From experience the preparation of organic precious metals is only successful under the influence of a falling temperature gradient, because only thus can higher-grade emulsions take place; something that I have tried and tested myself. Dr Zuckerkandl, a forensic scientist who presently lives in Paris, analysed organic metals that I had ur-produced as long as 20 years ago. To his huge astonishment, he confirmed my assertion that metals of all kinds actually grow. This should be understood as the incarnation of ions, which for the first time correctly explains the generally accepted concept of 'growth'. This involves the solidification of stocks of bipolar dynagens under the influence of gentle and diffuse heat (viz. the highly metalliferous egg-shaped stones, for example, which emit a golden yellow glow even when rubbed together under water - the legendary Rhinegold and Gold of the Nibelungs. This has nothing to do with flints, which in any case do not spark under water.) [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
The all-decomposing cadaverine poison in ray-form mentioned at the beginning is produced indirectly and therefore ur-produced by every pressure- and heat-intensifying machine of the relatively highest power. For this reason the blood-of-the-Earth-centrifugating Kaplan turbine is one of the first machines that must be eliminated as fast as possible. If this is done, it will still be possible at the eleventh hour to arrest an economic and cultural decline with all its perilous political repercussions throughout the civilised world, which will have been caused by the generation of lower-grade atomic energies. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
The suction turbine
The suction turbine (see figs. 30-33) is the most suitable device for countering this event, for it can ur-produce the most noble formative and levitative energies from water, which function at an atomic level. It builds up the Earth's amniotic fluid, which all today's technical, hydraulic and chemo- dynamic machines, conveyances and agricultural implements, etc. decompose; in particular the high-speed, blood-of-the-Earth-centrifugating Kaplan turbines and Pelton wheels. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Those who understand what has been written here will have to agree that we will inevitably become the hopeless and hapless victims of the scourge of the technical machine age, if we do not eliminate the errors in motion and excitation made thus far as quickly as possible, which ur-produce cadaverine poison in ray-form the 'specific' means of decomposition, as the end-product. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
acid are bio-centrifugated with the aid of cycloid-space-curve-motion and so strongly expanded by mechanical means, that they become free, unipolar, cool and highly active in a kind of ray-form. They consume (bind) the oxygenes which become inactive due to the effect of this reactive temperature influence, when these seminal substances[6], which concentrate around the longitudinal axis are dispersed mechanically. In this way they are made palatable as it were, in a manner similar to branches which, swayed up and down by the wind, prepare or pre-masticate the food for the young saplings growing under the protection of the mother-trees. The ultimate products of this digestive process are the high-grade forms of fructigen which, through a progressive series of transformative and formative processes, are produced in similar fashion, when one entity is consumed by a higher one, which in turn falls victim to an even higher lover. The fructigens thus produced are finally consumed by the Earth herself, who gives upward birth to primary products of synthesis, which are created through a progressive series of interactions involving the etherealisation of former fatty-matter derived, for example, from naturalesquely broken down and transformed worm-fat. This etherealising process then ur-produces the more highly influential substances in an energetic state, which the community of worm descendants once more brings to life and moves 'originally'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
No law of energy conservation, nor any heat or other equivalence exists and hence no insuperable law of gravity, for all that is necessary is merely to accelerate a mass of ordinary water or air naturalesquely in order to generate upwardly flowing magnetism. This is the colossal force that maintains the whole Earth-ball in unstable equilibrium and whose revolution in cycloid-spiral-space-curves is caused and sustained by the above rotary (torque-producing) levitating current. By means of magnetolytic dissociative processes, this motion ur-produces the enlivening and originally moving (form-creating) retro-influent energy out of deceased fatty-matter; an energy that gives rise to the hitherto mysterious processes of genesis and increase, and the qualitative improvement (ennoblement) of what has been naturalesquely increased. In other words, it is responsible for the natural self-renewal and evolvement of everything that crawls and flies on this Earth. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
We have to follow precisely the same modus operandi if we wish to reproduce or further develop a given water, so as to ur-produce qualities and properties that can be applied to the widest variety of purposes. Naturally the same is true for other organisms, amongst which air is also to be included. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also