noun: loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person
noun: complete confidence in a person or plan etc
noun: a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
noun: institution to express belief in a divine power
’’"I shall not forestall an unproved conclusion, but fight step by step the dark paths I am exploring, knowing that, should I succeed in proving one single fact in science heretofore unknown, I shall in so doing be rewarded in the highest degree. In whatever direction the human mind travels it comes quickly to a boundary line which it cannot pass. There is a knowable field of research, bordered by an unknown tract. My experience teaches me how narrow in the strip of territory which belongs to the knowable, how very small the portion that has been traversed and taken possession of. The further we traverse this unknown territory, the stronger will become our faith in the immovable order of the world; for, at each advancing step, we find fresh fruits of the immutable laws that reign over all things,- from the falling apple, up to the thoughts, the words, the deeds, the will of man: and we find these laws irreversible and eternal, order and method reigning throughout the universe. Some details of this universal method have been worked up, and we know them by the names of 'gravitation,' 'chemical affinity,' 'nerve-power,' etc. These material certainties are as sacred as moral certainties. . . . The nearest approaches to a certainty is made through harmony with nature's laws. The surest media are those which nature has laid out in her wonderful workings. The man who deviates from these paths will suffer the penalty of a defeat, as is seen in the record of 'perpetual motion' seekers. I have been classed with such dreamers; but I find consolation in the thought that it is only by those men who are utterly ignorant of the great and marvellous truths which I have devoted my life to demonstrate and to bring within reach of all. I believe the time is near at hand when the principles of etheric evolution will be established, and when the world will be eager to recognize and accept a system that will certainly create a revolution for the highest benefits of mankind, inaugurating an era undreamed of by those who are now ignorant of the existence of this etheric force."'' [Keely, Progressive Science]
Bob Proctor
“Faith,” he said, “is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible.” [Clarence Smithison, 'You Were Born Rich' by Bob Proctor]
The first person, who had unconsciously to grapple with this disastrous development, was Galilei, whose discovery that the Earth itself moved, caused an immense uproar in secular and religious scientific circles. Galilei was forced to recant, although he recanted his recantation shortly before his death. This he did at a moment when he could no longer be harmed by those, who like past dictators used similar means to torture those whose opinion differed from theirs, believing they could re-instill faith through the agonies of torture. His opponents, however, who were just as dangerous as they were ruthless, had practically no alternative but to acknowledge this new fact. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
In the following a ticklish theme will be addressed briefly, about which it is difficult to remain objective for a variety of reasons. Even in the present situation it is not an easy matter not to say too much, nor too little. In a certain sense, a golden middle way must be sought in order to identify clearly those things that which will determine the future fate of humanity. A way out will also be shown to those who have suffered serious setbacks from every quarter, leaving many a bitter after-taste behind. In many instances, these were reminiscent of the religious inquisitions, when it was also believed that a person's faith could be fortified with all manner of instruments of torture. Similar torment had to be endured by the people, which will be just as little forgotten as the satyr-like excesses of those who, as former dictators, should be held responsible for the most heinous offences. For the German people these will foreshadow a lasting shame, although throughout the ages there were people, who did precisely such things whenever their retention of power was threatened - a sign that there was no other solution to keeping their heads above water a little longer. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
The armies of Faith and Science, instead of fighting side by side, too often oppose each other, and as the Archbishop of York remarked in his speech at the last meeting of the Christian Evidence Society, "The undue disposition on the part of Science to come into conflict with Religion, stirs up, on the part of Religion and religious men, a disposition to quarrel with Science." Indeed we all deeply need more solemn feelings of our own littleness, and the greatness of our Almighty Creator. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme3, page 45]
"So long as music was taught primarily for worship, and to proclaim the immortality of man by the inestimable gift of the Royal Ransomer, it culminated to wonders upon wonders." "Noble teachers yield noble teaching, and from such seed the reaping is noble music. To rear the musician with knightly, faithful, and pure feelings, he must believe in his mission and its reward. The law of his life must be the advancement of his art, or rather God's art, given for the honour of the Deity and the elevation of humanity." "The Apostle Paul tells us that we are to teach one another in music, and the greatest doctor in theology, the mightiest defender of the Faith, has been the giant Handel in his oratorio of The Messiah. We are told that 'the nineteenth century is weary of the religion of Christ,' and the bright smile of the English boy and the sweet face of the English girl are no longer to be gladdened by the teachings of the holy mystery. The Devil is the strongest opponent to music in its right intention." [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Fragments from Dr. Gauntlett's Last Note-book, page 51]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"When I had moments of doubt that this could be so, the changes in the phenomena stopped taking place, and much later, I discovered that:
It was at this point, that I came to realize the powerful effect that CONVICTION or unwavering FAITH had on the environment when stating a command or even a belief.
What was even more startling was my mind-opening, 'cosmic consciousness' realization that all I had been witnessing was really the 'Creative Power' of Divine Mind Itself made visible in the 'shimmer of tiny motes'. Not only this, its appearance could be profoundly affected by the activity of human thought." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 11]
"I was about to rebuke his lack of faith when I realized he was gone." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 20]
"Again, I tried to make them understand the Power of Faith.
In the gospels, it has been stated I said that if a man had faith the size of a mustard seed he would be able to move mountains.
This statement is a misinterpretation of what I truly said and it reveals how little my disciples and gospellers understood my teachings when we were on earth.
If a person were to have 'faith' the size of a mustard seed - what does that mean? How can you measure faith in such a way?
Faith is faith.
It is a 'power of total conviction' in the mind, possessing the mind and cannot be restricted in 'size'.
Faith, arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a belief will serve your purposes in some way, can be powerful and strong, but never could it be estimated in 'size'! Belief is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. Because you have heard something and been convinced that what you have heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief in what you have heard. You believe it to be true. You believe in a total, complete way which defies contradiction.
I was constantly telling the people: 'Believe you will receive - and you will receive'.
However, I knew at the time, that it would be well nigh impossible for the people to ever have the faith which would cause miracles to happen, since no matter how much I might explain Truth to them, they would still never have the intense knowing given me in the desert.
But now, as I relate, in small measure, the story of my sojourn on earth in Palestine, it is with the intention that you, my reader, will begin to perceive and understand the knowledge I was given during my enlightenment.
My intention is to give you knowledge. Hearsay is when you are told something but you cannot really prove it is true. Knowledge is when you are told something - or read something - and because what you have now heard or read complies logically and realistically with all related items of knowledge already in your mind, and you can understand and believe it in a realistic, logical way, the new information becomes knowledge. You KNOW that what you now 'know' is TRUE. You have a sense of 'conviction'.
In the LIGHT OF CHRIST's SPIRITUAL TRUTH, doctrines become meaningless & are swiftly jettisoned from the illuminated mind.
page 65
Letter 3-09
Up to this time, some of you have had faith in 'Jesus Christ' but you have been like precocious children. Your faith has been partially blind and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt.
Therefore, whatever you needed to be done for you, you depended on 'Jesus' for the work to be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what you believe you have derived directly from 'Jesus' has been your own 'faith in Jesus' made visible in the form of things asked for.
Whilst this child-like 'faith' is very important to your well-being, those of you who are capable of moving onward on the spiritual path to perfection, must now reach a deeper level of true knowledge of the relation between mind and 'matter'. Without this foundation, people will continue to flounder in religious myths and will be locked into the misery of the human condition.
When I was on earth, I spoke Truth to the people, but it was continually misinterpreted. What I really said regarding faith, was this:
'You see this great big tree. It has grown out of the tiniest seed imaginable. See the vast trunk and branches and foliage. All that enormous growth has come out of a small seed.
'How did such a thing come about? From whence came all the wood in the tree and the foliage which adorns it! Is not this as much a miracle as are the miracles I perform for you, day after day? Is not the growth of this tree as much the work of the 'Father' as the healing which takes place in sick people? 'I ask you - what is a seed? Can you tell me? No - you cannot. But I will tell you.
'It is a tiny entity of 'consciousness knowledge'. It is the 'consciousness knowledge' of what it will become. It is a fragment of 'consciousness' drawn from 'Divine Creative Consciousness'.
'It is a fragment of mind power drawn from 'Father Mind Power' ... which, when planted in the earth and watered by rain, will begin to clothe itself with the visible 'matter' of which it possesses knowledge, deep within itself. This knowledge is true, it is firm, it is strong and undeviating. This self-knowledge embodied in the seed, is a conviction in 'consciousness'.
'All of life forms arise out of this one-pointed self-knowledge - a 'conviction of consciousness'.
This 'conviction of consciousness' is what separates the inanimate soil and rocks from all that lives and grows upon the face of the earth. Where there is no 'conviction of consciousness' or 'knowledge of identity' there is no growth. The consciousness within soil and rocks remains 'consciousness' in a dormant form.
'If you could carry within your mind, a seed - the perfected plan of your most heartfelt goals, and know beyond all doubt, that it can grow and come into perfect fruition, you would see this wonderful seed take on a life of its own which would presently manifest in your life.
'And you could surely move the mountains in your lives - those mountains which stand across your path and prevent you from achieving all that you would like ... mountains which, in times of recklessness and evil thinking have been created by yourselves.
'If you only understood creation and existence, you would be able to live lives of total freedom, limitless achievement and transcendent joy. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 64-65]
"No matter if a person is born handicapped - they still have their unique place of importance in the family, the environment. Sometimes, they occupy a greater position of importance than if they had been born whole and perfect. Their achievements arouse wonder and respect.
"The impact they make on the environment depends entirely on their will to be, their will to act, their will to radiate good will, their will to make the most of their opportunities, their will to be special for people by making other people feel better than they did before the contact took place.
"Every condition arises out of the WILL which is exercised at all times.
"Some have been born with great willpower, others with less, but the moment that a person fully realises that all WILLPOWER has been drawn from UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS and WILLPOWER can be increased by calling on one's SOURCE of BEING for increased willpower, so does the person begin to realise that willpower is not limited after all. It can be drawn, according to the magnitude and strength of one's faith, from UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS Itself." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 7]
"Know this and you will find your faith strengthening.
"Your faith remains weak because you only hope, or wish, or magnetically 'want to' tune into LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS, because you hope you will derive some benefit from the exercise." [Christ Letters - Letter 8, page 24]
". . . for he that seeks the Lord must believe that He is, would they find Him; for one doubting has already builded that barrier that prevents the proper understanding, whether as to physical, mental or spiritual attributes, or spiritual aid, or mental aid, or physical aid; for that in faith sought for shall be thine, even as was given, "Be my people and I will be your God." [Cayce (459-1)]
"Faith, the substance of things hoped for, evidences of things unseen. Using that known brings those attunements, those emoluments in every form, that makes for CREATIVE Forces in themselves - which is, must be, the basis of faith." [Cayce 262-12]
"If you don't have faith in others, how can you have faith in the Creator? If you don't have faith in the Creator, how can you find it in yourself? Keep sweet, keep true, keep earnest!" [Cayce (5079-1)]
"Confidence, then, is of the material or of the physical sense - while FAITH is an attribute of the soul and spiritual body." [Cayce 281-10]
"Be patient, keep in the way and in the faith. And those things that are necessary are added unto thee. For the earth is the Lord's and the fullness there. Keep the faith. This is sufficient, this is thy supply, this is thy way. " [Cayce 845-4]
"The greater FAITH - rather than confidence - in His promises makes for STRENGTH in body and mind to meet those things necessary. Let the DESIRES of the Physical grow less, as the desires of the spiritual would make thee strong in His might." [Cayce 333-1]
"Faith. As each have their own concept of faith, as to whether this is grounded in experience in relationship to life's activities in the material, or to the activities in the mental, depends much upon what has been held as the ideal of that individual." [Cayce 262-14]
Paulo Coelho
"Faith is not Desire. Faith is Will.
Desires are things that need to be satisfied, whereas Will is a force. Will changes the space around us,..." [Paulo Coelho]
See Also
Are Physical and Spiritual Energies Identical
Ernest Hemingway
Faith by Science - The Dawn of a New Order of Things
spiritual science