are harmoniously linked through resonance. His work encountered scientific skepticism due to its radical departure from conventional science, yet he believed that sympathetic vibratory force would ultimately redefine the relationship between mind and matter, energy and substance, creating a bridge between the physical sciences and the metaphysical. [Dale Pond, ChatGPT 11/13/24]
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Eye Witness Accounts
Keely and His Discoveries
Keely - Historical Documents
Keely Chronology
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Law of Sympathetic Association
Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
Law of Sympathetic Vibration
Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force
Newton of the Mind
Part 28 - Keelys Amazing Machines
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Table 14.03 - Ranges of Forces Vibration Forms Types and Governing Laws
Table of Forces
Will Force
Will He Become a Medium
8.20 - Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
8.27 - Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
14.18 - Law of Sympathetic Association