Ruth Drown was born in 1892 in Greeley, Colorado. Her father was a professional photographer and taught young Ruth all he knew of the photographic processes. Years later, this background would play an important role in her development of Radio Vision, an invention of such inestimable importance and merit to the healing arts that it should have carried her to the stage in Stockholm. Instead, her work, her inventions, her honor and finally her life, were all shattered by a calculated onslaught organized by the Little Men of Big Medicine using their media pimps and government stooges to destroy her. These jackals of greed and duplicity always seem to reserve their greatest torments for those who would relieve man's suffering the most, as was seen in the case of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife whose great discoveries in cancer research and therapy were obliterated by the same medical mafia (see The Cancer Cure That Worked! by Barry Lynes). Dr. Drown's persecution was remarkable in both the continuing torment of her detractors and her tenacity to preserve in the face of such unrelenting and withering ridicule endured over many, many years. Quoting from page 233 in Trevor's book:
"During her lifetime, Dr. Ruth Drown was one of the most widely misrepresented and vilified women in America. The poisonous rubbish circulated about her in magazines and newspapers was never written by anyone who knew her. Alleged technical descriptions of the Drown work, invariably condemnatory and always inaccurate, were printed in national magazines and published in books by writers who had never even met Dr. Drown, let alone had studied her work. The pillorying went on for decades." Educate-Yourself
Web site bio http://educate-yourself.org/tjc/ruthdrownuntoldstory.shtml
This morning I read a piece of news that really made me think that we are experiencing a seasonal transition, from the world of chemistry to that of frequencies, of information. Ruth Drown, the great pioneer of American radionics, wrote a beautiful sentence that I remember at the end of all my lectures acknowledging the absolute truth: "The era of the art of healing, where the patient was given rhymes Edges and chemicals of the earth and water, it is now advanced one more step, to enter the air cycle, in accordance with the discovery of radio, television and wireless communication”. It's incredible how already in the middle of the last century this researcher had such clear ideas, doing incredible and yet unrepeatable things, see the radionic camera, able to take photographs of the internal parts of the body at distance.
Magnetic fields are all around us. They exist whenever there is electricity and have been used for decades in various aspects of medicine, such as MRI, bone fracture repair, wound healing, and pain reduction.
Taking another step forward, US startup EMulate Therapeutics has developed exclusive magnetic field technology that has been proven to replicate the effect of drugs in humans and animal models, all without the presence of chemical substances. Some time ago I had posted the link to an American website that offers hundreds of medicines in electronic form, vibration, downloadable for a few euros. But things keep evolving even more.
The Emulate company "records" the electromagnetic signature of specific molecules and is able to use such recordings to effect changes in mobile behavior, without using chemicals. In its most advanced program, EMulate technology completed feasibility clinical studies in adults and children with terminal brain carcinoma, using a recording derived from the chemotherapy drug Paclitaxel.
EMulate has more than 40 patents on its proprietary technology, which uses ultra-low radiofrequency energy to produce biological therapeutic effects. The technology is based on ultrasensitive hearing devices developed by the United States government during the Cold War period.
“They’re extremely sensitive listening devices called magnetometers, but instead of using a magnetometer to listen to a conversation in Beijing or Moscow, or a submarine in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it’s used to listen for molecules.”
EMulate "listen" specific molecules in a liquid helium-cooled solution at 4.4 Kelvin (-270°C) and when our target molecule is in that solution, it starts rolling and spinning, and leaves a tiny magnetic trail, like a canoe going down a canal. And that trail is full of digital information.
You can basically say that a molecule is being recorded "the song".
EMulate has now recorded the songs of dozens, if not hundreds, of biological models that create different reactions in biological systems.
Regarding brain cancer research, they built a special helmet that immerses the entire brain in song or information in paclitaxel digitals and preclinical results confirmed cancer is responding I go to that magnetic field like the drug is there. But the cynical substance doesn’t exist, only his digital information, his song are produced.
The company recently published data that showed a statistically significant reduction in visceral, neuropathic, and inflammatory pain in animal models.
While the details of the action mechanism are not fully understood, researchers speculate that these recordings capture “non-covalent features” of the recorded molecule that can alter cellular behavior. This means they don’t bind to cells or receptors sites. About 60% of drugs work this way. When they get closer to their target, whether it’s a cell or a protein, they exchange information that goes from the molecule to the receptor site or cell.
What to say, despite many terrible situations, wars, and problems, we are going through an exhilarating period of transition that will completely change our approach to many things. I am personally happy to be part of this amazing revolution. [anon - Facebook]
Read more here: https://www.aetherforce.energy/a-very-brief-history-of-radionics-by-ruth-drown/
See Also
action at a distance
Albert Abrams
Mind in Matter
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