

The first person, who had unconsciously to grapple with this disastrous development, was Galilei, whose discovery that the Earth itself moved, caused an immense uproar in secular and religious scientific circles. Galilei was forced to recant, although he recanted his recantation shortly before his death. This he did at a moment when he could no longer be harmed by those, who like past dictators used similar means to torture those whose opinion differed from theirs, believing they could re-instill faith through the agonies of torture. His opponents, however, who were just as dangerous as they were ruthless, had practically no alternative but to acknowledge this new fact. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

See Also

atheistic materialism

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday July 31, 2022 04:33:43 MDT by Dale Pond.