To the editor of The New York Times:
Your remark in The Times in reference to Mr. John W. Keely and his inventions, and to the suit which is soon to be tried are not quite correct in some particulars. The suit on the part of the Directors and stockholders is not merely to compel Mr. Keely to give what exists in his mind only, but to give the company the present finished generator and the "Secret" of working it, as he has done over 7,000 times during the last two years in the presence of hundreds of able men who have no doubt of its great value to day. The secret and how to work the generator to be given recastody(?) of a responsible party and then time worked extended to him to finish a large engine which is new being built, even while the suit is progressing. This is asked for so that the company may understand the power in case of Mr. Keely's death.
No. 118 East
See Also