My all time favorite book. I consider the Dialogue on Awakening as one of the important documents of all time. If people would read it with an open mind their lives would be transformed for the better. I’ve read this book nearly everyday since a copy was given to me in 1999. It is an inspiration from word one to the last word. My life has been transformed by it and continues to be transformed as I grow in understanding what it conveys. If you are interested in awakening, who you are and why you are here this is the one to read, study and apply. This book has its origins in A Course in Miracles. It is created and written by Tom and Linda Carpenter. This index below was created from the second edition (1993) because I wanted an index to better use the book. The hyperlinked texts do not necessarily link to quotes from Dialogue on Awakening but mostly link to similar and common definitions and uses from other sources. However there are many quotes from this book scattered throughout this wiki. [Dale Pond] Order this book here: Dialogue on Awakening
Not yet complete index to the first edition.
A Course of Miracles 159, 177, 214, 218, 231, 248-249, 255
Aborigine 221
Abundance 78-83, 86-88
Acceptance 29
Actualization 233-234
Actualize 233-234
Aging, a belief 197, 200-201
choose not to 201
is a choice 200-201
not necessary 201-202
AIDS 204-205
All that God is 182
All that Is 123, 125, 160, 217, 245
blocked 233
Allowing 144, 177, 207
Flow of Self 236
giving up resistance 234
illusion 239
nonresistive to flow of God 236
Unconditional 85, 141, 207
Altered perception 128
Altzheimer's Disease 203
avoidance of pain 203
effect of low self esteem 203
reaction to rejection 203
Amnesia 170
Senility 203
Anxiety 171
Apples 165-166
Asking Creates Limitation 90
Assurance 85
Awake, you are already 8, 10, 13, 25, 60, 112, 164, 258, 263
Awakening 258, 263
defined 1
in the Now 157
is releasing limitation 194-195
is remembering 5, 111, 147, 150
Balance 21
Bananas 165-166
Baptism 135
Being, extension of 89, 177
a fully Awakened 244
defining your 257
expression of the Creation of God 182
flawless state of 189
infinite 178
infinity of your 246
natural state of 245
recognizing your 237, 243
Belief 169, 188-191
in Self 169
pattern 165
power of 170; [see also Quimby process]
system 19, 117, 147-148, 152
Bible 255
Birth 245
Body, purpose of 194-198, 200
function and purpose of 195
having 200
illness 200
implementation for awakening 194
Mind's mirror 188-191
reflector of thinking process 203
reflects symptoms of conflict and fear 188
serves choices and functions 194
state after death 193-194
tool of communication 191
you created it 147-148, 187, 194-198
Bondage 231
Boundary 157
expanding 240-241
familiarity 219
no 158, 241, 246
no need for 219
of safety 219
social 206-207
Brother 239
all one 224
representational 117
Cage of Pain and Death 149
Cause and Effect 261
Central Point 40 [see Neutral Center]
Center Theory 246
Change the world 258
Channeling 108-113
Chaos 76
creating 69, 153
experience 261
feeling of 76
Choice 7, 8, 9, 94
aging 200-201
awakening 200-201
death 200-201
express chaos and conflict 234-235
express peace and joy or illusion 234
Choose 70, 72
Again 70, 72, 231
Experiences fulfilled 94, 140
Life 201
Love 231
Peace 52, 75, 77, 78
to awaken 257
Christ 117-118, 123-127, 131, 137-142
birth of in you 245
communion with 240-244
consciousness of 247
is Whole Mind 223-225
mind of 223-225
recognizing 237
you are 187, 208, 223-225, 239
Christ Awareness 128
Christhood 132
Circuit Breaker 233-234
Clarity 76, 85, 87-88
Comfort Zone 175
Communicating Trust Others 49
Communication 108-113
Communion 240-244
Compassion 27
not in Mind of God 27
Complexity let go of 261
Conduit 233
Confusion 151-153, 169, 182, 238
Conflict 77, 204
ending 257
experience 261
Consciousness 246
flow of 246
Consequences 197
Control 174
Cooperation with the Creation of God 182
Creating from Peace 71
experiences many and varied 215
expression of 117, 149, 160, 232-236
expression of peace and joy 234-235
flow of 235-236
harmonious 199, 249
is 232
is Love 249
is Mind of God 229, 240
is not divided 240
Movement of 117, 235 [see Motion]
not divided 229
not static 235
of God 235
peace, joy and loving 232
perfection 249
single Life Force 211, 215
to facilitate recognition of Self 247
Will of God 235
Creation of God 182, 259
Creative Force of All that Is 160
Creativity 182-183
Creator 259
love of 239
Cross 121, 129, 131-132, 138-139
Crucifixion 128-129, 138-139
Cubes equals Illusion 160
Death 12, 149, 152-153, 192-198
belief in 197, 200
fear of 164, 199
Decision 111
Life after 198-199
not necessary 192
of body is a choice 192-198
Defenseless 263
Desire to wake up 165
Desires entangle 52, 111
Dimension defined 238
equals State of Mind 238
new 183
Dis-ease 187-191 [see Healing]
AIDS 204-205
Altzheimer's Disease 203
Beliefs source of 188-191, 204
founded in fear 188-191
Disciples 135
Disturbance 187
Diversions 82
Divinity 256
knowing 242
your 156, 158
Doing 53, 113
Dragons, prisoner of 172
confirming is real 237
giving up 236
God does not see your 258
God not in the 213
is your creation 258
non-resisting 236
reinforcing 239, 250
state 117, 159, 163, 177-179, 200-201, 204-207
Efforting 11
Ego 8, 157, 174, 237, 258
choices of 206-207
Defined 29, 57
Entanglement 52
is limited sense of self 26
Emotions equals Sense of Limitation 26
are from Ego 26
serve Ego 26
Engram 187
Enlightenment 193
Environment 259-262
Escape 12
Essence of you is Love 127-128
Creation of God 191
Eternal Physical Expression 152
Everything That Is 246 [see All That Is]
Evolution 37
Expectation 173-174, 248-249
Experiences 201
Expression of Creation 109, 232-236
of God 232-236
of Mind of God 191
you are the 213
boundary of feeling 218
limit of perception 218
Father expression of 129, 133, 247, 249
Mind of 174, 247 [see Mind of God]
Father's Home 136
Fear 93-94, 257
becomes overwhelming 165
belief in 263
creates disease 187, 204
creates illusion 263
creates pain 189
judgement creates 234
let go of 199, 242
manifesting 76
manifests Negativity 76
of being alone 155
of death 199
of letting go 241-242
of Loss 76
of unknown 241
released is healing 171
gives meaning to Time 19
Feel 53
Feeling 53, 115, 172, 246-247
and thought 55, 147
communion 240
Creation 232
desired, achieving 172
holy 256
knowing reality 217-218
of Love 113, 115, 143
of Oneness 246
of separation 238
recognition of self as Love 213, 236, 245
reinforcing negative 199
senses of 179
stream 246
to simple 261
true communicator 218
willingness to accept 199
with Self 241
Feelings and Words 115, 176
representational 123
are expressions of your spirit 116
Field of Energy 187
Flow of Self 236
as stream 246
of consciousness 246
of Love 245
of Mind of God 246
Flower 221
Free Choice 159
Freedom 218
Focus on meaning desired 172
Force, Love 160
Forgiveness 189
Force of Life is expression of Father 109, 220
Force of Universe, Love as 106 [see Sympathy]
Force, Creative 160
Force, Life 220
Forces, Natural 152
Force of Life 220 [see Life Force]
Forgive self 171
is limitation 214
product of limited Belief System 152
Free Will 7, 8
Freedom, total 70-72, 152, 231
Future is Concept of Separation 23
Garden of Gethsemane 128
Gifts of God 90
Goals 173-174
God 174-175
basis for all Creation 235
communion with 240-244
Creation of 259, 261-262
defining 213-214, 216-217
does not share your illusion 260-261
expresses Himself as you 245
expressing Himself as you 117, 142
expression of 129, 142, 213, 245
expression of Creation 232-236, 245
eyes of 193, 235, 248-249, 258
flow of 234, 236, 249
glory of 251
how close are you to 245
indivisible 215
is 233, 235
is Life Force 214, 216-217
is Love 213, 216-217, 231, 250
laws of 255
love of 133, 139, 159, 213
loving 258
Mind of contains no compassion 27
Mind of is infinite 226 [see Mind of God]
Mind of is perfect 261
natural flow of 233
nature of 249
not in dream state 213
presence 131
Reality of 259
recognition of 213
sees you 14, 248-249
Son of 129, 235
thought of 245
Truth of 233
vengeful not 164, 205
vision of 193, 260, 262
Will of 235
world of 261
you are 213, 217, 250
you are Divinely Perfect Creation of 171, 250
you are extension of 213, 216-217
God, Mind of 33, 143, 152, 245, 257
God's Thought 151-152
Greater Self 174
Guilt 71, 258
releasing 171, 231
Habit 232
changing 238
of thinking 238
Harmony 159, 175, 181, 243-244
Healing 170, 188-191
of the beliefs 189
the World 4, 262-263
your Mind 258, 260
Heart 217
Heaven, Kingdom of 238
achieving 238
Homosexuality 206-207
Holy feeling 256
Holy Mind 259
Holy Word 255-264
Honoring others 159
Horse 220
I am 87, 217
who am 87, 89
Illusion 7, 8, 152
confirming its reality 215, 263
cubes 160
definition 149-150
depths of 163-166
disavowal of 156
expressing 234
how created 217
let go of 257
look at and dismiss 156-158
nature of 245, 249
of Truth 233
perception of Self 213
versus Reality 145-166, 192
Immaculate Conception 124, 197
Indifference 158-159
Individuality 237-238
as personality 238
defined 238
non-existent 246
perceived need to be 216
Infinite Life 132-133, 192
Being 178
Infinite Universe 79
Infinity 19
Intellectual knowing 214
Intimacy 161-163
Isolation choosing to abandon 136
Issues, energizing 156
Jesus 123-144, 223-224
communion with 240-244, 255
ego 244
"I am the Love of the Father" 256, 259
incarnations of 125
journeys 135
moment of awakening 131
purpose 129, 137-141
representation 239
returning? 142
to facilitate recognition of Self 247
Joseph 141
Joy 19, 131-132, 182-183
Judgement 150, 249
judging self 171, 249
Karma 94
Kingdom of Heaven 238
Know Your Self 250
Knowing 53, 236, 259
Lack 90-91
Laws of God 255
Lessons 93-94
Letting go 136, 231
as Indicator of Mind 72
after Death 198-199
avoiding 203
choose 201, 209-210
infinite 129, 132, 164, 192
Life Force 211-227
animals 219-222
Creation is 211, 215-217
God is the 214-217
emanates Love 214
expression of the Father 220
has no beginning or ending 214
individuated illusory 219-222
is conscious 222
joyful 263
of God 215-217
one 109, 217-222
single 219
you are the 215-222
Limitation 9, 10, 11, 90-91, 142, 157, 160, 195
abandon 180-181, 241
asking creates 90
defined 160
expressing 250
form is 214
inconsistency 180-181
individuality 246
imposed by you 214, 250
is a choice 194-198, 201
perception 213, 218, 250
plane of 244
releasing 221, 241
sense of 195, 241
there are no 158, 250
ridding 115, 152, 156-158, 201, 241, 250
separates us from the Mind of God 157-158, 194-195
without Limitation 195
Limitless 158
Loss, fear of 76
abates fear 242
art of 199
as Force of Universe 106, 160 [see Sympathy]
as Sympathy 108
choose 231
defined 26
embodiment of 199
expression of Self and God 160, 216-217
flow of is God and You 245
has no opposite 57, 129
is not Emotion 26
need for 95
need for expressing 160
of God 133, 139, 143, 159, 205
power of 90
releases fear 242
sharing 143
state of 251
teach only 27
is the creative force 160, 216-217
you are 90, 199, 251
You are an expression of the act of 160
Magic Formula 263
Maitreya 126
Manifestation 91
Manifesting 51, 78-83, 91, 172
Martyr 129
Meaning 172, 245
assigned to perception 218, 259
God's 226-227
lost 256
my 226-227
of perceptions 215, 263
of your thoughts 190
Medication 189-190
Michael of Nebadon 123
Mind 71, 117, 147-148
as Cause 36, 152-154
awareness 218
changing 238
healing your 259
is ageless 201
of the Christ 117-118, 208, 223-225
Life as Indicator of 72
One 4
pattern 165
source of pain 190
state of 125
Mind of His Son 143
Mind of God 23, 33, 79, 118, 123-125, 129, 131, 143, 147, 149, 152, 159-160, 174, 176, 204, 238, 240, 245
expressed through individuality 238
has no compassion 27
has no description 226
is Creation 229
is infinite 226
is not indifferent 158-159
is you 245, 259
Kingdom of Heaven 238
limitless 246
shared by all 246
Mind to Mind 108
Mind that moves All That Is 245
Mirror Principal 237
Misperception 128, 187
let go of, 248-250
Money 74, 87-88
Movement of Creation 235
Natural Forces 152
Nazareth 135
Need 79, 82
for Love 95
Negativity, Fear manifests 76
No Judgement is No Fear 234
No Time, no Space 143
Now 19, 169-171, 173-174, 177-179
Omnipresent 111
One 4, 89
answer 89
consciousness 219-222
life experience 224
Life Force 219-222
question 89
Mind 4
Power of 4
One thing to do 249
Know Yourself 249
Oneness 236
Open Circuit 233
Outside Influences 172
Ozone Layer 258
Pain 19, 128, 131, 149, 170-171
Altzheimer's Disease 203
fear of 189, 199
of rejection 203
originates in Beliefs 188-191
originates in Mind 171
thought creates 170
Paradise 238
Past 177-179
let go of 177-179
Lives 177-179
Patterns 93
of thinking 34
Peace 176, 181
accept 199
is the basis of all things 232, 242
Be at 140
choose 52, 75, 78
seek only 89
the only choice 52
awareness 218, 248-249
changing 150, 153, 159, 172, 193, 263
healing of your 259
limited 213, 218
misunderstanding 217
need to see separation 226
of perfection 239, 240
Perfection 87, 152, 174, 187, 193
Creation is 249
is only an Idea 249
is Will of God 193
nature 249
one Whole 237
seeing in others 237, 249
There is only 149, 249
Personality 108, 238
Physicality 194
Plague 204
Planetary Prince 123-124
Planning 172-174
Playground 226
Point, Central 40
Polarity 155, 180-181
Power of Belief 170
Power of One 4
Present, being 169-171, 177-179
Pretending 13, 155
Problems 156, 242-243
choosing not to have 243
Projection 215
Protected 218
feeling of 218
no need for 219
Protesting own beliefs 149-150
Purpose 138, 236
Quimby process 170; [see also Belief, Power of]
Radionics 191
Rain Forest 258
Reaction 92-93
Reactive state 93
Reality 128, 145-166, 225, 232, 249
Reality of God 259
Realized frame of mind 234
is Creation 234
Reincarnation 177-179
Rejection 13
Altzheimer's Disease 203
pain of 203
Relationships 161-163
Opportunity to express Love 161-163
Sexual 162-163
Special 161, 208-210
Value of 161-162
Remembering 144
Remember only this 242
Remorse 231
Resistance 187, 233
as circuit breaker 233
fear 231
give up 234
judgement creates 231, 232
lack of 233
Resonance 171
Resurrection 133
Right Mind 159, 256
River Jordan 135
Quiet Voice 11
Sacrifice 129
no justification for 129
Safety 174, 262
Save the world 159
Second Coming 142
Self Victimized 156
Security 174
Seeking 111
Self, Belief in 169
Divinity 231
essence of 246
esteem, lack of 203
experiencing 182, 238
Greater 126-127, 174-176
illusion 236
in others 231
love 189
loving 199
memory of Self returns 236
natural 199
not trusting 13
recognition of 131, 157-160, 178, 199, 231
remembering Self 236, 243, 258
understanding 231
victimizing 156
whole 11, 123, 128, 154, 174
withholding love from 95
create illusion 231
limiting 229, 240
Senility 201-202
effect of low self-worth 202
form of Amnesia 170
future is 23
healing of 115
illusion of 223-225
inconsistency 180-181
is resistance 233
justification for 216 [see Individuality]
no 157, 231, 246
process of 233
recognizing 237
releasing sense of 237-239
Sex 161-163
Homosexuality 206-207
value of 161-163
Simplicity, voice of 264
Sin 204
Son of God, 125, 129, 136, 189, 224-235
assumes any form desired 226
creates universe 226
only one 239
within Mind of God 239
you are 235, 239
Son, Mind of His 143
Sorting out 232
Soulmate 208-210
Source 128
acknowledging 237
disconnected 232
Whole 237
Space 143
Spirit Essence 245
thought of God 245
Spirit of Thought of God 245
Star, creating 196
State of Mind 125, 238, 240-241
Stream of Consciousness 246-247
of feeling 247
flow of 247
of Love 247
Struggle 164, 169
Suffering not of God 131
not required by God 189
Suicide 198-199
Sum Total of All 71
Surrender 12, 13, 232-236
to God 250
Sympathy / Love 108
Symptoms healing of 190
Teach Only Love 27
Teaching 248-249
not possible, 248-249
That Which Is 233
The Urantia Book 123-124
There is only Perfection 149
Thinking Creates Fear 53
described 172
habits of 238-239
patterns 34
Thomas 134
Thought and Feeling 55
brought into form 189
creates disturbance 187
creates pain 170
essence of Spirit 245
impediments 187
managing 172, 241
of God 13, 245
Patterns 95, 241 [see Engram]
projections 172
System 85 154 [see Belief System]
God's 151
Time 37, 143, 156-157, 169-171
belief in 19, 258
concept of 19
created by you 258
does not exist in Reality 258, 262-263
fear gives meaning to 19
is illusion
is a limitation or bar to Awakening 157
not created by God 258
warp 257
Tree one with 221-222
space of 243
yourself 173-174
illusion of 233
of God 233, 248-249, 263
perception of 115, 263
principle 260
simplicity 264
state of 193
The Whole 22, 117-118
Unified Mind 108
Unconditional Love 159
Unknown does not exist 242
Unrealized 233
Unworthiness 71
Vibrational medicine 191
Victim 156, 204, 258
impossible to be 259
Victimized 93
of Self 156
Virus 204
Visualization 190
Voice of God 227
Wake Up 177-179, 194, 250
War 77, 152
We Are It 242
We are One 223-225, 229, 239
Who am I? 87-89
Whole Mind 174, 223-225
Whole Self 174-175
Wholeness 8, 239, 245-246
Will 132
Will of God 131
is Creation 235
you express 235
Willful defined 175
Willfulness 174
Willingness vs Willfulness 56, 111, 174
to acknowledge truth 245
to let go of misconception 245
Wisdom 259
Withholding Love from Self 95
Holy 255-264
Words 116
Words are tools of the intellect 116
decaying 261
does not change 193
does not need healing 259
expressed by you 260
healing the 4
is within you 260
reflects your belief in you 261
reflects your belief in God 261
saving 159
victim of your perception 261
you create 260-261
perceived need to be 216
Yielding, not 48 [see Surrender]
are an expression of the act of Love 160
are awake right now 258, 263
are Christ 226, 239
are Divinity 243, 262
are expression of Creation 232, 245
are flow of God 236
are God expressing Himself 142, 215, 217
are Home 250
are It 242
are light of Christ 231
are Love 231, 242
are loving light 231
are meaning of God 236
are movement of Creation 235
are nature of Creation 245
are protected 262
are Spirit Essence 245
are the Life Force called Creation 215, 217
are the only expression of God 245
conductor for flow of Creation 236
create universes 226
Divinity 231
express the world 260-261
expressing All That Is 258
expression of Creation 235-236
expression of God 235-236, 256
function 235
God expresses Himself as 142, 215
God in actualization 236
One thing to do 249
Know Your Self 250
natural state is perfect 261
nothing exists outside of 215, 217
One thing to do 249
perfection, 249
purpose is 235, 236, 256
Reality of 259
Son of God 235
Totality of You 216
vehicle for the expression of God 235
Wholeness 245
Will of God 235
See Also
Christ Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness
Mind Force
Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius
Will Force