
The Keely Motor2


NYT - PHILADELPHIA, March 17, 1884. - All the subordinates engaged on the construction of the Keely motor, including Albert Chance, the head mechanic, who has worked upon the motor for seven years, have been discharged. "This," said Secretary Schuellerman to-day, "is simply because their work has been accomplished and we have no further use for them. To-day Mr. Keely will begin focalizing and adjusting the vibrators. He will henceforth operate entirely alone. This work of adjustment may take several days. A perfect adjustment of all the parts is necessary. This is a delicate operation, but for Mr. Keely it is not a difficult one, and as soon as he obtains one revolution, be it ever so slow, his task practically is finished. I see no reason why we may not expect to hear almost any day now that the engine is running. The next regular meeting of the Directors will be on Tuesday evening, 25th inst., when dates will probably be fixed for a private exhibition of the engine, and a subsequent exhibition in some suitable place will follow for the benefit of the stockholders and the general public." (The New York Times)
Published: March 18, 1884
Copyright © The New York Times

See Also

Keely Chronology

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