
12.36 - Angles of Incident of Etheric Sympathetic Streams

These Sympathetic Streams are flows of harmonic and coincident overtones. These compound harmonic overtone waveforms were discussed in Part 08 and Part 09 - What Vibration Is. - Part 2 and the Bjerknes Effect. These special waveforms bring in energy when sympathetic wherein occurs additive amplitude synthesis. Thus showing a 0° incidence contributes the most to this syntropic process while at higher angles the addition or summing of energy decreases proportionately to the angles and enharmonicity.

Angles of Incidence
Figure 12.15 - Angles of Incidence of Sympathetic Streams

A = Longitudinal wave
B = Transverse wave
C = Raleigh wave

See Also

02 - Angle of Vibratory Circuit
03 - Chart of the Angles of Interference and Coincidence Trigeminal
10 - Chart Defining the Angles of Radiation
Angle of Incidence
Angles of Incident of Etheric Sympathetic Streams
Figure 12.15 - Angles of Incidence of Sympathetic Streams
The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday April 15, 2022 03:35:22 MDT by Dale Pond.