Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore
510 So. Broad Street
January 17th, 1890
My Dear Doctor Leidy,
I am much gratified by your kind thought of me in sending me your valuable work on Rhizopods. I have read with the greatest interest your "Address on Evolution and the Pathological Proportion of Lower Forms of Life," can now, in your skillful delineations of some species of these lower forms. I am able to realize the fascination which attends your labors, making them a pastime rather than a task, I am sure.
When Dr. Pepper said that I must not allow you to buy any shares in the Keely Motor Company you will remember that I replied I would take care of you.
One does not like to offer what is of no value but as it is much easier to accept kind intentions than gifts of great value I am going to enclose a certificate of twenty-five shares of "Keely Assigns," which worthless though it be now I hope you may live to see Admiral Arthur's prediction verified, which was that if Keely accomplished all that he expected of him "one share alone would become of incredible value."
Always Sincerely,
Clara J. Bloomfield-Moore
See Also
19.07 - A Modern Wizard The Keely Motor And Its Inventor
Figure 19.14 - Dr Joseph Leidy
Joseph Leidy
Leidy and Wilcox Visit Keelys Lab
Was Keely a Fraud