
"A dynamo-electric machine is placed at any given spot; its object, being put in action, is to withdraw from the earth its neutral electricity, to decompose it into its two conditions and to collect, upon accumulators, the electricity thus separated. As soon as the accumulators are charged, the electricity is disposable; that is, our lamps can be lighted. But what is marvelous in all this is that the forces of nature can be transformed at will. Should we not wish for light, we turn a knob and we have sound, heat, motion, chemical action, magnetism. Little seems wanting to create intelligence, so entirely do these accumulated forces lend themselves to all the transformations which their engineer may imagine and desire. But let us consider how greatly superior is our cerebral mechanism. In order to light a theatre we require a wide space, a dynamo-electric machine of many horse-power, accumulators filling many receptacles, a considerable expense in fuel, and clever mechanicians. In the human organism these engines are in miniature, one decimeter cube is all the space occupied by our brain; no wheels, no pistons, nothing to drive the apparatus, we suffice ourselves. In this sense, each of us can say, like the philosopher Biaz:- Omnia mecum porto. Our cerebral organ not only originates motion, heat, sound, light, chemical actions, magnetism, but it produces psychic forces, such as will, reasoning, judgment, hatred, love, and the whole series of intellectual faculties. They are all derived from the same source, and are always identical to each other, so long as the cerebral apparatus remains intact. The variations of our health alone are capable of causing a variation in the intensity and quality of our productions.[Keely, Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]

"Comparing it (etheric vapor) with steam it is as different as it is opposite in origin. Steam is derived from heat or combustion, and so may be said to have a chemical origin; the vapor is a production of mechanical action, a spontaneous energy. Vibration, whether considered as an energy or a motion, is an inherent property or concomitant of matter, and therefore spontaneous. Keely’s inventions for producing this power are so entirely original, and so unlike any other devices that have been constructed, that there is nothing in the annals of research to afford a starting point for the understanding. The mechanical means by which this occult energy under consideration is educed and economized, are as unique as those which belong to electricity. Keely’s instruments are no more like electrical apparatus than they are like the machinery used with steam, the product of the crude molecular dissociation of water by heat." [Bloomfield-Moore in Keely and His Discoveries]

In other words, either it is believed in such circles that progress as an individual ceases with the cessation of vital physical functions, or there is a definite interest in ensuring that, by inhibiting the production of qualigen by deliberately eliminating A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger), the dull-brained can never die out. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

When the Earth approaches the Sun in winter the intensity of light increases, because in this case the resisting power of the Earth's almost hermetically sealed pores (nozzles) becomes greater. If this natural reciprocity is copied naturalesquely, then the production of power, light, heat and cold will be virtually free. On the other hand, germinating- and growth-energies will continuously and progressively rise to about an average of 30% per annum, which roughly corresponds to the normal increase in the human population. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

It is really not immaterial whether motion must first be active in the production of a temperature, which on its part triggers a reactive increase in motion, or whether a temperature induced by physical, thermal or chemical means affects physical movement by way of the molecular motion. The matter first becomes complex, however, when the different temperature-forms mentioned earlier are included in the equation, wherein it is also necessary in regard to the types of motion, to differentiate between those that produce the 'higher' or 'lower' temperature-forms. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

This may truly appear to be the monstrous invention of an unsound mind to those who have no inkling what colossal energies are contained in a tiny drop of water, which are either bound or freed according to the type of motion. It may also seem just as utopian when it is stated that with the aid of these elemental ur-forces secreted in the medium of water and in the air (or the condensed Breath of God), the entire production of power, heat, cold and light can be reduced in cost by slightly more than 90% and that with this formative synthesising current all growth can be increased by about 30% per annum and qualitatively improved. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

[2] Palatable: Here Viktor Schauberger uses the word 'mundgerecht', which literally means 'suitable for the mouth'. As used here it refers to the processing or preparation of the oxygenic elements for consumption (binding) by the carbones. The immediately following reference to the action of 'branches swaying in the wind' relates to the way that the leaves and branches of the mother-trees thus moved, break up or 'pre-masticate' as it were, the gross agglomerations of atmospheric gases, thereby refining them sufficiently for absorption by the delicate young saplings. This Viktor Schauberger describes in "Nature's Secrets Unveiled: In Transmutation Lies Eternity", p.11 of The Fertile Earth, Vol. III of the Ecotechnology series. It is process analogous to the production of 'pap' in earlier epochs, namely the feeding of babies through the pre-chewing of coarse foods by the mother prior to spitting them into the baby's mouth.—Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]

doing we have merely to brake the continuously running bio-machines with a heavy operating load in order finally to solve the whole problem of power and fuel in a truly super-ideal way for through these same forces the diverse foodstuffs, the various forms of growth also come into being, which are known to be endowed with these natural formative and levitative forces for the duration of life. Being thus endowed, they bind a major portion of these elemental levitative forces, or brake them by means of their weight. For this reason all the more regrowth must occur, the greater the production of formative and levitative forces through cycloid-space-curve-motion. Conversely, because of this increase in raw materials, increased stocks of quality matter will subsequently be produced through which the levitational forces will again be intensified. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]

above downwards, all of which result in the best and cheapest wood-less and coal-less air-conditioning (see the Klimator, figs. 27 & 28). (e) To a roughly 90% increase in electricity production through the use of repulsive dynamos, the generation of cold light, etc. by means of cycloid flow systems, etc. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]

All today's machines, all methods of conveyance and the production of light and heat enable the lower-grade heat-, light- and temperature-producing pressured components to prevail and predominate. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

In order to clarify what has been stated in the last paragraph, books would need to be written. Here we are especially concerned with the production or ur-creation of higher formative and dynamic agencies (dynagens), whose essential nature will be described here to the extent necessary to enable miniature machines to function more naturalesquely and therefore better than is presently the case. Everyone has a free choice either to adopt these new methods or to continue to believe that the scientific system, devised by rationally-minded individuals, is the very last word in mechanical motion. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

The practical aim of this explanation is the production or ur-creation of a hydrocarbon that neither burns, nor smells or makes noise, the essential point here being that it is of a much higher grade and therefore functions far more efficiently as a propellant than oil, which has been cleverly manipulated, or the synthesised product that the chemist calls synthetic petrol (gasoline). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

If we study the inner processes involved in synthetic fuel production, then we can establish that, together with supplementary catalytic factors, strong pressure and high temperature play the leading role. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

[15] Linde process: (1) "A high pressure process for the production of liquid oxygen and nitrogen by compression to about 200 bar (20 MN/m2) followed by refrigeration and fractionation in a double column. - [Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry, Penguin Books, Great Britain, 1983, p.399.] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday November 20, 2022 05:13:35 MST by Dale Pond.