Etheric matrix

briefly, the vibratory structure of the Ether and Ether Field.

But now to the example mentioned earlier: In the 'normal' course of cellar fermentation two different (reactive and active) temperature differences (this two-fold concept will be described later) trigger off that special form of motion which, after the expulsion of the less valuable in two opposite directions, gives rise to ethereal energetic matrices that also operate in the same two directions. A destructive force that self-intensifies by the square is activated, whose function is to return to the Earth as quickly as possible, everything that would inflict damage on that which explains all life and movement, and which moves in the other direction (vertically) towards its objective. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]

See Also

08 - The Brain as applied to Vibratory Etheric Science
1.2 - Molecular Brain Permeated by Interetheric Mind
1.4 - Etheric Mind Force in Healing
3.18 - Dispersed Etheric Substance
3.19 - Coagulated Etheric Substance
7B.08 - The Etheric Quantum Soup
10.04 - The Aetheric state of Being and Mind
12.36 - Angles of Incident of Etheric Sympathetic Streams
14.14 - Etheric and Interetheric is Mind
14.33 - Mind Force - Light - Etheric Subdivision
14.34 - Energy Level of Etheric and Interetheric
Angles of Incident of Etheric Sympathetic Streams
Compound Interetheric
Cube Matrix
Etheric Capsule
etheric chord
Etheric Current
Etheric Elements
Etheric Force
Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force
Etheric Liberator used with Atlin the Musical Dynasphere
Etheric Orbital Rotations
Etheric Rotation
Etheric Vapor
Etheric Vibration. - The Key Force
Etheric Vibratory Scale
Figure 1.0 - The Brain is Molecular - its Permeating Mind is Interetheric
Figure 2.2 - Nested subdivisions of Matter from Molecular to Compound Interetheric
Figure 6.13 - An Introductory Matrix Structure
Figure 13.02a - Etheric Vapor HHO Generator
Figure 15.00c - Keelys Devices for Liberating and Measuring Etheric Pressure
Figure 15.02 - Keelys Hydro-Pneumatic-Pulsating-Vacuo Engine operated with etheric vapor
Keelys Etheric Generator or Liberator
Keelys Etheric Vapor
law of etheric compensation and restoration
Mental Matrix
Original Etheric Vapor Liberator
Part 25 - Keelys Wonderful Charts of Vibratory Etheric Science

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday August 24, 2022 05:05:58 MDT by Dale Pond.