
Keely to Be Sued

Keely to be Sued

There is a possibility that at length the Keely motor fraud, is to be exposed to the full light of day, and that the public is to be let into some of the secrets of "etheric force" in its action upon tuning forks and "sympathetic attraction." One of the stockholders of the so-called inventor's company has at last wearied of the continual drain made upon his credulity and his purse, and demanded a view of the wonderful machine which is to transform the world of force, if the Keely promises are to be believed. The name of this man who has so suddenly come to his senses is Bennett C. Wilson, and he promises to become a public benefactor in forcing the arch impostor of the age to show his hands. Of course, Mr. Keely refused to allow Mr. Wilson to inspect the machine in which he was sinking his money. It is conceivable - anything is conceivable of Keely - that he was staggered at the impudence of the demand. The long-gulled stockholder, however, refused to be put off longer. He took his burden to the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia, and laid it at the feet of Judge Finletter and the Judge promptly applied the remedy for the relief of the awakened man. Saturday he rendered a decision ordering Keely to allow a thorough inspection of the wonderful motor, and, unless this order is reversed by a higher court, we shall soon know all about the mysteries of the Keely workshop. [(The New York Times) 9/19/1888]

See Also

Law Suit
Was Keely a Fraud

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday November 5, 2015 04:15:27 MST by Dale Pond.