- I know medicine is called a science. It is nothing like a science. It is a great humbug! Doctors are mere empirics when they are not charlatans. We are as ignorant as men can be. Who knows anything in the world about medicine? Gentlemen, you have done me the honour to come here to attend my lectures, and I must tell you now, frankly, in the beginning, that I know nothing about medicine, nor do I know anyone who does know anything about it. Nature does a great deal, imagination does a great deal, doctors do devilish little when they do not do harm. Sick people always feel they are neglected, unless they are well drugged, les imbeciles! - Professor Magendie (before the students of his class in "The Allophatic College of Paris").
In the year 1871, the writer was sent to Paris to Schwalbach, by Dr. Beylard, and recommended to the care of Dr. Adolph Genth. She said to the physician, "I wish for your opinion and your advice, if you can give it to me without giving me any medicine." He replied, "With all my heart, madam; and I wish to God there were more women like you, but we should soon lose most of our patients if we did not dose them."
This is a terrible excuse for the use of those agencies which Dr. John Good says have sent more human beings to their graves than war, pestilence and famine combined. Keely holds the opinion that Nature works under the one Law of Compensation and Equilibrium - the law of Harmony; and that when disease indicates the disturbance of this law Nature at once seeks to banish the disease by restoring equilibrium, He seeks to render assistance on the same plan; replacing grossly material agencies by the finer forces of nature; as has been so successfully done by Dr. Seth Pancoast and Dr. Babbitt in America.
"Nature," says Dr. Seth Pancoast, author of "The True Science of Light", "works by antagonism in all her operations: when one of her force over does its work, disease, or at least a local disorder, is the immediate consequence; now, if we attack this force, and overcome it, the opposite force has a clear field and may re-assert its rights - thus equilibrium is restored, and Equilibrium is health. The Sympathetic System, instead of attacking the stronger force, sends recruits to the weaker one, and enables it to recover its powers; or, if the disorder be the result of excessive of Nerves or Ganglia, a negative remedy may be employed to reduce the tension. Thus, too, equilibrium is restored."
Dr. Hartmann writes:-
Mr. Keely is perfectly right in saying that 'all disease is a disturbance of the equilibrium between positive and negative forces.' In my opinion, no doctor ever cured any disease. All he can possibly do is to establish conditions under which the patient (or nature) may cure himself.
If you enter the field of therapeutics and medicine, we find a decided fermentation of new ideas; not among the fossil specimens of antediluvian quackery, but among those who are called "irregulars," because they have the courage to depart from the tracks trodden out by their predecessor. The more intelligent classes of physicians have long ago realized the fact that drugs and medicines are perfectly useless, excepting in cases where diseases can be traced to some mechanical obstruction, in some organ that may be reached by mechanical action. In all other cases our best physicians have become agnostics, leaving nature to have her own way, observing the expectative method, which, in fact, is no method of cure at all, but merely consists in doing no harm to the patient. Recently, however, light, electricity, and magnetism have been employed; so that even in the medical guild the finer forces of nature are taking the place of grossly material, and therefore injurious substances. The time is probably near when these finer forces will be employed universally. Everybody knows that a note struck upon an instrument will produce sound in a correspondingly attuned instrument in its vicinity. If connected with a tuning fork, it will produce a corresponding sound in the latter; and if connected with a thousand such tuning forks, it will make all the thousand sound, and produce a noise far greater than the original sound, without the latter becoming any weaker for it. Here, then, is an augmentation or multiplication of power. If we had any means to transform sound again into mechanical motion, we would have a thousand-fold multiplication of mechanical motion. It would be presumptuous to say that it will not be as easy for the scientists of the future to transform sound into mechanical motion, as it is for the scientist of the present to transform heat into electricity. Perhaps Mr. Keely has already solved the problem. There is a fair prospect that in the very near future, we shall have, in his ethereal force, a power far surpassing that of steam or electricity. Nor does the idea seem to be Utopian if we remember that modern science heretofore only knew the Law of the Conservation of Energy; while to the scientist of the future the law of the augmentation of energy will be unveiled. . . . . As the age which has passed away has been the age of steam, the coming era will be the age of induction. There will be universal rising up of lower vibrations into higher ones, in the realm of motion. Mr. Keely will, perhaps, transform sound into mechanical motion by applying the law of augmentation and multiplication of force." . . .
Keely, writing on brain disturbance, says, 'In considering the mental forces as associated with the physical, I find, by my past researches, that the convolutions which exist in the cerebral field are entirely governed by the sympathetic conditions that surround them.
The question arises, what are these aggregations and what do they represent, as being linked with physical impulses? They are simply vibrometric resonators, thoroughly subservient to sympathetic acoustic impulses given to them by their atomic sympathetic surrounding media, all the sympathetic impulses that so entirely govern the physical in their many and perfect impulses (we are now discussing purity of conditions) are not emanations properly inherent in their own composition. They are only media - the acoustic media - for transferring from their vibratory surroundings the conditions necessary to the pure connective link for vitalizing and bringing into action the varied impulses of the physical.
All abnormal discordant aggregations in these resonating convolutions produce differentiation to concordant transmission; and, according as these differentiations exist in volume so the transmission are discordantly transferred, producing antagonism to pure physical action.
Thus, in Motor Ataxy a differentiation of the minor thirds of the posterior parietal lobule produces the same condition between the retractors and extensors of the leg and foot; and thus the control of the proper movements is lost through this differentiation. The same truth can be universally applied to any of the cerebral convolutions that are in a state of differential harmony to the mass of immediate cerebral surroundings. Taking the cerebral condition of the whole mass as one, it is subservient to one general head centre, although as many neutrals are represented as there are convolutions.
The introductory minors are controlled by the molecular; the next progressive third by the atomic; and the high third by the Etheric. All these progressive links have their positive, negative, and neutral position. When we take into consideration the structural condition of the human brain, we ought not to be bewildered by the infinite variety of its sympathetic impulses; inasmuch as it unerringly proves the true philosophy that the mass chords of such structures are governed by vibratory etheric flows - the very material which composes them. There is no structure whatever, animal, vegetable, mineral, that is not built up from the universal cosmic ether. Certain orders of attractive vibration produce certain orders or structure; thus, the infinite variety of effects - more especially in the cerebral organs. The bar of iron or the mass of steel, have, in each, all the qualifications necessary, under certain vibratory impulses, to evolve all the conditions that govern that animal organism - the brain; and it is as possible to differentiate the molecular conditions of a mass of metal of any shape so as to produce what you may express as a crazy piece of iron or a crazy piece of steel; or vice versa, an intelligent condition in the same.
I find in my researches, as to the condition of molecules under vibration, that discordance cannot exist in the molecule proper; and that it is the highest and most perfect structural condition that exists; providing that all the progressive orders are the same. Discordance in any mass is the result of differentiated groups, induced by antagonistic chords, and the flight or motions of such, when intensified by sound, are very tortuous and zig-zag; but when free of this differentiation are in straight lines. Tortuous lines denote discord, or pain; straight lines denote harmony, or pleasure. Any differentiated mass can be brought to a condition of harmony, or equation, by proper chord media, and an equated sympathy produced.
There is good reason for believing that insanity is simply a condition of differentiation in the mass chords of the cerebral convolutions, which creates an antagonistic molecular bombardment towards the neutral or attractive centres of such convolutions; which, in turn, produce a morbid irritation in the cortical sensory centres in the substance of ideation; accompanied, as a general thing, by sensory hallucinations, ushered in by subjective sensations; such as flashes of light and color, or confused sounds and disagreeable odors, etc., etc. (underline added, See Mind and Matter)
There is no condition of the human brain that ought not to be sympathetically coincident to that order of atomic flow to which its position, in the cerebral field, is fitted. Any differentiation in that special organ, or, more plainly, any discordant grouping tends to produce a discordant bombardment - an antagonistic conflict; which means the same disturbance transferred to the physical, producing inharmonious disaster to that portion of the physical field which is controlled by that especial convolution. This unstable aggregation may be compared to a knot on a violin string. As long as this knot remains it is impossible to elicit, from its sympathetic surroundings, the condition which transfers pure concordance to its resonating body. Discordant conditions, i. e., differentiation of mass, produce negatization to coincident action.
The question now arises, What condition is it necessary to bring about in order to bring back normality, or to produce stable equilibrium in the sympathetic centres?
The normal brain is like a harp of many strings strung to perfect harmony. The transmitting conditions being perfect, are ready, at any impulse, to induce pure sympathetic assimilation. The different strings represent the different ventricles and convolutions. The differentiations of any one from its true setting is fatal, to a certain degree, to the harmony of the whole combination.
If the sympathetic condition of any physical organism carries a positive flow of 80 per cent on its whole combination, and a negative one of 20 per cent., it is the medium of perfect assimilation to one of the same ratio, if it is distributed under the same conditions to the mass of the other. If two masses of metal, of any shape whatever, are brought under perfect assimilation, to one another, their unition, when brought into contact, will be instant. If we live in a sympathetic field we become sympathetic, and a tendency from the abnormal to the normal presents itself by an evolution of a purely sympathetic flow towards its attractive centres. It is only under these conditions that differentiation can be broken up, and a pure equation established. The only condition under which equation can never be established is when a differential disaster has taken place, of 66 2/3 against the 100 pure, taking the full volume as one. If the 66 2/3 or even 100 exists in one organ alone, and the surrounding ones are normal, then a condition can be easily brought about to establish the concordant harmony or equation to that organ. It is as rare to find a negative condition of 66 2/3 against the volume of the whole cerebral mass, as it is to find a coincident between differentiation; or, more plainly, between two individuals under a state of negative influence. Under this new system it is as possible to induce negations alike as it is to induce positives alike.
Pure sympathetic concordants are as antagonistic to negative discordants as the negative is to the positive; but the vast volume the sympathetic holds over the non-sympathetic, in ethereal space, makes is at once the ruling medium and re-adjuster of all opposing conditions if properly brought to bear upon them.
Until Keely's "Theoretical Expose" is given to science, there are few who will fathom the full meaning of these views.
His discoveries embrace, the manner or way of obtaining the keynote, or "chord of mass," of mineral, vegetable, and animal substances; therefore, the construction of instruments, or machines, by which this law can be utilized in mechanics, in arts, and in restoration of equilibrium in disease, is only a question of the full understanding of the operation of this law.
Keely estimates that, after the introductory impulse is given on the harmonic thirds, molecular vibration is increased from 20,000 per second to 1000,000,000.
On the enharmonic sixths, that the vibration of the intermolecule is increased to 300,000,000.
On the diatonic ninths, that atomic vibration reaches 900,000,000; on the dominant etheric sixths, 8,100,000,000; and on the interetheric ninths, 24,300,000,000; all of which can be demonstrated by sound colours.
In such fields of research, Mr. Keely finds little leisure. Those who accuse him of "dilly-dallying," of idleness, of "always going to do and never doing," of "visionary plans," etc., etc., know nothing of the infinite patience, the persistent energy which for a quarter of a century has upheld him in his struggle to attain this end. Still less, if possible, is he understood by those who think he is seeking self-aggrandizement, fame, fortune, or glory.
The time is approaching when all who have sought to defame this discoverer and inventor, all who have stabbed him with unmerited accusations, all who have denounced him as "a bogus inventor," "a fraud," "an impostor," "a charlatan," "a modern Cagliostro," will be forced to acknowledge that he has done a giant's work for true science, even though he should not live to attain commercial success. But history will not forget that, in the nineteenth century, the story of Prometheus has been repeated, and that the greatest mind of the age, seeking to scale the heavens to bring down the light of truth for mankind, met with Prometheus's reward.
Note. - Dr. Hartmann, in a report, or condensed statement, in reference to Keely's discovery, writes as follows: "He will never invent a machine by which the equilibrium of the living forces (in) a disordered brain can be restored."
As such a statement would lead the reader of the report to fancy that Keely expected to invent such an instrument, it is better to correct the error that Dr. Hartmann has fallen into. Keely has never dreamed of inventing such an instrument. He hopes, however, to perfect one that he is now at work upon, which will enable the operator to localize the seat of disturbance in the brain in mental disorders. If he succeeds, this will greatly simplify the work of "re-adjusting opposing conditions"; and will also enable the physician to decide whether the "differential disaster" has taken place which prevents the possibility of establishing the equation that is necessary to a cure.
According to Keely's theories it is that form of energy known as magnetism - not electricity - which is to be the curative agent of the future, thus reviving a mode of treatment handed down from the time of the earliest records, and made known to the Royal Society of London more than fifty years since by Professor Keil, of Jena, who demonstrated the susceptibility of the nervous system to the influence of the natural magnet, and its efficacy in the cure of certain infirmities.
As Cheston Morris, M.D., has well said in his paper on "Vital Molecular Vibrations," "We are entering upon a new field in biology, pathology, and of course, therapeutics, whose limits are at present far beyond our ken."
"The adaptability of drugs," says Dr. Henry Wood, "to heal disease is becoming a matter of doubt, even among many who have not yet studied deeper causation. Materia Medica lacks the exact elements of a science. The just-preponderance, for good or ill, of any drug upon the human system is an unsolved problem, and will so remain. . . . After centuries of professional research, in order to perfect "the art of healing," diseases have steadily grown more subtle and more numerous. . . . Only when internal, divine forces come to be relied upon, rather than outside reinforcement, will deterioration cease. Said Plato, 'You ought not to attempt to cure the body without the soul.' " [Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter VII]
See Also
1.4 - Etheric Mind Force in Healing
As a Man Thinketh
Colloidal Silver
How Idea Becomes Matter or Disease
Keely - Cure of Disease
Law of Compensation and Equilibrium
Mind and Matter
Mind in Matter
Mind over Matter
Our Silver Works - colloidal silver
Part 23 - Harmony is Health - Discord is Disease
Quimby - Lecture Notes Book VI
Sympathetic Vibration in Healing