"We have gone far enough to find that there is no such thing as death; that matter cannot die, any more than the substance or spiritual essence which controls it can die. The word death is a misnomer, for there is only a change of base in the molecular visible, and it is the same with the sympathetic invisible, for celestial radiation claims her own back again to its realm of spiritual existence." [Keely, Newton of the Mind]
"Death does not mean discontinuance, for no idea discontinues. Death means disappearance; just an interval between that and reappearance. This is a repetitive universe of continuing things."[Russell, Genero-Radiative Concept]
"For this reason we again repeat the great simple basic fact that all death is caused by expansion, and all life' is caused by compression. We also repeat the as yet unknown fact that life deeply desires to live, but has to work hard to keep sufficiently charged to maintain life, while death can fulfill its desire to die without effort. To charge a body with life takes time and much effort, but a discharge can be timeless and without effort. The flash of a short circuit is not only a good example of this fact but is a demonstration of its proof. If you will but submit this new thought to your reasoning you will see the naturalness, and significance of it. Death means rest, or cessation of motion. Sound is motion created with an effort, but it ceases without effort. It is an effort for you to arise and work, but it is no effort for you to cease working and rest. It is an effort to heat a rod of iron but the rod will cool without effort. You must, therefore, realize that all things will die normally and naturally without help. That is what radiation is. Multiplied expansion means helping matter to expand quickly, and that is what radioactivity is. The use of nuclear fission, therefore, vastly multiplies the difficulty of living things to keep alive, by vastly aiding them to die." [Atomic Suicide, page 19-20]
"All material bodies, organic and inorganic, live and grow by increasingly fast motion. They also die and decay by increasingly fast motion." [Atomic Suicide, page 21]
"Now look at your chart and find carbon in the fourth octave symbolized by a cube centering a sun. From that point on death begins and multiplies its power to die in the same ratio as it has multiplied its power to live. In other words, it now accumulates as much centrifugal speed to disappear into its invisible Source as it accumulated centripetal speed on the way to its destination in carbon. The only difference is that the genero-active speed of compression is inward from the outside until maturity in carbon, and after that its radio-active speed explodes outward from the inside. In each case the inward speed of 186,400 miles per second is reached at the maximum point of life in carbon, and the outward speed is reached at the amplitude of the 9th octave, just beyond the transuranium elements, which is the maximum point of universal death." [Atomic Suicide, page 34-35]
"Each of the billions of nebulae and suns in the heavens is one of those giant cataclysms which must divide itself and die a heat death. They split up into other fireballs which, in turn die a heat death. All matter dies a centrifugally dividing heat death, but it also lives a centripetally multiplying heat life. Heat is a condition which is necessary to the creation of life in inorganic matter and organic as well. But heat is also necessary to create death. Matter would never disappear if it could be kept cold enough. Matter can die and disappear only by accumulating enough heat to consume itself. The cathode beginning of matter is an immeasurable low degree of heat. The anode ending of matter is an immeasurably high degree of heat. Flame is the maximum consumer of matter. All matter is self-consuming but its creation is an effort of its Creator. The Creator gives, but that which He gives must be regiven. That is law, and law must be fulfilled. Fulfillment is automatic, however. It is self-motivated by explosion from within itself. Flame is self-explosive but the heat which created the flame is a compressive effort. [Atomic Suicide, page 155-156] [anode ending of matter]
"Man has always thought of his periodic entrance into mortality as an entrance of his Person - his being - his individuality, into life. And he has always thought of his body exit into his eternally living Self, as death. That is the thought which has always been man's great enemy. That thought of death shall be destroyed by knowing that there is no death in Nature to destroy. There is naught but eternal life in all this universe. There is naught but Mind at rest, and Mind-thinking in motion, in all Creation. Such a concept must gradually change as unfolding intelligence in man gives him higher knowledge of REALITY rather than its loyally believed in simulation, which motion produces." [Atomic Suicide, page 234]
"Life is but the inward flow of MY thinking's divided pulsing, and death is its outward flow. [Atomic Suicide, page 235]
"In the Cosmic sense reincarnation and repetition mean the same thing, for Nature is eternal, it is endless and beginningless. The idea of death - or of identity - or of being killed - is a conclusion of the senses of bodies. Such a thought is impossible for the knowing Mind of the Cosmic mystic." [Atomic Suicide, page 246]
"We, therefore, repeat words written in earlier pages of this book, which say that our bodies express life only by the fast generoactive centripetal motion which charges and polarizes, and that they die only by the fast radioactive centrifugal motion, which discharges and depolarizes." [Atomic Suicide, page 265]
Nikola Tesla
"DEATH DOES NOT EXIST" and with this knowledge, the fear of it also disappears! And remember: no man who has ever existed has ever died. They transformed into Light and as such they still exist.
The secret is that these light particles return to their original state. Returning to one of the previous energies.
Christ and some others knew that secret.
I looked into how to conserve human energy.
It is one of the types of Light in the Soul, sometimes identical with the supreme celestial light.
I didn't seek it for myself, but for the good of everyone.
I believe that my findings will make life easier and more tolerable for people, and direct them towards spirituality and morality." [Nikola Tesla]
The potential differences in constant existence between inner and outer temperatures are none other than forms of energy, which complete the cycle of water and at the same time kindle it anew.
Evolutionary manifestations are therefore,
1. of material, and
2. of immaterial nature.
Stone, plant, animal, human being, planet and Sun are organisms possessed of body and soul. Every ray of light or heat requires a physical form in which it can evolve, or organise itself. Every body requires an inner energy that builds it up or transforms it. When a body disintegrates then those energies
that created it will again be freed. They are never lost. If they lose their place of abode with the decaying of the body, then they are willingly taken up by the water that eternally circulates in, on and above the Earth and which conducts them once more to a new life. Therefore wherever we look there is life, constant formation and transformation. Should we look into apparent emptiness, then a sea of spiritual life, passed and future generations, returns our gaze. Every material form of vegetation is always the reflection of an immaterial form consisting of light, heat and radiation.
Every change in sphere changes the outer and inner relations of the whole, changes the weight and the intensity of the inner radiation of water and thus the direction in which this carrier of life moves. Disturbances to the inner and outer conformities with natural law lead to a disturbance in the organisation of the whole evolution of life. The disappearance of water or its substantial transformation is a very serious warning sign, because the character of the water also changes with its inner composition, and with this the character of all forms of life, including human-beings. The qualitative decline of the vegetation and above all the deterioration of the highest plant-organism - the forest, the psychic and moral degeneration of humankind, are only the legitimate consequence of the disturbance of the physical composition of water and the disruption of the geosphere occasioned by humanity's subversive activity in the organism of the Earth.
What we are experiencing today is no crisis, but rather the demise of the whole, i.e. the qualitative, physical degeneration of all organisms, brought into effect through the disturbance of Nature's water-balance. In step with this devolution goes the moral, mental and spiritual collapse of humanity, which has already reached such an advanced state, that despite all warning signs people still do not recognise the seriousness of the situation. Worse than animals, they seek their final salvation in the decimation of humanity with weapons of war, that our priests even bless along with the banners under which our children are supposed to bleed to death.
The decision, whether we take the latter path or whether at the final hour we can protect ourselves from our own self-mutilation, only lies with us, or with those men of science and the state, who take upon themselves an altogether appalling responsibility, when out of personal interest, with no consideration of the gravity of the situation and being incapable of bringing any effective help, they continue to adhere to their present point of view. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
[9] Bacteriophagous: According to Collins English Dictionary a bacteriophage is 'a virus that is parasitic in a bacterium and multiplies within its host, which is destroyed when the new viruses are released.' Here the meaning of bacteriophagous has little to do with bacteria as such, but tries to express the notion of highly subtle, autonomous entities within entities endowed with the potential to impart life- or death- decisive influences. Viktor Schauberger also explains them as threshold conformations or structures which are neither corpuscular, nor metaphysical in nature. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
(inactive) in a diffuse state, then it will be exceptionally clear and cool above the tree-tops. This happens, because diamagnetically charged levitational forces come into being in a similar way as occurs in natural mixed forests, whose temperature in winter and summer constantly remains close to the anomaly zone of the interspersed water (+4°C - 39.2°F). This healing zone is sought out by sick and wounded animals, which go there to regain their health or to die a painless death. These sick beds, or surgical beds as experienced huntsmen called them, are also to be found in the water immediately below high-grade springs to which wounded game comes and to which the naturalistic huntsman hurries by the shortest route, where he finds the wounded creature dying in the healing water and puts it out of its agony with a coup-de-grace. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
Undoubtedly known to the high-priests of ancient cultures, these concentrates of noble matter (ethericities) are responsible for the legendary near-absolute abundance of food and the freedom of movement associated with it. Incidentally, these concentrates were also ultimately responsible for the disaster of Atlantis, referred to as the Flood by a circumspect Church, which was the result of the careless control of these elemental levitative energies. In this respect the Church was quite right, because the negatively potentiated mother-water (amniotic fluid), the physically first-born, will be precipitated out by these formative and levitative energies (there is exact proof of this). It is in this ennobled carrier-substance, however, that the latent higher-grade atomic energies reside, which make naturally ordained locomotion possible. These energies, however, can be transformed into the most developmentally harmful forms of atomic energy if, for example, a cyclotron-like centrifugating device is employed as the supposedly correct means for producing energy. Hitherto it has not been known that vitamins, the concentrates of noble matter (perfectly developed fat-formations fermented under the exclusion of light and heat, which are known to solidify at death) can be degraded through inferior (expansively-acting) influences of heat and light and are gradually transformed into the atomic ptomaine radiation mentioned at the beginning. Only recently has so-called vacuum-distillation been applied to obtaining high-grade fat-concentrates from essential oils. For this, however, only atmospheric-gas-rarefying devices, air-suction or air-pressure pumps are used, which can never emulate the processes that wise Nature employs for specifically densifying these highest-grade concentrates of ennobled matter. This is the 'Organic' vacuum. Created by a centripetence-machine, it densifies noble matter through the co-active influences of higher-grade motion and contractile stimuli. That is to say, the moved (accelerated) mass approaches the temperatureless and feverless anomaly state (+4°C - +39.2°F), which is only possible through mass-acceleration on the longitudinal axis. Nor can the resistance to motion mentioned earlier evolve during this process for the simple reason that this 'original' system of mass motion and acceleration, the dissociative, structure-loosening, positive temperature influences are missing, which would otherwise induce an increase in dangerous wall-pressures. It should be noted that it is entirely immaterial whether a molecular interaction between basic elements is initiated by a physical or metaphysical motion-excitation combination. In the same way that social revolutions arise from psychological stimuli, so too can a beneficial fever and thus the healing of a supposedly incurable disease be provoked by a strong inner stimulus, or conversely, sudden death through a so-called stroke, caused by an abrupt alteration of the inner interaction between basic substances. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Undoubtedly known to the high-priests of ancient cultures, these concentrates of noble matter (ethericities) are responsible for the legendary near-absolute abundance of food and the freedom of movement associated with it. Incidentally, these concentrates were also ultimately responsible for the disaster of Atlantis, referred to as the Flood by a circumspect Church, which was the result of the careless control of these elemental levitative energies. In this respect the Church was quite right, because the negatively potentiated mother-water (amniotic fluid), the physically first-born, will be precipitated out by these formative and levitative energies (there is exact proof of this). It is in this ennobled carrier-substance, however, that the latent higher-grade atomic energies reside, which make naturally ordained locomotion possible. These energies, however, can be transformed into the most developmentally harmful forms of atomic energy if, for example, a cyclotron-like centrifugating device is employed as the supposedly correct means for producing energy. Hitherto it has not been known that vitamins, the concentrates of noble matter (perfectly developed fat-formations fermented under the exclusion of light and heat, which are known to solidify at death) can be degraded through inferior (expansively-acting) influences of heat and light and are gradually transformed into the atomic ptomaine radiation mentioned at the beginning. Only recently has so-called vacuum-distillation been applied to obtaining high-grade fat-concentrates from essential oils. For this, however, only atmospheric-gas-rarefying devices, air-suction or air-pressure pumps are used, which can never emulate the processes that wise Nature employs for specifically densifying these highest-grade concentrates of ennobled matter. This is the 'Organic' vacuum. Created by a centripetence-machine, it densifies noble matter through the co-active influences of higher-grade motion and contractile stimuli. That is to say, the moved (accelerated) mass approaches the temperatureless and feverless anomaly state (+4°C - +39.2°F), which is only possible through mass-acceleration on the longitudinal axis. Nor can the resistance to motion mentioned earlier evolve during this process for the simple reason that this 'original' system of mass motion and acceleration, the dissociative, structure-loosening, positive temperature influences are missing, which would otherwise induce an increase in dangerous wall-pressures. It should be noted that it is entirely immaterial whether a molecular interaction between basic elements is initiated by a physical or metaphysical motion-excitation combination. In the same way that social revolutions arise from psychological stimuli, so too can a beneficial fever and thus the healing of a supposedly incurable disease be provoked by a strong inner stimulus, or conversely, sudden death through a so-called stroke, caused by an abrupt alteration of the inner interaction between basic substances. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
The raw material for these atomic developmental products are the earthly remains of former life. Above all, it is the concentrates of fatty-matter which, regardless of any external positive temperature influences, solidify after death. These are subjected to fermentation processes similar to those taking place in the stocks of fatty-matter in plant juices from which, depending on the type of motion and excitation, various acids evolve that give further rise to essential and energetic concentrates. This only happens if no vessels are used, wherein annihilating fire robs these concentrates of their allotropic (polymorphic) trace-elements, namely their concentrates of essential oils, which in such high-grade fermentation processes act like yeasts. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
To the catalogue of biological, therefore reactivated, errors in motion and excitation committed by modern nature-alienated science, which has inaugurated the 'other' reaction and which is responsible for the decay and death of everything in existence, the following are to be included: [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
The first person, who had unconsciously to grapple with this disastrous development, was Galilei, whose discovery that the Earth itself moved, caused an immense uproar in secular and religious scientific circles. Galilei was forced to recant, although he recanted his recantation shortly before his death. This he did at a moment when he could no longer be harmed by those, who like past dictators used similar means to torture those whose opinion differed from theirs, believing they could re-instill faith through the agonies of torture. His opponents, however, who were just as dangerous as they were ruthless, had practically no alternative but to acknowledge this new fact. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
In a word, after decades-long observations, trials and series of experiments, I succeeded in getting to the bottom of this mysterious double-game of Nature's and in becoming aware of the unspeakable ferocity and purest mother-love that are united behind her two eternally concealed faces. I came to recognise the scales of fate of all life upon which every action is scrupulously weighed after death and that whatever is no longer fit for the next higher evolutive progression is once more ruthlessly eliminated, it being of too inferior a quality for its metaphysical transformation into exalted entities in the form of the above formative and levitative current. It has to return to greater or lesser depths within the Earth to interact with those vibratory influences in such a way that out of these basic substances new formative and levitative energies evolve for a renewed attempt to rise. It is these revitalised substances, whose higher forms of cooling essences possess expanding and upwardly impelling functions, which make this resurrection possible. Falling and concentrating light- and heat-forms then subsequently ensure the intermediate solidification of 'what is destined to vegetate', namely the actual physical form of growth in which the counter-energies also reside, which initiate the further interactions that enable this intermediate assembly of raw materials to grow, to reproduce and further evolve itself. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Blood formation or blood decomposition - synthesising or analysing current - vitalisation or devitalisation - health in mind and body or disease, death and economic disaster, all these are decreed by what in the opening paragraph science calls molecular motion whilst having no knowledge of the differences in the forms of motion, which not only determine existence or non-existence, but also all economic progress or decline. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
For Nature to punish those individuals responsible for the dreadful fate of millions upon millions of human beings was impossible. She therefore had no other alternative but to condemn the whole of humanity, the most dangerous of Nature's trouble-makers, to death by starvation. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Eight hundred million people, i.e. about one third of those alive today [1946], will be mercilessly condemned to starve, if at the final hour it is not possible to produce the practical examples necessary to open the eyes of those who do not perceive the differences between different current-sources, from which, depending on the choice of trifling starting impulse - life or death originate. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
function unimpededly, we still have to creep and crawl around on this floor in a way that houseflies cannot emulate, which are perhaps the only beneficiaries of these incongruous conventional methods of heating. These methods will also almost completely exhaust the reserves of coal, which is no longer available in sufficient quantity, or is impossible to deliver to the point of use with the present means of transport (the true energy-gluttons), even if sufficient quantities were available for this coming catastrophic winter [1945-46]. It is therefore understandable that those who are threatened with freezing to death and starvation will fall upon this new method of heating and transport like beasts of prey, unless the matter is put in hand with extreme caution. This is the principal reason why heating with mineral substances, with which reactive temperature-forms can be produced virtually without cost, must be inaugurated with great care. These reactive temperatures are activated merely when various allotropic substances are gently stimulated by active heat influences. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
Magnetism and electricism are the two opposing metaphysical energy-forms, which regulate life and death and which dwell in every solid, liquid and gaseous (aeriform) mass (matter) in an allotropic and latent transitional state. They await the all-important developmental impulse in order to be transformed into higher-grade (life-affirming) or lower-grade (life-negating) forms of energy. In the former case a magnetolytic dissociation process plays the mediatory role and in the latter an electrolytic. The belief that magnetism was a passive and uninteresting by-product of electricism arose merely because nobody was aware of the type of motion that gives rise to higher-grade energy-forms. Nor were they aware of the associated dynamic shapes with which latent bipolar dynagens and their carrier-substance can be accelerated in such a way naturalesquely that, in accordance with the equation F = ma, the force responsible for the increase in substance and qualitative improvement (ennoblement) arises with whose aid the relatively highest grade energy-form can come into being. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
This special form of motion, still unknown to conventional science, can magnetise a tripolar mass of air or water up to a maximum of 36% virtually without cost. To do this a particularly constructed, profiled and suitably alloyed form is required, which promotes the evolvement of a developmentally progressive energy, the power of which increases in proportion to the centripetating rotational velocity. In this process it is possible to overcome physical weight and mental torpor effortlessly at almost no expense. Accordingly, magnetism is therefore levitism, the creative (metaphysical) counterforce to electricism, the latter being the decomposive energy-form that actuates gravitism, or physical and mental relapse (the death state). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
Up to now this formative, levitative, multiplying and ennobling natural force has not only been inhibited, but through the reversed form of mass-acceleration has been transformed into the decomposive energy-form that destroys development-ripe raw-material. All this happened for the sole reason that air and water were moved axially->radially (= technically, hydraulically or even dynamically) instead of radially->axially, because it was generally believed that the earthly residues of former life decayed to dust and ashes! And so it came to pass that these vital formative substances were thoughtlessly decomposed or combusted in order to produce lower-grade light, temperature and power. In so doing people literally condemned themselves to death by the very sweat of their brows. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
put it bluntly, instead of being radially->axially wound up, the ur-works were wound up like a clock-spring in the opposite way, i.e. axially->radially. To date this false 'winding' has been taught and learnt in all schools and preached from all pulpits. Only the Catholic Church, if merely symbolically, has indicated the naturalesque way to transform high-grade matter into Spirit (energy). However they were unable to recognise the truth, because they believed and also fostered the belief, that after death the earthly remains of fatty-matter, out of which allotropic threshold substances - vitamin-molecules - come into being, decay into dust and ashes. Therefore, due to electrolytic processes of decomposition (unnatural form of interment), the metaphysical fat-concentrates cannot come into being, which are the source of spiritual energy that makes all life invincible, free and independent. Perhaps this was considered undesirable so as to ensure the docility of slave-workers by spiritually castrating them through suppression of the build-up of quality substances, thereby making a constant supply of working oxen available. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
Another maxim states: "All life arises from motion." Since it known that without death there would be no life, there must be two forms of motion. One that produces the life-state and another that creates the preconditions for this to happen. In other words, there must be two completely different types of motion, which function in equally different ways. One of them produces the 'physical' life-state, whereas the other the prerequisites for it[4] by initiating the 'metaphysical' transformation and actuating the processes through which the products of this form of motion can be brought into being. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
If the concept of 'culture' were to be defined naturalesquely then it should be interpreted as "the protection of Nature's pre-acting fundamental processes". This is only possible by taking care of what it is that is moved, for as mentioned earlier, naturalesque motion leads to the vivification of the life-carrier - water - and unnatural motion to its mortification, or its death and disappearance. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]
Duality is the law of witness-bearing, and the confirmation of truth; - "If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness of Me." - John v. 31, 32. "At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death." - Deut. xvii, 6. "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy at the mouth of two or three witnesses." - Heb x. 28. "The dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass." - Gen.xli. 32. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 42]
The intervening chord between the Diatonic and Chromatic systems, B, D, F. - This chord, which has suffered expatriation from the society of perfect chords, is nevertheless as perfect in its own place and way as any. From its peculiar relation to both major and minor, and to both diatonic and chromatic things, it is a specially interesting triad. F, which is the genetic root of all, and distinctively the root of major subdominant, has here come to the top by the prime 2. D, here in the middle, is diatonically the top of the major dominant, and the root of the minor subdominant; and on account of its self-duality, the most interesting note of all; begotten in the great genesis by the prime 3. B, the last-begotten in the diatonic genesis, top of the diatonic minor, middle of the dominant major, and begotten by the prime 5, is here the quasi root of this triad, which in view of all this is a remarkable summation of things. This B, D, F is the mors janua vitae in music, for it is in a manner the death of diatonic chords, being neither a perfect major nor a perfect minor chord; yet it is the birth and life of the chromatic phase of music. In attracting and assimilating to itself the elements by which it becomes a full chromatic chord, it gives the minor dominant the G# which we so often see in use, and never see explained; and it gives the major subdominant a corresponding A?, less frequently used. It is quite clear that this chromatic chord in either its major phase as B, D, F, A?, or its minor phase as G#, B, D, F, is as natural and legitimate in music as anything else; and like the diatonic chords, major and minor, it is one of three, exactly like itself, into which the octave of semitones is perfectly divided. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 101]
On harmonical parallel between tone and colour
—On the term of "rest," fifths, and the sympathy of music with life
—Relativities of sounds and vibrations of strings
—The doctrines of three pairs, six tones, and the law of "two and fro"
—The germ of the system probably to be found in the adaptability of numbers
—Sudden death of Dr. Gauntlett, . . . . . 48 [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Table of Contents4 - Harmonies]
Dialogue on Awakening
"There are many who do not yet understand, truly understand, that it is impossible to die, that there is not a vengeful God who can and would take away their infinite life." Dialogue on Awakening, page 164
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"I was shown the following vivid vision.
First of all, I saw a new-born babe as 'light', a life-form of 'Creative Power'.
As the baby grew into childhood, then manhood, I saw the pure LIGHT of the 'Creative Power' gradually dimmed and then obscured altogether in him, by a dense wrapping of chains and thongs.
I questioned the meaning of the vision and there came to my mind a clear understanding which may be expressed in the following words:
'From birth to death - people believe and insist that their five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, correctly predicate the 'reality' of themselves and the universe around them.
Therefore, because they draw their mind power direct from Divine 'Creative Power', it is done to them according to their beliefs. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 17]
Annie Besant
"Death consists, indeed, in a repeated process of unrobing, or unsheathing. The immortal part of man shakes off from itself, one after the other, its outer casings, and - as the snake from its skin, the butterfly from its chrysalis - emerges from one after another, passing into a higher state of consciousness." [Annie Besant]
"It (death) is not the end, then, because we pass from one room to another, from one consciousness to another. For, so is it proclaimed in that promise. Though we live in the physical consciousness, we pass - as this entity has oft - into those consciousnesses of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus; for these are but stepping stones to the greater consciousness which He would have each soul attain in its relationships with and usage of its fellow men." [Cayce 2282-1]
"Yes, pray often for those who have passed on. This is part of your consciousness. It is well. For, God is God of the living. Those who have passed through God's other door are often listening, listening for the voice of those they have loved in the earth." [Cayce 3954-1]
"A death in the flesh is a birth into another realm, to those who lived in such a manner as not to be bound by earthly ties. This does not mean that the earthly experiences aren't important, but that lives were lived so fully that there is no unfinished business." [Cayce 989-2]
"...death is as but the beginning of another form of phenomenized force in the earth's plane, and may not be understood by the third dimension mind from third dimension analysis, but must be seen from that fourth-dimension force..." [Cayce 136-18]
Life After Death
"Know that life is a continuous experience, and as there is a consciousness in sleep that is not physical ... so there is a consciousness in the same manner when the physical is entirely laid aside." [Cayce 1824-1]
"Death in the material plane is passing through the outer door into a consciousness in the material activities that partakes of what the entity, or soul, has done with its spiritual truth in its manifestations in the other sphere." [Cayce 5749-3]
"When the soul departs from a body - (this is not being spoken of the Christ) - it has all the form of the body from which it has passed - yet it is not visible to the carnal mind, unless that mind has been and is, attuned to the infinite. Then it appears, in the infinite, as that which may be handled, with all the attributes of the physical being; with the appetites, until these have been accorded to a unit of activity with the Universal Consciousness." [Cayce (2533-8)]
"Nothing grows, nothing remains alone unless dead. A mind, a body that sits alone and considers the outside and never turning that within to the out, nor that without from within, soon finds drosses setting up in the system; for development is change. Change is the activity of knowledge from within. Learn to live! Then there is no death, save the transition, when desired." [Cayce (900-465)]
"For there is no death when the ENTITY or the real self is considered; only the change in the consciousness ... in the sphere of activity in which the entity finds self." [Cayce (2147-1)]
"For, it is not all of life just to live, nor all of death to die. For there is no death when the ENTITY or the real self is considered; only the change in the consciousness of being able to make application in the sphere of activity in which the entity finds self." [Cayce 2147-1]
"For, as has been given, it is not all of life to live, nor yet all of death to die. For life and death are one, and only those who will consider the experience as one may come to understand or comprehend what peace indeed means." [Cayce (1977-1)]
"That each entity must and will some day attain to the ability to be conscious of physical Death without the physical suffering is true, but the day - to most, is far, too far away." [Cayce (993-7)]
(Q) "Does Death instantly end all feeling in the physical body? If not, how long can it feel?"
(A) "This would be such a problem; dependent upon the character of which unconsciousness is produced to the physical reaction - or the manner in which the consciousness has been trained. Death - as commonly spoken of - is only passing through God's other door. That there is continued consciousness is evidenced, ever, by the associations of influences, the abilities of entities to project or to make those impressions upon the consciousness of sensitives or the like. As to how long - many an individual has remained in that called Death for what ye call YEARS without realizing it was dead! The feelings, the desires for what ye call appetites are changed, or not aware at all. The ability to communicate is that which usually disturbs or worries others. Then, as to say how long - that depends upon the entity. For as has been given, the psychic forces of an entity are CONSTANTLY active - whether the Soul-entity is aware of same or not. Hence as has been the experience of many, these become as individual as individualities or personalities are themselves." [Cayce (1472-2)]
So whenever fear comes to you, don't suppress it, don't repress it, don't avoid it, don't get occupied in something so that you can forget about it.
No! When fear comes, watch it.
Be face to face with it.
Encounter it.
Look deep into it.
Gaze into the valley of fear.
Of course you will perspire, and you will tremble, and it will be like a death, and you will have to live it many times. But by and by, the more your eyes become clear, the more your awareness becomes alert, the more your focus is there on the fear, the fear will disappear like a mist. And once fear disappears, sometimes, even for only a moment, suddenly you are deathless.
There is no death.
Death is the greatest illusion there is, the greatest myth - a lie.
For even a single moment, if you can see that you are deathless.
Then no meditation is needed.
Then live that experience, then act out of that experience, and the doors of eternal life are open for you.
Much is being missed because of fear.
We are too attached to the body and we go on creating more and more fear because of that attachment.
The body is going to die, the body is part of death, the body is death - but you are beyond the body.
You are not the body; you are the bodiless.
Remember it. Realize it.
Awaken yourself to this truth - that you are beyond the body. You are the witness, the seer.
Then death disappears and fear disappears, and there arises the tremendously glorious life - what Jesus calls 'life abundant,' or 'the kingdom of God.'
The kingdom of God is within you.
From Ancient Music in the Pines Chapter #5
"Man is not death; man is the nectar of the gods. But we do not even lift our eyes to see the cup that is held out to us. We never probe into life, never take a single step towards uncovering its meaning.
We remain strangers to life and approach death in terror.
The major question is not one of life and death, it is one of life alone. I was asked to speak on life and death. But this is impossible. There is only life.
Death does not exist. If one understands life then there is only life. But if life remains unknown there is only death. Life and death never exist together, like two aspects of a problem.
We either know that we are life and then death does not exist, or we do not know that we are life and then only death exists. They cannot exist together. But we are all afraid of death. And this clearly shows we have not understood the meaning of life. Fear of death only betrays one's ignorance of life." [Osho]
Doctor dies and returns to life http://www.cbn.com/tv/2125902823001
“Life is wisdom; death is belief. To be in wisdom is to be in health, happiness and eternal life; to be in belief, is to be in error, disease, and death. It was belief that Jesus sought to destroy by bringing life and immortality to light in the Gospel; and that life was Christ.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Life and Death are Opposite States of Existence]
“I have said before that man dissolves and passes into space, carrying with him all his knowledge, but as he never has attached his life to wisdom, he only knows himself in matter. Therefore he lives in matter, and this is the belief of nine-tenths of mankind. Jesus tried to introduce a proof that man exists outside of his belief and I have learned the evidence he had of this truth. It is this. Man including his senses, sight, taste, etc., and his wisdom is not of matter nor has he the qualities of matter. Pagan philosophy and religion made them a part of matter and the belief in the transmigration of souls, which is akin to modern spiritualism, observed the more intelligent belief in progression.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Article: Illustrating the Word “Mind”, Printed Page: 317]
Manly Palmer Hall
"Death takes man out of the world, but initiation takes the world out of man." [Manly Palmer Hall, The Hermitic Current]
"The word "Death” is a misnomer as we generally use it. Those are not dead who have laid aside their mortal coil–they really are dead who do not know themselves. Those who are awake live in a world of infinite light, infinite beauty. To such people there is no death.
But to the sleeping ones the world is a cold place. Death is ignorance. For those who are buried in the cold stone coffin of their own limitations, every problem is a disaster, always clouds obscure the face of the sun, and the heavenly lights are darkened. Immortality is not the perpetuation of the body. It is an innate realization of the perpetuity of the spirit.
Once man gains consciousness of self, he can never lose it; once he has learned to live, he can never die. Life is the realization of life, death is the lack of that realization." [The Phoenix by Manly P. Hall]
"The dead can no longer complain, and the living divide the spoils. Human life is not very valuable these days; and, if we do not value the survival of others, we cannot expect much consideration for our own survival." [Manly Palmer Hall (PRS Journal Spring 1990 p. 8)]
Paramahansa Yogananda
"Don't depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death as you were before. Nothing changes, you only give up the body. If you are a thief or a liar or a cheater before death, you don't become an angel merely by dying. If such were possible, then let us all go and jump in the ocean now and become angels at once! Whatever you have made of yourself thus far, so will you be hereafter. And when you reincarnate, you will bring that same nature with you. To change, you have to make the effort. This world is the place to do it." [Paramahansa Yogananda]
Man: The biggest fear for me is death.
Bashar: Death? Death is nothing to be afraid of.
You're dead right now.
You are dead and alive at the same time. Most of you is still in spirit. This physical reality is just a dream you're having while you're in spirit. (Parables and Time Crystals)
Mircea Eliade
"At the operational level, death corresponds usually to the black colour (the nigredo) taken on by the various ingredients. It was the reduction of substances to the materia prima, to the massa confusa, the fluid, shapeless mass corresponding on the cosmological plane-to chaos.
Death represents regression to the amorphous, the reintegration of chaos. This is why aquatic symbolism plays such an important part. One of the alchemists' maxims was: 'Perform no operation till all be made water.'
On the operational level, this corresponds to the solution of purified gold in aqua regia. Kirchweger, the supposed author of the Aurea Catena Homeri (1723) a work which, incidentally, had great influence on the young Goethe writes: 'For this is certain, that all nature was in the beginning water, and through water all things were born and again through water all things must be destroyed.' The alchemical regression to the fluid state of matter corresponds, in the cosmologies, to the primordial chaotic state, and in the initiation rituals, to the 'death' of the initiate.
The alchemist also obtained solutions by placing substances in the mercury bath. In the words of Starkey (Eirenaeus Philalethes), 'the main ground for the possibility of transmutation is the possibility of the reduction of all metals, and such Minerals which are of metallick principles, into their first mercurial matter'. A treatise attributed to 'Alphonso, King of Portugal', states: 'our dissolution is no other thing but that the body be turned again to moistness. The first result of this work is the body reduced to water, that is to Mercury, that is what the Philosophers call solution, which is the foundation of the work'.
According to certain writers, dissolution is the first operation; according to others it is calcination, the reduction to the amorphous by Fire. However that may be, the result is the same: 'death'.
This alchemical reduction to the prima materia may be interpreted in a great variety of ways: notably it may be equated with a regression to the pre-natal state, a regressus ad uterum. There is support for this seminal symbolism in codex studied by Carbonelli, in which it is written that before using gold in the opus 'it is necessary to reduce it to sperm'.
The vas mirabile, of which Mary the Prophetess proclaimed that the whole alchemical secret resided therein, is 'a kind of matrix or uterus from which will be born the filius philosophorum, the miraculous Stone' (Jung, Psychologie und Alchemie, p. 325).
'The vase is akin to the work of God in the vase of divine germination,' writes Dorn. According to Paracelsus, 'he who would enter the Kingdom of God must first enter with his body into his mother and there die'. The whole world, according to the same writer, must 'enter into its mother', which is the prima materia, the massa confusa, the abyssus, in order to achieve eternity.'
John Pordage has it that the Bain Marie is 'the place, the matrix, and the centre whence the divine tincture flows from its source and origin'. In the verses published as an appendix to the Opus Mago-Cabbalisticum et Theosophicum (1735) by Georg von Welling, we may read: 'For I cannot otherwise reach the Kingdom of Heaven unless I am born a second time. Therefore I desire to return to the mother's womb, that I may be regenerated, and this I will do right soon.'"
"The dissolution to the prima materia is also symbolized by sexual union which is completed by disappearance into the uterus. In the Rosarium Philosophorum we read: 'Beya mounted Gabricus and enclosed him in her womb in such a fashion that nothing of him remained visible. She embraced him with so much love that she absorbed him entirely into her own nature...' Such a symbolism naturally lends itself to innumerable interpretations.
The Bath of Mary is not only the 'matrix' of the divine tincture, it is also the symbolical representation of the womb in which Jesus was born. The incarnation of the Lord in the adept may therefore begin as soon as the alchemical ingredients of the Bain Marie enter into a state of fusion and reintegrate the primordial state of matter. This return to primal matter is associated with the birth of Christ as well as with his death."
"It is necessary to add that the dissolution and reintegration of chaos is an operation which, whatever the context, presents at least two interdependent significations: cosmological and initiatory. Every 'death' is at once a reintegration of cosmic night and pre-cosmological chaos. At many different levels, darkness expresses the dissolution of forms, the return to the seminal stage of existence. Every 'creation', every appearance of forms, or, in another context, any access to a transcendental level, is expressed by a cosmological symbol. As we have repeatedly pointed out—a birth, a construction, a spiritual creation, always has the same exemplar, viz., the cosmogony." [The book The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy, by Mircea Eliade]
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See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
death speed
decomposive energy
decomposive atomic energy
Kirlian Photography - video of soul leaving body
Life Force
Life Reading
life-removing forces
rest period
There is no death
What Happens After Death