Who did what, when and the environment of the times. A comprehensive Keely Chronology specific to Keely is being built and may take years to complete as there are thousands of links. See Chronology pre 1800 and Chronology post 1900. Especially important and interesting is the history of quantum sciences; quantum chronology.
- Sir William Herschel explores the heating ability of different frequencies of light. (1)
- Sir William Herschel demonstrates the existence of radiation beyond the red end of the visible spectrum, a component now known as infrared radiation. [3]
- Alessandro Volta discovers electromotive series and voltaic pile.
- Johann Ritter discovered the ultraviolet region of the solar spectrum by showing that chemical action was caused by some form of energy in the dark portion beyond the violet. [4]
- Phineas P. Quimby born February 16, 1802
- Lussac establishes the thermal expansion of gases. (1)
- John Dalton forms his atomic theory of matter, setting the stage for atomic chemistry. (1)
- Dalton's System of Chemistry, volume III published
- Leslie shows that light and radiated heat have similar properties. (1)
- Wilhelm Eduard Weber born, October 24, 1804
- Thomas Young formulates a precursor to the modern kinetic theory. (1)
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel, born 9 April 1806
- First experimental arc lights. Davies.
- Telegraph 1809
- Poisson develops a mathematical theory of heat, based on Fourier's work. Avogadro presents his law. Berzelius states that electrical and chemical forces are the same and that atoms are electrically charged. (1)
- War of 1812 begins June 18, 1812
- War of 1812 ends March 23, 1815
- Proton theorized William Prout 1815 [see 1919]
- Dalton's System of Chemistry, volume I published
- Dulong and Petit show an empirical law (Law of Dulong and Petit) on the specific heat of solids. (1)
- Tyndall, John born August 2, 1820
- Hans Christian Orsted discovered in 1820 that electric currents create magnetic fields.
- Clara Bloomfield-Moore born February 16, 1824
- William Thomson born June 26, 1824
- Carnot Cycle defined 1824
- Sadi Carnot studies the thermal efficiency of machines, introduces reversible transformations, and generates the foundations of thermodynamics in his "Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire." (1)
- William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet in 1824.
- first practical steam locomotive. See Keelys Contributions to Science
- Carl Anton Bjerknes born October 24, 1825
- Feb 15 - George Johnstone Stoney is born. In 1874 he proposes the existence of the electron as a fundamental unit of charge, and coins the word "electron" on 26 March 1891. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Thomas Jefferson dies July 4, 1826
- Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann born September 17, 1826
- Keely, John born September 3, 1827 [see 1837]
- Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni born November 30.
- Coriolis defines "kinetic energy." (1)
- Joseph Henry systematically improved and popularized the electromagnet.
- 13 June, James Clerk Maxwell born, unifies electricity and magnetism, eponymously called Maxwell's equations. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- 17 June, Sir William Crookes born, discovers "plasma" in Aug 1879. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Clapeyron's relation defined 1834
- Clapeyron presents the first version of the second law of thermodynamics, based on steam engine studies. (1)
- Thomas Davenport invents the first DC motor in America. Patented 1837.
- Professor Keil of Jena demonstrated about 1835 the susceptibility of the nervous system to the magnetic current and its efficacy in curing certain nervous disorders and infirmities. [PHYSICAL VIBRATIONS]
- Spectrum Analysis 1835, Charles Wheatstone
- Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer born, 17 May 1836
- Keely born September 3, 1837 [see 1827]
- Von Suerman experimentally verifies Clapeyron's version of the Carnot's equations. (1)
- Dewar, James born September 20, 1842
- Mayer equates the conservation of energy law and shows the equivalence between heat and mechanical energy. (1)
- Waterston anonymously publishes an accurate kinetic theory of gases. It is essentially ignored. (1)
- John Dalton dies 27 July 1844
- Samuel Finley Breese Morse sends first telegraph message from Washington to Baltimore.
- Waterston submits a beautiful paper on the kinetic theory of gases to the Royal Society. It is rejected and ignored for more than 40 years, until finally resurrected by the President of the Royal Society. (1)
- Thomas Edison born February 11, 1847
- Mormon Migration begins April 1847
- Hermann Helmholtz generalizes the conservation of energy law for mechanical, caloric, electric and magnetic energy. (1)
- California Gold Rush 1848
- Lord Kelvin introduces the absolute temperature scale. Joule finishes establishing the exact relation between heat and mechanical work; his work is almost ignored. (1)
- Clausius states the second law of thermodynamics. (1)
- 18 May, Oliver Heaviside born. He reformulated Maxwell's equations into the form we know today. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- October 27, 1850 - Experiments by Benoit and Biat on sympathetic communication between snails.
- John Gorrie patents refrigeration system
- Thomson derives the second law of thermodynamics based on Carnot's work. (1)
- Enquiry into Human Nature by Macvicar published
- Rankine publishes Outlines of the Science of Energetics. (1)
- Carl Friederich Gauss dies; February 23, 1855
- Nikola Tesla born July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia. [2]
- Hertz, Heinrich born February 22, 1857
- Clausius establishes heat as energy distributed among particles. (1)
- 18 December, Sir J. J. Thomson born, identifying "plasma" as charged particles in April 1897. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- First transatlantic cable (telegraph) defective, not working properly
- Formation of Rotating (Vortex) Rings of Air & Liquids published
- Clausius introduces the idea of the mean free path of a colliding particle. (1)
- Kirchhoff establishes the thermodynamic foundation of radiation theory, and completes the basic radiation theory in 1862. (1)
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel dies 15 September 1859
- James Clerk Maxwell provides studies in kinetic theory of gases and gives the distribution of molecular velocities. The paper, "Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases," was read in 1859. (1)
- James Clerk Maxwell shows a discrepancy between experiment and the kinetic theory of diatomic gases. It was not resolved until the early stages of quantum theory. (1)
- Boltzmann and Josiah Willard Gibbs provide the foundations of statistical classical mechanics. (1)
- Quimby writes The Complete Writings, 1861
- Quimby and Mary Baker Eddy meet first time October, 1861.
- American Civil War begins 1861
- James Clerk Maxwell publishes paper "On Physical Lines of Force" 1861
- Kirchhoff advances the notion of the blackbody. (1)
- Henry Ford born July 30, 1863
- Albert Abrams born, December 8, 1863
- American Civil War ends 1864
- Richter's Treatise on Harmony published
- James Clerk Maxwell publishes paper "A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field" 1865
- Maxwell's Equations set of eight equations published 1865
- Clausius, Rankine and Kelvin provide the concept and definition of entropy. (1)
- First successful transatlantic cable (telegraph), working properly
- Phineas P. Quimby dies January 16, 1866
- On The Undulatory Theory of Optics published
- Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann dies July 20, 1866
- Faraday, Michael dies August 25, 1867
- James Clerk Maxwell publishes On the Dynamical Theory of Gases, his major work on the kinetic theory. (1)
- 13 December, Kristian Birkeland born. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Transcontinental Railroad completed May 10, 1869
- Mormon Migration ends with Transcontinental Railroad completion
- Westinghouse Air Brake Company founded September 28, 1869
- An Essay Upon Force and its Effect Upon Matter published
- Crookes tube 1869-1875
- Sketch of a Philosophy published
- Macvicar expounds Law of Assimilation [see Rhythmic Balanced Interchange]
- The Elements of Natural Philosophy (1870?) published
- 24 September, Georges Claude is born. In 1910 he displays the first neon lamp, and patents the neon lighting tube in 1915. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Walter Russell born May 19, 1871
- 30 August, Ernest Rutherford is born. He is generally credited with the discovery of the proton in 1918, and coining the name "proton" in an article on 17 Sep 1920. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Keely discovers "polar negative attraction" (1872) [See Veil Withdrawn, More Science]
- Keely imprisons the Ether 1872, develops pressure from vibration, Keelys Contributions to Science
- Keely Motor Company founded, [see 1874]
- From 1872 to 1882 he [Keely] pursued the line of invention instead of discovery constructing and destroying machine after machine. He spent 2 years more attempting to devise an automatic control, which was partially successful in 1884. [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Keely develops pressures from vibration from twenty thousand to thirty-two thousand per square inch. Keelys Contributions to Science
- James Clerk Maxwell publishes "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" 1873
- Josiah Willard Gibbs publishes several important papers on thermodynamics, widely influencing scientists. (1)
- Keely Motor Company founded, [see 1872, Introductory]
- William Thomson points out the reversibility paradox. (1)
- August, George Johnstone proposes the existence of the electron, "a quantity of electricity I shall call Er" http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Keely Dissociates Water to release Clean Energy November 14, 1874
- Keely dissociates water for first time, [see Keely and Science - Part 2]
- Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light published
- The Keely Motor - What is Claimed for it June 11, 1875
- The Keely Motor June 29, 1875
- The Keely Motor - Feats of Which it is Capable July 3, 1875
- The New Motor July 14, 1875
- The Keely Motor - It is not a New Discovery July 14, 1875
- A Rival to the Keely Motor July 28, 1875
- Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone 1876
- Practical Notes on the use of Galvanism and Faradism in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease published
- Agreement of Science and Religion published
- Edgar Cayce born March 18, 1877
- Boltzmann defines entropy in terms of probabilities. (1)
- Keely dissociates solid matter for the first time, [see Keely and Science - Part 2, The Keely Motor Bubble]
- William Delbert Gann born, June 6, 1878
- Edison files patent on incandescent light bulb October 14, 1878
- Edison October 15 – On this day back in 1878 Thomas Edison founds the Edison Electric Light Co… paving the way for electricity to spread all over the U.S. and then the world….
- Stone's Scientific Basis of Music published
- Boltzmann establishes the relation between radiation intensity per unit area of a blackbody, and the absolute temperature. Stephan formulates the "Stephan-Boltzmann law". (1)
- 22 August, Sir William Crookes discovers "radiant matter" (after Faraday) and calls it the "Fourth State of Matter" http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- 24 January, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Geißler (or Geissler) dies. Around 1855 he invents a low-pressure electrical discharge tube, known as a Geissler tub, a forerunner of the neon tube. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- 5 November, James Clerk Maxwell dies, unifies electricity and magnetism, eponymously called Maxwell's equations. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Discoveries of various laws and effects, particularly at the micro level. (1)
- Prophetic Numbers of Daniel and the Revelation; Times and Events; Great Pyramid of Egypt; Planetary Perihelia published
- Keely Confident of Success March 25, 1880
- Expressing Confidence in Keelys Motor December 9, 1880
- 31 January, Irving Langmuir born.
- Doom of Steam or the Coming Force Exposition of the Keely Motor published
- John H Lorimer elected director of Keely Motor Company, [see Keely and Science - Part 2]
- Minority Report to the Stockholders of the Keely Motor Company from the Board of Directors published, The Keely Motor Bubble
- The Secret Out April 25, 1881
- Carl Anton Bjerknes demonstrates the Bjerknes Effect at the Electrical Exhibition at Paris in August, 1881 or possibly earlier at the Paris Exposition in 1880. [see Tesla - ON THE DISSIPATION OF THE ELECTRICAL ENERGY OF THE HERTZ RESONATOR]
- Keelys Secret December 16, 1881
- The Secret Revealed December 16, 1881
- Keely threatened with law suit
- Keely destroys his vibratory lift and other instruments [see The Keely Motor Bubble]
- Sometime during this year Nikola Tesla has his epiphany about the rotating magnetic field in a park in Budapest. [2]
- Moore's commitment to support Keely
- Keely Builds first Generator Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force
- Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy - Sound and Light published
- Keely Wishes to Keep His Secret January 21, 1882
- Seeking Keelys Secret March 28, 1882
- Keely to Divulge His Secret April 2, 1882
- Keelys Alleged Motor May, 25, 1882
- One Man to Know Keelys Secret June 8, 1882
- Boekel Selected December 8, 1882
- A Trustful Stockholder June, 11, 1882
- What is Matter and What is Force? Theosophical Siftings, v1 i5, Sept, 1882
- First commercial electric lighting. Edison lights Morgan's bank.
- From 1882 to 1884 his [Keely's] Generator was six feet long and correspondingly wide and high. Its arrangement was not automatic and therefore not mechanically useful. He was able after this to dispense with complicated mechanisms by fine adjustments. [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Harmonies of Tones and Colours - Developed by Evolution published
- The Keely Motor Completed August 29, 1883
- Mr. Keelys Performances August 30, 1883
- Disgusted Keely Motor Men October 30, 1883
- Keely Explains Again October 31, 1883
- Harvey Spencer Lewis born, November 25, 1883
- Keely becomes aware of Macvicar's work Sketch of a Philosophy, The Keely Motor Bubble
- 8.32 - Electroacoustic Thermodynamic Transduction January 13, 1884
- The Keely Motor2 March 18, 1884
- Keely Not Yet Ready March 26, 1884
- Thomas Edison files patent on arc lamp June, 1884
- Nikola Tesla arrives in New York June 6, 1884 [2]
- Nikola Tesla signs on to Edison Machine Works June 8, 1884 [2]
- Keelys Vaporic Force September 21, 1884
- Keelys Etheric Vapor September 22, 1884
- Keely States November 1, 1884
- In November, 1884 he [Keely] demonstrated successfully an experiment which he had worked out theoretically but which had failed on several previous attempts. Two persons took firmly hold of an "iron rod". One person stood on a circular sheet of metal, from which piano wire stretched to, and touched, a plate of glass, which in turn insulated a small globe. The description given, indicates the globe was centered axially on the iron rod. Another glass plate insulated the globe, presumably on the other hand. The globe rotated when both persons, took hold of the opposite ends of the iron rod, and rotation ceased when Keely, who was one of the operators, took hold of the other operator's left hand with his right hand. Keely stated the reason for this to be "The reception flows became independent of the circular chord of resonation set up mechanically. The power of rotation comes on the positive and power of negation breaks it up." He stated the reason the sphere revolved was because of the "receptive concussion of two forces, positive and negative, coming together, seeking their coincidents, producing rotation by harmonious waves, not by harmonious streams in this case." He stated the introductory settings were entirely different from those of the musical sphere and that sound waves had nothing whatever to do with rotation of the globe. [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- November 1884, he states "I have the only true system of aerial navigation. My air-ship will be operated by the vibratory lift and the vibratory push process." [AERIAL NAVIGATION - Snell]
- Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore November 1, 1884
- The Times Retort November 18, 1884
- Lieut. Zalinski and Mr. Keely November 18, 1884
- Keely Not Dead Yet November 25, 1884
- Nikola Tesla leaves Edison Machine Works six months after hiring on. December, 1884 [2]
- Keely Bearded in His Den December 16, 1884
- Exposing Keelys Secret December 29, 1884
- Where Keely Got His Idea December 30, 1884
- Nikola Tesla meets Benjamin A. Vail and Robert Lane forming the Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing Company. December, 1884 [2]
- It was in 1885 that he [Keely] invented and constructed the Liberator, which is described as "not so large as a lady's small round work table." [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Keely Builds his first Liberator Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force
- Unseen Universe or Physical Speculations on a Future State published
- Sound and its Phenomena published
- Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore6 March 22, 1885
- March 22, 1885 he [Keely] wrote: "Details of the present engine are as perfect as possible for the first lead. It is in the form of a sphere about thirty inches in diameter and weighs 800 lbs."
- Under date of 5/20/1885 he writes of an experiment in which he attached a safety arrangement to his Liberator, and also his strongest resonator, and "within two minutes the shell (probably the musical sphere) attained a rotation of 1500 times per minute. I then retracted to the negative and brought it down to 150 revolutions per minute, when two of my safety shells and a vibratory indicator blew up, causing intermission." [HOW THE MUSICAL SPHERE ROTATES]
- 5/20/85 "After laboring six hours to set my safety process, the first operation of the Liberator tore the caps of the resonating tubes all to pieces. I replaced them with duplicates and set the Liberator on the low octaves, when everything worked to a charm. I followed up with great care the progressive chords to the tenth octave and liberated a score of times with the gun, yet no variation or intensification on the Liberator. I worked the Liberator continuously for 64 minutes on the revolving sphere when a second intensification took place, demolishing two safety shells and one vibratory indicator. I am unable to account for this. I then set up a position on the resonating wave plates in the forty resonating circuit and secured the best results I have ever yet secured. I believe I shall be able to obtain continuity of motion with perfect rotation." [MECHANICAL DEVICES FOR SAFETY]
- Nikola Tesla patents thermomagnetic motor. March, 1885 [2]
- Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore7 May 25, 1885
- Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore5 June 1, 1885
- Keelys Red Letter Day June 7, 1885
- Keely Doubted June 8, 1885
- The Keely Motor Humbug June 8, 1885
- Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore4 July 15, 1885
- Letter from Charles Collier to Ricarde-Seaver August 1, 1885
- Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore2 August 5, 1885
- New York Home Journal August 5, 1885
- The Keely Motor Again November 27,1875
- Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore3 December 17, 1885
- Keely writes 12/17/1885: "Am setting up the circles for computing the different lines of etheric chords, used in setting up the vibratory conditions to obtain continuity. My chief trouble is in chording up the masses of the different parts composing the negative centers in the inner one-third volume. This neutral center is only established free from influences of gravity when rotating at 100 revolutions per minute, with the vibratory circuit running at 100,000 per second. January should complete the sympathetic graduation." [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Viktor Schauberger born 1885
- Keely reduces size of his first Liberator Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force
- The Keely Motor (1886)
- Mr. Keely's Etheric Force (1886) published
- Electricity in the Treatment of Disease. A Practical Guide to its Application; What it is & What it will Accomplish published
- Westinghouse Electric Company founded March 8, 1886
- Keely Still Promising Wonders March 26, 1886
- Motor Keely Gets Angry May 23, 1886
- The term impedance was coined by Oliver Heaviside in July 1886.
- What Has Keely Discovered May 25, 1886
- Keely Spinning Motor July 26, 1886
- Let Us Have Some Actual Useful Work July 28,1886
- In 1886 he [Keely] is said to have reduced this Liberator in size to "no larger than a dinner plate and only three or four inches in thickness." Up to this time his researches had consisted of liberation of the etheric vapor by sympathetic vibration. By means of later experiments he still further modified this instrument to the "size of an old fashioned silver watch." [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Nikola Tesla ends arrangement with Benjamin A. Vail and Robert Lane. The Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing Company orphaned. July?, 1886 [2]
- Nikola Tesla digging ditches for about a year. September, 1886 [2]
- Nikola Tesla underwritten by Charles F. Peck and Alfred S. Brown. Fall, 1886 [2]
- Nikola Tesla works on his Pyromagnetic Generator from Fall of 1886 to late Summer of 1887. [2]
- Keely Achieves Continuous Motion Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force, 1887
- Acoustic Theoretical Charts - Philosophy of Planetary Suspension, Mechanical Rotation by Negative Attraction, Control of Mind Over Matter (1887)
- Nikola Tesla forms Tesla Electric Company. Tesla's first laboratory at 89 Liberty Street, New York. April, 1887 [2]
- The Keely Motor Secret (1887)
- Mr. Keely's Etheric Force (1887)
- Nikola Tesla demonstrates his Rotating Magnetic Field using Alternating Current, late summer. [2]
- October 1, 1887 he [Keely] writes, "I see no possibility of failure as I have demonstrated so far as I have gone, that every one of my theories is correct in every particular. If my 'depolarizer' is perfect I will be prepared to demonstrate the truth of disintegration, aerial suspension and dissociation." [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Nikola Tesla files for patents on AC system. October 12, 1887. [2]
- A New Keely Motor Raid October 23, 1887
- James E. Keeley's Luck November 15, 1887
- Keelys Aerial Navigation December 1, 1887
- Keelys Cool Confession December 15, 1887
- Keelys Change of Base December 15, 1887
- Nikola Tesla introduces Alternating Current system December, 1887
- Michelson-Morley experiment 1887
- "The Keely Motor Secret." Moore, Clara Bloomfield. Lippincott's, 1887, pg. 300-309.
- Hertz and Lodge discover Maxwell's Waves (radio waves)
- "Mr. Keely's Etheric Force" Moore, Clara Bloomfield.; Lippincott's, 1887, pg. 249-254.
- He [Keely] announced in 1888 that he had discovered this "sympathetic vibration" to be associated both positively and negatively with the polar stream. [MASS VIBRATIONS]
- In 1888 he [Keely] announced that he had proved the uselessness of attempting to build an engine employing the ether as a motive power, such as we use in steam or electricity, stating that it could only be used as a medium for energy. This he later attempted to accomplish in his magnetic engine. [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Previous to 1888 he [Keely] had tried in vain to construct an engine that could hold the ether in a "rotating circle of etheric force." At the end of that year he abandoned the idea of his "perfect engine" and thereafter devoted himself to researches. He was then furnished finely made instruments in place of the home made instruments he had heretofore used. Up to 1888 he had not been able to control reversions or obtain continuity of motion. For nearly fifteen years he had constructed engines of different models in attempting to control or use ether as we now use steam before he discovered this was impossible. In his magnetic engine he thereafter sought to use the ether merely as a medium for "sympathetic vibration associated with the polar stream positively and negatively." [MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND INSTRUMENTS]
- Keelys Secrets - Part 2 - One Phase of Keelys Discovery in Its Relation to the Cure of Disease Theosophical Siftings, vol 1, i9, 1888 (original article)
- Keelys Secrets - Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force - One Phase of Keelys Discovery in its Relation to the Cure of Disease 1888 (edited into Keely and His Discoveries, 1893)
- Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force, Theosophical Siftings Vol 1, No 9, 1888
- The Coming Force, Blavatsky 1888 published (The Secret Doctrine)
- The Motor Gets Into Court January 4, 1888
- Keely to Divulge the Secret March 18, 1888
- The Keely Motor Experts April 8, 1888
- Nikola Tesla receives seven patents on his AC system May 1, 1888. [2]
- Law Suit June 11, 1888
- Keelys Latest Move August 24, 1888
- Everybody For Keely September 9, 1888
- Motor Men Disgusted September 12, 1888
- The Keely Motor Fight September 13, 1888
- Keely to Be Sued September 19, 1888
- Keely Not Yet In Jail September 19,1888
- Experiments Described on His New Sympathetic Attraction September 25, 1888
- Keely and his Motor November 4, 1888
- Keely in Contempt of Court November 11, 1888
- Keely in Contempt of Court2 November 12, 1888
- Mr. Keelys Contempt November 16, 1888
- Inventor Keely in Jail November 18, 1888
- Keelys Sunday in Jail November 19,1888
- Keely Out On Bail November 21, 1888
- The Keely Motor Craze November 30, 1888
- Westinghouse buys Nikola Tesla's alternating current patents for $75,000.
- Letter of Instruction to my Grandson, Clarence von Rosen (1889)
- Leidy and Wilcox Visit Keelys Lab May 28, 1889
- "In the spring of 1890 he [Keely] succeeded in raising the metal weight by an unknown force." [HYDROGEN - Snell, Air-ship, AERIAL NAVIGATION - Snell]
- Robert Browning 1890
- The Ether and Its Functions 1890?
- The Keely Motor Bubble, 1890
- True Science, 1890
- Keely's Contribution to Science 1890 published
- A Modern Wizard - The Keely Motor And Its Inventor 1890
- Principia - or the Three Octaves of Creation published
- History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science published
- Are Physical and Spiritual Energy Identical? published
- Amen, The Key of the Universe published
- Letter from Bloomfield-Moore to Leidy January 17, 1890
- Gravity Control spring, 1890
- A Newly Discovered Law of Physics Scientific Arena; April, 1890
- Letter from Bloomfield-Moore to Dickson May 16, 1890
- Rid of Keely at Last December 18, 1890
- On Dynaspheric Force published
- Sympathy, Theosophical Siftings; v2 i18 p15, 1890
- "Who Is The Greatest Genius of Our Age?" Moore, Clara Bloomfield.; Review of Reviews, July 1890, pg. 45.
- Moore's commitment to support Keely, January 14, 1891 [see The Connecting Link Between Mind and Matter - Keelys Progress - Part 2, Connecting Link]
- 26 March, George Johnstone Stoney coins the word "electron" as a fundamental unit of charge, having proposed its existence in 1874. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Henry Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company, 1891
- Keely and Science - Part 1, Theosophical Siftings, vol 3
- Keely and Science - Part 2, Theosophical Siftings, vol 3
- On Dynaspheric Force, Theosophical Siftings, vol 3
- More Science, 1891
- Ruth Drown born, October 21, 1891
- Wilhelm Eduard Weber dies, June 23, 1891
- The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit (1891?)
- Newton of the Mind - The Propeller of Keely's Airship Described (1891)
- Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships (1891)
- "Keely's Present Position" Moore, Clara Bloomfield; Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 797-803.
- "Latent Force" Keely, John Worrell; Lippincott's, 1891, pg. 639-644.
- Keely splits atom as mentioned in Bloomfield-Moore's writings indicating he split the atom years before this date. [see Keelys Accomplishments]
- Visible Sound (1891) published
- Essentials of Medical Electricity published
- Tesla Coil 1891
- A New Creed published (1892)
- Vera Vita the Philosophy of Sympathy published (1892)
- Wisdom in Mystery - Keelys Progress - Part 1, Theosophical Siftings, vol 5, No 1 (1892)
- The Connecting Link between Mind & Matter Theosophical Siftings, vol 5, No 1 (1892)
- Keely's Present Position (1892) published
- Physical Discoveries of John Keely (1892)
- Theosophical Glossary published
- Keely develops electricity from space or vacuum, [see Dogmatism of Science, Keely - Electricity from Space]
- Keely defines matter and force. "There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. MATTER is force in bondage." [Keely, 1893] [see E equals mc2]
- A New Creed - Human and Humane; Theosophical Siftings; Vol 5, No 11, 1893
- Akasa-Ether - The First Duality Theosophical Siftings; v6 i2, 1893
- Scientific Creation 1893
- Tesla demonstrates his wireless system Philadelphia 1893
- Ether, the True Protoplasm (1893)
- Keely and His Discoveries (1893) published
- The Veil Withdrawn (1893?)
- What Electricity Is - Bloomfield Moore (1893?)
- Electron "discovered"
- Laws of Being (1893?)
- Letter from Kegan Paul to Bloomfield-Moore July 31, 1893
- Diesel runs first diesel motor August 10, 1893
- Tyndall, John dies 4 December 1893
1894 "It was six years later that experimental research, on the line of vibration, enabled Keely to produce this manipulation of energy at will; for he had no idea at what number of vibrations the water had been disintegrated. Commencing with one hundred per second he proceeded until his instrument registered forty-two thousand eight hundred, when the same pressure was again shown, and the problem was solved." [Bloomfield-Moore, Aerial Navigation, 1894]
- Lux Naturae published (1894)
- Aerial Navigation: Keely and His Energy (1894)
- What is Science? (October, 1894)
- A Confession of Faith (1894) published
- "Aerial Navigation". The Arena, August 1894, pg. 386-395.
- Dashed Against the Rock (1894) published
- "Dashed Against the Rock", Colville, William J., Boston: Colby and Rich, Publishers, 1894.
- Propositions of Astronomical Circles (1894)
- Hertz, Heinrich dies January 1, 1894
- Lodge demonstrates first functional radio transmitter and receiver, summer 1894.
- Argon formerly announced discovery, January 31, 1895 (Noble Gas Compounds)
- Some Truths about the Keely Motor
- The New Philosophy.
- Newton of the Mind - The Propellor of Keely's Airship Described
- "The Propeller Described," New Science Review, Vol. 1, 1895, pg. 46
- The Tesla Oscillator published (1895)
- What Electricity Is - Bloomfield Moore January, 1895
- The Dynamics of Mind Henry Wood, ARENA, #LXIII February, 1895
- Niagara Generators tested April 15, 1895
- A Challenge to Keely June 14, 1895
- Keely Motor and the Dogmatism of Science July, 1895
- Niagara Falls Power Plant goes online August 25, 1895
- Letter from Bloomfield-Moore to Cornelia September, 1895
- Apergy - Power Without Cost October, 1895, [see also Letter from Bloomfield-Moore to Cornelia]
- The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex October, 1895
- Keelys Motor November 8, 1895
- Mrs. Moore on the Keely Motor November 8, 1895
- First medical x-ray December 22, 1895
- An Old Miracle - New Science (1896)
- Some Truths about John Keely (1896)
- Gustave Le Bon publishes paper on dissociation of matter, Dark Light and intra-atomic energy.
- Will He Become a Medium January 19, 1896
- Affairs of the Keely Motor Company April 29, 1896
- Is Keely the New Mahatma? April 29, 1896
- Recording Unuttered Thoughts published May, 1896
- Is it the Vibratory Keely? May 5, 1896
- Recording Unuttered Thoughts May 5, 1896
- Henry Ford makes first self-propelled vehicle June 4, 1896
- Edison patents "fluorescent lamp" 1896
- Westinghouse's Niagra Falls power sent to Buffalo, NY November 16, 1896
- Marconi arrives in London with his wireless system.
- Bose demonstrates wireless (radio) transmission and reception using a crystal detector (semiconductor).
- 2nd February, Kristian Birkeland sets out from Christiania, on his first (failed) Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition. http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- 30 April, Sir J. J. Thomson identifies the nature of Crookes' "radiant matter" (plasma) as charged particles.http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Electron theorized J. J. Thompson 1897 [see electron, 1891]
- A Keely Motor Tested June 20, 1897
- Yerkes Observatory telescope 1897
- On the Reduction to Normal Air Temperatures of the Platinum Temperatures in the Low-Temperature Researches of Professors Dewar and Fleming published
- Keely, John dies November 18, 1898
- Keely The Inventor Dead November 18,1898
- Keelys Last Will and Testament
- Keely Obituary November 26, 1898
- Inventor Keelys Will Filed December 21, 1898
- The Keely Motor Company December 21, 1898
- Kinraide Will Work on Keelys Motor December 26, 1898
- Obituary 1898
- "Death of John Keely." Scientific American, December 1898, pg.354.
- "The Extraordinary Story of John Worrell Keely", Moritzen, Julius, Cosmopolitan, April 1898, pg. 633-640.
- Keelys Motor in Boston January 4, 1899
- Keelys Personal Estate January 5, 1899
- Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore Dead January 5, 1899 see The Evening Herald January 06-1899
- Keely Sphere Was No Secret January 8, 1899
- Keelys Secret Disclosed January 20,1899
- Post Obituary January 20, 1899
- The Psychology of Keely January 20, 1899
- Denies Keely was an Impostor January 26, 1899
- Psycho-Therapy or Hypnotic Suggestion in the cure of Disease, Vices and Abnormal Physical Development published
- "The Keely Motor Fraud." Scientific American, January 28, 1899, pg. 56-60.
- "Investigations at the Keely Laboratory." Scientific American, February 4, 1899, pg. 72-73.
- "The Story of the Keely Myth." Review of Reviews, April 1899, pg. 475.
- Clara Bloomfield-Moore dies April 1899
- Nikola Tesla visits Colorado Springs
- September, Kristian Birkeland sets out on his second Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition (returning April 1900). http://www.plasma-universe.com/Plasma_Universe_Timeline
- Frederick Richard Simms in partnership with Robert Bosch were the first to develop a practical high-tension magneto, 1899. (wikipedia, ignition magneto)
- Magneto ignition was introduced on the 1899 Daimler Phoenix. (wikipedia, ignition magneto)
Go to Chronology post 1900
[1] Bearden, Thomas; Energy from the Vacuum - Concepts and Principles; 2002.
[2] Carlson, W. Bernard; "Tesla, Inventor of the Electrical Age"; Princeton University Press; 2013, page 73.
[3] W. Herschel, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London 90 (1800) 255-326.
[4] J. W. Ritter, Phys.-Chem. Abh. vol. 2, Leipzig, 1801.
See Also
Chronology post 1900
Chronology pre 1800
Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore
Keely Chronology
Keely - Historical Documents
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Was Keely a Fraud