"Given that force can be exerted by an act of will, do we understand the mechanism by which this is done? And if there is a gap in our knowledge between the conscious idea of a motion and the liberation of muscular energy needed to accomplish it, how do we know that a body may not be moved without ordinary material contact by an act of will? Keely contends that all metallic substances after having been subjected to a certain order of vibration may be so moved. "Scientists are verging rapidly toward the idea that immense volumes of energy exist in all conditions of corpuscular space. I accept Prof. Stoney's idea that an apsidal motion might be caused by an interaction between high and low tenuous matter, but such conditions, even of the highest accelerated motion are too far down below the etheric realm to influence it sympathetically, even in the most remote way. The conception of the molecule disturbing the ether, by electrical discharge from its parts is not correct... the highest conditions associated with electricity come under the fourth descending order of sympathetic conditions. The conjecture as regards the motion being a series of harmonic elliptic ones, accompanied by a slow apsidal one, I believe to be correct... The combination of these motions would necessarily produce two circular motions of different amplitudes whose differing periods might correspond to two lines of the spectrum as conjectured, and lead the experimenter, perhaps, into a position corresponding to an ocular illusion. Every line of the spectrum, I think, consists not of two close lines, but of compound triple lines; though not until an instrument has been constructed, which is as perfect in its parts as is the sympathetic field that environs matter, can any truthful conclusion be arrived at from demonstration." [Keely]
Contemporary science is founded on far too low a level of knowledge. The dying forests, the wasting fields and meadows, the polluted waters and the mind- and body-crippling industries are frightening warning signs of a total failure to appreciate the true workings of Nature. Through false pictures of the world, world-views and the ways of working arising from them, science unconsciously or consciously arrested the build-up of quality matter, thus committing the greatest stupidity or the greatest crime; the crime against the spiritual germinating force. It inhibited the transformation of matter into [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
"In the consciousness of earthly or material forces there enters all the attributes of the physical, fleshy body. In the subconscious there enters the attributes of Soul forces, and of the conscious forces. In the superconscious there enters the subconscious forces, and spiritual discernment and development." Cayce (900-16)
Bob Proctor
"The law of gender decrees there is a gestation or incubation period for the manifestation of all seeds, and, make no mistake about it, the image of wealth you chose to build on the screen of your conscious mind and then turned over to your subconscious mind is a seed; and it is growing into physical form, in the most fertile field of which you could ever conceive." [Bob Proctor, You Were Born Rich, page 98]
See Also
Christ Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness
Figure 18.06 - Hubbard Tone Scale of Degrees or Levels of Consciousness
Levels of Consciousness
Mind Force the hidden Scalar Force
18.03 - Hubbard Scale of Consciousness
18.14 - Mind is the Ultimate Scalar Quantity