Edgar Cayce, also known as The Sleeping Prophet left a legacy of over 14,000 psychic readings on a variety of subjects. He is credited with starting the organic wholistic health movement.
I got started with SVP in this library in April, 1984. It was an amazing time of rediscovery. Finding Keely and His Discoveries book on a shelf there set my feet on the path I would follow to this day. [Dale Pond]

Association for Research and Enlightenment
Cayce Thought for the Day
Cayce Science Readings
Nikola Tesla in the Cayce readings
I had been born again in 2158 A.D. in Nebraska. the sea apparently covered all of the western part of the country, as the city where I lived was on the coast. The family name was a strange one. At an early age as a child I declared myself to be Edgar Cayce who had lived 200 yrs. before. Scientists, men with long beards, little hair, and thick glasses, were called in to observe me. They decided to visit the places where I said I had been born, lived and worked, in Ky., Ala., N.Y., Mich., and Va. Taking me with them the group of scientists visited these places in along, cigar-shaped, metal flying ship which moved at high speed. Water covered part of Ala. Norfolk, Va. had become an immense seaport. N.Y. had been destroyed either by war or an earthquake and was being rebuilt. Industries were scattered over the countryside. Most of the houses were of glass.
Many records of my work as Edgar Cayce were discovered and collected. The group ret'd to Nebraska taking the records with them to study.
(A) These experiences, as has oft been indicated, come to the body in those manners in which there may be help, strength, for periods when doubt or fear may have arisen. As in this experience, there were about the entity those influences which appeared to make for such a record of confusion as to appear to the material or mental-minded as a doubting or fearing of those sources that made for the periods through which the entity was passing in that particular period.
And the vision was that there might be strength, there might be an understanding that though the moment may appear as dark, though there may be periods of the misinterpreting of purposes, even THESE will be turned into that which will be the very proof itself in the experiences of the entity and those whom the entity might, whom the entity would in its experience through the earth plane, help; and those to whom the entity might give hope and understanding.
This then is the interpretation. As has been given, 'Fear not.' Keep the faith; for those that be with thee are greater than those that would hinder. Though the very heavens fall, though the earth shall be changed, though the heavens shall pass, the promises in Him are sure and will stand - as in that day - as the proof of thy activity in the lives and hearts of those of thy fellow man.
For indeed and in truth ye know, "As ye do it unto thy fellow man, ye do it unto thy God, to thyself." For, SELF effaced, God may indeed glorify thee and make thee STAND as one that is called for a purpose in the dealings, the relationships with thy fellow man.
Be not unmindful that He is nigh unto thee in every trial, in every temptation, and hath not willed that thou shouldest perish.
Make thy will then one with His. Be not afraid.
That is the interpretation. That the periods from the material angle as visioned are to come to pass matters not to the soul, but do thy duty TODAY! TOMORROW will care for itself.
These changes in the earth will come to pass, for the time and times and half times are at an end, and there begin those periods for the readjustments. For how hath He given? "The righteous shall inherit the earth."
Hast thou, my brethren, a heritage in the earth?
See Also
Cayce Science Reading Index
Christ Consciousness
Coming Revolution of Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness
Dream dream symbols interpreted by Cayce
Figure 18.01 - Chart of Chakras Shown as Levels of Consciousness
Figure 18.06 - Hubbard Tone Scale of Degrees or Levels of Consciousness
Gertrude Cayce
Hope - Cayce says Russia will be the hope of the world
Laws in the Cayce Readings
Levels of Consciousness
Life Reading
Mind is the Builder
Mind of God
Mind Over Matter
Mind to Mind
New Era of Consciousness
One Mind
Remote Viewing
Revelation - Book of Revelation interpreted by Edgar Cayce
Tesla and Cayce
victim consciousness
9.15 - The I AM Consciousness
18.00 - Mind as Cause
18.03 - Hubbard Scale of Consciousness
18.04 - Mind Defined - Cayce
18.05 - Mind is the Builder - Cayce
18.08 - Ideals Guide Mind - Cayce
18.16 - Mind as Healer - Cayce
18.21 - Psychic Abilities are of the Mind
18.23 - Remote Viewing