The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy as the Naturalesque Source of Mechanical Power
Leonstein, August 1945, (Schauberger Archives)
In the following a ticklish theme will be addressed briefly, about which it is difficult to remain objective for a variety of reasons. Even in the present situation it is not an easy matter not to say too much, nor too little. In a certain sense, a golden middle way must be sought in order to identify clearly those things that which will determine the future fate of humanity. A way out will also be shown to those who have suffered serious setbacks from every quarter, leaving many a bitter after-taste behind. In many instances, these were reminiscent of the religious inquisitions, when it was also believed that a person's faith could be fortified with all manner of instruments of torture. Similar torment had to be endured by the people, which will be just as little forgotten as the satyr-like excesses of those who, as former dictators, should be held responsible for the most heinous offences. For the German people these will foreshadow a lasting shame, although throughout the ages there were people, who did precisely such things whenever their retention of power was threatened - a sign that there was no other solution to keeping their heads above water a little longer.
In every case, however, it was always those who suffered either from too great a trust or from a belief in salvation already bordering on insanity, and therefore incapable of judging for themselves, who had to pay the penalty. Thus they became the victims of those, who already knew how to manipulate history so cleverly, that in the end all that was left for the unsuspecting co-travellers on this road, was to be hung along with the guilty. And thus they were doubtlessly sympathetic towards the present English Labour Party, when it no longer felt obliged to support those elements of British foreign policy of the preceding decade, which in the House of Commons had been criticised by the rank and file of the Labour movement. So much briefly for politics per se in regard to the universal analysis of day-to-day political decision-making, which plays such a major role in these present times that it is just as difficult to obtain an overview and assessment of it, as it is the contents of pastoral letters, or the quite uncanny silence of those, who as perhaps the most successful businessmen, have the keenest interest in the present state of affairs, but who say absolutely nothing about it for the time being. For many centuries my forefathers served as foresters under the bishop's crook and being in this particular profession, experienced things an outsider could never even imagine. This is because the foresters's whole approach to life predisposes him to expect the full measure of certain human weaknesses.
The behaviour of the timber merchants was therefore not totally unfamiliar to him, who in this regard and in other ways too would think nothing of thoroughly taking the next good fellow for a ride whenever the opportunity presented itself.
As a former Master of the Wilderness and hunting guide to a princely house, I myself have had a profound insight into the customs and practices of those circles, who consider it a matter of course to exploit their underlings as a means to an end, so as to be able to enjoy their lives and occasionally to afford themselves pleasures, which, were it conceivably possible, would even bring a blush to the face of a lecherous old buck well versed in such affairs. In any event, charity has never yet been the motivating sentiment of those, who coined this beautiful word or who made all manner of promises on this account, which were impossible to keep from the very outset for reasons that will be elaborated in greater detail in what follows. This should not be viewed as a cheap critique, however, but rather as a necessity in order to expose the root of the evil and thus place a finger on the actual wound. With very few exceptions, this will be experienced as painful or at least as unpleasant. Unless this is done, however, the concept of an 'economy founded on reactive energies' cannot be explained.
Without 'reaction' there would be no growth and further development, no increase of any kind, and no qualitative improvement. Similarly there would be no refined matter, no raw material, no motion and no life.
What triggers this reaction is the well-known dynamics of the sexual urge, which re-establishes equilibrium between intolerable differences in tension and potential. Because these differences are always present, this original form of movement will constantly be provoked by a motivating force that never wanes. As a form of motion, we are here primarily concerned with the motion that the Earth has demonstrated to us since the beginning of time. Referred to as 'cycloid-space-curve-motion', it is synonymous with what the naturalistic doctor calls the 'life-creating life-spiral', and the biotechnologist calls 'double screw-form wave motion'.
It is common knowledge that Galilei discovered this motion and because of it, suffered a veritable martyrdom. Up to now nobody has been able to explain why secular and religious science were so hugely disturbed by this discovery. Since then there has no longer been any doubt that the Earth rotates about its own axis. Why it does so, and what purpose is served by this peculiar inclined, gyrating motion, which oscillates to and fro along two different axes has so far never been explained.[5]
Every attempt to provide an explanation was thwarted due to the strenuous resistance of those, who had already made Galilei's life difficult. This awoke in me such a interest in the true nature of this peculiar and unique motion,
[5] See figs. 6a, 6b & 7, Nature as Teacher, Vol. II of the Ecotechnology series. — Ed.
that I made it my life's work to investigate it down to the smallest details. In spite of the victimisation and harassment, this intention was also carried through to the point where, as perhaps the only one who really knew, I had the right to expose with ruthless clarity, the reasons why even today this explanation is still so opposed and no stone left unturned to suppress it.
Since there would be little point in providing a long and detailed preliminary scientific explanation, a simple example that can be understood by everyone will suffice to explain the nature of this form of motion, which we all have to thank for all we see around us or are otherwise aware of. Only one thing remains hidden from us and that is the 'reactive' temperature-form. This actually involves higher undetectable temperature differences, which reveal the presence of two opposing 'ur-primordial' primary substances, which explain the profound mystery of the genesis of all life or inner motion. Since this will invalidate all forms of contemporary belief and science, it seems to be the real reason why an explanation is shunned in such circles.
Whether this is intentional or unintentional will not and cannot be addressed here. One thing should be emphasised at the outset, namely, that it is futile to continue to oppose this explanation, which is in the interest of all humanity, because widespread interest in this mysterious form of motion has already been so aroused that no power on Earth is in a position to frustrate it.
But now to the example mentioned earlier: In the 'normal' course of cellar fermentation two different (reactive and active) temperature differences (this two-fold concept will be described later) trigger off that special form of motion which, after the expulsion of the less valuable in two opposite directions, gives rise to ethereal energetic matrices that also operate in the same two directions. A destructive force that self-intensifies by the square is activated, whose function is to return to the Earth as quickly as possible, everything that would inflict damage on that which explains all life and movement, and which moves in the other direction (vertically) towards its objective.
This self-generating force, which also intensifies by the square, not only refutes above all the conservation of energy law, the law of gravity and the Second Law of Thermodynamics; in short, all rigid laws of whatever kind, but also renders just as invalid, all those basic tenets and principles impossible in Nature, such as the dogmatic axioms of theology. By enshrining these so-called laws, both science and theology have committed several blunders, and through this identification of their intentionally or unintentionally promulgated fallacies, have made fools of themselves for all time. In any event, they gained an advantage in this way, the loss of which will now for the first time reveal the unholy consequences of the greatest deception, although it could merely be self-deceit. For if the process is reversed, i.e. if the form of motion actuated by the above temperature differences is given first place in naturalesquely constructed and shaped development-facilitating devices,
then even higher forms of temperature influence evolve with which all that we so commonly call 'growth' can be regulated at will. In addition, we are provided with waxing, self-generating motive forces, which intensify by the square, making mechanical power of every kind virtually free of cost and therefore worthless according to today's values. According to higher concepts, however, they become valuable for the first time, for in comparison the motive forces in use today are not only as good as worthless, but are also responsible for the fact that things are deteriorating all the more rapidly, the wider the scope of today's technology, or its intensification. This realisation is consistent with the fact that this excremental technology, which exploits these perverted energies for propulsion, is virtually at an end, because oil is already in short supply and the stocks of wood and coal are quite unable to cover the demand. As things now stand, nobody knows what is to replace them.
We shall now address what is encompassed by the title of this article. Rather than present a long and detailed description or explanation, the only proper course of action would simply be to demonstrate the new source of energy, as most people would suggest. Certainly that would be the right thing to do. However, various reasons argue against this, which should and must be taken into account. Firstly, in the present times [immediately post-WW II] it is not at all easy to obtain the necessary materials, suitable skilled labour, machines, etc., all of which are required to fabricate these bio-machines. Moreover, and understandably so, a justifiable disbelief also prevails when such Utopian things are to be produced and also have to be explained in order to begin the laborious creation of a first prototype, because today nobody can be motivated to work on frivolities. Over the last few years extremely hard work was done under almost impossible conditions and the most extraordinary results achieved, all of which seemed ordained to arouse a zest for further work. However, the desire to work is by no means overwhelming and entirely justifiable suspicion is everywhere. This is compounded by the fact that in spite of all the curiosity, nobody wants to be ridiculed for being taken for a ride by a supposed visionary.
All this is more or less irrelevant, however, because the preliminary work has now reached a point where these difficulties will somehow yet be overcome, because the whole thing can be looked at from many angles. Moreover, because no responsibility must be carried for this indubitably fantastic affair, some will therefore participate when nothing is risked by doing so, because everything will be honestly and properly paid for, which even these days, when money is nothing more than a scrap of more or less beautifully printed paper, is a normal incentive for those, who gladly accumulate funds for their future leisure or out of sheer passion to succeed.
The second reason why one cannot merely blurt out the news about the Repulsine (see figs. 30-33) and the Repulsator (see figs. 24-26) is because the
already very shaky scientific edifice would come tumbling down, if the full scope of the reactive energy economy should become known too quickly. An upheaval of such a kind would then arise, which could not be endured in these days of food shortages, and the baby would be thrown out with the bath-water by those, who have only one idea left: somehow to struggle through life and to be free of all problems. Were this implemented, however, then the most marvellous things would come to life again, which compared to the present world situation would be a paradise. The trick therefore is - how do I tell the innocent children that the end has come for all manner of lusts for power, because a natural power is now appearing, before which everything else must unconditionally capitulate. Today this new power rejoices over the victory, which was brought about by the fact that the Germans - and this can be examined from any desired viewpoint - were unfortunately the best exponents of a technology founded on faecal matter. Unhappily they exploited precisely those expulsive energies that enable us, for example, to rid ourselves of those substances so vital to the Earth for maintaining the eternal renewal of her motive forces. With the aid of these earthly and other waste materials she recreates everything anew, which our evolutionally older descendants absolutely require for their various necessities of life. For this reason wise Nature will not hesitate much longer before she clears everything off the green dissection-table with a single sweep of the hand, as it were, upon which, using decimal scales and an inch ruler, attempts were made to discover the 'essence', namely, that which provides for the weight and measure of all things. And thus, instead of specific elements they found absolutely heavy remnants, which they then declared to be 'atoms'. That these remnants of a former organic whole, which have been artificially rendered potential-less (stripped of life-force, so to speak), interact in a lively fashion, is quite obvious. Under no circumstances, however, do the products of synthesis that produce higher quality products come into being in this way, but only active forms of heat and cold. These promote the process of decay through further interactions, which in turn give rise to the decomposive and retrogressive factors that promote an accelerated disintegration as well as the annihilating energies that intensify by the square. That these energy-forms, which foster decomposition and are possessed of a force of resistance that increases by the square, contradict the irrational assumption that they actually further the build-up of culture, is perhaps only incomprehensible to those who know nothing of the specific counter-elements and who, because of a tragic error, established the crowning law of contemporary technology, such that under all circumstances the resistance must increase by the square of the velocity. The specific counter-form, the upward falling weight as it were, comes into being when etherialised substances are transferred to the 4th dimension. This happens, due to the fact that negatively potentiated constituents of carbonic
acid are bio-centrifugated with the aid of cycloid-space-curve-motion and so strongly expanded by mechanical means, that they become free, unipolar, cool and highly active in a kind of ray-form. They consume (bind) the oxygenes which become inactive due to the effect of this reactive temperature influence, when these seminal substances[6], which concentrate around the longitudinal axis are dispersed mechanically. In this way they are made palatable as it were, in a manner similar to branches which, swayed up and down by the wind, prepare or pre-masticate the food for the young saplings growing under the protection of the mother-trees. The ultimate products of this digestive process are the high-grade forms of fructigen which, through a progressive series of transformative and formative processes, are produced in similar fashion, when one entity is consumed by a higher one, which in turn falls victim to an even higher lover. The fructigens thus produced are finally consumed by the Earth herself, who gives upward birth to primary products of synthesis, which are created through a progressive series of interactions involving the etherealisation of former fatty-matter derived, for example, from naturalesquely broken down and transformed worm-fat. This etherealising process then ur-produces the more highly influential substances in an energetic state, which the community of worm descendants once more brings to life and moves 'originally'.
However, to return once more to the cellar fermentation mentioned earlier, no combustible essential oils (alcohol formations) are formed, when through self-intensifying cooling influences, cold oxidising processes take place, which give rise to increased and qualitatively enhanced energy-forms, providing the metabolic process is reversed. That is to say, cycloid motion has to be initiated first. As a result, precisely those high-grade energy products arise, which influence the way in which the end-products and their later derivatives are created, and which then endow them with multiplying and quality improving potencies.
This perpetuum mobile is also involved when the developmental process is intensified with Repulsines and, for example, the substances contained in the air are subjected to the fermentation process outlined above. In this way the same thing is achieved practically and factually, but in a slightly different active form. In the same way that the end-products influence the more basic factors and cause them to move, they also cause them to be displaced upwards at cyclonic speeds; a process that also gives rise to reactive forms of temperature at the same time. Using these reactive temperature-forms the floor can be made warm in a rational way. In spite of the forces that help us to overcome our own body-weight so effortlessly, providing both metabolic processes
[6] Seminal or fertilising substances: This relates to oxygen in all its forms. In Viktor Schauberger's view oxygen is not of the Earth, but comes from above. As a lower provenance sunlight, it is male fertilising substance, whereas the mother substances, so called 'carbones' originate from within the Earth. — Ed.
function unimpededly, we still have to creep and crawl around on this floor in a way that houseflies cannot emulate, which are perhaps the only beneficiaries of these incongruous conventional methods of heating. These methods will also almost completely exhaust the reserves of coal, which is no longer available in sufficient quantity, or is impossible to deliver to the point of use with the present means of transport (the true energy-gluttons), even if sufficient quantities were available for this coming catastrophic winter [1945-46]. It is therefore understandable that those who are threatened with freezing to death and starvation will fall upon this new method of heating and transport like beasts of prey, unless the matter is put in hand with extreme caution. This is the principal reason why heating with mineral substances, with which reactive temperature-forms can be produced virtually without cost, must be inaugurated with great care. These reactive temperatures are activated merely when various allotropic substances are gently stimulated by active heat influences.
To say more about this here would be pointless, because up to now nobody knew anything about the ur-causal energies that dwell in every substance, and especially in very ordinary pebbles. When these are rubbed together under water they produce a gleam of cold light. This is an indication that the bipolar basic elements are mature, ready for release and can be used to generate those forms of temperature, which maintain us and all we see around us in the unstable thermal equilibrium that maintains health.
In an already higher form as invisible suspensions, these same substances are contained in the carrier of life-substances - water - and can be made free and active with the use of Repulsators. In their relatively highest evolved form these bacteriophagous threshold stocks are to be found in the air. These indifferent elements of intermediate substances can be liberated by means of cycloid-space-curve-motion in so-called Repulsines, resulting in the intimate fusing of the former carrier-substances, which exit from the lower end of the apparatus, and immediately interact with the surrounding difference-matter, namely substances of a highly polarised nature. This leads to the formation of new juvenile air, which strives to displace itself upwards, because this increased, qualitatively-improved, evolutionally-older air cannot mix with the surrounding older air-masses, which have a different potential.
Conversely, similar formative and levitative energies are created in front of the intake through primary processes of synthesis. These, for example, enable the trout to stand motionless in torrential streams, or to flee like lightning upstream when danger threatens. This is a phenomenon that cannot be explained mechanically, because the free-standing trout must not only over-come its own body-weight, but also the weight of the oncoming water. It overcomes this all the more easily, the more rapidly and torrentially the water containing these valuable threshold suspensions flows, which are reactivated
by the cycloid-space-curve systems of the trout's gills. In consort with the above supplementary energies, which squeeze the tear-shaped body of the trout forwards (see fig. 38(a), they then give rise to the above phenomenon. In a similar manner, naturalesquely constructed aeroplanes, submarines, or long-range weapons (air and water torpedoes) can be made to move silently through the air or water at any desired speed and almost without cost. Stationary machines of all kinds can also be powered by reactive fuels, which require neither mining nor other forms of extraction, because they are already present in superfluity. These are the allotropic bacteriophagous elements, which merely await the cycloid motive impulse in order to function as miniature dynamos and which through their translatory energies automatically produce the power that intensifies by the square. This explains the tremendously high velocities characteristic of those most highly developed expansive forces - ray formations.
In order to throw more light on their origins, there are two types of seeds:
1. Those responsible for all physical forms of growth, which according to their degree of maturity fall down and upon returning into the earth, germinate and produce the increased and qualitatively ennobled forms of growth. These are the provenances of sweet-matter (carbones), or the
2. Seminal fruits, which having fulfilled their reproductive function, become dormant, die off and become the seminal substances, as it were, for the creation of quality-matter, which after decomposition are then transmuted through 'cycloid-space-curve-motion'.
By means of progressive interactions with reactive forms of potential, this results in the segregation of those elements, which in the form of allotropic intermediate substances were left untouched, whereas the more inferior substances descend even further under even stronger influences of heat and are even further broken down. Once again what is still useful will be precipitated out and deposited, until the most inferior substances of all attain their relatively lowest state of evolvement and thereby their greatest degree of separation from the most noble, which on the other side has risen to the highest state. In terms of its height and depth, this is how the above threshold-element deposit comes into being. Therefore through a graduated process of deposition according to quality, the variously potentiated indifferent elements have different developmental periods. Those with a smaller separation interact earlier than the others, and logically, have to cover shorter developmental paths in order to reach the next higher evolved state.
The trick was then to discover the appropriate development-facilitating forms in which, through intensified cycloid motion, even the relatively low-quality seminal-fruits sucked in by Repulsines together with their carrier
substances of water or air, could also be whirled around at high speed in cycloid-space-curves. At the same time oligodynamic (decay-promoting) and catalytic (growth promoting) secondary influences also evolve and in this way the process of formation and transformation can take place within seconds due to the slip-pressures and suctional forces, which intensify by the square. This is how it is possible to build up the 'ur-primordial' levitative and supplementary forces in the form of metaphysical suctional and pressural forces almost without cost, in other words the creation of an energy-gradient, which 'ur-originates', as it were, from dynamic elements in a latent state. This opens the way for practically exploitable atom-transformation, or expressed otherwise, for the transubstantiation of former matter (fatty-matter) into negatively potentiated dynagens, those spiritual animating and dynamising energies; a transmutation that has been demonstrated many times over two millennia by the priest when making the symbolic sign of the cross over the Holy Grail - the extreme egg-shape (the calyx). All that hitherto was lacking was the practical design - the model - that proves what is actually obvious, namely, that with annihilating fire and decay-promoting forms of heat, no form of culture can develop. These models, which are now operational and available, merely await the 'extreme unction', as it were, in order to set them in motion and thus inaugurate a new age of development, wherein all privation and other problems will come to a natural end.
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