

When Keely's discovery has been made known to scientists, a new field of research will be opened up in the realm of Philosophy, where all eternal, physical, and metaphysical truths are correlated; for Philosophy has been well defined by Willcox as the science of that human thought which contains all human knowledges. He who possesses the structure of philosophic wisdom built up of all knowledges - grand and sublime - has a mental abode wherein to dwell which other men have not. Dr. Macvicar says:- "The nearer we ascend to the fountain-head of being and of action, the more magical must everything inevitably become, for that fountain-head is pure volition. And pure volition, as a cause, is precisely what is meant by magic; for by magic is merely meant a mode of producing a phenomenon without mechanical appliances - that is, without that seeming continuity of resisting parts and that leverage which satisfy our muscular sense and our imagination, and bring the phenomenon into the category of what we call 'the natural' - that is, the sphere of the elastic, the gravitating, the sphere into which the vis inertiae is alone admitted." In Keely's philosophy, as in Dr. Macvicar's "Sketch of a Philosophy," the economy of creation is not regarded as a theory of development all in one direction, which is the popular supposition, but as a cycle in which, after development and as its fruit, the last term gives again the first. Herein is found the link by which the law of continuity is maintained throughout, and the cycle of things is made to be complete: - the link which is missing in the popular science of the day, with this very serious consequence, that, to keep the break out of sight, the entire doctrine of spirit and the spiritual world is ignored or denied altogether." [The Fountain Head of Force]

The crowning law of today's technology is therefore no natural law, but the biological consequence of a tragic error of contemporary science. For if the naturalesque metabolic process is initiated through equally naturalesque impulses (il primo movere), then as the velocity increases owing to the additional input from the inwinding rotary current, the power increases by the square. The outcome of this developmental process is an almost cost-free, development-promoting mechanical power - the evolving water (viz. the atomised water vapour). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

No words suffice to castigate what nature-alienated individuals have perpetrated on their unsuspecting fellow human beings through ignorance or their desire to rule. There is only one thing to do: To point out the developments that we are experiencing today, namely the biological consequences of the disruption of Nature's water-balance through totally unnatural work practices. As a result, all those things, which that something that accompanies us faithfully and unselfishly from the cradle to the grave, requires for its coming into being and its original movement, will now have to travel the road to ruin. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

Today's forest, land, water and energy resources management and all branches of contemporary science - whatever the specialist discipline - are tragic mistakes, whose terrible consequences will only become apparent when the irrefutable truth has been grasped through practical demonstrations; when people see and understand what is created when any thing - above all air and water - is moved unnaturally and therefore wrongly. Through this absurd form of motion precisely that temperature-form is produced which gives rise to the developmentally harmful cavitation current that wise Nature uses to remove everything from the path of evolution, which for one reason or another is unfit for the growth and formation of the relatively highest quality. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

This self-generating force, which also intensifies by the square, not only refutes above all the conservation of energy law, the law of gravity and the Second Law of Thermodynamics; in short, all rigid laws of whatever kind, but also renders just as invalid, all those basic tenets and principles impossible in Nature, such as the dogmatic axioms of theology. By enshrining these so-called laws, both science and theology have committed several blunders, and through this identification of their intentionally or unintentionally promulgated fallacies, have made fools of themselves for all time. In any event, they gained an advantage in this way, the loss of which will now for the first time reveal the unholy consequences of the greatest deception, although it could merely be self-deceit. For if the process is reversed, i.e. if the form of motion actuated by the above temperature differences is given first place in naturalesquely constructed and shaped development-facilitating devices, [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]

The consequences of this defective motion are so great that there is only one thing left to do, namely to reveal the truth with brutal frankness; a truth which, as a Roman poet declared, has been so cleverly concealed that only the sages understood it. Those who think naively, however, continue to go astray. As the mentally castrated so to speak, they do not perceive that they mis-earn their daily bread all the more rapidly by the sweat of their brows, the more conscientiously they carry out the processes and procedures expounded from lecture-chairs and pulpits. They have become the victims of an over-enfeebled mind and only after the most difficult experiences will they be able to reacquire their innate intuition and repentfully return to Nature. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

Truth is an approach towards probability. The closer we come to the truth, the more bitter the realisation that today's science is a fallacy with serious consequences, because it operates with values that are no values, but utter worthlessnesses. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday January 3, 2023 02:54:23 MST by Dale Pond.